Cherry On Top

Chapter 29: 17.3

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RJ peers up at me, lips on my hand, her question hanging in the air between them. I am still reeling from her heartfelt speech, and as her lips part from me, a faint gasp escapes my throat. I feel a shudder running from my fingers to my body, while blood rushes up to my cheeks.

I manage to croak, "Of- Of course I will lah..."

RJ's puffy eyes light up.

"Just don't ignore me like that again," I add. "At least give me a sign, or- or get someone to tell me, or something lah."

She nods solemnly. "I promise. I learned my lesson. I will tell you when things are happening." Still grasping my hand, she pats me on my hip—the side of my school uniform that holds my phone—and smiles. "But I can text you now."

"Finally lah." A pout grows on my lips. "I have so many messages I sent to your phone that I have to resend now sia."

RJ extends her hand to wrap it around my waist. "Send them again. I'll read them all."

I cannot help but chuckle. "Not all lah, some of them are homework questions."

"I can help with that. I can call you to explain too if you want."

"The homework was submitted already lah. Already failed them liao."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? It's my fault for not paying attention in class lah. Also, my mother is going to scold you for making me cry."

Fear flashes across RJ's eyes. "Oh, shit, seriously?"

I chuckle again. "Kidding lah. So when are your remedial lessons held?"

"Every Wednesday, this time, lecture hall four."

"Lecture hall four?" I groan. I should've known that they are held in a larger location, not this small, hidden classroom. I should've known Jon was lying.

Then again, I would've missed this much-needed reunion with RJ if I had known all that.

"Okay, I can talk to Devan to get those days off my schedule permanently," I say.

"Your boss at your new job?"

I nod. "You should visit me one of these days. I am in charge of coming up with the specials sometimes."

"I'll try. How are you liking it?"

"It's nice... Well, no, I love it a lot actually. I... I think it was a really good decision."

"Good. I knew you'd be happier."

As RJ's smile widens, I notice the bags under her swollen eyes. I pull my hand away from hers to caress them. "RJ, how many classes are you teaching?"

"A couple."

My brows furrow. I don't know exactly how much RJ is working, but I know that what she's doing requires her to do tons of prep work in her free time. And on top of all that, she has her regular schoolwork and extracurriculars, which she clearly cares a lot about.

"Don't work yourself too hard, can?" I mutter.

"But I have to lah. And I want to."

I let out an exasperated sigh. Stubborn fool. Is this how my mother feels?

"I can't believe you lah." I shake my head. "You're doing all this just to secretly hang out with me in your lessons sia. Is this even worth it?"

"Of course it is. It will be. No matter how difficult it is, it will be worth it one. I believe it."

My heart warms and crumbles at the same time. "RJ..."

Tears stream down my face, and RJ quickly wipes them away. "I mean it, okay?" she says, her thumb lingering at my cheeks.

Then, she leans forward to kiss me.

Finally, a kiss. After so many days, I finally get another kiss from RJ.

I close my eyes, enthralled by the feeling of her lips against mine, her passion, the taste of her.

When we part, the room is too silent for my liking. Oh, crap. Talking to RJ made me forget that there are other people in the room. Emma, Adrian, Jon, and Logan are at the other end of the classroom, but their conversations have ceased. My face heats up and I pull away from RJ.

"Why did you kiss me?" I groan.

"Sorry." The little smirk on her face shows that she isn't sorry, however. She clears her throat. "Okay, let's all go to the remedial lesson now."

I give everyone an abashed glance as we walk toward them. Emma is avoiding my eye contact, her face flushed red, while Adrian makes an exaggerated gagging gesture. Jon and Logan, on the other hand, have a strange amused look in their eyes... Wait, were they enjoying it?

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"Dude, that's hot," Logan remarks, earning a smack in the head from both Jon and Adrian.

RJ raises her eyebrows. "Not upset anymore that I stole your crush?"

I blink. What? Logan had a crush on me?

"Aiya, what to do? By now I'm used to all the best girls being gay liao lor."

"Good to know I'm one of the best girls."

"Oh, not you though."

While RJ and Logan banter back and forth, I fearfully turn to my friends. I admitted to so much during my outburst, and I am not sure how they are taking it. Adrian is as nonchalant as ever, but Emma... She is wearing a frown. Fear grips me. I have not told her about my relationship with RJ, and I am afraid of what she's going to say...

"Eh, Chloe, I didn't know we could buy your time to hang out lor," Emma says. "That's not fair. I want to chip in too."

I blink. That is not what I expected to hear. Relief fills me, followed by another wave of panic as I process what she said. "Emma, no. Don't you dare give me money."

"But we haven't hung out properly in so long, Chloe."

"I- I know, but you need the money too lah."

Emma is about to counter with an argument of her own when RJ interjects, "You should come to the remedial lessons too, Emma."

"Oh." Emma takes a few seconds to consider. "Yeah, you know what? Sure. I kinda need to go anyway."

"You too, Adrian." RJ shifts her feet. "Um, sorry for pushing you just now by the way."

Adrian shrugs. "It's alright."

Emma turns to Adrian and beams. "So you gonna go also?"

"No," is his deadpan answer.

Emma slaps him on his arm. "Oi! Just come lah! Come with me so I don't end up being a third wheel leh!"

"But I don't need to!"

"What else do you even have to do? Stop watching anime and go to remedial lessons with me lah!"

Logan and Jon pop into the scene just as Emma is wringing Adrian's arm mercilessly.

"Eh, you two going for RJ's remedial lesson?" Logan asks excitedly. "Same! I'm failing!"

"No, I'm doing really well in school," Adrian insists.

"Jon also, but he's going too!"

"Wait, I am?" Jon asks incredulously.

"Of course you are. Shut up and come lah," RJ chimes in, and that stops any further argument from him.

"Oh." Adrian's eyes widen behind his glasses. A small smile tugs on his lips. "Okay then, I'll go too."

RJ turns to me. "Ready to go?"

I nod, clutching the envelope that RJ gave me. It is as heavy as the load that left my mind. "RJ, thank you... for everything."

She gives my hand a squeeze. "Let's go lah, nǚ péng yǒu."


My heart flutters at the words. I watch as RJ marches out of the classroom with everyone else, as she goes back to her cool, confident posture, and her fierce, intense expression.

She calls me her girlfriend, but we have to sneak kisses in classrooms and talk using secret phones. I have never envisioned our relationship to be like this. Then again, I have never envisioned ever being in a relationship with RJ. Is this normal? Is this what a relationship should be like?

Is being with RJ worth all this trouble? Am I wasting RJ's time?

"Chloe?" Emma asks, jolting me back from my thoughts. "You okay?"


I notice RJ looking back at me as well. Her eyes are still a little swollen, and they are now filled with concern. She mouths the same question. My heart flutters again.

This relationship may be strange and difficult, but as RJ said—as my mother said—it'll be worth it. It has to be.

"Yeah," I say again, this time with a lot more conviction. "Yeah, I am."

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