Cherry On Top

Chapter 20: 13.2

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A/N: This chapter gets... steamy. Feel free to skip this chapter for a fade-to-black effect!


We kiss on the couch, over and over again, each time with a bit more vigor than the previous, each time in a slightly different position.

RJ's hands travel around my body. Her left hand—smooth, slender, and warm—glides along my lower body, cupping my butt and caressing my thighs. Her right hand—rough with bandages—stays on my neck and chin, keeping me in place as she ravages my mouth.

My skin tingles at her every touch. A few hours ago, a different person touched me in some of the same areas, and it was harsh and terrifying. But this... this is nice. Too nice. RJ, despite her intense eyes and passionate tongue, is gentle, so very gentle.

I grab her shirt as though I am clinging for dear life. I am not sure what to do with my hands. I am not even sure what is going on with my mind. It is simultaneously blank and flooded with feelings. All I know is that I want more. More.

We shift around on the couch until RJ perches on top of me, her hips pressed against mine, pinning me down against the cushions.

When she pulls away, she is towering over me, and I have to crane my neck up to look at her. We are both huffing and grinning at each other stupidly.

Lifting my chin, RJ rubs my lips with her good thumb. "Your lips are as soft as I imagined," she whispers.

"You've been imagining?" I say with a breathy giggle.

She kisses me again in response, purposefully sucking at my lips at the end to make a loud smacking noise.

"Of course lah," she says. She traces my neck with her long fingers, sending a shiver down my spine. "Has anyone ever... kissed you anywhere else?"

"What do you mean?"

Again, RJ answers my question with a kiss—but this time, it is a kiss on my neck, the spot where she traced. I yelp a little at the contact. Her lips are cold and wet, and when she sucks at my skin, I cannot help but let out a moan.

As much as I want her back in my mouth, I find myself lifting my neck up to her as she plants a few more kisses, sucking and biting every so often.

When she stops, I look back at her, breath quivering in anticipation.

"Has anyone kissed you here before?" She repeats her question, her dark, narrowed eyes sending flames throughout my body.

"No- No one..."


RJ moves downwards as she keeps kissing. I am shuddering and whimpering with pleasure, and I don't want her to stop. I shake the large jacket off. She pauses, her eyes scanning my upper body.

"Can I take your shirt off?"

Slowly, I nod.

She begins to unbutton my shirt. A few buttons were popped off during the incident in the changing room, and her expression darkens when she realizes it.

"RJ," I warn. I do not want to get into an argument while being undressed.

"Yeah lah, yeah lah," RJ grumbles as she continues to loosen the rest of my shirt. "Whatever lah, I'm the only person who gets to see this anyway, right?"

With that, she flings open my shirt to reveal my black, lacey bra.

A breeze caresses my torso, but RJ's lustful stares are what makes me shiver. Both her fingers and her eyes trace my collarbones, my cleavage, and my stomach.

I have never been this exposed to anybody before, and for some reason, I want to let RJ see me like this. All of me. My heart is beating against my chest, but I pluck up the courage to mutter, "You... can take it all off... if you want."

RJ's eyes flicker towards me as if to scream, Of course I want. She reaches a hand behind my back and easily unhooks my bra.

My body gets a bit colder while RJ's eyes get a bit more lit up.

"God, you're fucking beautiful," she says before leaning down.

A gasp escapes my throat when her lips find my nipple.

Flicking and sucking, her tongue teases both of my swollen buds, as her hands clasp my breasts in a tight grip. My gasps turn into a loud cry when she squeezes my nipple with her bandaged fingers.


"Sorry, did that hurt?" She lifts her head to look at me.

I catch my breath. "A- A little bit."

Without RJ's warm breath, my nipples feel icy cold from the wetness, reminding me just how bare I am. Heat crawls up my cheeks.

"Uh, RJ, maybe... maybe we should do this in my room."

She raises her eyebrows. "Okay." She climbs off of me and picks me up, bridal style.

"R- RJ?" I exclaim. I am hanging awkwardly mid-air, while my shirt and bra have slipped onto the couch. "Put me down lah! My clothes fell!"

"Pick it up then." RJ refuses to put me down, and I have to lean over and grab them. "Which room is yours?"

Hugging my garments close to me, I nod my head towards my room. She marches over, still carrying me effortlessly, and closes the door behind her with her leg. She lays me down on my bed, my back against the headboard.

"You didn't need to carry me sia." I pout.

"Why not? I want to."

"You just want to show off your strength lor."

RJ chuckles. "Maybe."

I tug at her shirt. "You need to take off your clothes leh."

A smirk paints her face. "Yes, ma'am."

She straightens and starts to unbutton in the slowest way possible, as if to taunt me and my naked torso.

Finally, she slips off her sheer blouse and black bra and climbs towards me. Her chest is small, much smaller than mine, but they're perkier. Everything else about her body is bigger though: larger biceps, wider shoulders, wider hips, very well-defined abs...

I gulp. I didn't think RJ could look any more gorgeous than she already is, but here she is, with her light shoulder-length hair framing the most perfect body in the world. She looks like she could be a model for an athletic brand.

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I am not sure where all my courage is coming from, but I find myself asking, "Can I... Can I try kissing you... there too?"

RJ notices where my eyes are looking. She straddles and leans over me so my face is a few inches away from her chest.

"Go ahead."

Tentatively, I cup my hands around her breasts. They are just enough to fill my palms, and I find myself ogling stupidly at them.

"I... Do I just... I don't know..."

RJ places her hands on my head. "Do whatever you want lah. I'll like it."

I stick my tongue out and lean forward. The little bud is small but firm, and tastes a little salty, reminding me of a soft pearl of an oyster. RJ's fingers slide into my hair, massaging my head as I explore her chest. The more I try to taste, the more her hips grind into mine; the more her breath hitches, the more my mind whirs in excitement.

And then I hear it—RJ's moan.

It's faint, with a pitch I've never heard from RJ before. I never thought I would ever hear a sound like that in my life, especially from RJ. And it's like music to my ears.

I stare at her in awe.

Her head is rolled back. When she realizes I've stopped, she looks down at me and laughs. "Chloe, come on lah. Don't stop when it's getting good."

"Oh, s- sorry—"

She grabs my face and kisses me on my forehead. "It's okay lah. Your first time." A playful glint flashes across her eyes as she pushes me back against the headboard. "Sit back and learn, Cherry."

I want to protest—I want to promise to do better—but she kisses my nipple again and my mind goes blank. She continues what we were doing in the living room, but ten times more vigorous, and ten times more pleasurable. She squeezes, licks, twists, and flicks, while I cannot do anything but squirm and moan under her.

After long moments of bliss, she stops, giving me time to catch my breath. I slump against the headboard, exhausted, until I feel her hands pulling at my pants.

Immediately, I sit up and grab her hands.

"RJ, no! I... I've never... I've never done this before..."

RJ gives me a gentle kiss on my lips as she coos, "I know lah, and I want to show you." Her eyes bore into mine, imploring, pleading. "Trust me, Chloe. Let me show you, can?"

I am overwhelmed with both curiosity and fear, but the former—with a mix of lust and desire—take over. "O- Okay, but- but I'm scared..."

"I'll be gentle," RJ promises. She maintains her eye contact with me as she wiggles my shorts off, followed by my panties. Oh god, they're soaked. They're soaked, and RJ is touching them as she pulls them off.

I am now fully bare, fully naked, fully vulnerable, laying in front of RJ's hungry, scanning eyes. My cheeks heat up, along with the lower parts of my body—the parts RJ is heavily scrutinizing.

She lowers her head, and I exclaim again, "RJ, what? W- What are you going to do there?" I've never thought much about what goes on between women when they're intimate, and no one ever talks about it around me. And now, my mind is frantic.

Her hand reaches to grab mine, squeezing in encouragement. "I'm going to give you the treatment you deserve," she says as she plants a few kisses on my thighs.

"I- But- Wait, I..."

"Trust me, Chloe." RJ's mouth is now dangerously close to my core, and my heart is dangerously close to exploding.

"I- I do, but- but... there? I just..." Is this normal? Is this what people do? Is this what girls do? Why would anybody want to kiss there? That's where... I think about all the unsexy bodily functions that happen down there. There's no way RJ would...

Her tongue touches my folds, and all thoughts disappear from my mind.

A sharp gasp flies out of my mouth as my eyes roll back. The feeling is indescribable. I've never felt anything so good, so arousing, so... raw.

Her playful tongue swirls around, sending waves of pleasure through me. Her warm breath heightens the bliss, while her strong fingers dig into my thighs, keeping me in place. I let myself moan as loudly as I want, as loudly as I need, while my head rolls all over the headboard.

I am not sure what RJ is doing exactly, but whenever I glance at her, she is staring up at me intensely—observing, watching, learning—as she drives me closer and closer to the edge.

When the tension rises in me, my grasp on the bedsheet tightens and my hips lift. RJ seems to understand what I need. She wraps her hand around my butt and plunges her tongue deeper. My screams—and my mind—goes crazier as RJ goes crazier inside me. All kinds of sounds are coming from my mouth, sounds I can't even describe, sounds I never even knew I could make.

And then, the sensation peaks.

A floodgate of pure, unadulterated bliss rushes through me, as I scream out RJ's name over and over again like a plea. My thigh muscles jerk uncontrollably before my entire body loses all energy and I roll down onto the bed, gasping and panting.

RJ crawls over me, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Her brown hair tickles my shoulders as she smiles at me, her lips glistening with my fluid.

I am still reeling from the experience, so I just stare back at her as I breathe.

"How was it?" she asks.

I nod my head vigorously.

Her smile widens. I've never seen her smile like this before. She has dimples on her cheeks when she really smiles. They're faint, but they're so cute.

She plops her head into the hollow of my neck and laughs.

"What?" I say through my panting.

"Don't know lah. I'm happy." She presses her head further into me. "I'm happy I made you cum."

"Oh... That's what that was?"

RJ's head flies up, her expression a mix of shock and exasperation. Then, she laughs again. "We can keep trying if you're not sure."

I am not at all opposed to that idea, so I giggle along with her. A question pops up in my head. "How does it... How do I taste like ah?"

RJ raises her eyebrows. "You wanna try?"

I nod, and RJ pulls me in for a kiss, a small smirk on her lips.

Her kiss is as sweet and heavenly as ever, but the taste of tropical punch juice is gone now. Instead, it is acidic. Acidic, with a bit of a peculiar taste I can't quite pinpoint.

RJ parts from me and looks at me expectantly.

"That's... interesting," I say. "Is this... Is this how yours will taste like too?"

"I don't know." RJ grins. "Try it lor and let me know."

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