Card Collector [LitRPG]

Chapter 18: CH 17 – Let The Evil Out

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The leader of the murderers pulled Axel Blaze by his hair and started into his eyes trying to instill fear.

"You may have already guessed it but just to make it clear I will tell you anyway. We are hired by Baron Karl Blaze. You understand what we want right?"

The man let go off Axel Blaze's hair and he fell on his cheek.

Axel Blaze is still acting to be paralyzed by the poison.

The leader took out a small vial, opened the lid and poured it into Axel Blaze's mouth.

"It will reduce the effect of paralysis on your upper body. Write a contract and pass everything you have to me. All the money and... Every item you have. Everything! You understand?"

Master, the potion has dissolved in your body.

"Siiii..." Sucking through his teeth Axel Blaze pushed the ground with his arms and rotated his body, sitting like a man with half body paralysis.

"That Baron Karl and Brooke Sanches both are good examples of a corrupt noble aren't they?"

The leader spoke nonchalantly, "They definitely are. But the real Brooke Sanches is blessed with a Support Class and a High Grade Job. He is probably in some inner Area right now, working in the Hero Party— You still don't believe that this Brooke Sanches is the real deal, do you? You will make me laugh with your idiocy if you do."

Axel Blaze nodded, "I see..."

He looked at the leader—

Ruby, Inspect this man.

The leader instantly landed a kick on Axel Blaze's face making him spit blood and fall on his side.

"You dare Inspect me without my permission? How audacious!"

He snorted, "Well now you know who you are messing with."

Name : Joe * * * * *

Age : 32

Species : Human

Level : 110

Experience Points : 5,997,000/6,105,000

Class : Rogue

Job : Poison Master

Titles : [5]

Affiliation : Amon

Skills : [6]

[Friends]    [A12,004,500]

Humph! Poor dog!

The first thought that crossed Axel Blaze's mind.

This lad who was living like a beggar a few days ago is now mocking someone who has millions of amilots. What a hypocrite!

Given his level, he is from Area-3 isn't he? Wasn't there supposed to be a restriction on someone coming to outer Area?

Hey Ruby, shouldn't this guy's level have some restrictions? Is he also using some sort of disguise item?

No Master, that is his real Character Information. As for the restriction, wasn't it supposed to be on his stats? The level and skills shouldn't be affected.

Is that so? Then isn't he like an overpowered guy in Area-1? How is this fair?

"If you are done admiring my name and level then get to work. I am quite impatient. And don't you dare try to contact anyone from your friends-list, if I get a hint that you are trying something funny, I will show you a world full of regrets."

The leader threatened but rather than getting scared, Axel Blaze is grateful.

Axel Blaze got up and sat in the disabled posture while typing in the air.

If it was a few days ago then you guys may have gotten away with this. But after getting bullied again and again, I have learnt my lesson. I have had enough of people like you.

Ruby! It's time to let the evil out. The man gave me a nice idea. Show me his friends-list.


After 20 minutes, Axel Blaze let out a breath.

These two seem to be the correct ones, rest doesn't fit the criteria.

"Done? Then present the Contract Window, let me check if everything is in order."

Axel Blaze smirked and looked at the crescent moon above.

"You know Mister Joe. I was born in a poor isolated village and lost my parents when I just learned to crawl. Ah, maybe I didn't even learn to crawl. Well I don't remember. I don't even remember the faces of my parents."

He let out a breath and stared at the ground next.

"Though I was blessed to have some kind old men raise me, my life has been filled with nothing but suffering. After meeting Max, I thought I had finally found a kind friend in this cruel world but... Well you know."

He turned his head and locked eyes with the leader.

"Mister Joe, don't you think it's unfair when this Axel Blaze has no one to call a family but a criminal like you have Martha and Lily?" He smirked wide.

The leader's eyes shrunk to a needle point as soon as he heard the names.

His right hand instantly started oozing a ghastly liquid as he launched it towards Axel Blaze.

Axel Blaze spoke in a calm tone, "One tap of a button and they will die."

The leader stopped mid air.

"I wasn't typing the contract, but sending messages to one of my friends. That friend left the village ten years ago and has become a successful adventurer. He is quite influential in Area-2 you know? Maybe you have heard his name."

"Well anyways."

Axel Blaze tried to imitate the man's voice—

"Try something funny and these 2 women will see a world full of regrets."


Ah Master, you are quite evil. You sure the man won't get a heart attack? By the way, how were you able to find out that these two ladies are related to him?

That? You see, a criminal never keeps unnecessary contacts, therefore whoever is in his friends-list are all important people— Since friends-list only shows name and level, it was a gamble. These two women are on the top of his friends-list and are also the only ones who have the lowest levels, under 5. That can only mean one thing. These two are so important to him that their low levels don't matter. Also, they are the first ones he had added to the friends-list. I just thought that they may be his family members. And looking at his reaction after hearing the names, I hit the bullseye!

The leader gritted his teeth, "Who are you? There's no way someone like you should be able to get the personal information of a member of Murderer Guild. Even the aristocrats in the Royal Capital don't have such capabilities."

Axel Blaze comfortably laid on the floor and yawned.

"These limp legs are making me lazy, I feel sleepy... Ah, I should send a timer message first, just in case. 10 minutes should do."

Axel Blaze started typing on air while speaking word to word—

"Yes, if I don't reply after ten minutes, avenge me."

After this, he relaxed, stretching his arms on the ground—

"I never expected that I would really come across Murderer Guild people. Lucky to have a friend who is a part of an organization that specializes in information collection. If he hadn't sent me all the information related to the Murderer Guild members, I would be dead today."

He murmured—

"I will have to treat him to a luxurious meal when I go to Area-2 in the future.

The leader flustered after looking at Axel Blaze's behavior, he rushed, "Wait! Don't fall asleep. I will cure the paralysis right now."


Axel Blaze drank the antidote provided by Joe and sat up. He wagged his legs to check on them.

Hey Ruby, is it possible to show notification pop-ups like the older system assistant used to do? Waiting for your affirmation and then reacting to it takes quite some time. People may get suspicious.

No. It will reduce the time Ruby gets to converse with the Master—Not happening.

Axel Blaze made an awkward face, Who are you? My girlfriend?

Ruby is Ruby, Master's system assistant.



Axel Blaze snorted.

"What are you dissatisfied with? Why snort with displeasure? I already removed the paralysis poison."

Axel Blaze rolled his eyes, "I am displeased because you guys smell like pigs. When did you all last take a bath?"

"You..." Two of the men along with the leader ground their teeth with anger while the last one raised his arms and started sniffing his armpits.

The guy next to him smacked the back of his head, "Idiot!"

The leader frowned, "Let's not act childish now. What do you want?"

Axel Blaze cracked his knuckles and blew on them, "Same as what you wanted. Write a contract with all your belongings attached— Ah, by the way, you have 8 minutes left, hehe."

"This bastard. Did he just ask the boss to give all his possessions? I will kill him!" A man from behind stepped forward but got stopped by the leader.

Axel Blaze snorted again, "Not just your boss, you guys as well."

"What? Why should we? Who do you think you are?" Another man shouted.

Axel Blaze sneered, "For you all, I am your enemy. For the two ladies Martha and Lily, I am a cute Grim Reaper."

He is definitely cornering the leader by repeating those names.

The leader shouted, "Just do it!"

"But Boss..."

The leader turned his head and gave the three a threatening look while his hands enveloped in a green smoke.


The three gulped and nodded vigorously.


It took only 5 minutes before 4 one sided contracts were presented to Axel Blaze.

"Good." He accepted them all.

Master, your account balance is 816,450,000 and the items have been added to the inventory pages.

Did we get any good items? I think they kept the best ones to themselves. I cannot ask them to show their inventory. If I do, they may flip and decide to kill me. I have heard that some items are worth more than your own mother— Axel Blaze gulped.

The leader gave you 4 rare grade Poison Needles, other than that, the rest are uncommon and below grade.

Show me the needle.

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That... It's in the form of a card, you have to take it out yourself.


Axel Blaze instantly turned his back to the 4 men and opened the Card Binder. In the back pages he found the Poison Needle card. Taking it out he mumbled, Deactivate.

The card disappeared and a thin needle appeared between his fingers.


He scrutinized the needle and then thought of putting it back into the Card Binder but remembered that he cannot turn it back to a card.

What to do?...

With this thought, he put away the Card Binder, turned around and flicked the needle towards a guy on the back.

"What the fuck! How dare you! Aaaahhh!!!"

The man got pricked by the needle on his palm.

While two men glared intensely at Axel Blaze, one man tried to help his poisoned partner.

Axel Blaze rubbed his chin, observing the poisoned man who died standing after 5 minutes.

The leader didn't speak a word but kept glaring at Axel Blaze.

Axel Blaze nodded, "Hmm, even though you guys kept the best items to yourselves, this one item is good enough to make me satisfied."

Though he is acting calm, Axel Blaze is very nervous inside. He didn't expect the man to die. Now he will get a wanted tag which will make him another criminal.

Fuck that leader, why didn't he saved his man? Aren't you a Poison Master? Wasn't that your poison needle? Don't tell me, you did it on purpose?

"You bastard! I will kill you." A man rushed to Axel Blaze taking out a dagger from his inventory.

"Stop!" The leader shouted like thunder making the man freeze.

"Boss you cannot let this man go. He killed one of us."

The leader sighed, "The enemy has our weakness, what can we do?"

He then looked at Axel Blaze and calmly asked, "Do you want to check the other needles as well?"

Though his voice is calm, Axel Blaze can clearly feel the danger.

He didn't flinch and shook his head slowly, "No."

He then sneered, "Well, I wasn't expecting the man to die, I thought you would save him, but it seems like you don't care about your men's lives."

The leader didn't react and kept his calm, making Axel Blaze's intention of putting discord go to fail—

"I will decide what to do with my men's lives, you don't have to worry about it. Rather, worry about the wanted tag you got."

Axel Blaze cursed in his mind—

Knew it! This bastard... I am also stupid to shoot that poison needle at the man. What was I even thinking? Stupid Axel Blaze!

Master, the wanted tag is slowly disappearing due to the 100% Abnormal Status Immunity. It seems that the wanted tag is just another type of curse.

Axel Blaze replied in frustration—

Of course it is a type of curse placed by the gods. It is so powerful that only High Grade and above Jobs which are related to faith can remove it.

He then realized and yelped—

"What!? What did you say?"

The leader on the other side frowned in response—

"I said, I will decide what to do with my men's lives. Why? Do you have some opinions about it?" The leader nodded his head upwards in asking.

"Not you fucker! I am not talking to you."

"Anyways, since we are done here, I will take my leave." Saying this, Axel Blaze turned around.

He paused—

"Ah, by the way, Mister Joe. Don't you think you guys should change your occupation? After all, this Axel Blaze is a better villain than you, don't you agree?"

He started walking away while laughing loudly.

"Hahaha, buahahaha.... Muahahaha..."

Behind, Joe ground his teeth and clenched his fists with his nails almost digging into his palms.


Rushing 100 meters ahead, Axel Blaze suddenly tripped without any reason.

"What the fuck?"

He stood up dusting his hands while looking at the ground in confusion.

Master, you have been cursed.

You mean the wanted tag, does it have something to do with what just happened?

No Master. It's a curse of misfortune from the Demon God Amon.

Demon God? The one those men are affiliated with? Did he curse me because I killed one of his followers?

I don't know Master. Also, a mark has been placed on you by the Demon God Amon. Though the curse of misfortune is lifting up due to the 100% Abnormal Status Immunity, the mark isn't a curse. And I don't think something with a god's authority can be removed easily.

Hearing this Axel Blaze turned back to look towards the dark alley he had just left and saw the three Murderer Guild members following behind. They just passed under a lamp-post like taking a stroll.

"Shoot! It will be bad if they find out I was bluffing about those women. Let's get out of here first."

He got up and picked up his pace walking towards the Warp Gate.

Though only for a short time, the evil Axel Blaze had his debut today. But now the normal Axel Blaze is in quite a hurry to escape.



The leader raised his hand—

"I have messaged those women to move to a safe place and hide. Once I get the confirmation that they are safe, we can get to action. No need to complete the Baron's request. We are killing Axel Blaze."

"Not just kill him Boss. We have to torture him to death!"

The leader nodded, "Sure, do whatever you like."


The Warp Gate isn't far from here but Axel Blaze couldn't help but feel uneasy. There are always large lines in front of the Warp Gate. He doesn't know how long it will take for his turn to come.

He have acted brave and all in front of those murderers but right now his legs are shaking. The fact that he is a low level weakling is eating him up.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead—

After escaping this situation, I am going to hunt monsters like a mad man. Let's level up as fast as possible.

As he walked closer and closer to the Warp Gate his anxiety increased more and more.

After reaching the entrance of the site, he turned back to look if the murderers are still following him but he couldn't see a single soul.

This made him more anxious and gave him stomach cramps.

What was you thinking Axel Blaze, they are cold blooded murderers. Just buy some time to recover your END then fuck off! Was there a need to offend them?

Entering the site gate, Axel Blaze found that there's no long line. Let alone long, there is no line at all.

Don't tell me, the Warp Gate is not working.

With his heart beating like a drum, he walked to the ticket room.


"It's a fixed price of 100,000 amilots, Sir."

"Wasn't it supposed to be 10,000 amilots per person? I am alone you know—"

Axel Blaze instantly turned his head to look behind him and then let out a breath of relief.

For a second I thought they were standing behind me. Fuck this ticket agent! Scared the shit out of me.

Don't worry Master, I dare to say, your acting skills are even better than that Max. After all, you have lived a life putting on a facade of a weak and lecherous person. You are a veteran!

I wasn't acting weak, I am weak. And about acting lecherous... Well, I have to admit that teasing women is quite fun— I may have started acting to cover my pain and grief but after all this time, that facade has become my trademark, don't you think so?

Also, if I didn't acted brave in front of those murderers, my cover would have been blown and I would have been chopped into pieces. I don't want to have similar adventures again if possible.

"Sir, are you buying the ticket or not?"

"Of course I will, but first tell me why it is so expensive?"

The ticket agent looked at Axel Blaze as if looking at a fool.

"You know this is a Special Warp Gate right? Unlike normal Warp Gate, this one has a far wider range and can warp you to anywhere in the human continent. No matter how far it is."

"What if I just want to go to the nearest city?"

"It's still 100,000 amilots. Either you use it or go to the normal Warp Gate. Though you may have to stand in a long line there, Humph!" The ticket agent twisted his nose.

Axel Blaze pondered for a while before initiating the payment.

"Send me to the furthest city to the north."

"Got it, that will be border City Karma, close to the Meru Forest."

Fucking hell, there is a city near Meru Forest? I lived in Meri Village and I never knew?


Axel Blaze left via Special Warp Gate and after a while three men followed.

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