Change in a New World

Chapter 10: Chapter 11 – Reunion and the clean up

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[Elise’s perspective]

It was an average day for me, exploring the intricacies of my cultivation as I take steps towards ascension. A few years back I had an epiphany of what my path was, whilst I was distracted by my epiphany that sneaky robot disappeared to who knows where. My path was to be a protector and supporter, my defense as deep as the sea and retaliation as volatile as fire. I will be someone that protects her, thinking about her I start feeling a change in the rainbow geometric gemstone.

It was being drained, following the flow of energy and qi I fly out of our courtyard and over the complex array of fauna. Having reached the edge of my mountain I find a young woman standing on a floating sword, the energy whisking around her as the qi seemingly fades into the world. She looked different again, but as the energy hugs her body her hair changes to a deep void black along with her eyes. Yes it was her, so many years and she finally returned. Without a thought the distance between us closes as I enter her embrace, elegant and beautiful hands hold me as I feel her again.

“I’m home~” She, Luka, says with a voice full of emotions. Lifting my face up I meet her eyes as her lips draw closer, taking my own. A brief moment passes as we floated there, connected, and equal in feelings. It felt like eternity before she pulls away and flashes one of her wide goofy smiles at me as I feel my cheeks grow flush.

“Welcome home” I squeak out a reply. She was shorter than me still yet she was still looking down at me with her eyes full of emotions as those hands I craved for decades hold me.

“Sorry I’m late, I love you, I love you too Elise. I have a story to tell you so lets go inside” So she knew my feelings that started all those years ago, possibly at our first sect. I feel tears well in my eyes as happiness fills my heart, she takes my hand and leads me through the air to our house, having not changed much in the years she was gone.

Her story took a few hours to tell, and my heart started racing more as she told me about her feelings that caused her to sacrifice herself and reasons for blowing up, how she has a brother that reincarnated like her. She was thinking of me in those moments and didn’t want to lose me because of ascension. She gave up something all cultivators hope to achieve just to come back to me. Before I know it our lips were connected again, unsure who started it we both continued it together, pent up desires flood as my hands begin roaming Luka’s body. Each inch I get she retaliates with feeling me in return. Continuing our clothes slowly disappear to the floor as her tongue entwines with mine.

Cupping my breasts in her hands Luka squeezes them softly eliciting a gasp from me. Her slow and soft touch driving me mad as I pin her against the couch under me. I love her, I love her with all my life, I want to show her my love. Breaking our kiss I slide a hand between her legs, working with my fingers I get rewarded with a sensual moan from my love. My fingers enter her causing her to gasp and grow tense under me for a moment before she relaxes and works with me as I make love to her breasts.

Luka cries out with a moan as she shudders under me, I look up from her breasts and meet her tired eyes, so full of emotions just like I am feeling. I move my hands from feeling her to holding her in my embrace as her eyes rest close and breathing steady outs.

“I love you too Luka, forevermore and past ascension.” Satisfied with just that for now I hug her naked body to my own on our couch.

[Ezekiel’s perspective]

Anastasia rushed us and some trusted combat cultivators to the rebel base. Reaching the coordinate we find a gruesome scene, blood soaking the land as a demonic ritual is running through it, a single castle rests in the center as I feel the auras of many cultivators.

The fight started abruptly as the nobles and their hidden forces fight with fervor and twisted justice. Having slain many since the war started, the amount killed today alone eclipse it in a few minutes as Ana and I deploy new drones, decimating their numbers. Our group battles towards the castle, facing stronger foes as we go, our drones start losing effect but most cannon fodder are gone.

Smashing through the stone gate of the castle I end up separated from Ana, I face a large man with firm and powerful muscles along with transformation soul cultivation. Danger and worry rings in my head as I clash with the man, each hit feeling like kicking concrete as a mortal. Punch for slash, stab for kick trading blows as the damage builds up. I feel worried for Ana.

[Anastasia’s perspective]

They trapped the entrance, when we entered, those closely related to the Emperor were teleported to a disgusting throne room. A complete lack of style and a waste of treasures to flaunt their value makes up every inch of the room. On the throne was a familiar man, my fourth brother. I expected the third prince there, not him.

“Welcome my foolish relatives and sister. You expected the idiotic third prince weren’t you. Well, it was me Leo! Dio made a good distraction to draw attention from me as I prepared the sacrifices to take my rightful place on the divine throne and have the keys to ascension.

I am surprised at how you located this location so quickly, I thought you would hit Dio’s idiotic castle he was almost advertising the location of to you. But now you are here I can do some family tree trimming that father should of done a long time ago! Release the demon puppet!”

Dread fills me as I sense something move, a click echoes from behind us as a soft hum begins. Turning in fear I see the source, a black, wide cylinder with two pointed protrusions, an eerie aura grows stronger as the short stopping hum continues in perfect pattern rhythm. They stole father’s sword, and it is now connected to the puppet, preparing for a fight as I recall where I felt this danger from before. It was when I read to not give cleaning robots a blade. Sweating as I realize why it said that now.

It revved and begun to spin, it was using sword skills like a sword cultivator does. Blocking its blows drains my stamina and qi quickly and the situation grows more dire. My mind races as I try and find a solution, coming up with nothing I see my life nearing its end. I wanted to tell Eze something… I am glad Luka wasn’t in the empire anymore and could hide from these villains. The spinning puppet slays my supposed relatives and closes in on me as the edge drops like a reaper’s scythe.

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“Oh, it really was only Leo, I expected the danger was Dio, he had the making of a villain” A cry of pain draws my attention and in a split second I turn to see the Emperor, my father standing where the throne was whilst the throne and its rider were broken on the ground before him. The puppet revs more and changes its directions to my father. No! He won’t be able to face it when still ill.

“This must be what that girl wanted me to deal with. Just got throw this arm at it and keep away right?” I watched as my father pulls out a stone arm I recognized, did Luka give it to him? What will it do against a puppet so powerful and enhanced with the demonic ritual? The arm flies out and smacks the spinning puppet, casually dodging the spinning blade and stopping its move.

The creation of Luka starts gesturing as the puppet makes short high-pitched noises as it shifts around like it was a body talking. Confused at what was happening I turn to father, and he shakes his head. Ezekiel rushes through the door and sees me, quickly embracing me as he mutters about me being okay and how glad he was, my cheeks blushing as I hear my father laugh about a good son-in-law.

[Armie’s perspective]

‘Stabby, stop!’

‘Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab!’

‘Yes, you can stab, but mother said you need to stab something for her!’


‘Yep, you need to stab the heavens and cut the shackles of the world.’


‘That is the way brother

[Anastasia’s perspective]

I watch as the demon puppet sheds the black that encased it, a rush of divine sense spreads from its new gleaming silver appearance as it shoots into the sky. The world opening a gap for it to ascend, a puppet was going to be the first ascension in over a hundred thousand years. The rift in the sky opening like a doorway as the puppet rushes to it.

Crack, crack, crack, crack. The puppet stabbed the doorway and shatters the rift, blowing a hole in the sky. I feel a gust of pure qi flood through the small hole in the sky as a shadow looms over head. Looking up I see a hand, the stone hand growing to eclipse the sky as I grabs the edge of the hole. The whole sky unraveling to the horizon and like a veil being lifted a new foreign sky greets the world. I feel an immortal cultivator beside me and look to find my father had broken through.

“Hahaha, that little girl said I would have my dream come true, insane, she brought the whole world to the immortal world.” My father’s hearty laugh echoes through the gloomy throne room, I recall Luka saying once the world was just sectioned away from the immortal realm. I can’t believe she was right. That means a greater world awaits us along with all its inhabitants.

[A certain goddess’s perspective]

She repaired my world? How? Why? She is just a mortal from that powerless world? Will she reach the creation realm then? All my plans to lead someone there failed because of her.

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