Chasing Him (Book 1)


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“I’m sorry that I kept it from you. I didn’t mean to. I mean I wanted to tell you many times but I couldn’t….” Before Cole could explain any further Kai shut him up. 


“Find the right moment?” Kai sighed, aggressively. Running his hand roughly through his long yet flick hairs. He glances at the night sky, cursing under his breath. 


“Kai, please. You have to trust me.” Cole begged for forgiveness. Surely, it wasn’t something trivial like he committed murder or cheated on Kai but it surely wasn’t something Kai could just let slide off. 


“Why do I have to, Cole? You have so many goddamn chances to tell me the truth and yet you choose to lie.” Kai stared blankly at Cole’s face for a moment before finally saying, “You know what, let’s just take some time apart. We should…” Kai’s breathing was getting harder. 


“No Kai... I’m sorry…please..” 


“We should rethink this whole thing.” Kai breathes softly, hiding the pain in his chest while watching Cole cry into his arms, clutching his legs. It almost let him just give in but he didn’t. 




“Yo! Kai” Jay swung his arm around Kai’s neck, pulling him in, playfully. As they were walking down the hall to their class. 


“Let go of me! Freakin idiot! I can’t breathe!” Kai struggled a little, playing along with Jay’s pranks. 


“You need to suffer this much for stealing the girl I had a crush on.” Jay let go of him, being a little dramatic. He did look pretty mad about Kai going out with the girl Jay had a crush on. 


“I’m not a monk! You gotta tell me early. Now I can’t break her heart for an asshole like you.” Kai snickered, enjoying teasing Jay. 


Jay scoffed, Kai moved his eyes to the corner, glancing at Jay, “Or maybe I can for a friend.” He let out the words, moving his head around, pretending not to talk with Jay. 


“Really? You would do that?” Jay got overly excited. 


Kai laughed, “Of course, when I’m done with her.” He winked at Jay and ran off to the class. 


“You fuckin Pervert!!” Jay shouted catching up with him. As soon as they entered the class, Kai’s seat was full of eating stuff and letters as always. Jay hurried over to eat some. 


Kai slowly followed over, sighing. He started taking the stuff off the table. 


“Being too popular must be troublesome for you.” Issac suddenly appears, swinging his arm around Kai’s shoulder. His eyes never leave Kai’s face as if he will devour him at any chance he might have. 


“Stop eating that!” Kai narrowed his eyes at Jay, he didn’t think of Issac being intimidated that much. Kai was always sure he was pretty straight as a man. So he treated every gay or straight friend equally. 


“I haven’t had breakfast yet. You are not even gonna eat them. Why do you want to waste it? I’m just helping.” Jay’s words muffled up into his mouth as he put the whole sweet bread before speaking. 


“I’ll see you at lunch then?” Issac asked, squeezing Kai’s shoulder. Kai didn’t mind and nodded with a smile. 


“Of course.” 


The class started and it was going boring as always. Theory classes made Kai doze off. He kept staring out of the window and something unusual happened. Seeing people dressed like they were holding a business meeting confused him. 


“Hey!” Kai whispered to Jay. “What’s going on there?” 


Jay carefully looked outside and analyzed, “I heard some Clovis Industries was coming for a speech or something after lunch. Guess the timing changed.” 


Kai looked out again. He could remember hearing the name Clovis Industries before but don’t know where. Suddenly his mind lit up about his dad’s conversation with his secretary. 


“Get Kai to behave properly. I don’t know-how. I’m going to sign a very important project with Clovis Industries in the near future and Kai must be a part of it. You understand?” Kai’s dad, Steven Mccarthy, shouted at his secretary. 


“Yes Sir.” His secretary nodded while sweating down the fear of losing the job while Kai was behind the door listening to it all. He made a promise to himself and decided not to ever be involved with Clovis Industries or anything his dad does. 


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“Back to earth, Kai!” Jay almost shouted at Kai to bring him out of his mind. Kai stared at him surprised. 


“Before you leave the faculty, I would like you all to accompany me to the main halls. Special guests of honor have arrived and I know you all will love it. Let’s go.” The teacher seemed overly excited about the session today. 


“Why do you look so annoyed?” Jay asked, packing his stuff. 


“My dad wants to sign the project with Clovis Industries.” Kai sighs, folding his drawing sheets. 


“Wait. The one that just came for the….” Before Jay could complete his sentence Kai nodded with a tight smile. 


“So what’s the problem? I mean your dad has done many projects with different industries. What are you worried about?” Jay snickers, rolling his eyes, thinking his best friend is just overthinking many things. 


“He especially wants me to get involved in this project,” Kai remarked, swinging his bag around his shoulder. 


Jay looked startled, this was his first time hearing Kai say that his father wants him to take over something. He knows Kai would hate that but it could still be considered an effort from his father’s side. 


“Maybe They are here today to force you to sign the deal. You know ‘dark deals’. The ones you can never get out of. Those deadly mosquitoes buzz around until you finally fulfill the wishes of Satan… Selling your soul to the dark lord…” Jay started to get dramatic, hiring his arms up in the air. As if shooting the scene from historical fiction. 


Until of course, Kai slapped his head, bringing him back to reality, “Jerk!” He shook his head and walked past him. 


“Ow!” Jay rubbed the back of his head, confused, “I was just helping to open your imagination. You never know how the world is going to change.” 


“Of course, but I do know how your face structure is gonna change if you don’t shut up.” Kai smiled, tilting his head as a psychopath would. Which is Jay’s worst fear. A psychopath would kill him one day. 


“Let’s sit here,” Jay suggested, taking on the middle-upper seats for a clear stage view. Which was the last thing on Kai’s list right now. Jay just knows how to get on Kai’s nerves. 


“Let me start with apologizing to you all for taking up your precious time. But I must say it will be all worth it..” The executor announced. 


“Worth it! My ass!” Kai rolled his eyes. 


“Today we have Mr.Cole Anderson with us, the CEO of Clovis Industries. To give us the future we all one day dreamt of.” With that, the sound of clapping burst around the hall. 


Behind the girls were all murmuring about Kai as if they had seen some celebrity. Kai’s eyes were fixed on Cole while he walked up to the mic. Cole’s eyes unexpectedly met Kai’s. At first, Kai ignored thinking he might not be looking at him as there were so many people. 


But it changed as he spoke, “I’m Cole Anderson, the CEO…let’s skip that part. You already know who I am and what I do. I hate wasting my time and of course, I would hate wasting yours as well. Youth time is most precious when put to the right use. As many of you already know, we are always looking forward to young, unique, and fresh talents. Here you are… especially someone who could be really talented.” Cole smirked, staring into Kai’s eyes. 


“Did he mean you?” Jay whispered, getting the same vibe. 


“I don’t know.” Kai kept staring at Cole. “I’m gonna head to the restroom,” Kai whispered to Jay and left. 


Soon after he came out of one of the rooms, he saw Cole washing his hands and staring into the mirror at him. Kai knitted his brows and awkwardly started to wash his hands. 


Kai couldn’t help himself but kept glancing at Cole. Thinking, Cole could be considered more handsome than him or not. He sure had those deep dark eyes and muscular features that every girl would die for. His one smile may kill the whole ‘pretty lady universe’. 


“Do you want to kiss or what?” Cole finally asked after too much glancing. 


Kai looked around and pointed at himself. “Of course. You are the one who can’t take your eyes off me.” Cole raised his brows but he didn’t seem furious. 


Kai scoffed, “Do I know you?” He tried to play it cool but he shouldn’t have. 


Cole swiftly made his way to him. Grabbing his arms and pinning them above his head, shoving him into the wall. Closing the distance between them, “Do you want to?” He whispered, softly. 


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