Chaotic Romance

Chapter 69: NOT EDITED YET

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"Why? Did you think that rich people get rich or stay rich with legal means? Nah, at least 90% of them do something illegal to be rich. In fact, there are many rich people out there that were worst than me" Azarel retorted with a shrug

"Yes, yes, the boss is really a man of intelligence. I will follow boss for the rest of my life" Evren replied, thinking that it was a pity that there is nothing exciting for him to do and he has to get back into doing his old boring corporate job

If other corporate workers were to know the 'corporate jobs' that Evren has to do, they would surely cry rivers of tears in envy. Evren's job was too light to the point that he almost has nothing to do compared to them that they have to bust their asses of

Yet even with that being the case, Evren still thinks that this was the first time that he worked this hard. The load work that he has is already the most he ever had in his entire life

After all, as a former stripper, he almost has to dance sensually and show off his body to those old cougars or if he was lucky, he would be hired in a bridal shower with younger women

Unfortunately, since he is still new, Evren do not dare complain yet and he can only sulk internally

However, thanks to Azarel having keen eyes and also knowing Evren's personality, he can read that man and knows that he is quite bored but still persevered for the sake of spending more time with him

With a sigh, Azarel decided to let Evren do one task for him to at least make him enthusiastic with his job again

"Stop sulking, I have a work for you that I know you will surely enjoy" Azarel said and almost instantly, Evren's ears perk up in excitement and anticipation

"What is it?" He asks with visible excitement but Azarel instantly bursts his bubble

"This job will only be possible to do months from now though. For now, continue doing what you normally do" Azarel replied with a chuckle and Evren can only pout. Since he can only do it months from now then why does Azarel have to say it to him right in this instance?


September 10 the Year 2022

3 Months later

"So... basically, you mean to say that although you don't know if you will accept him if he were to confess, you still want him to confess since it has been months already since he realizes his feelings for you" Liza asks to clarify things

Currently, the two were inside their private VIP booth in a club, just casually drinking together all because her friend has a 'big problem'

"Yeah, that's it. Damn, I thought that he was different from a high schooler and has big balls, metaphorically, but that damn Evren disappoints me. How dare he make me wait too long for his confession?"

Liza decided to just ignore the metaphorical part as she was already fed up at hearing Azarel's amazing sex life with his husband

Instead, Liza fought with the urge to laugh. She did not expect that her little plan would stretch this long. Even until now, Azarel still thought that Evren has feelings for him

"And you know what is the most infuriating? After a month, he stops being sweet! I mean, he is still very considerate but it was not the same as how he treated me while we were still on the beach. Gosh, did the sparks die down already?" While saying the latter part, Azarel's face was full of horror before he shook his head

"Nah, I'm Azarel Lancaster, the sparks I give to people are forever. That should and would never be the case" he continued while shaking his head

As this is not Liza's first time dealing with Azarel, she just hummed in response and let Azarel fill in the blanks. As of right now, Liza does not know whether Azarel is just too smart that he overthinks things or he became delusional. In any case, it was enjoyable seeing such a side of Azarel that no one else might be able to bring out

As expected, Azarel sank in deep thought before realization dawned upon his face. "No way, does he thinks that I am too out of his league and decided that trying to obtain the star in the sky is impossible for him. Sigh, I cannot blame him much. I mean, with how awesome I am, what kind of guy I cannot pull? His self-esteem must be suffering right now"

Liza was really amazed at how Azarel's brain works. From how smart he is, Azarels brain must be malfunctioning now

"No, I cannot let this situation go on. I must make him confess" Azarel decided and placed the glass of whiskey on the table before standing up

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"So... you called me and ask to hang out just to pour out your frustrations and think things through? Fuck you! If you want to do that, go find yourself a therapist!" Liza curses. Although it was enjoyable seeing Azarel make a fool out of himself, Liza still has her own pride

She does not want to be used as someone's therapist that people would abandon after getting okay!

As it was humiliating to stay in a private booth alone, Liza also stood up from her seat. There is no way that she would et herself look like a lonely woman inside!

The two walked into the hallway, trying to get out of the club. Azarel was in a state of deep thinking while Liza starts thinking about how she should kill her friend for treating her like that when something was caught by her peripheral vision

Instantly, Liza stops in her track and she tightly grabs Azarel's arms that instantly frowned at her

"What is it? As you can see, I am in the middle of thinking about something very important. I do not have time to waste on you"

As of right now, Liza just decided to ignore the fact that Azarel made her feel worthless with his word as she pointed a finger at her side where another hallway can be seen

"Look at that, doesn't that look like your sister?" Liza asks and Azarel rolled his eyes

"So what is my sister is he-- Holy Moly!" Azarel exclaimed in shock as he saw what his sister was doing

On the other side of the hallway, Hessy can be seen. If it was just her being in a club then it was not that much. After all, if Azarel and Hessy can be here then why can't Hessy?

The thing that shocks these two though was the thing that Hessy doing. She was actually making out with someone

Now, as certified sluts, Azarel and Liza would at most tease Hessy about it. However, things are different right now since the person that Hessy is making out with is another woman

"Fuck, is she trying to steal my light as the gay sibling and cousin?" Azarel mumbled as if he took pride in being those things. "Gosh, that bitch really has no originality. As if she can steal my thunder"

After the initial shock and discontent, Azarel just threw the matter at the back of his head as if Hessy was nothing to him

As of right now, he still has to think about what he should do to make Evren confess to him rather than wonder what letter his sister is in the acronym LGBTQIA+

As such, Azarel just continued walking as if a big revelation did not happen right in front of her eyes

However, Liza is a completely different person. If Azarel would mostly just ignore his sisters, Liza on the other hand wants to thoroughly crush her enemy

As a result, Liza walked towards those two women making out and she pulled the two apart. Liza grabbed the unknown woman in her collar

"Fuck off before I call security" Liza said like an evil witch that terrified the woman as she run away hurriedly

The only people that were left was Liza herself and the clearly drunk Hessy

"Hehehehe, hi" Liza greeted but with Hessy's drunken state, she just wrapped her arms around Liza's nape and starts kissing her

At first, Liza only planned on catching Hessy off-guard and shaming her. She did not expect that she would be kissed though it was kind of sloppy possibly because of Hessy's current state

Now, Liza does not plan on sleeping with Hessy although she already did it with a few women out of curiosity. However, to become Azarel's friend, her heart is also pitch black

She starts to think that if Hessy were to learn that she slept with her enemy, would that not make her embarrassed to death? She might not have a face to face Liza again

Just thinking about it in that way already excites Liza to the extreme

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