Change in a New World

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Next Life & Chapter 5 -The Great Yin Sect

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[Luka’s perspective]

Born as the son of the country’s head minister, this life had a much different childhood. Firstly, I retained my memories as if I had just woken up from a nap once I became conscious as a baby. Secondly I was educated in noble ways and scholarly subjects by tutors. These teachings quickly revealed this kingdom is very far away from where my last hometown and sect were. The only indication of direction is news of a new extreme yin region appearing on a small sect that was absorbed by The Greater Yin sect. Fortunately this kingdom is prospering, and I have had access to plenty of resources.

Whilst cultivating from a young age was possible, I abstained to subtly introduce science, modern infrastructure, and other out of this world, literally, ideas. Leaving notes here or there around a minister’s workplace and the royal palace has led to quite a few developments. By the age of ten I had revolutionized multiple industries including paper making, printing, scientific study, and dabbled in food. With the seed of science sowed, I turned most of my free time to formations and training my body, deciding to apply my own formations to my own cultivation. Turns out I had a very strange yin constitution last life…

It was a year before I woke up again.

[Elise’s perspective]

That fool, Luka almost did it again, fortunately this time it was a gradual process and I arrived shortly after she started changing her spirit root somehow. She is still strange from rumors, she was born a boy this time but unknowingly drawn the formations that will act like the Breeze Yin Sect’s region, changing the physical body using yin energies. Her family was incredibly happy when I took their request to treat their son, so I got to overlook her transformation along with the kingdom’s transformation as strange ideas sprout up from all sorts of avenue of life.

Sweet Bread is delicious and reminds me of when I first talked to Luka, a bit of a rush, sweet, and satisfying.

My master had risen to peak of the transformation soul stage in the spirit realm and became an honorary elder of the Great Yin Sect that oversees the Breeze Yin Sect, saying she would ascend to the immortal world within a thousand years. The immortal world was a world with more qi and treasures than our world, it was said our world was cut off from the rest of the world due to a war that devastated the immortal world.

With the access to new resources, I reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage and only lacked time before breaking through to the immortal realm, the years with Luka exposed me to many ideas and concepts that parts of my cultivation was beginning to skip stages in some ways, like my soul having started being refined over the years as a qi realm cultivator and my understanding of laws supporting the slow transformation soul stage. Basing my cultivation technique off the questions Luka used to ask became a firm foundation accompanied by many secret techniques for battle that has defended against many righteous and demonic cultivators alike.

Roughly a year after she entered the coma, she has completely changed, fair white unblemished skin along with silky black long hair. Her figured didn’t change much considering her young age so she returned to being like a doll with a more pristine way to her previous home-y way.

“Oh… Good morning Elise” The first words she spoke once she woke up was the same as when we woke up together as kids. Seeing her now, her eyes match the black of her hair but with an extra shimmer of polished metal. Seeing her smile, I feel much more energetic and alive, this was Luka, someone that trusted me with her amulet, still unsure how it works.

Instead of returning to Breeze Yin Sect immediately, Luka wanted to stay near the city citing the capital is on the cusp of discovering something important, spending weeks scribbling away leaves Luka with an impressive pile of books on all sorts of strange topics, from mortals view of cultivators, cultivators need for mortals, the study of science and the possibilities it brings, and much much more. She didn’t sign the books her own name instead using a strange four-part zig-zagged line followed by a similar shape but rotated clockwise nighty degrees. Luka said they were not much and that they would have gotten there eventually said purely with her childish grin as if she was presenting a flower crown. We created a fake bandit camp leading to some empty ruins to hide say the books came from as I sold them through out the capital.

Although she is hard to understand sometimes, I really missed having her by my side, she thinks different than other cultivators, she thinks better. No desire to dominate everything she gets her hands on. I won’t let her leave me like that again.

Chapter 5 -The Great Yin Sect

[Luka’s perspective]

“After you died the sect came under the protection of The Great Yin Sect whilst my master became Sect Leader. The old sect became Breeze Yin Sect due to the permanent winter and the curse you left would slowly change male bodies.” My trusted friend Elise explained as we traveled on a floating rug with myself seated on her lap due to my current age and lack of cultivation.

“Where are we headed now Elise?”

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“I got a private courtyard at The Great Yin Sect, the mountain is nothing impressive for the sect, but I suspect a certain worry inducing girl will change that. We will stay there until you are at least an adult this time” A mountain courtyard, how cultivator-y. Well, this time I should be able to explore cultivation with spirit roots until I work out how to have pure Qi.

We arrived at her mountain within The Great Yin Sect. It was like a tree covered hill but on an extreme scale, the mountain base itself would cover an average suburb in my old life. Elise’s home was in quite a grand clearing of over a kilometer squared with lush trees covering the rest of the grand oversized hill. Her house was a lot nicer than our old room at the small sect, it was a complete building consisting of three rooms, a bedroom, a living area, and a bathroom, although the formations in place were basic, they emulated some parts of modern living like hot water on request and self-cleaning. I am still making my own magical Roomba. Beside Elise’s house was a simple pond, adding to the mystical feel of the courtyard.

My first goal is to utilize the formations I formulated whilst living with this life’s family. Although I will be sharing a room with Elise, I wanted to build a house out of my formations, we can use it for guests if we need. My plan was to match modern conveniences I knew for now, formations were very versatile, and I knew it was just a matter of time before I bypassed my old world’s level.

It took me a couple weeks to build it as I asked Elise to buy most of the materials whilst she was selling my fake cultivator manuals and historical tomes, the manuals were real in that they worked, fake in that they were not from an ancient immortal tomb. The house was of modernist architecture, the white walls and stretches of windows standing out greatly in this world of ancient buildings, three bedroom, two bath house was larger than Elise’s house without smothering it with its own presence. The formations etched in every inch of the walls meant it was sturdier than a castle and full of all sorts of qi needed for cultivators. It was also completely self sufficient having complete recycling of waste completely and water drawn from the air into a complete pipe system hidden away. I have started my second goal of creating a pure qi zone to study how to evolve my cultivation technique to completely purify the external qi I absorb.

[Elise’s Perspective]

Luka is a genius. A couple weeks after we returned home she turned the bundle of materials we brought into a house, it was gleaming white and full of windows. Strange openings and oddly perfect shaping made it calm to look upon from our house, she made the house but has yet to use it as she stays with me. She called it a guest house, all sorts of powerful formations line the walls and fill the rooms with enough qi to make the inner disciples of any great sect jealous, she didn’t realize how impressive her formations were and only added them to our house after I asked her.

She is twenty now, I got to see her grow up from young girl to young woman, fully mature but still shorter than me, something that makes her pout still. She has taken to cutting her hair short after she forgot about it being long one day and burnt half the length off, her short hair was beautiful too. Over the years the mountain our courtyard is on has had a huge transformation, the sea of trees covering what Luka calls an over-sized hill remain but reach one replaced by Luka as she created a natural formation out of all the plants, the natural formation overlayed on one she built into the ground creating a zone around the whole mountain, keeping what she calls pure qi from spreading. Luka also laid many hidden defense formations that has caused more than one flying cultivator to fall out of the sky.

Pure qi is amazing, it has increased my power greatly and I managed to create several new cultivation techniques based on it, I didn’t accelerate my ascension, I increased my power five-fold. I shaped skills and techniques based on my spirit roots whilst Luka wrote cultivation manuals that didn’t involve the user’s spirit roots at all, she discovered meridians were separate from spirit roots so many supposed mortals would be able to cultivate anywhere with qi. The power such manuals gave were limited but still gave the many benefits of being a cultivator to more people without the steep costs. She said she wanted to spread such methods and I agree with her.

In recent years I took up gardening, watching Luka deal with plants for her formations piqued my interest and I joined her in studying plants and with the change in how we both cultivate I felt my qi working with plants well. I even made my own plants a few times, Luka named them power plants and I enjoyed gardening daily especially when Luka would be focus on writing out long plans and calculations sometimes taking over a week without stop before she finished. I don’t know what realm she is in because she hasn’t broken through since she came out of her coma, but I can feel her power rising constantly and sometimes she does things I do in the transformation soul stage.

Our home has retained its shaped as it was when I brought her here, but inside has greatly changed becoming similar to the rooms in the guest house, still unused. The one bedroom, one bath, and a small living space remain the same but now we share a bed, I was so happy to sleep with my doll again I cried causing Luka to hug my tightly into her soft chest. I don’t sleep with dolls…

“Look, I finished it!” Luka’s excited voice flows out of her shack that she calls laboratory, she made it to keep her experiments. She flies out of the door holding a wide but thin cylinder with both her hands.

“I finished the Roomba!” She places it on the large stone tiles we use to pave the way between buildings. Pressing a button, the cylindrical puppet begun pulling qi from the air and moving around, a soft hum as it move around the ground, I follow its path and notice the ground has been restored to normal. My observation is disrupted by Luka diving at me, a usual occurrence when she gets excited. I catch her in my arms and look down at her as she begins excitedly telling me about how she made a cleaning puppet. I don’t know why she would when both she and I know formations that do cleaning but I know what her puppet does cannot be replicated by normal formations.

“Why make a room… ba.. to clean when we have formations and why is it that shaped, I don’t think it can reach far without a way to transverse terrain.” I ask about the design choices she made, and her excitement dims down as she begins thinking, but before I could bring her to our couch and hold her on my lap she slips out of my embrace and pulls out one of my high-grade artifacts, a blade I got from my teacher about fifteen years ago.

“It can do this too! I might have modified the original purpose a little to include this!” She exclaims and puts the sword on top of the puppet’s flat top. It was then the soft hum of the puppet changed, it begun spinning widely as it slowly lifts off the ground. It used a skill, a puppet was using a cultivation skill, Luka did something said to be impossible… again! The puppet continues to spin madly as the sword makes a ring of death around it.

I pull out another high-grade artifact, the great blade of yin, and swing it at the puppet. We begin clashing, I swing at different tempos and use a range of blade skills against it, but it remains spinning without stop. The fight drags on, a moment that felt like minutes has become like hours, a single mistake could lead to a hit and both of us would suffer being hit. I grow weary and tired as this continues for an unknown amount of time as I remain focused on the spinning blade.

I made a mistake, the edge I had been watching is no traveling past my defenses as I watch it. I braced for impact, but it never happens, instead the blade shatters under the grip of a soft, smooth hand. Luka reaching from behind its speedy trajectory caught the blade and without effort shattered a high-grade artifact. She was more powerful than I imagined, and I took her warning seriously this time. Do not fight a knife room ba. She said she could make more now and her beautiful, elegant hands that I feel all the time hold such scary strength.

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