Chaotic Romance

Chapter 62: NOT EDITED YET

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The more Evren listens, the more he wanted to be Azarel's secretary especially with the current circumstances

Without Azael in the Manor even after months, there's really not much that Evren could do

Since there is no way to spite Azael and forcing him to give up, that naturally means that Evren cannot receive any more 'bonus' from his husband for a job well done

As such, Evren's bank account stagnated with no new money coming in. He could only have some 'scrap money' that are tens of thousands of dollars by sneakily selling Azarel and Hessy's clothes but mostly Hessy since Evren feels guilty since Azarel was really good with him

However, Evren's enthusiasm was soon dampened as he scratch the back of his head

"But I don't know how to be a secretary. I was not even able to graduate in college" Evren said with a shrug

He is not ashamed for not having a degree since that is the reality of poor people. Many of them couldn't afford to finish college

Not to mention, even if they did got a degree, all their life, they would still struggle financially and Evren don't want to have a life like that. Resulting in him becoming a stripper

Liza still don't have the desire to give up and she even stood up from her seat and forcer herself in Evren's chair

"Who said that Evren's secretary needs to have a degree or experience? To others, that might be the case but with thousands of people wanting to be Azarel's secretary with each of them graduated with honors in prestigious academies, why do you think he still only has Glynn?" Liza spouted some more bullshit to help herself convince Evren

She doesn't really know why Azarel only has one secretary but so what? She can just lie her way through it!

"Why?" Evren asks curiously and Liza grinned at him

"Just think of it, with Azarel's personality, how many people can tolerate being boss by him? Not to mention, he's too fickle and if he don't like a person, that person would surely be tormented everyday!" Liza explained confidently. Not even a hint of lying can be seen from her

Her words causes a dawn of realization to appear on Evren. Liza was 'right'

I mean, just look at Hessy and Navier. Whenever they encounter Azarel, 99% of the time, they would walk out from excessive anger. It was clear to see that Azarel don't like his sisters and he ended up tormenting them

Evren's creative mind filled in the blanks from Liza's lie making him really convinced

"Then what do I do for Azarel to make me his secretary?" Evren asks. The way he looks at Liza is completely different now

Although Liza preffered the adoring and lustful gaze from men that made her ego bloated, to be admired by the person that Azarel has feelings for is definitely not a bad thing!

With an evil smile, Liza explained some things to Evren that he should do to convince Azarel into hiring him as a secretary 


The unknowing Azarel was still fast sleep in the bed while his demonic friend schemed something against him

Only after around an hour later did he finally slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a handsome man smiling at him

Azarel blinked his eyes repeatedly as his mind still cannot register what is happening

However, after a few moments, Azarel realizes that the handsome man is actually the person that he likes

Yes, Azarel after another night of passion with Evren finally realizes that he indeed have feelings for his husband as cliche as it sounds but that is reality 

Of course, Azarel only likes Evren, it was not love, or at least not love yet

But since this is Azarel's first time liking someone, it kinda overwhelms him to the point that before sleeping last night, he decisively thought that he really should cut things with Evren

It's not that liking someone is a bad thing. It's just too overwhelming and is changing Azarel into a teenage girl that he never wants to becone!

However, since he have feelings for Evren and he already realized it, thinking about his next move is easier than to put it in action

Just look at the current situation. Evren's smile was too dazzling that Azarel jolted in shock

If the bed was not large enough, Azarel might have fallen into the floor already

"Y-you scared me!" Azarel said. He doesn't know if he was surprised by Evren that his heart is beating that fast or because the firs thing that he saw after he woke up was the dazzling smiling face of the person that he likes

"Hahahaha, sorry for that" Evren apologizes before walking out of the bed as he went to grab the small table with tray of food placed on it

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"To make up for that, how about a breakfast in bed?" Evren asks while still having a smile in his face

Now, Azarel realizes why people love seeing the smile of the person that they like. It was actually contagious!

If Azarel was not able to control his facual expression, he might have smiled back!

Before Azarel can refuse as he already decided to cut things with Evren, the man already returned into the bed and he placed the table on it before sitting next to him

"They might not be as good as the ones that the 'professional' chefs but I think that you already fed up with them. Why don't you try someone that is still amateur" Evren said

He was only trying to start hinting Azarel into making him his secretary 

Since Evren is not a college graduate, he was not a 'professional'. He also said that Azarel is already fed up with the professionals and he should try soneone amateur, aka - Evren himself

To convince Azarel, Evren needs both words and actions. As such, he also 'lovingly' kisses the man in his forehead

The kiss was not that of lust but affection as if Evren was purposely trying to act coy

This causes a thought to appear in Azarel's mind

Does Evren realizes his feelings and this man likes him back and as a result, Evren was trying to woo him?

That thought made Azarel's heart palpitate. Filling it with joy that he never had before

As such, Azarel can only look at Evren, trying to read him

However, Evren just has to continue smiling at him. Evren even slick back the strands of hair that fell into Azarel's forehead

"Let's eat?" Evren said before he took the fork and uses it to pierce a sausage

Although Evren said that he was the one that cooked, he was still traumatized by Azarel's comments to his food

As such, he mostly just fried some sausage and bacon. Since it's just frying, there shouldn't be that much difference with the taste to the point that Azarel would comment harshly on the food, right?

The hypothesis that Azarel has seems to be even more believable and he unconsciously parted his lips to take a bite of the sausage

However, Azarel doesn't know if it was because his mental state is not in the right track or what but the sausage stained the side of his lips

Seeing that his plans works, Evren smirks inside him but he didn't show it into his face

He just grab a piece of napkin and gently uses it to wipe the stain in Azarel's lips

"Be careful" Evren said gently making Azarel feel satisfied inside him

Most of the reason why he wants to avoid Evren was because of his pride. Evren is a 'straight' man prior to him

Most men like Evren although always enjoys sex with another man still wouldn't admit that they have become bent. They would also choose to make a family with a woman

Not to mention, Azarel previously does not feel that Evren felt the same way towards him

If he is going to make Evren fall inlove with him, he would only do that when he is still confuse with his feelings

But now that he realized that he indeed likes Evren, his pride wouldn't allow him to make moves so that this man would like him

That would feel as if Azarel was chasing a man. A freaking man! Azarel would never do that

But since Evren is showing his feelings for him then Azarel would like to see where this relationship goes

If Evren were to confess towards him in the near future then Azarel would seriously consider whether he should accept the confession or not

With his pride not hurt anymore, Azarel felt lighter in the inside and he relish himself in the pampering that the man that 'likes' him is giving to him

"I'm still hungry. Feed me again" Azarel said pompously and his husband chuckled at him before feeding him again

Their breakfast was really harmonious with the two of them having thoughts of their own

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