Card Collector [LitRPG]

Chapter 17: CH 16 – The Chase Ended By Getting Caught

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At night, in the Capital City Rime, one guy in Common Grade armor is being chased by a group of 5 masked men in Uncommon and above grade armor. Three men with black masks and black clothes are working along with the 5 men.

People may not recognise the other six but the three in black are a danger sign to them. There's no one in the capital city that doesn't know of the Murderers Guild!

A private guild whose owner and whereabouts are unknown. How to contact them is only known to the upper echelons.

But what everyone knows is that the Murderers Guild can do anything for money and favor. They never miss their target!

The very reason no one wants to engage with them and no one dares to stop them.

People only watched Axel Blaze being chased and wherever he passed they made way for him and the pursuers without any hesitation.

Well, even if the Murderers Guild wasn't involved, I don't think anyone would come forward to help someone in danger here— Schadenfreude is clearly visible in the eyes of the spectators.


Suddenly Number 2 shouted between the chase.

"Is running all you can do? Why don't you turn around and fight?"

"Even after all the troubles I went through to help you raise your level— Tch! What a waste of my efforts."

Axel Blaze shouted back, "That's what I want to know. If you already had decided to betray me, why go through the trouble to raise my level?"

Number 2 sneered, "What's so confusing about it? You were so weak that I could just squash you with my toe, where's the fun in that?"

Axel Blaze snorted, "Crazy Bastard!"

"But thanks to you I have gained a lot of Stat Points. With my Agility and Endurance, I want to see how you guys catch up to me."

"Heh! You think we don't know you are going to the Warp Gate? We have already passed messages to our other members. They are already waiting in ambush."

"Hehe, let's see where you run now."


Number 1 smacked Number 2 on the back of his head.

"Yes, tell him everything!"

He smacked him again and spoke through gritted teeth.

"You idiot! Just whose poop are you carrying inside your head?"

Number 2 vigorously rubbed the back of his head while blowing air on his palm and applying it on the back of his head repeatedly.

Axel Blaze shouted again—

"Max, I thought of you as my friend. I didn't offend you in any way. Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why do you ask? Well because that's what we do. We are not some Adventurers Party, we are ouch!!, oomph!!—"

Number 1 twisted Number 2's ears and started raining slaps on the back of his head while running.


"Tell him everything! Is he your mom or your wife?"


Axel Blaze murmured, "So they are not an Adventurers Party huh?"

"Hey Ruby, can you check their Titles? A noble should have a Title related to their position."

Yes, I can Master. I can check anything linked to the Character Information like Titles, Skills, Friends-list and Account Balance.

Good. Please check all the information on Brooke Sanches and Max.

Ok, give me a moment,Master.

By now Max has recovered from the raining slaps. He adjusted his hair and grumbled—

"Number 1, you are quite heavy handed. What's the problem with telling him about our identity? He will die later anyways."

"That's why I call you a Pig Actor. Your acting skills are so awesome! Even when you are eating shit you make it look delicious! But it won't change the fact that what you are eating is still a piece of shit!"

"Look around you, where are we? We are in the middle of the city! What will happen if you shout here? Do I need to tell you?"

"Oh! Sorry, my bad."

Number 1 snorted, "Idiot!"

He then frowned, Did that guy use Inspect on us?

He shook his head, Well, whatever. Like it matters, huh!

Number 2 grumbled again, "Don't call me an idiot so many times. I am still better than our target. He is the real idiot!"

Number 1 scolded—

"Real idiot my arse! Anybody would fall for your acting skills, they are all level 10!— If he was really an idiot, he wouldn't have been able to react so fast and run away from our clutches. Would he?"


Sorry Master, it took some time to bypass their disguise items. Especially that Max guy, he even has a disguise related skill.

Axel Blaze nodded, They are rich people and also seem to have some unorthodox background. It is understandable. Show me their Titles for now.

Ok Master, but you should also look at their new Character Information, though I will trim the details a bit—

Name : Pablo

Level : 40

Job : Thief


1. Leader of Treachery : Congratulations on becoming the head of the Treachery organization!

Special Privileges : Gain an Unique Skill.

Special Restrictions : The Skill and Title will be removed upon losing your position.

2. Master Thief : You are the best thief around.

Special Privileges : Gain a Rare Skill. Dexterity permanently increased by 20.

3. The swindler : You have successfully sold the item at ten times the price to the same person you stole it from. You are quite a swindler, aren't you?

Special Privileges : People will be less wary of you.


Name : Max

Level : 40

Job : Tank


1. The Theatre Star : The best actor in the city!

Special Privileges : Gain Unique Skills.

2. The Wise Pig : You are the first wise pig to be born! You are a part of history!

Special Privileges : Whenever you take interest in something, your Intelligence is temporarily raised to max!

Special Restrictions : Since you overworked your brain the neurons need rest. Intelligence will spike from zero to normal during the resting period... Which is always!

Axel Blaze frowned.

Hey Ruby! Whose Character Information are these? Didn't I tell you to check the information of Brooke Sanches and Max? Who is this Pablo? And why is there someone with the same name as Max mixed in? Wait! That 2nd Title, is he really Max!?

Pablo is Brooke Sanches, Master. That's his real name. And... Max is Max.

"What?" Axel Blaze yelled with shock.

"Oh you heard me?"

Number 2 sneered from far behind, "Yes. There's no way I would skip over a man with a surname. 99% of the time they are from a rich noble family. It's always good to form connections with them."

"I just had to pass your name to our informant and he gathered all your information within half a day. After finding out about your situation, we just had to create a plan to make the best use of you."

"Moreover what's funny is that the Baron already owed a debt to our organization— this made things even easier."

Pat! He got smacked again.

"Did he ask about the extra information?"

Number 1 grounded his teeth, "One of these days I am gonna kill this idiot. His loose mouth will destroy us someday!"


Master, want to check their skills? The skills on this Max guy are quite shocking, what's more there are some already maxed!

One of them must be a disguise skill right? Since I only saw his level as Level 30 when we were in party, that skill must be at level 10. The others must be related to acting skills. With the Title of a Theatre Star, he definitely is good at acting— Fucking bastard!

Yes, it was as the Master predicted. Even Ruby was fooled because of the limitations of the Friends-list. If only I had checked his Character Information earlier... I am sorry Master. Ruby was negligent.

That's not your fault Ruby. It's quite rude to Inspect someone without their permission. The main problem is the Adventure Guild. There must be their men working in the Adventure Guild who made it possible for Max to hide his real Character Information. Also, there is also the item that Brooke— that Pablo is using.

It's a Rare Grade item, Master. It is called Status Veil. It can disguise the Status Information of a Character under level 100.

She humphed and spoke in a prideful way, Though Ruby can do it 100 times better.

Axel Blaze raised one brow, You can?

Of course Ruby can. When anyone or anything Inspect master, they have to go through me. I can easily fake the information and show it to them.

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Axel Blaze is shocked, Doesn't that mean you can fake my Class and Job so I can become an adventurer? Why didn't you tell me before that you do this?

Because that won't work Master. As Ruby said, I can only fake what they see by using Inspect. It won't work on items that scan your soul for information. Like the Job Crystal.


Axel Blaze is disappointed.


Number 5 cursed—

"How the fuck that guy isn't tired yet? How high is his END stat? It's already been an hour since we have been chasing him."

Number 1 frowned, "Did someone see him drink Stamina Potions?"

Everyone looked at each other before shaking their heads in denial.

"Really? We have been chasing him for an hour now and we all had to drink 1 Stamina Potion and he didn't take any?"


"What!? Is that bastard using some restriction item? I cannot see his Name and Level."

After a few seconds Number 5 shook his head, "Nope. He is still only wearing Common Grade equipment."



Master, they used Inspect and an item inspection item on you... Again. I blocked the Inspect but I couldn't stop them from inspecting your equipment.

Do they know about the Card Binder?— Axel Blaze asked with a worried face.

I don't think so. Since the Card Binder doesn't have any grade, they should only perceive it as a normal book without any stats.

Axel Blaze is shocked again, The Card Binder doesn't have any grade?

He didn't expect a book that holds different grades if Skill Cards and Items doesn't have a grade of its own. It is quite absurd.

Ruby is 100% sure that the Card Binder doesn't have any grade.

Axel Blaze took a cold breath and then sighed.

If I ask why, you will probably say that you don't know why.

Ruby really doesn't know why, Master.

Axel Blaze nodded, We will see that in the future.


The chase has been going on for 1 and a half hours now and the pursuers seem to be getting restless.

Number 2 roared, "You son of a bitch, did you put all your Stat Points in END or what?"

Axel Blaze snorted, "You piece of smelly shit. Child born from your grandmother. Do I need to tell you?"

Number 2 muttered with confusion, "Child born from your grandmother? What kind of cuss is that? It doesn't make any sense!— As I thought, he is a real idiot." He nodded with affirmation.

All the seven men beside him couldn't help but snigger.

Number 2 frowned, "What happened? Why are you all laughing?"

Number 1 patted his shoulder, "Sometimes you act so idiotic that I cannot help but sympathize."

"Anyways, you Murderer Guild guys, don't you have any backup plans? If this goes on we will have to spend quite a lot of resources just to catch one man— I don't know, but that guy is definitely hiding something. Maybe he has some secretive way to consume potions without being noticed?"

The supposed leader of the Murderers Guild group nodded, "We have already informed our boss, hw is on the way."

He didn't say anything anymore and his demeanor doesn't allow anyone to ask anymore questions.


These guys don't know how lucky Axel Blaze would feel to have even a single potion in his hands right now.

Fuck this Card Binder. Working as an inventory is fine, but you know the potions aren't sold as cards right? At least provide me with some ways to store non card objects. For fucks sake, I am almost out of gas!

If it was a straight line, running would have only taken about 15 minutes to reach the Warp Gate. But when you are being chased, you cannot pick your directions. The meandering course took about 1 hour and 40 minutes before Axel Blaze could see the large Circular, bangle like, gray coloured Warp Gate with circuits running through it.

He somewhat relaxed after seeing his destination right before getting pricked by a needle-like black substance on his right hand which disappeared into thin air before he could notice.

All Axel Blaze felt was a mosquito bite and he ended up scratching the spot.

Master, you have been poisoned!


That came out of nowhere.

He looked at the spot he had just scratched with doubt, but couldn't see any signs of poisoning.

Your 100% Abnormal Status Immunity kicked in so the poison was detoxified within seconds else you would be lying paralyzed right now—The poison was so powerful that you would lay stiff for an hour or two.

"There are no monsters in the city and even if there are, which type of poison is so dangerous? Even the Level 45 Black Damba doesn't have such a paralysis poison."

He got pricked again, this time on his neck.

Without any further movement, Axel Blaze instantly slid face down on the road and laid limp.

Auoo... I think I peeled my face skin.

Ruby flustered, Master are you all right? What happened?

Shhh... Quiet.

Oh! I get it. Master is acting right?

Since you get it then why not listen and shut up?

Boo, Master you bully.

Oh! Your END is also at 5. 

I see~

Ruby teased in a playful tone.


A pair of black boots appeared in front of Axel Blaze's eyes. After that he was dragged into a dark alley.

Motherfucker! Fuck your mother! Didn't she teach you any manners? What kind of person drags a handsome guy on his face? At least think about my future wife, will you?

Though he cried in his mind, Axel Blaze stayed like a statue without moving.

Master, he is using Inspect on you, should I show him your Status or not?

He can only see my Name and Level right? Show him.

Also VIT, since he dealt some damage to you.

Yeh, whatever, show him.

"Just level 21 and he made you guys chase like a dog? Ptui! Useless pigs!"

"Hey leader of Murderers Guild, it's fine that our leader calls me a pig but you are not allowed to. Watch your mouth or I will fight you."

Number 1 clicked his tongue and twisted his mouth with frustration and kicked Number 2 on his bum.

"Shut up! You pig!"

Number 2 turned to Number 1, holding his bottom, "Number 1, this is too much bullying."


As the two were bantering, the three Murderers Guild members left their side and stood behind their leader.

The leader is also a man in similar masked, black disguise.


Number one cleared his throat—

"Since the leader of the Murderers Guild group is here and the target is caught, we will take our leave. We just ask you to make sure the guy is dead before the night is over." He turned over to take his leave.


"Yes?" Number 1 faced the black leader.

"Didn't you guys chase him because you wanted something? Get done with it, then we will take care of our business." "We Murderers Guild also have our rules, we don't snatch others prey—Since you guys were chasing him first, you have the first right. After that, fuck off from my sight." He threw a threatening gaze at Number 1.

Number 1 cursed in his mind while his legs were shaking—

What do you mean by rules? You are just looking for an excuse so you can kill our group. There's no way I will let that happen. Do you think I don't know who you are? If not for a motherfucker like you to suddenly pop up here I would have killed the three murderers after using them.

And what do you mean by the first right? You guys are definitely here for the property papers of the Baron—which is with me. If you found out, won't I have to die first? Hell no. You can have the precious materials I traded with that fucker but I ain't giving my head.

"Hahaha, Sir jokes. We were just chasing him for a scuffle over a few drinks. It is not something important. Our heads have cooled down now." He gestured to his party, "Lets go."

"Huh but—"


This time it was a tight slap from Number 1 to Number 2. He then grabbed his belt and dragged the macho man away. The rest 3 followed quietly. They are not affected by any Titles that makes them stupid like Number 2.

A bit further, Number 1 scolded Number 2 in whisper, "Didn't I tell you to always listen to me when in front of strangers? God knows how you manage to pull victims with this idiocy of yours. That black clothes guy is not someone we can mess with, you almost got us all dead."

"What happened to your practice of keeping Actor Skill activated and synchronizing it with The Wise Pig Title? Acting interests you the most doesn't it?"

Number 2 scratched his head, "That... It improved quite a lot and now I can keep Acting Skill up for a month but the cooldown time also increased from a day to a week. Currently it's the cooldown week for the Actor Skill."

Number 1 held his forehead, "Should have told me so in the morning, I wouldn't have brought you in this mission. Fuck! Why did I have to pick such an irregular guy from the theater?"

"Er... sorry." Number 2 shrunk his neck.

Number 1 sighed, and the group disappeared in the darkness of the night.

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