Carter Curious Chosen

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 More Knowledge

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We came back after doing a pause and getting new snacks and drinks, and then my father started talking.


- Well son you asked about the other heroes, normally we say that they came from another world and leave it at that, but with you having a blessing and obviously being reincarnated let me give you some more info, so far every hero that has come has called their coming a transmigration, I do not understand exactly what they mean by that since it is a word that does not translate well we know they are saying on their language and it’s getting translated to ours but the meaning behind is lost on us.


I interrupt my father because I also think he does not know why I’m asking this and I do not know how much he will explain.


- Dad if I understand correctly a transmigration would be that at one point in the other world they got transported to this world, with the knowledge they had and with an adult body to fulfill whatever mission the god who brought them gave them, as far as the goddess told me I’m her first summon, and she decided to do a reincarnation, in other words she waited until I died, and I died from old age, and then brought my soul to our world to be reborn, I think there is a lot more info to be inferred from all these actions, but I need to know how was the situation of the other heroes so that I can see how different it was from my own.


- Umm I see – my father said – then I’ll go in a bit more detail, the heroes normally appeared as you said fully adult with powers that needed training, they could train really fast and they did try to help us, but and this specially at the beginning the help they tried to give us brought chaos, after a while whenever a hero was summoned people ignored any advice he gave about making life better since they just caused chaos and we ended up losing cities on that chaos, we just insisted that they help us fight and no more than that.


He took some breath and drank some water.


- Now as far as we know all the heroes came from earth and some of these heroes called themselves engineers and others called themselves soldiers and also some while being soldiers also had high ranks in your military, from their knowledge we took some of it, especially the ranks and some of the organization of the army, even though some of it was nonsensical at least from our point of view.


- So the knowledge they brought? – I ask


- Most of it its forgotten, people left those books behind in some places, only the most immediately useful knowledge was kept most of the other knowledge was just left behind or we stopped caring about it, there might be some books in the royal library with knowledge from the heroes but it has probably been years since they have been accessed, they are considered tainted, since the loss of several cities caused by changes that came from the heroes – my second mother expand upon that.


- Ok this is weird, why are you two insisting so much in that loss of cities caused by the heroes.


- Because son, most of the stuff the heroes bring end up useless, there are some parts that are useful but it is not that much and sadly because of the morals that they insist on we had so much chaos that we had very heavy losses, if you also come from the other world is better if you just forget about it, that knowledge is useless – Says my mom.


- Ok before I answer to that mom, and yes that requires an answer – my mom looks at me startled that I’m rebuking her – give me a second I have to explain this better.


I stop for a second and start thinking and remembering what the goddess told me and trying to put myself in the shoes of my dad and my mothers, finally after a couple of minutes of organizing ideas.


- Mom I understand that this feels weird I’m just a 4 year old kid I should not be talking back and telling you that you are wrong, you have a way for things to work and a child does not know the why of those specifics, but here I should remind you I have a lifetime of knowledge, another question I have to ask before I answer is when did the heroes start fighting the invasion?


- Almost immediately, within months of them coming here they were fighting their hero blessing gave them lots of experience to get them ready – answer my dad.


- Hero blessing? What is that?


- Oh is the blessing that they received it gave them anywhere from ten times to one hundred times the amount of experience so that they could level up and fight the invasion, but their power was weird at least if you believe the historical accounts – says my father.


- Oh give me a second - I say while I think some more and organize again what I want to say.


- Ok first I had a conversation with the Goddess when I reincarnated and she never disregarded the knowledge from my previous life, so I do not think that you should either, second the heroes were most probably in shock and trying to bring some info and some rules from earth, especially if they were told by the gods that they could make positive changes here, I’m sure that whatever happen was not what they intended, also my blessings are different – I say and I take some air before I continue – I do not possess the Hero Blessing and you heard the Goddess saying she chose me dad, so I suspect that the world may not be in crisis, or at least in Immediate danger, Amelia reincarnated me so it is going to be years before I get to have an adult body, and while one of my blessings gives me proficiency with all kinds of skills it does not give me extra experience, so I’m going to have to learn and that is going to take time, and I think Time is a very important factor into why me coming here was different.


I stop for a second take some water and continue


- I think that the knowledge I bring will be important, I will have years to learn from all of you and this way study myself if the knowledge that I have from my previous life is useful or if it needs to be modified before it is useful, All of the other heroes had to arrive, help and start fighting almost immediately I do not know when I will have to start fighting? I see my brothers and sisters are already training for it, So I will also train for it and follow the training regime that you decide, but the main difference between them and me is that I’m here I’m part of the family, I’m not a Hero, I may be able to find where the knowledge of those heroes failed and why and fix that, also with all of you here and teaching me we can also see what ideas from my previous world are not good. Do you understand?


At this point I see how all of my parents are thinking and mulling over my words, and surprisingly is my third mother the one that has been quieter of all who speak first.


- Yeah that is true you and the heroes are different you are Carter, our little boy, I’m a follower of Amelia, and a musician would you like to learn from me, I will teach you music and I can also take care of etiquette and other subjects, but if you want to learn magic is better if you do it with Selene and Katharina, if I understood your blessing correctly you can learn anything so you can also learn Healing from Katharina, and your dad has a whole system on how to teach weapon arts and other military skills, also specifics about nobility would be with your father, normally teaching about nobility is only for the heir of the family but I think your Title as Chosen can be used to make an exception, if you want to know if your knowledge from your previous life is useful to us and if you want to adapt you need to learn from us, so what do you say what would you like to learn from us? – Finally my third mother ends what she says and looks at me


I see the sparkling on her eyes and I know she knows my answers before I even give it.


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- I want to learn EVERYTHING!!! – that’s my answer


My third mom starts laughing and my dad has a smile on his lips and I see both my second mom and first mom with worry on their faces, they are not completely convinced and I think they will need more time thinking and mulling over what I said.


- Well son we will have to prepare a schedule and also while you can run around and do some exercise to keep your body healthy, I intend to put it on the schedule – my dad is suddenly interrupted by my first mom.


- Oh now I understand – she looks radiant but immediately her face grows gloomy and worried.


- What happen? What did you understand? – my father ask.


- After the Goddess spoke to you, she told me some words, and they were that Carter does need some time to be a kid, to be himself, his mind while it holds lots of knowledge, he should still live his life in the best way possible, grow up be a teenager, live his life fully, she told me that your previous life was not a good one, it was a long life but not a good one, if you ever want to tell us we are here for you – says my mom while looking at me – and with what you said before I now understand the goddess a bit better, you are not a Hero as you said, you do not have a mission, you are here to live your life and grow, I’m sure you will help us with the invasion, just like your brothers and sister will do in the future when they grow up. We should help you, but as the Goddess said “Do not forget that carter is family” now I understand those words.


I barely heard the last part of what she said when she talked about my past life not being a good one, my eyes grew misty again, and I was upset, at that point my third mom came towards me and hugged me and I started sobbing again, it was hard to listen but I heard what she said to the others.


- He is still a child he may have lived a another life but the goddess made him be born here with us so I imagine that he has to grow just like any other child, he can be overwhelmed if we put too much in his shoulders, remember the diary of your great grandfather, we may have to use that not for healing the family but to heal him, if the goddess told Kath that, I cannot imagine a better way to do it that with those measures. – my third mother says then I hear some of my father words.

- Do you really think that is going to be necessary? – ask my father and then I notice a change in his voice – yeah you are right it appears I will have to read again about great grandpa and what happen then before I make any schedule choices for him.


At this point I can feel that my exhaustion is really heavy and I feel myself dozing off.


Later I wake up to find myself in my room with Dina at my side waking me up.


- Young lord, sorry to wake you up but your mother insisted you had to go down for dinner tonight. – she says.


I get up and she helps me get tidy before we go to the family dining room, when we enter I see something unexpected, all my brothers and sisters are there with my moms and dad, and even some of my cousins.


- Congratulations on your awakening – says my brother Nestor.


At that just made everybody come and congratulate me, several of my brothers and sisters were there playing with me and telling me jokes, some of my cousins brought me some food, I ate it while I was listening to some of my brothers tell my cousins about their lives and their lessons, we were having a sort of improvised party, with everybody in the family there also I saw my third mom, playing a piano and it was a very nice tune and my sister Diana grabbed me and started dancing and my sister Emily also started dancing and fighting Diana to dance with me, I could not help but laugh and dance.


Later that night I went to sleep with a smile on my face


Lucien POV (Previously during the party)


- Hey Kath, Sophia was right he needed this. – I say while I’m looking at all my sons and daughters, nieces and nephews playing around and just having a good time, and most of all I see carter smiling.


- Yeah she is, and we were all right in some ways, this is going to be challenging you know – says my first wife.


- Yeah that’s true, but every kid is a challenge some have some talents and each is different, each of them have their own personalities, that Carter situation is a bit more unique does not take that he is just another one of us, he may be a challenge, but I cannot say he was wrong in almost anything, he insisted we all needed to know and he is right – my second wife says.


- Yeah sel, all of us needed to know, and now that we do we can move forward, and some complications may not be a bad thing to happen– I say while thinking about all the knowledge of the heroes, that is going to be a mess – but again he is family he is not a Hero, he is Carter Edgefall.


At that point I see him smiling while Diana and Elena are competing to dance with him.


I smile and hear one word on my ear.



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