Carter Curious Chosen

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 Status and Revelations

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I woke up the next day having slept quite heavily, and did my morning routine and went down for breakfast, after everything was done I was again with my mom but this time my dad was there too.


- Since you seem a lot more calm than yesterday, I think it’s time for us to go to the chapel for your awakening – Said my father, picking me up in his arms and walking with my mother beside him.


We walk towards the entrance where a carriage is waiting for us and we get into it and go down into town towards the church.


- Should not the church be bigger? – I ask


- Yeah it would be if it was any of our old cities, right now there are only 1 old city left on our kingdom and is the capital, we have lost so many other territories to the demons that the churches we have is what we have been able to build, this is not an old one but it is functional – answers my mother.


Finally after almost an hour on the carriage we arrive at the church and the priest receives us with a smile.


- Welcome my lord are you here for the awakening of little Carter? – [Priest]


- Yes Raul, we are here for the awakening of Carter- [Father]


With that both the priest and my father continue talking but I stop paying attention to them and start looking at the church while I grab my mother’s hand while we enter, the church is big but it seems empty, there are very few decorations, but I can see 12 statues all around the church, I also see a very modest pulpit from where I imagine the priest does mass, we move towards the back and finally we arrive at another room that also has the same 12 statues that I saw at the front part of the church but this time they are arranged in a circle, and I see several children that are all my age sitting down with their parents, I see that each child enters the circle with their parent and after 5 minutes come out, all of them come out with happy faces, while the parents smile at their kids.


- So both of you will come with me? – I ask


- Yes your parents go with you in case that there is something special, this way the parents can start forming contacts and looking for places for the kids to do apprenticeships and learning what they need to learn, most of the time they may have a special talent highlighted or the gods may give them a special blessing – the priest answer my question before any of my parent can answer me.


We wait for around half an hour, and I see that my dad is doing 2 things at the same time, in 1 hand he is talking with the priest and getting himself appraised to the situation of the town and the church while at the same time showing respect and waiting for our turn in the queue of people waiting for their awakening, this way I have seen that several other parents look at my dad with respect on their eyes.


After some time finally is our turn and we enter the circle of statues I did not see any effects outside but once we have enter the circle everything goes white and a Status screen appears in front of me:


Name: Carter Edgefall

Race: Human

Titles: Chosen of the Art Goddess

Class: None


Strenght: 3

Constitution: 4

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 3

Wisdom: 25

Intelligence: 10

Magic: 5

Perception: 6



Blessing of Soul Memory

Blessing of Art


Wow I’m completely stunned by the information that appears in front of me, I move my head towards my parents to see them, and I see both of them are with very serious faces, my dad kneels beside me and gives me some instructions


- Carter right now while we are here some parts of your status screen may be explained by the gods try and in your mind ask yourself about your title and your blessings – my father tell me very softly.


Before I can even ask in my mind another voice, one I remember from my time in between life appears


- That will not be necessary Lucien, I choose him because he may be able to help, the blessing of soul memory is so that he has memories of his previous life and the blessing of art is to give him flexibility, he will have talent with everything, since at the end everything that humans does is art, the art of the sword, the art of blacksmithing, the art of healing, the art of magic, give him a hand, but also let him decide his own road that’s why he has the memories of his previous life, he is not like the previous heroes, and to clarify and before any of the 2 of you ask, yes he is your son from your own flesh and blood, any other question you can ask carter himself, Goodbye for now and good luck.


The Goddess of Art Amelia, she sounded cheery and bubbly but she came and pretty much gave us a speech, I look towards my dad and see him with a face like his mind is going into overdrive, my mom is hugging me heavily, I feel the presence of the goddess again but this time I hear nothing and now is my mom the one that has the thinking face, but she just grabs me, gives me a hug, and tells my dad


- Lucien, time to go home-


My dad after hearing mom, gets out of his stupor and smiles.


- Yes let’s go home-


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We go out of the church, my dad talked very little with the priest, and the priest looked worriedly at my dad but my dad told him some words and made motions to not worry and we left him there, I don’t think the priest will not worry but we were able to go towards our house.


The trip back was very quiet everybody seemed to be thinking something, I sort of understood that they had many question but I imagine we will talk this in the house where we are safe and there is the less amount of risk about someone overhearing us.


Finally we arrive at the house and I hear my dad tell something to the butler.


- Change of plans, I’m going to spend the day with family, notify the people that had meeting with me this afternoon to reschedule - [Father]


At this point we enter the house and I see my other 2 moms they look at us in a weird way


- What happened? – My second mom ask


- Carter has a bit of a unique blessing and we have to talk before we make a choice – answers my mom – but we will do that after lunch.


We go and end up eating lunch and then we go towards one of the living rooms, my dad orders every servant to get out, then he takes out an item and before he uses it he talks towards my second mom and third mom.


- Selene, Sophia, could you give us a minute we have to talk with carters as soon as we make a choice we will let you know – I see both of them with ugly faces but they understand and nod towards my dad.


They both get out of the living room and my dad uses the item, and a white barrier forms around us.


- Carter this is a privacy barrier, no one will hear or be able to look into what we say here - says my dad.


- Wow how did you do that? – I ask


- Is a magic item, one that is a bit expensive specially because the enchantments are complex, but I have this item for my meetings as a duke, I think this is the first time I have used it for a family matter – he tells me while a smile comes to his lips.


- Son, did you know… - my mom starts asking but I interrupt her.


- Mom one second, dad can we have my other moms here, I think they should hear this. – I say


- Are you sure, the tradition is that only your mom and dad know about your initial status and is for them to help you, privacy is very important. – says my dad


- Yeah but you saw that my blessings are a bit more heavy than usual this will need more help I think that what you and mom can do, and while I understand privacy is needed, not everything is a military or state secret, I think my status should at best be a family secret for now, and I may have to reveal it in the future, so I’m not going to bother excessively as long as we are careful with who knows. – I answer


At that point both my dad and mom look at me strangely.


- Is so weird hearing you say that – my mom says


- Dad before we continue could you please? – I say while looking at him.


My dad understands and deactivates the dome and invites both of my moms to the room and then he reactivates the dome.


- What happened? – ask my second mom.


- Well Selene, carter is a chosen of the Goddess Amelia, and he has 2 blessings, also during the awakening Amelia herself showed up and gave us some words and well we have to talk with carter, I can tell you more about it later but for now, we have to sort of decide where we go with carter, now with how important this is carter does not want to keep this a secret from you since he feels he will need more help from all of us – Says my father


At that point both my second mom and third mom look at me with a face of surprise that is really funny and I cannot help it but start laughing, my mom glares at me, and I try to control my laugh.


- Well let me talk for a bit and I’ll try to fill you in with what I know, then we can talk and decide what we will do in the future – I say then take a big breath and start with what I consider the most important point.


- Mom, - I stop look at my other mothers, and correct myself – Moms, I was reincarnated, that means I lived a full life in my previous life and I died of old age, now I’m here living a new life, you are my family my moms and dad, I do not know a lot of things so I need to learn I lived in a very different world, that one did not have magic, so I do not know how much the knowledge of my previous life will be useful in this life, on the family side, I still remember the family of my previous world, but they were different, very different, and I would prefer if we don’t mention them, I’m happy with all of you, one last thing, I only recovered my memories since yesterday, the Goddess said that she won’t have me be conscious while I was in a baby’s body and could not move or speak or do anything.


My moms and dad, look at me while my second mom and third mom are trying to digest what I just say my mom and dad are there and start serving some tea while we wait for them.


After a long while finally both of them finish thinking, and we engage on some conversation, we finally propose a plan where I’m going to start training on magic with my third mom, healing with my first mom and music with my second mom, and I will also have some education on swordsmanship when I’m older and can carry a sword without hurting myself, and also do some crafting.


- Dad could you tell me about the heroes that the goddess talked about?


My dad at that point ask me to wait while we go and refresh ourselves and get new snacks before we continue talking, around half the afternoon has passed since we started talking and I find myself with a dry mouth and well having to go to the bathroom.

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