Change in a New World

Chapter 6: Chapter 7 – Curtain call

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[Elise’s perspective]

The war began, I took command after a short negotiation with The Great Yin Sect, they who got an aggressive letter from all the other great sects and having known about the movements of the demonic sects. We made an army to face the survivors of the armies gathered by the alliance and the demonic sects. Whilst Luka’s declaration of war devastated them, she only really took out the extras as the most dangerous remained. With their masks removed they all became openly demonic cultivators and took great power from our forces they defeated.

Luka didn’t compete and instead worked in a flurry on formations and puppets creating a group of puppets to defend our command post. The puppets stopped many assassination attempts on the elders and sect leader whilst my amulet from her meant I could detect assassins against myself, so I handled them myself. In the year the war has gone on, Luka has transformed our mountain into a world changing fortress, each plant is a treasure any of the great sects would fight over whilst the formations continued to grow more powerful accumulating so much qi it created a golden mist earning the mountain the title Misttian, short for Misty Mountain. Luka was so happy when I let her shorten the name and she had a giant arch made with the name engraved on it.

We continue battling the demonic cultivators without much success only taking out a handful of the ones that matter in this war. As the war drags on for years I grow worried as the great sects official distance themselves from the ones we are fighting and going back to normal as if nothing happened. Luka has come to visit at the war headquarters we set up, she handed me a gemstone, it was geometric and smooth to touch, it felt like home, like her.

“Fail safe device, this war will end. This will keep the mountain going incase something goes wrong. See you soon” She was angry, she was frustrated, she was scared and worried. I could tell she was going to do something I wouldn’t like but holding the gemstone I couldn’t bring myself to grab her or tell her to stop because I felt like I already had her in my hands just like she is in my heart. Before she leaves she kisses me on the forehead and disappears leaving only a swirl of qi. I felt the world change as the gemstone sifts between colors slowly

[Demonic Cultivator, Ex-great sect, Sect Leader’s perspective]

Those damn bitches! We spent decades organizing the different forces to put them in their place and as soon as we declare war some strange attack turns our armies into hell. The ground spewed liquid fire over my majestic self and burnt my skin, my perfect skin! And since then, they started fighting back in an organized manner. None of us could get our hands on any powerful women to recover and my own sect said I wasn’t part of them anymore. The audacity after I was the great Sect Leader for centuries!

I tried sending assassins to get them, but they all failed, this is a disaster far greater than when that stupid cursed land sprung up out of nowhere. Why would a special cultivation land appear that worked only for woman? None of them were as powerful as me and if the other fools weren’t like me, I would be able to rule the world. Fortunately, I could become one of the leaders in the demonic sect alliance, I could gain great harvests from there and that crazy saint they have, he could actually win this war for us. He is only a few decades old if not younger and he is already on the path to the immortal realm, inklings of divinity can be felt from him.

“We need to end with war” A raspy voice declares at the head of the table several of us are seated around. The voice belonged to someone like me, abandoned by their righteous sect even after all his years of work, even as an enemy I thought it was wrong. He suffered a lot more when he became a demonic cultivator to maintain his glorious strength.

“Yes, a final push will end it, the saint said it was possible now.” A sinister reply came from an even more sinister voice, a skeleton-like man with blood red eyes smiles with a few tooth smile as he replies. A true demonic cultivator, older than even myself.

“Yes, lets end it here” this one came from somewhere strange, someone else entered the room and the voice sounded quite lovely and serious. We all realize and turn to the source, a girl stands with deep black eyes as if the void is hidden in them. Her hair quickly changing from a similar black to a chaotic gradient of grey and white. Fresh meat, we all thought so.

[Random Patrol Demonic cultivator’s perspective]

We have been in a holy war for a few years now, our glorious saint has declared the world will be ours when we are victorious! We wont ever lose because we will grow more powerful the more fights we win, hehehe. I wish I had some fun with that woman that past by the other day, her hair was beautiful, black, and darker than my own heart, ha!

A hole just appeared in the ground, I don’t know how but the ground disappeared suddenly, one of my patrol members was there and his leg is gone, he was a spirit realm cultivator too, stronger than me. The trees are falling down now. I don’t know what is happening but now I sense a dangerous qi in some of the trees. Was all this happening from the aftermath of a fight?!

The source is our headquarters?! Who could fight the holy saint? I need-

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I can see my own body now, a lot of it is missing as my head looks up at it. I might need a new torso I think as my consciousness fades.

[Holy Saint of Demonic Cultivation’s perspective]

This world will be mine, I will offer it to the great Demon Lord in the immortal realm. I was lucky to get enlightened in a tomb I found one day on a mission from the stupid martial hall my parents made me attend. I killed the other boys in my group and sacrificed them to the great power of the Demon Lord. It started when that stupid cultivator didn’t even look at my talent, she took the head minister’s son and left a year later with a beautiful girl with void black hair.

The demonic sects were truly pitiful, without a messenger of the great Demon Lord, they suffered under the forces of copy-cats. They just took mindlessly from their sacrifices, they didn’t do the proper rituals or prayers to the great Demon Lord. I begun teaching them once I got one group under my thumb it became easy.

I negotiated with the copy-cats and taught them some of the lesser thing to target the group of woman that sheltered the best resources for me. I needed better furnaces, or it will be decades before I enter the immortal realm. I organized the demonic sects into an army as the copy-cats did the same by themselves, I wish the demonic cultivators were like that for our glorious crusade would succeed even faster.

Our crusade just began and something from the void fell on us, pulling hell from the ground as the world’s rage burnt us even though we didn’t pull the insult from the void. My glorious plan was ruined, fortunately the ones killed were sacrifices anyways, I am okay and that is what matters. The remnants of the copy-cats were a nice addition having them backed into joining us helped make them better sacrifices.

A few years into the war and I finish preparing a summon for some of the great Demon Lord’s power. I will finish all the weaklings with that and ascend to my lord’s side after turning this world into a sea of blood in tribute to him. I was about to begin the ritual, but someone broke it, someone’s stray qi disrupted the flow and now the formation is broken. The fucking fools couldn’t keep someone away. I follow the track of the qi and find the source, a girl with grey to white gradient hair, she is fighting all the demonic sect leaders and elders. She wasn’t even older than me and she was fighting against all of them alone.

She was burning herself up, that was right, there is no way anyone in this world was stronger than me! I was the fucking saint of the great Demon Lord! I will destroy her cultivation and make her suffer whilst watching this world fall! Lunging off in the direction of the fight I prepare some attacks when the qi of the surrounding started funneling to one place.

Divinity, that is an immortal, she has divinity now and can ascend soon. I must stop her, she can’t be faster than me! I am the mighty Harbinger. Once I reach her I see the power pulsing around her as the qi she extrudes was golden and different than anything I have seen in this world, no elements or demonic factors, just pure qi. Most of the elder are dead now as more qi continues rushing towards her and joining her divinity. Some of the sect leaders lay dead, torn to pieces, once I arrive she turns to me and meets my eyes as she smiles. Everything turns blacker than the void.

[Uriel’s perspective]

Something happened, the war was over and everyone happy as the sects have changed their ways. A certain kingdom became an empire whilst the Great Sects were weakened and suffering from the aftermaths. The demonic sects are all gone including the land they were on, a giant crevice remains, and no signs of survivors remain. Whilst everyone was celebrating, a certain mountain was crying as it’s owner was mourning again. Luka died again, my student is sad and angry again as she hugs a weird edge covered gemstone that felt like it had more of Luka’s power than I had even seen her use. Misttian remained shut off from the world as the mysterious knowledge continued to appear all over the continent, in tombs, in treasure vaults, and in public libraries even.

[A certain goddess’s perspective]

Again! She did it again, it was all set up with even a backup in case she didn’t motivate the boy. The boy would become the great evil for another to slay, the demonic forces were meant to remain to hide the ugly side of righteousness. She ruined all that, she took it all somewhere, the world went black for a moment and then they were all gone. At this rate neither world will have a savior because of her.

That’s it, I will use someone like her and put her with him! She won’t be able to ruin everything from there.

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