Change in a New World

Chapter 11: Chapter 12 – Immortal World meeting change

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[Third person perspective]

The chaotic seas of the Dread lands region stir as a mighty strike of a sword pierces the laws and cracks space around the lone island ascenders find themselves on. Immortals all over the world felt it, the closer ones felt what followed. A hand of stone with a near invisible web of gold grew upon the horizon, it’s elegant fingers catching the laws and cracked space together as it casually tore away an ancient seal.

From the mess of laws and new bare space an island forms, near perfect circle with a buried network of grey and gold, branching out to enshroud the island in an immortal’s aura. The lines of metal drew energy and qi from the surrounding region as they marched to expand under the sea and new land of the Immortal World. All their effort feeding to a single mountain at the center of this new island continent. A mountain the Great Immortal Sects would fight for and wield pseudo-Dao grade treasures and artifacts just to claim it as theirs.

Dozens of hopeful cultivators approached the region in search for opportunities to surpass their pitiful selves only to be crushed by the broken space and pressure from the hand of stone that was later dubbed Hand of the Creator.

“A genuine Dao grade artifact” An elderly man with all the greys and wear of age but the underlying vitality of the prime of life, dressed in simple white robes and seated in meditation far away from the Dread lands and the new change.


“What a sword! Magnificent, I must find who swung that move.” In another location a muscular man chuckles as he looks to the changing lands. Flying towards that direction with a gleaming sword in hand.


“The refuge was outgrown by its inhabitants, will that old war start again?” A beautiful woman surrounded by a garden of flowers and plants, gazing over to the Dread lands with a sigh her soft cat ears flinch as she returns to painting.


[Luka’s perspective]

The world twists and contorts as the sky unravels overhead, the decay of the limits feeding everything in the world with energy. The environment takes to the flood of energy like a fish to water as it flourishes and grows. The land itself returning to its ancient form of a single island in the scale of the world it inhabits now. Good, I feel the space wrapping around our mountain without changing any of the formations or locations. Becoming the center of the change I spread my senses to the network that grew across the old world.

I feel the world grow, my senses that could reach to the edges are lacking as they begin their steady march outwards again. New, foreign information flows through the network, the ground itself is far richer in qi and the air full of qi making my formation’s effort look poultry. The foreboded feeling, I first felt years ago against the demonic sects returns and shoots pass into a new realm, a new stage of cultivation.

The goal of cultivators of the lower world for many ages and eras achieved by being in the Immortal World, the Immortal realm. I feel the laws of the world more finely than before, the laws that make the Dao of the world weaving together everywhere. It was time to upgrade my formations, infrastructure, and drones, thinking of rousing my body from where it was I drop the idea quickly as I feel I can control everything on the mountain like my own limbs, likely due to part of my soul being directly connected via my soul gemstone. I’ve gotta investigate that, noting it in the database as I snuggle into the soft embrace of my love.

Discuss kids with Elise and investigate possibilities. Noted.

Beginning drone production…

Boost information servers, spread Immortal…

[Salem’s perspective]

“Salem” A deep voice calls from behind closed doors, my master.

“Yes, Master” I answer his commanding call.

“Take a group of disciples and investigate the Dread Lands, I am sure you have felt the flow in the air has changed, right?” Another mission, used to his pointlessly vague description of the qi all around being sucked into the Dread Lands as if it were trying to turn its neighbors into barren lands. It would have succeeded if it weren’t for the flood of qi from the rest of the Immortal World like melted snow ending up flowing downhill.

“Understood Master” I fly and gather the other disciples and organize our trip out there. No luggage as inner disciples of The Great Azure Wind Sect were awarded a private storage ring. My fellow disciples, the other under fifty inner disciples of the sect have mixed reactions. Most excited at the possibility of making it past their current bottlenecks whilst some weary of the Dread Lands. The youngest was outright terrified but still came along as she tried to hide her agitation.

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After a short two-day flight as spirit realm cultivators, we arrived at the coast of the Dread Lands, a location we have all visited at least once before. We were met with a world-shaking view, apart from the blood stains all over, a huge island appeared in the middle of the chaotic seas and even from here I can see their civilization is vastly different to ours. Strange towers bundled close together in some locations where places you would find anywhere in the Immortal World were visible too. The towers was something no cultivators I knew would do, they would be too busy trying to dominate each other to put their buildings so close, they need at least hundred-thousand-mile space.

After we arrived, hundreds of other cultivators arrived at the coast and saw the scene we saw. Some landed like us and scoped out the bloodied earth whilst others declared owner ship over the new land and flew to it in an attempt to conquer. The one-track mind cultivators didn’t get far before strings of gold burst from the sea and pulled them down with ease, like the plants that preyed on insects. I saw a Great Immortal struggle, but more strings broke the surface of the water and aided the rest, as he disappeared into the depths the water calmed as if nothing had happened. Great Immortals are the stage before the peak of the Immortal realm, only below the Immortal King stage, cultivators of that stage were Gods of the Immortal World.

My fellow disciples and I were shocked until the youngest gave another warning. If I remember correctly she had some kind of sixth sense when it comes to fortuitous encounters, the kind that let her find treasures and opportunities that others killed for, it would be ‘would kill’ but they all end up killing someone to take from them so its just a matter of when.

More cultivators arrived, in the lower realms like us, I saw the robes of some pretty famous sects including the woman’s only sect Flower Capital Sect, Unofficial number one sect The Mighty Divine Ruler Sect, and others like the Beast Tamer Sect and Dao Seeker Sect. the Spirit Realm cultivators that scoffed at us on the cast continues on and flew to the island, this time no golden string until an Immortal realm cultivator went and then the strings only taught the Immortal. I realize the trap was limiting who entered.

“Bedisa, it seems safe to anyone below the Immortal Realm, are there any opportunities on that island for us?” I turn to our youngest who master brought back as a child only a decade ago.

“Immortal Kings” She squeaks like a mouse before a cat.


“Someone can become an Immortal King there, I don’t know anything else, don’t disturb the metal one or intrude in the center.” Her voice grows strange as she sounds like someone else. I trust her though, the nearby cultivators whisper about her words and I fear something dangerous will happen if we are not careful.

“What does it matter, we have talisman from the sect and some island in this backwards place can’t have the power of to endanger us.” A senior brother declares with arrogant idiocy as he must have missed the part of hundreds of immortals disappearing into the sea. But we do fly across the sea, arriving at the new coast in a few hours.

We traveled the land, cautious as we observed the land as we searched for locals. We all noticed everything seemed poorer than barren lands. It didn’t take us long to find the locals, or more they found us. An ordinary looking man in strange clothes reminding me of what mortals wore but of higher quality than my own robe. With him was a woman dressed similar to me, normal cultivator robes but with a beautiful flower design. I could feel their divine sense as they approach.

“Will you lot be like the young masters and mistresses of what their name sects?” The man’s voice sounding young like us as he stares down at us, his divine aura wrapping us as another aura seems to hold the whole island it its grasp. Something very powerful was here and no one could feel it before. One of the others go to shout something but I silence him.

“Greetings Immortal of these new lands, we beg your grace. We are here to explore, not claim” I run my usual etiquette towards the elders of the sect at the man. Fearing what will happen if we gain his ire.

“Wonderful, great, I was getting sick of capturing ancient dicks.” The man exclaims, followed by the woman ungracefully hitting him as she frowns at his words before turning to us with a political smile.

“I am Anastasia, and that oaf is Ezekiel of the Dao research lab of cultivation, we welcome peaceful talks with our new neighbors” The woman’s dignified voice introduces them. Hopefully, her words were true but expecting nothing much as I’ve experienced life as a cultivator long enough.

“By the way, why are there no immortal realm cultivators coming? I kind of wanna try going toe to toe with one or two” The man questions.

“The gold strings in the sea aren’t your peoples?” one of the others quips back.

“Sea? We haven’t even reached the coast yet, what strings?” The woman furrows her brow as she asks.

“Elder, when Immortal Realm Cultivators flew over the sea, fine strings of gold would capture them and pull them into the depths without leaving a sign behind.” I explain, the woman showing great concern as the man ponders lightly.

“I doubt I am your elder, I’m only twenty-five and some of you look twice my age” He was young, wasn’t some kind of technique to retain his appearances, Immortal Realm before the age of fifty is the standard of the famous sects. The locals are terrifying or the Lab of Cultivation Research… Sect? was a terrifying powerhouse that will change the balance of the world. The man fiddles with some kind of thin block before lowering to our altitude and nearing us with a gaze looking for mysteries, the woman following closely behind.

“Well why don’t we check out our coast together, the first collaboration of hopefully many!” The man named Ezekiel offers.

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