Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 78: 74: Threads Entangle

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"Go for it!" Tsunade called out to the girl a few paces before her, "You'd be surprised at how effective this is at letting off some tension. Just try to let loose! You'll feel better."

Up ahead, Sumika acknowledged with a hesitant nod and a hazy expression, but Tsunade caught a glimpse of the girl's eyebrows furrowing in... concentration? Confusion? Perhaps both? For someone so young, her expressions were often challenging to interpret.

Instead of roaring with glee or launching an attack right away, as most of her clansmen likely would have, the girl seemed a bit at a loss. She just lightly twirled around the five chains protruding from her back like some kind of stretch, and then shuffled back and forth with her footwork.

All in all, Sumika seemed more preoccupied than... enthusiastic.

Tsunade supposed that was only fair, if at bit at odds with her preconceptions about Uzumaki and Senju in general. Her grin slid a bit at the thought of her own... youthful behavior in the past.

Honestly, though! The girl practically epitomized a rowdy and vivacious Uzumaki youngster, in most all respects except temperament. That part was harder and harder to understand. An Uzumaki that calm would usually have half a century under their belt at least, and even then they'd harbor a frightful temper. Lady Mito was a pointed example, as the Sannin knew firsthand.

All of which led Tsunade to believe that Sumika was even more of an outlier, and one in dire need to let loose. A child of her lineage and strength that wound-up, that suppressed, would be at risk of exploding with tension. Heavens knew Tsunade would have at that age.

And after the conversation they'd shared on the bench, Tsunade felt pleased and optimistic about the progress they were making. That perhaps talking about it now was the correct choice after all.

The Sannin claimed no special skill with her words, as that was more Dan's forte, but how she spoke was real — an honest reflection of her feelings. And for her efforts, something had seemed to change in Sumika's eyes, and the way she stared at her own chains now held a sparkling appreciation.

And what a marvelous ability they were!

As Tsunade took that moment to admire them, two of the brilliant amethyst appendages flexed and shot forward ten meters — impaling into a wooden target. Concentrated bursts of shards and splinters blasted out and around the training post, both front and back.

At the sight, the Sannin pursed her lips and focused. Grandmother would want to know all about this...

Just then, Sumika turned back to look at her, eyes vaguely tracing between Tsunade and the thoroughly-pierced target,

"Was that alright? I think... it was weaker than I thought." her tone came out half worried, half distracted.

Weaker? Tsunade eyed the splintered posts skeptically, a hesitant palm on her chin.

...The girl was worried... that such a strike was too weak? Heavens above... and she was only using two of those chains. Two of five. Tsunade had hardly ever heard of children her age even awakening them at all. Though surely Masumi's legacy would harbor some innate talent for it...

"N-no, it's all fine Sumika-chan. If that didn't feel like your best, then keep trying until you're really feeling it." After observing a strange look on the girl's face, Tsunade thought to add, "The targets are nothing special. You can let loose and practice on as many as you want to. Relax and let it out to your heart's content, I mean it!"

In fact, Tsunade would only encourage it. For a multitude of reasons.
Regardless of the girl's current prowess, the Sannin knew how good it felt to bust up large boulders and training dummies after getting into a rhythm for it. The exercise was cathartic for people of their lineage. But more than that, for the future they needed to know what the girl was capable of. Depending on her level of skill and general aptitude, their flexibility and options for integrating her here in Konoha would vary greatly.

But while Tsunade pondered, the only reply from Sumika was, "Huh? Err, that's..." along with a small shake of her head.


Confused, the Sannin also nearly missed a murmur that followed, "Just trying not to make a mess..." followed by something unintelligible.

Accompanying these mutters, the two extended chains slowly returned to float above the girl's back, and she began to stare at her hands, clenching and unclenching her fists.

Then another snippet could be heard, "... not to damage the trees..."

The trees?

Tsunade glanced behind, eyeing the row of trees which flanked the training field. They were a solid fifteen meters away... and facing the opposite direction. Why would Sumika being worrying about that..?

While the Sannin was looking away, she felt Sumika begin amassing chakra and the girl's presence intensify.

"Relax... and let it out, huh? I... I guess I can do that." came the child's voice, tinged with something like airiness, "Let it out..."

Hearing this, Tsunade swung her gaze around just in time to see the girl practically drench her body in chakra, dust unsettling and patches of grass all around Sumika's feet flattening, crushed into the ground.

The Sannin basked in the feeling, a terse smile once again creeping onto her face as her eyes stared acutely.

Now this, this presence... this was the roiling and vigor one would expect from their family. And the girl had been keeping such a tight lid on it... for how long?

With a sound like that of releasing a breath, Sumika darted forward — and with her fist filled with chakra, struck the damaged wooden pillar before her. Which promptly cratered and split into chunks. Violently.

The fragments barely had time to fall a few centimeters before the amethyst chains fanned out from the girl's back and stabbed through the remnants, pinning them to the ground with such speed that they ruptured.

As a cloud of dust and wooden shards billowed up around Sumika's silhouette, Tsunade gawked. Analyzing the strike, it clearly showed a familiar ruthless efficiency as well as brutal physical power. A mentality for combat, too, certainly. The chains themselves were maneuvered dexterously and timed excellently for a follow-on strike. A simple, one-two finisher attack... and one that could easily be lethal.

But that wasn't all. With a flicker, Sumika darted to the side, demolishing two more posts in rapid succession.

To the left, vertically bisecting a portly wooden practice pillar by leaping into the air, slashing with two chains to create a wedge, then landing atop it with a stomp that blasted the two halves apart. To the right, three chains wrapped around a thinner shuriken target and squeezed, crumpling the lighter wood until it splintered and shattered. The spiked links of each chain kept grinding away as they wound around the chunks in their grasp until naught was left but sawdust.

Both attacks occurred simultaneously, and with the leverage gained from her stomp, Sumika leaped backwards to land once more in the center of the destruction. Bracing herself on the ground with one arm and crouched low, the five chains hovered over her back, ready to strike in any direction.

Eyeing the ground, the Sannin noticed a few shards and debris scattered and spread even around where she currently stood.

Tsunade chewed her lip, appreciating now Sumika's comment about the trees.

Still braced in a combat poise, the girl in question glanced up from her devastated targets for a moment, just enough for her face to be clearly visible.

And therein lay what surprised Tsunade the most. Not the destruction of Sumika's attacks, but the expressionless look on her face and her dispassionate demeanor. That look was well-known to anyone with long-term combat experience. A perfectly blank, faraway look of concentration. Not one commonly found on the rowdy Uzumaki.

For an instant, flashes of autopsies and the words of her teammates crossed the Sannin's mind. Of the corpses they'd found in the Land of Hotsprings. Tsunade had known it before, but here it was proven again before her eyes. It felt more real. This child had been forced into life and death before... and developed both the physical and mental capacity to kill.

Adaptive, resourceful, dexterous... come to think of it, Tsunade even recognized some of the girl's moves as similar to ones used during the earlier sparring. Observant and intuitive too, then.
She... was capable alright, definitely beyond the level most Genin could boast. But what to do, what to do...? This was more than enough leeway in strength to work with for a cover story.

Before Tsunade could brood much about all that the girl may have gone through to reach this point, Sumika herself called out,

"That... did actually make me feel a bit better." Her words sounded louder than before, a warm element of genuine cheer coloring the calmness of her voice.

What truly lifted Tsunade's thoughts away from gloom, however, was the small smile that flashed across Sumika's face. One that truly reflected in the girl's eyes as well. It was subdued, but palpably heartfelt. A kind filled with feeling that wouldn't ever be seen in someone who had lost their heart. The sudden worry and darkness lingering in the Sannin's thoughts promptly abated.

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In the meantime, while relaxing her posture, the girl stood and her chains hovered dormant behind her. Her intense chakra presence gradually eased as well.

"Is... this a good level? This much is okay, right?" After these next words though, Sumika's expression reverted to neutrality once more, tone tinged more with alert curiosity than pleasant catharsis. Moreover, the child's eyes were glancing off to the trees once more, this time with eyebrows narrowed.

Following the gaze, a glimpse of light caught the corner of Tsunade's eyes. Scanning closer, the Sannin noted a paper seal pasted across one of the tree trunks, glowing softly. Doubtless one of Grandmother's barrier anchors to ward away prying eyes.

Ahh, 'a good level', eh?

Not only had she a mind for combat, but Sumika was mindful and deductive as well. She was being cautious of outside observers or accidentally compromising the barrier, then? Even now? Or perhaps even reading deeper into Tsunade's intentions? For an Uzumaki, keeping a calm head even while riling up that much chakra was...

A confusing, mixed thrill and pride filled Tsunade once more, as it often did whenever she considered Sumika's potential and aptitude recently. Just imagining what she could do with formal instruction... the idea alone filled Tsunade once more with a immense desire to train and teach the girl.

With a chuckle, the Sannin swiveled back to face Sumika, adding "It shouldn't be a problem, really. As you see, these estates are secured and few but us even use them. But you're right, this a good level. To anyone observing, your actions just now would appear exceptional, but not alarming."

At that, Tsunade waved a hand indicating the patch of rubble and churned-up earth off in the distance left over from her sparring with Dan.

"I go overboard all the time, but this barrier doesn't leak even my presence. It should be tough enough to suppress chakra signatures from most any observers." pausing a moment, she continued, "Still though, five chains... we should consult Grandmother about that. It may not be best to show exactly how talented you are."

"I... see. That's something I will keep in mind. Appearances... are important." Sumika's voice grew pensive once more, far more so than Tsunade would have expected.

The girl's hand then moved to her neck, drawing the woman's gaze. Sumika's fingers slid, ever so gently, caressing around the grey mufflers Tsunade had gifted her. Such a simple motion, but it touched something in the Sannin's heart.

At the same time, Sumika brought one of her chains before her face, her other hand grasping it and peering closely at the amethyst coloring. The look in her eyes filled with another depth of emotion that Tsunade could barely fathom, composed of something like both melancholy and gratitude.

"Talented..." the girl's single word lingered in the air with a heaviness that weighed on the Sannin's excitement, the woman's smile slowly fading.

"Is it really... talent? I, I guess I was just doing what felt right. It's sort of hard to... to think while actually acting." Sumika added after a short silence, her voice calm but her eyes distant, "It only really comes this readily with my chains."

Ah... that was something Tsunade could understand. Her heart squeezed, for she'd felt that sentiment before, well, if not in these exact circumstances.

Approaching the girl, the Sannin knelt close, a hand on Sumika's shoulder and looking directly into her eyes. From what Tsunade had learned, even suppressed and reserved as the girl was, Sumika was responsive to sincerity. And whatever else the Sannin might be lacking, she could provide sincerity. Hopefully that would give the beleaguered girl some solace, some confidence.

"Sumika-chan, thank you."
A gentle confusion showed in the child's eyes, capturing her attention away from whatever distant thoughts were troubling her. With such rapt focus achieved, Tsunade continued, gesturing to the amethyst links still in Sumika's hand, "Thank you for showing me your special gift, symbol of a precious bond. Your amethyst chains are every bit as brilliant as your mother's azure. I shall always remember your color, too."

With that, she pulled the girl closer into a hug. A heart-piercing affection welled up the woman when Sumika immediately reciprocated the embrace. No matter what the girl had gone through, and no matter what help she needed, Sumika was precious family. That much was a given.

"Talent. There's no other word for it. It should be exhausting to wield five chains, shouldn't it? But you danced through excellent and formidable strikes with each and every one. I-, Masumi-san... your mother would undoubtedly be so proud. It feels as if she lives on through the gift you share."

"Tsunade...-san" the girl's voice hesitated, taut with unexpressible emotion. "I..."

The Sannin couldn't see if the expression on her face had changed, but it was clear enough that the woman's words had made an impact.

Stroking the back of Sumika's head, Tsunade closed her eyes and affirmed silently in her heart. Just like with the body, the heart needed to relax and let out pent-up stress as well. It's seems this was a good approach after all.

"I... these chains really are..." the child's voice choked quietly, "a very important gift. I- I didn't know, I didn't realize they have... always been... so close to my heart."

Lifting her eyelids, Tsunade gazed down at Sumika's back at the point where her chains had manifested. Sure enough... their point of origin was just a few centimeters shy from the center of the child's heart. Close in more ways than one.

Tsunade could only nod solemnly.

"Yes, and it seems you might wield them with your heart, as well. After all, that's where love resides."

A shudder seemed to run through Sumika at those words.

Perhaps the girl was realizing something beyond the level that someone else could understand, one with deep and personal meaning. When it came to jutsu users of special techniques and kekkei genkai, Tsunade knew that often feeling, connection, and perception could make all the difference. But Sumika had been all alone... with no guidance, no support.

"Is that...? The feeling I get when I use them now... I don't know the words. But the feeling when I use them, it's so, so much..."

With that, the girl pulled back slightly and looked blankly at her palms. Her normally sleek eyes had reddened around the edges, but no tears leaked from them. Slowly, those eyes closed and her tense shoulders slumped. As well, the chains dissipated.

Tsunade figured that it must be have been taxing to have kept them active for so long. Probably best to make sure Sumika gets a meal in her soon, after all this exertion. Yet while thinking this, Tsunade detected a presence making itself known at the edge of the training grounds. Looking through her peripheral vision, she noted the masked ANBU... Geki, who bowed and indicated Sumika.

With a slight shake of her head, the Sannin placed her index finger to her lips, miming for silence. Whatever it was couldn't be urgent if they weren't interrupted immediately. Unless that was just Grandmother's ANBU being tactful. Geki, however, merely bowed again and waited.

Yet soon after, with eyes still downcast and gazing at her palms, Sumika whispered, "It isn't like this with the others..."

"Sumika-chan?" Tsunade prompted softly, reaching out to the girl's shoulder once more.

"I don't really know how to control... my kekkei genkai. But even with the chains, I just know basically... what feels right. I..."

Sumika lifted her head to look at Tsunade. The Sannin saw a new resolve reflected in those eyes, yet ever-hounded by fear.

"I want to understand. I want to use them! I want to be able to use them!" her young voice filled with pleading, imploring, only to strangle back into something distressed, a tone heartrending to hear, "But it's so dangerous... I know that too well. I just don't want to get hurt anymore..."

A wish not to be hurt, an earnest wish from a child.

Tsunade felt her solemn grief come rushing back. All of the people she lost, friends and family. Of her resolve to guard her heart. Of the death that followed still. Of the fear and pain that filled her at the thought of losing Dan. And the girl who help save him. A child who also lost family. A child who always struggled alone, who didn't understand herself. A child whose very nature and physiology attracted danger.

"If you want to control those gifts, to master them, we will help you. I will help you. Let your talents be your strength, and they will help you more than they can ever haunt you."

The Sannin's eyes hardened, staring into the mask of Geki in the distance, who no doubt heard everything. The ANBU's gauntlets were still stained faintly with blood, and she gave Tsunade a firm nod.

None of them here would allow such hurt to befall the child again. And now their preparations would soon complete.


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