Chaotic Chaos

Chapter 2: ch2: the ayshire garden

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Alvah pov :

I woke up after a pretty long nap, my eyes were still closed as I heard an evil loud high-pitched laugh, so I automatically thought it was the same person as before.

???: tehehehehe, today is my lucky day I don't have to worry about food for the next whole week.

-food? is he talking about me ?- (-..- stands for alvah thoughts)

???: it's kinda small tho, should I look for another one?

*the small creature talking approached me and tried pulling my body away, I opened my eyes and looked him dead in the eye*

"you can't fool me twice you bastard" I said

"hiahhh" he let out a blood-curdled scream as I violently grabbed his neck with one hand

a(alvah): hah? a dwarf?

dw(the dwarf): you little human, how ignorant of you to grab me from the neck, I'm the bravest strongest food gatherer of the Nirans the great Arthur !!

a: Nirans? what's that?

dw: you don't know us?! the Nirans are the ruler of this Ayrshire garden and the greatest dwarf tribe to ever exist blablabla..

-so this place is called the Ayrshire garden hah? it's so enchanting and magical one can stay here forever just to enjoy those sceneries-

a: hey dwarfy are there other humans here? and where are they?

dw: it's Arthur not dwarfy, and I'm never helping out a stupid human

a: but you're a human yourself

*I grabbed his neck harder as a sign of threat so that he answers my questions, he chocked and I could see the fear in his eyes, I let go of him a little so he could talk*

dw: *cough* I'm a dwarf it's a whole different specie, we eat humans

a: Ewww so you're a cannibal??

dw: I'm not sure what that means

a: anyways, tell me where are the other humans, don't blame me for what will happen if you keep silent.

dw: I can lead you to them, but..

a: but what?

dw: I don't think it's a good idea to meet the humans of this world, especially for a weak outsider like you

a: what do you mean by this world? also, what's an outsider?

dw: you don't know ?! well I'm not sure but from the way You're dressed and your manners I believe that you're an outsider aka a human that doesn't belong in CHAOS, chaos is the name of this world.

-chaos? that's a pretty messed up name for a world-

a: so outsiders aren't welcome in Chaos right?

dw: yeah, a lot of outsiders aka newcomers like you spawn here in this Ayrshire garden, yet most of them can't get out alive, the insiders (the people from this world) would end their lives as soon as they come here, one must be deadly strong to survive this Ayrshire garden..

a: what about the outsiders here, can you take me where they're?

dw: I can't, outsiders keep running from the insiders so they don't really have a stable position, keep wondering in the Ayrshire garden and you might encounter a newcomer, you may as well run into an insider, or even worse, get lost in the Ayrshire garden, so I wouldn't recommend roaming around carelessly.

- he's right, not only insiders are dangerous, I know nothing about this place I could lose my way so easily, it would've been better if I had something like GPS in a place like that wait..-

a: ay you said your tribe rules this place right?

*I smirked in an evil way staring at the little scared dwarf in front of me*

dw: yes us nirans are the best, you humans can never compa-

a: do you have a rope? *I interrupted*

dw: why?!

a: nevermind, I'mma search you myself

dw: no no no wait, I have one I'll give it to you right away

the dwarf thought: ( I can't let her search me if she finds all the food I'm hiding she'd steal it without a second thought )

the dwarf reached his bag and took out a rope and gave it to alvah without hesitation, his confusion was showing as he was wondering what she'd use that rope for, alvah took the rope and tied the dwarf hands together behind his back, he tried to push her away but he couldn't, dwarfs were naturally weaker than humans so alvah didn't have problems tying him, after that she tied the rest of the rope to one of her hand so that he'd be stuck with her and wouldn't be able to use his hands for weapons or things like that.

a: you said there's a risk to get lost in the forest, well now I have my own GPS with me I can't get lost hehe.

the dwarf grinned in anger, he felt as he got fooled and dragged into someone's trouble but he couldn't do anything to run away

dw: what's GPS?

a: hmmm, something like a map that shows the whole world and talks, I guess

dw: ... that's crazy *he murmured*

a: c'mon, let's go find something to eat, if we get lost you find the way out.

Alvah got up and started walking so did the poor Arthur who was tied up with her, she walked into the forest and was totally mesmerized by the beautiful views around her, this place was totally different from where she used to live, there was no ridiculously tall buildings, no cars, no highways, no people, just the bright sky, the chilly breeze and the enchanting woods surrounding her, she also noticed one type of white roses that was widespread, it had a lot of petals, was pleasing to look at, and each white rose had a magical ethereal type of aura around her,

a: aye dwarfy what's that pretty white thing over there?

dw: that's the Ayrshire roses, it's widespread here but don't go near it, it's deadly poisonous

a: so we can't eat it?

dw: no, you can get poisoned just by smelling it let alone eating it, nothing in this forest is edible, even the air can be toxic at some parts so be cautious.

a: but I'm hungry, isn't there anything to eat?

dw: no, actually an important number of newcomers died from hunger and food poisoning and lack of medical care in case of injury, before even meeting an insider, and I bet it'd be the same for you.

a: don't worry I have you my dear friend, I won't die from hunger kkk

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Arthur made an ugly expression as he felt chills down his spine, he was just giving an honest friendly advice and didn't expect alvah to react that way, he couldn't hide the fact that Alvah's words made him shiver from the inside, it must've been too gullible of him to advice an ungrateful human, but now he can't reverse his actions and he's classified as emergency food, and he can do absolutely nothing to run free since both his hands were tied up.

dw: we should look more into the forest maybe we can find something edible..

alvah smirked as she gently nodded her head.

- this little dwarfy, did he really believe I'll eat him, I mean I never starved to death before so I wouldn't know how I'm gonna react but still, I would never eat a human, that's gruesome and nasty, the face he made was fun tho -

as she was soaking deeply in her thought, alvah smiled creepily and let out a little giggle, which made the dwarf beside her even more horrified.

"this psychopath, I can feel she's fantasizing about something weird" the dwarf murmured in fear thinking of a way to escape away.."

alvah and her gps kept walking around to find something to eat, after a long time has passed Arthur felt hungry but still didn't want to show alvah all the food he got so he silently placed some herbs he had in his bag near a tree to make it look like the herbs naturally grew there, he thought : -if this stupid human knows I have food with me she'd steal it, but who knows what she'd do to me if I leave her starving? I'mma put some herbs here for my own sake- 

dw (shouted): come here little human, those herbs are safe to eat.

a (in excitement): yay finally, I'm starving!!

alvah ran to where the dwarf was pointing and grabbed the herbs in joy..

a: aye dwarfy, here try some, you look hungry 

the dwarf eyes got teary as he saw alvah's generous and kind behavior towards him, he never met a human who'd share their food with him when starving to death before, he quickly wiped his tears to not show any weakness in front of a human but deep inside what alvah did moved his feeling and made him feel guilty, he thought -she's ready to share the first food she found with me, while on the other side I've been hiding my food from her this whole time, when I knew she is starving to death, how pathetic of you Arthur, you brought shame to nirans, as the coolest food gatherer you hid your food from someone starving hmph-

dw: you can have it, I'm full.

a: NO! I'm never eating in front of someone hungry, if you don't have at least one third of this I'm not eating!

the dwarf's feeling got even more moved, and at this point he started viewing the human who what about to strangle him earlier as an angel, he started crying and his face turned red from embarrassment, on the other hand alvah was insisting on him to eat the herbs.

-this little dwarfy thing, is he trying to poison me? I clearly heard him saying earlier that nothing in this forest is edible and now what? trying to make me eat poisonous herbs? he has to eat third of this sh!t to make me believe him otherwise in not eating anything, and look what we got now, he's not eating this thing, and crying? is it because you know your life is on the edge? cute little dwarfy tryna fool me kkk-

the dwarf finally gave in and ate third of the herbs, so alvah followed soon after he did, she finished them in less than a blink, it showed just how starving she was, after the two felt full they continued wondering around the ayshire garden.

suddenly a magic strike crossed Alvah's side, it didn't touch her, but the wind which was formed due to the attack speed was sharp enough to scratch Alvah's face, the attack landed on a tree behind alvah.


the explosion sound could be heard clearly and the tree entirely perished to ashes.

- if this thing touched me.. I.. I wouldn't still be here would I? -

seeing this Arthur immediately ran and hid in one of the close bushes, alvah who was still shocked by the sudden attack blindly followed him and hid as well, the two could hear a girl's shouting far from where they were..

a: please tell me that's not an insider.

dw: it is an insider.

- ha? already? that's the worst timing possible.. -

__________________________________THE END

- will be continued -

new chapter every Wednesday~

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