Chaotic Romance

Chapter 61: NOT EDITED YET

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The lights are not only placed in the pool itself, even the pool side has dome shape light bulbs

As such, when the lights were finally turned on, they shone on both Azarel and Evren's body

Azarel want to curse after that. He doesn't know whether someone out there was playing with him but the lights has to be red at that moment

The pool lights can be change manually or automatically. Most of the time, as long as the lights were turned on, it would periodically change in color

Azarel doesn't know why as soon as they were turned on, the color has to be red that is already almost pink 

Whether it be red or pink, both of thise colors could be associated with romantic love

As such, although the two of them don't plan on not continuing their kiss, because of the lights around them, the scene has become quite romantic

This is a rare moment that Azarel do not want to think and to help him do that, his arms that were wrapped on Evren's nape pulled the man down

Azarel's eyes fluttered while Evren stared deeply at him. At this moment, Azarel cannot read what is in Evren's mind but he does not have time to think much about it as their lips already met

Instantly, Azarel can feel fireworks exploding in front of his body

The kiss this time didn't start aggressive right of the bat just like what they used to do

It was instead a soft and slow one that would make people think if that was merely a kiss of lust or one that has feelings involve in it

It was hard to judge what is behind that kiss

It feels like they are hungry and slowly savoring each other like lustful beasts but at the same time, the atmosphere around them does not completely fill the criteria

There was something in between them that is hard to pinpoint especially with how Azarel's hands were exploring the other man's back

It's like he was lovingly rubbing the man's back but at the same time, it contains longing for this body

Azarel's mind is in a chaotic state currently and the only thing he can focus on was the kiss that landed for quite a long time

When they pulled back, a string of saliva was even left between their lips

"Are you fine now?" Evren asks while huffing for breath. The kiss lasts for a long time and that made the oxygen in his lungs to lessen

Azarel can only stare at Evren's face and his answer was another kiss between them

Not far from the two, a certain woman can be seen rolling her eyes

"Damn Azarel, I worked hard to make a romantic atmosphere between you two but you just have to turn it into live porn" Liza muttered under her breath

As a 'good' friend, she naturally wants Azarel to fall for Evren. But it wasn't for the reason that most people would think of

No, it wasn't because Liza wants her friend to have a fairy tale happy ending with Evren. If a person thought that that was the reason then they couldn't be anymore wrong

She only wants Azarel to fall for Evren so that she can continue mocking and bullying her friend

If Azarel were to even get heart broken by Evren then the better! Liza would be there when Azarel needs a drinking buddy

As that man has quite the alcohol tolerance and also knows when to hold back, Liza still has not see Azarel making a fool of himself while drunk

But if he were to be heartbroken, there should be a chance that would happen, right?

Unfortunately, Azarel instead of really falling inlove with Evren due to the atmosphere, he just turned it into a live action porn

Well, Liza's definition of a romantic scene was merely waiting for the right time to turn on the lights

She also doesn't have any genuine dating experience and she don't know how to be romantic. In her eyes, the lights are already enough which was actually the case


May 26 the Year 2022

The next day, Evren woke up quite early while Azarel was still sleeping

As this is Evren's first time going into a nice beach, he wants to enjoy his stay here

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As such, after tucking Azarel into the bed, he went out of their room and our of the beach house

Outside, he walked barefooted and the fine grains of sand in the ground can bw clearly felt by his body

Evren was wearing beach shirt and short as he enjoyed the morning sun, his eyes having a complicated glow in them

He seems to be absentminded as be walked around aimlessly until she saw Liza

The woman as soon as she saw Evren immediately run towards him excitedly 

"Hi!" Liza greeted enthusiastically and Evren just nodded his head

Although Liza did not receive the type of respjse she would normally receive from men, that didn't douse her enthusiasm at all

"Since you are my friend's husband, why don't we chat and get to know each other?" Liza suggested and although Evren raised his brows in suspicions, he still agreed

The two went back in front of the beach house and sat on the chairs in it

Liza called some servants and had them prepare foods and beverages before she turned to look at the quiet Evren

"What's wrong with you? Last time I remember, you are a talkative person" Liza asks though she was excited inside

She does not have much interaction with Evren but Azarel mentioned at how he becomes helpless sometimes with how much Evren was talking

At that time, Liza should have already guessed that something was wrong. That causes her 'fun' to be this late

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about something" Evren replied, still not as energetic as he usually is

With him acting like this, Liza became excited

Could it be that Evren notices Azarel's feelings for him? Is that the reason why he looks troubled?

Does he not like Azarel back and he feels that the situation has become really complicated?

"What's troubling you? May I know?" Liza asks. At first, she was expecting Evren to refuse talking 

If that happens, she already has many plans on how to make this man talk and give her the tea

She just didn't expect that Evren would answer her easily yet the answer she received was not the one that she wants to have

"I was thinking of buying my own beach like this or even better, an island. But although I have a lot of money in my bank account right now, I don't think that it would be enough. I don't want a shabby beach, I want one as beautiful as this one"

"After tasting paradise, how can I still go back to shabby beaches, right?"

Evren explained and Liza's faces twitches. Here she was expecting a juicy tea to be revealed to her but what she received in return was this bullshit!

Seems like Azarel did not lie when he said that Evren is extremely money hungry, gold digger, and social climber

To think that his problem would be like this!

Even though Liza was furious, she still swallowed her anger and she formulated another plan in her mind

"How about working for Azarel? As of right now, with Azarel's father gone in the Manor, you can't do your original job. Why don't you ask Azarel for a high paying job? I think being his secretary would be perfect for you" Liza suggested as if she was just being a good friend but she wasn't 

"Secretary? Didn't he already have a secretary? And would a secretary even earn enough money to buy a private beach or an island?" Evren asks in doubt and for that, Liza smiled while shaking her head

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are still too naive. Glynn is only around our age but I bet she already have more money than you do!" Liza said and Evren was shocked

One must know that his bank account already have millions of it. That is an amount that is almost impossible to earn in conventional way

Only because Evren's job was special and he was shameless that that kind of thing becomes possible

But now, a secretary actually has more money that he does?

Even if Glynn were to have tens of dollars of salary every month, it would still take quite a long time to save up millions of dollars, right?

"Secretaries from small companies are different from the secretaries of the real elites. And if you are worried about Azarel already having a secretary, don't be.. Who said that a CEO can only have one secretary? Do you know how much work Azarel has to do? He naturally need more than a single secretary. It's just that, he was too picky and as a result, even until now, he only has Glynn as his secretary!"

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