Chaotic Romance

Chapter 70: NOT EDITED YET

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September 11 the Year 2022

The next day, Hessy woke up with a splitting headache. As soon as she opened her eyes, the first thing that she saw was the bright lights from the ceiling that causes her to close her eyes again

It took quite some time before she managed to adjust to the bright light and she tried moving but then she felt something in her hands. No, it was on her whole body including her face

As a result, Hessy grabbed one of the things that she can feel around her and stared at it. As soon as she saw what it was, the woman immediately jolted in shock

In her hand was a printed image. The people in the picture were both extremely familiar with her. One is Hessy herself and the other one is her enemy

If it was a normal picture then that is fine but it was not! The picture can only be described ith indecent and Hessy cannot believe that such an image would be possible to exist in this world

In a panic, Hessy looked around the bed that she was in and saw many more printed images of herself and Liza. Each one were them looking very indecent and no matter who looks at them, they would know what they were doing in those pictures

The more seconds that passed, the wider Hessy's eyes becomes as anxiety gripped in her heart as she stared at the pictures around her one by one

"Well, well, well, seems like our sleeping beauty is now awake" a voice suddenly entered Hessy's ears and when she turned to look at the source, she saw none other than the person she does not want to see

At first, Hessy was in a state of extreme panic but then that died down a bit as she realizes something. "Wait ... how long were you sitting there? Did you purposely wait for me to wake up?" she asks in doubt and Liza's cheeks flush red in color

Now that Hessy spoke out loud about what Liza did, she realizes that it was a bit embarrassing. After she had those photos printed out and placing them around Hessy, she waited for around an hour before the woman woke up

In that hour, Liza almost did not move as she does not want her plan to fail. If Hessy woke up without seeing her 'evil posture' then it would not be as satisfying

"T-that's none of your business" Liza said, masking her embarrassment before she continued. "Your business is figuring out what you should do to stop these pictures from leaking"

Hessy clenches her jaw after hearing that but she still tried to feign confidence. "You are also in these pictures, who are you trying to fool?" Hessy asks with a shrug but Liza just looked at her as if she was a sweet and innocent little lamb 

"Do you really think I would care if my nudes were to be made in public? My dear sleeping beauty, I think you are smarter than that" Liza said with a chuckle, and Hessy's face darkened a bit

"Your family might be rich and powerful but is it as rich and powerful as mine?" Hessy retorted. "If my father were to know that you leaked such photos, I know that you are also smart enough to know what he would do" she continued with her arms crossed in front of her

As a member of the Lancaster Family, although Hessy does not plan on walking the same path as her siblings, father, and grandfather, she is also blessed with intelligence. If she were pushed too much, her mind can still work to find loopholes in a situation

"Yeah, I know. But what would happen if his good-for-nothing daughter actually turned out to be gay too? Would she disown you for years trying to convert you back to 'normal' just like what he did to your brother? If that happens, what would you do? " Liza retorted playfully

"Are you really willing to risk your family's demise just for my father to disown me? Psh, I can just say that I was taken advantage of or that I am cured after some time" Hessy replied confidently

She might look like a leech but none from the Lancaster Family is a complete waste! The more Hessy spoke, the more confident she becomes. Her brother and sister are not the only ones that know how to negotiate!

Unfortunately, she was still lacking in experience and she was not as prepared as Liza

"Of course, you can do that but instead of leaking the pictures, I could just send it directly to your father" Liza said with a laugh, especially after seeing how grim Hessy's expression becomes

"And oh, don't worry about trying to act like you were cured of homosexuality or that you don't know what you were doing since you just dig a hole for yourself" Liza said as she pointed in four different directions

One is the lamp in the bedside table, one in the cabinet behind Liza, one on the ceiling, and the last one is at the edge of Hessy's bed

"Why don't you look around you and try to think where we are" Liza said with a chuckle and when Hessy looked at the areas that her enemy pointed at, she saw that there were some cameras placed on them that made her face turn pale

She was actually recorded?

Seeing the fall of the mask that Hessy wore, Liza sat in her chair even more comfortably than before

"Now, why don't we start the real negotiation" Liza said and Hessy can only cry. She thought that she was as amazing as her siblings and she is just too lazy but she did not expect to fall for such an obvious trap! The cameras are not even hidden that well!

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Lancaster Manor

In the dining room, Evren can be seen sitting with a laptop in front of him while seriously reading something on his laptop

On his side was a bowl of grapes that he ate one from time to time

"Woah, Az really didn't hold back at all. One scandal after another of the poached artists was spread. Look at how fast the stock of Wix Company is falling. Look at how bearish the market was" Evren mumbled to himself

This day, Azarel gave him a day off though he really don't do much work already but he was still excited to see the progress of his husband's plan

After all, the exciting job that Azarel said months ago is related to the Wix Company. He cannot wait to do that exciting job already 

When Evren read enough, he closes his, or actually one of Azarel's laptops, and decided to go for some run

His new job took 'most' of his time and he was not able to exercise much which is not allowed. If he were to become fat, how would Azarel be still attracted to him?

Deciding to go for some run, Evren changed to a more comfortable clothes and shoes before he walked out of the Manor

However, before Evren can get out of that ridiculous door, someone already opened it slowly while sticking her head inside

In curiosity, Evren hid and watched what that person would do

With wrinkled clothes, messy hair, and her heels and bags in her hands, Hessy can be seen tiptoeing as she walks towards the staircase

Seeing this appearance of hers, Evren's eyes lit up and he stops hiding. "Well, well, well, if this isn't the infamous walk of shame" Evren 'greeted' while clapping his hands

Instantly, Hessy flinches from surprise as her cheeks turned as red as a tomato. "W-what walk of shame? II don't know w-what you are t-talking about" Hessy bluffed as if Evren would even listen to her

Since there seems to be some piping hot tea that he could get, Evren changed his mind. Fuck exercise, he can do that later, what he needs now is to gossip

"So ... who did you sleep with to be ashamed of it?" Evren asks and the woman glared at him


Although Hessy denied since it was too obvious, Evren naturally would not believe her

"Is it the I got drunk too much and I slept with an ugly guy type of situation?"

"I would rather die than sleep with someone ugly"

"Then is it the I slept with my crush accidentally and now, I am embarrassed as he might think that I am easy"


"Hmm, if it was neither of those two then ... hah! Did you sleep with another woman?"

Evren was originally just joking but after seeing how Hessy coughed exaggeratedly after hearing his words, his eye went wide open

"N-no way! You really slept with a woman!" Evren exclaimed in shock with a loud voice

As a result, Hessy came running towards him to cover his mouth

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