Chaotic Chaos

Chapter 1: Where everything started..

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Alvah (fl) pov :

the city was still vibrant and lively even at night, the traffic lights were taking long to change.. c'mon and change already I have my finals tomorrow I should be home sleeping but things keep getting in my way, I waited patiently and when it finally turned green I crossed the road running, after all, it was too late at night for a 16 yo highschooler.

then I had to cross a bridge over a lake, it always gave me chills because of how quiet and isolated it felt but it's not like I can swim my way home, so I'll just walk on the side and avoid making eye contact with scary people, I ignored my bad feeling and went on but when I reached the middle of the bridge I saw a drunk man heading directly towards me..

(no one pov) :

???: babe.. I'm sorry please come back to me..

a: excuse me sir, who the hell are you?

the drunk man got irritated as he made a horrid face at Alvah before violently pushing her off
the bridge, the poor girl never expected such an act and was still shocked as she fell into the
enormous bottomless cold lake.

    Alvah pov :

hah? am I drowning? is it really the end? am I dying because a d#mn old man was having a bad day?

I was triey so hard to swim my way up and survive but at one point I've lost it, I wasn't good at swimming and all I could see around me was pure darkness, so I decided to just accept my faith (which is wrong) I stopped moving and let my body soak deeper into the lake, I closed my eyes and relaxed all my muscles, I could feel the freshwater entering from my nose my mouth my ears and every hole in me, it felt extremely uncomfortable as I was choking and struggling to breath, after a while, I lost my consciousness so I assumed I was automatically dead.. until I was not.

 I started feeling half-covered in warm water lying peacefully under the sunrays, although my eyes were closed I could still know there's light outside, light? I'm sure it was night just now, even the air around me smelled like flowers it was such a nice relaxing smell.. SMELL? my nose is filled with water how can I smell? is this the afterlife? but for some reason my body isn't responding to me..

 ??? : " my flowers look good on you~"

I heard a soothing whisper as I was lying down, I could also feel a long silky soft hair touching my face, as someone lightly leaned towards me, them being in front of me created a shadow which protected me from the burning sun rays, I could also sense their weird freezing yet satisfying aura and their bittersweet gaze as they kept staring at me and checking if I was breathing or not, at that time my instincts told to hold my breath and pretend dead, so I did, minutes later the person got called so they went away, and I could finally breath.

I know I've been lying here for a very long time, but I can't seem to remember when or how I ended up in this place, I don't even know where I am, fortunately, I can finally feel the tips of my fingers, Let's try to move them little by little, that's a good sign my fingers are responding, now let's try with the other parts, concentrate.. Breath.. feel your presence.. and then-


 I let out a pained moan as I felt an agonizing acute pain spread in my stomach and its surroundings I opened my eyes to see what's wrong with my stomach.. hah? it seems like I've been stabbed by a f#ing frost flower?

 it's so sharp and it went too deep inside me, and to make it even worse the person who stabbed me twisted the frost flower when it was inside me to make sure I feel more pain, what kind of crazy psychopath would do that? the memory of the person from earlier immediately flashed into my head,

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 "that crazy b#tch, I'll find them and make them pay for this" I murmured to myself.

the pain got more unbearable with each second and I felt as if someone's putting salt on my wound, it burnt me from the inside that I almost fainted, I closed my eyes and bit my tongue trying to reduce the torment I was feeling, it was horrible, but after around 7 min the pain magically disappeared, I opened my eyes and turned to look at my wound and I was shocked to see that it was completely gone, I used my hands to grab the frost flower, it was freezing cold but I managed to take it out anyways (if you were ever stabbed never take the thing that stabbed you out, call the doctors instead), this caused my wound to open again so I lost more blood and my skin was torn apart, soon after, my skin formed links within itself so did my torn up flesh, at first it looked like a spider web then the skin and flesh filled in the gaps and my wound immediately disappeared as if it was never there, at that moment millions of weird questionable hypothesis flashed in my mind but I was too hungry and tired to look into any of them, I know I just woke up but I'm feeling extremely exhausted.. and I can't help falling asleep, after I wake up I'll think about everything, I closed my eyes and threw my body into the pond underneath me, it wasn't deep at all so I wasn't scared of drowning, I took a great nap and relaxed my whole body~

___________________________________THE END

moral of the chapter :

_when you feel overwhelmed by random unexpected changes in your life, take a nap, it really helps.

_if you see a drunk stranger heading toward you, run away, no context needed.

_learn how to swim, you never know what could happen.

Luv y'all, see ya <3

~new chapter every Wednesday~

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