Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 79: 75: Entangle into a Weave

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A rare focus guided Sumika's attention.

The kind of focus that came effortlessly, from within.

This had not come about spontaneously, but rather built up stronger and stronger over the last few hours.

Loosening some of the tension within herself and then confiding in Tsunade had assuaged many of the girl's immediate distractions. But the outpouring of sentiment and affinity regarding her chains had unveiled a new world of perspective.

Such things offered another source of stability with which to reorient herself. And thinking from this new vantage, this new perspective, allowed her to more readily plan and prepare a path forward.

A path that she wanted to pursue, bearing all of the conflicting priorities in her mind, but organized one step at a time. And despite the fears still welling in her heart, a plan she could feel comfortable with was coming together... for however long she could keep it up.

Talking with Tsunade further, that part seemed to be the crux of the matter.

Choices to make. Desires she could put into words. What they would need to accomplish for such things to be possible. And critically, how they would need to act. Sumika had discussed, listened to explanations, and pondered over these matters in the prior days, but now the specifics were growing more and more concrete.

All of this became possible... after Sumika quietly expressed but a single decision. One she felt ready to make, now, thanks to Tsunade's help. But it felt truly empowering to have done, which further encouraged her to focus onward.

And as if waiting for just such a decision, the Sannin had pounced on the topic with vigor, providing numerous suggestions and examples, as well as insight in general. Further, ideas on the types of training which might be best suited for Sumika given her earlier demonstration. Just as a basis, taijutsu and kusarijutsu [鎖術] The martial art of fighting using Chains. 'Kusari' meaning 'Chain'. Much like 'Ken' in Kenjutsu, which is for swords. seemed likely candidates, as well as aptitudes for fūinjutsu and medical ninjutsu.

Then, they went onto what sorts of arrangements could be provided. The kinds of skills Sumika wished to learn most, and those which she might be best or least developed in. What training regimens or schedules looked like for other shinobi. Resources for studying and the facilities available to her. Opportunities to work on medicine and healing with Tsunade personally, who had a particularly bright shine in her eyes with that suggestion.

And lastly, the Sannin mentioned areas where the girl could train her... two kekkei genkai without prying eyes. Sumika flinched with some measure of awkwardness and uncertainty on that particular point still, but... well, that matter most of all would need another round of consideration. She resolved to set aside some time to reflect and reassess after sorting out that which she had already decided on.

These were all items and priorities for Sumika, after all, so there was truly much to consider.

Such were their topics of conversation, albeit mostly on Tsunade's part, as the two had made their way to a small dining room, sharing a meal to recover from the morning's exertion. Though Sumika wasn't exactly starving, it was a hearty and hefty meal indeed, which proved full with a variety of foods completely new to Sumika, in particular skewers of meat.

Tsunade had apparently also revised her stance on the girl's diet since the medical check, too, with Sumika's apparent health warranting fewer precautionary restrictions. Though mention of this stirred up some lingering doubts about the true status of her body and health, all told, Sumika was delighted by this change. And she indulged... extensively.

Meat being... a food Sumika could not remember having much access to throughout her life, she was more than a little excited to savor the tastes of different fowl and poultry, and even mused idly about continuing the prospects of her previous experiments with nutrition.

Mentioning that interest in passing to Tsunade had elicited another bone-creaking hug, as well as some teary comments regarding how 'too visible' said bones of hers were, and further a promise to sample all sorts of new foods together.

For a girl like Sumika, this news was akin to an omen of great fortune, and consequently improved her mood and outlook by no small margin. Though sweets were still the best in Sumika's heart, hefty portions of meat proved viscerally satisfying in an entirely different way, so the two were now on the same level in her estimation.

This burgeoning avenue of self-exploration and culinary appreciation once more brought to Sumika's attention how much she truly still had to learn about herself, as well as more feelings of gratitude that she managed to survive thus far.

Yet after their long and expansive discussion began to wind down, Tsunade had excused herself, citing a need to head back to the hospital. In particular, for analyzing Sumika's blood sample — something which the Sannin insisted was a necessary step in constructing a complete and thorough picture of the girl's health. But... despite accepting that this matter be left in Tsunade's hands, Sumika would await those results with both great interest... and great trepidation.

At least today though, it felt somewhat easier to put this and similar worries out of her mind. Ever since... well, ever since she began to feel closer to her kekkei genkai and abilities. Closer to... herself, the person she felt herself becoming — or perhaps, rediscovering? Matters regarding herself felt as confusing as ever, just confusing in newer ways.

While the exact nature of Sumika's altered mindset eluded even her own proper understanding, Tsunade had given her enough words to work around with it in her heart. And whenever she felt the presence of her chains within, ready to manifest the instant she willed them to... well, Tsunade had not lied: it made her feel closer to the mother from whom she'd been separated.

Alone, but not alone. Apart, but not apart. Together, yet not together. A longing blended with a peacefulness.
Similar, in a way, to the feelings brought by her earmuffs, or hairclasp.

And those feelings were themselves a gift of another kind, one which she had Tsunade to thank for realizing. With them came another piece of herself, and Sumika again felt just a bit less hollow inside. An indication that, as time went on, these struggles she faced were indeed improving after all.

From there, in the moments of solitude following Tsunade's departure, the intensified focus Sumika now felt had emerged more fully, increased by the quadruple satisfactions of a good meal, emotional catharsis, pleasant atmosphere, and productive conversation.

The four of which brought to her a sense of stability she would have thought impossible just a few hours prior. Sumika hadn't felt this collected, perhaps.... since the few days before she met Tsunade and Dan in the Land of Hotsprings?

That chance encounter in the hilly forests around the Yamakuni Sanctuary had accelerated Sumika's former plans to the point where they could barely be called 'plans' in any real capacity. Just choices, instincts, and hopes. There had been no time to methodically and cautiously plan as she wished, no time to focus on each of the burning questions facing her. And only now was she even catching up to the reality of her situation.

But it had turned out for the better. Somehow at least, this path she walked seemed like it had a future, so long as she was careful. So long as she was able to respond and decide when it was asked of her.

At that moment, as if on cue, another familiar figure flickered into the now-silent dining room with Sumika.

It was Geki, the ever-active ANBU and someone Sumika was expecting. That is, Sumika had already made inquiries about speaking with Lady Mito, and Geki served as her messenger.

In fact, Geki had actually met both her and Tsunade back at the training grounds to relay her tidings, but the masked kunoichi before Sumika's eyes now sported a much cleaner and more orderly appearance. The ANBU earlier had smelled faintly of blood, and her armor bore fading stains and scrapes indicative of combat.

Sumika at the time, though attentive and alarmed by these signs, had opted not to comment. Especially since Tsunade had emphasized, in a rather sympathetic tone, that whatever Geki wanted to relay could wait until after a meal, which Tsunade and Sumika would already need after their morning exertions. This was acknowledged; However, the ANBU had not accompanied them for their meal, now evidently having used that time to rest and freshen up instead.

But now she was back, and that meant it was time to handle their prearranged affairs.

"Sumika-sama, my lady wishes me to relay her great interest in addressing the matters you raised as well as those previously discussed, and that she would be available throughout the day today, any time after a short notice is given to prepare. Do you have preferred time in mind already?"

Sumika rose from the seat she'd being lingering in at the quiet, emptied table and closed her eyes.

For a moment she gathered her thoughts again, acknowledging that now was the calmest and most confident she'd felt in a long time. Confident that she could make the decisions asked of her, or that the opportunities presented were worth the risks involved. Without getting overwhelmed so much again.

Opening her eyes again, she stared at the ANBU's mask and nodded,

"Would now work as well? Waiting any longer might..." her soft voice resounded clearly, but she trailed off, not wishing to lend any breath to her doubts.

Fortunately Geki seemed to understand, pointing to the opposite doorway and replying, "Very well, please follow this hall back to the Lady's chambers on the same path as before, and wait until she calls you in. I shall notify her immediately."

With that, the ANBU flickered away once more, promptly as ever and leaving Sumika to walk alone in the unique muffled atmosphere of the estate's halls.

Just yesterday, the girl had followed the sound of Tsunade's voice and eavesdropped on the conversations in Lady Mito's chambers, but Sumika had still made careful mental note of the path she'd taken to get there from the sitting room. Said sitting room was nearly adjacent to the present dining room, so the directions in her head were clear.

But, from the ANBU's phrasing and assumption that Sumika could find her own way... apparently Geki was aware of her little unsupervised foray yesterday, too, which prickled the hairs on the back of Sumika's neck to think about.

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Just from the snippets and observations she'd made in her short time out in the wider world, and especially in recent weeks, Sumika recognized that all the secrecy, clandestine activities, and indirect words were crucial in the world of shinobi. However intense the stakes or however violent the activity, Sumika knew all too well that such things could be important and necessary. Her own regrettable experiences with danger, war, and secrecy instilled this precocious wisdom, providing some awareness even if she also recognized that she wasn't all that skilled at responding or participating.

Heavens attest, the very ANBU she'd just spoken to not even minutes prior was likely involved at the highest levels of such, their armor stained with blood and apparently without even a chance for rest in days. This was the world of shinobi soldiers, of intrigue and secrecy, of might and power. And Sumika was in the den of it all...

She shook her head solemnly in the halls, expression relaxed into that of her natural neutrality, as she searched her resolve.

From now on, perhaps it would be prudent to assume that Lady Mito and her followers would know everything that went on in this estate. In some ways, that was the best practical reassurance that her secrets were being guarded and that her safety was protected, but at the same time... it would take some getting used to and working around.

Thinking as much, Sumika arrived at the door to Lady Mito's personal chambers. But before she could even knock, the wooden entry slid open from within, revealing another ANBU standing to the side and slightly blocking the threshold with their stocky stature. The mask concealing this one's face resembled an impassive rodent, with notably thin eye-slits and a flat, closed-mouth smile.

"Mito-sama, Sumika-sama has now arrived." he announced, evidently male going by the low and stern tone of voice, "The investigation items, shall I...?"

With that second part, he'd turned away to glance at something in the room. Following the angle of his gaze, Sumika leaned a tad forward through the doorway, craning her neck in an attempt to see what. But first came a reply from that aged and dignified cadence she knew as Lady Mito's voice,

"No need, leave them on the table. I will require them again before long." the Uzumaki matriarch asserted, drawing Sumika's gaze to the same bedridden form she'd met yesterday, "Now leave us please, Seno, and let the child through."

"...By your will." the ANBU, called Seno apparently, bowed and then vanished perhaps even more quickly than Geki usually did.

A short silence ensued as Sumika stepped forward into the room, sliding the door closed behind her without looking away from the room's interior. In those minuscule moments, she scanned around the room and locked her gaze upon a clothed table set up next to the far side of Lady Mito's beds.

Upon it lay a spread of seemingly miscellaneous items in various states of wear and tear.

But that was not what so grabbed at Sumika's attention. No, what drew her eye was the fact that she vaguely recognized some of them.

A hefty steel-spiked quarterstaff. A few bloodied uniform Hitai-ate, scraped nearly beyond recognition. Shreds of paper with illegible scrawls plastered randomly across them. A torn satchel-bag emblazoned with the Yuka Group's flower emblem. A fragment of a wagon-wheel. A stack of bloodstained arrows, most snapped or splintered. But most of all, a pile of charred and torn black robes.

Her eyes narrowed and her brows drew down at the sight. Her arms flinched, muscles tense and fists clenching instinctively. In her instant reaction, she felt... not fear, but a low and smoldering hostility. For those black robes, of which one was facing her directly, bore a certain symbol — that of a faded white triangle inscribed within a white circle. And in her focus, Sumika's gaze flitted to it... and lingered. Fragmentary flashes of memory whirled through her thoughts. Her fingernails dug into her palms and her breath caught in her throat.

Seemingly no longer concerning herself with the items beside her, Lady Mito lifted a hand off the bedcovers and beckoned, the motion finally dragging the girl's attention away from this... disturbing collection.

"Come now, my girl, let us speak."

Blinking slowly, Sumika willed herself to put the items, the vestiges and reminders of her enemies, out of her focus, for they were not the reason she came here. She had requested this meeting with purpose and resolve, so it would do no good to derail it now, even if that meant controlling herself. Even if it was uncomfortable, even if it was a shock —  one thing at a time, damn it!

Sumika reached within to grasp for her nascent sense of calm and control, and surprisingly, found what she was searching for. The knee-jerk feelings of aggravation and hostility faded with some effort, in no small measure due to reassuring memories of personally killing such cultists a while back. With her chains...

All of this passed through her mind in but a couple seconds, the only visible indication being her slightly stiffened posture and focused expression. With a breath exhaled slowly out her nose, Sumika relaxed her posture and reclaimed her usual neutrality as she stepped towards the edge of Lady Mito's bedside once more.
Her quick recovery was an admittedly small victory, but it reflected much about how she'd changed over the last few days.

The momentary hesitation evidently did not go unnoticed by the elder though, for she sagely added,

"Or perhaps, I should have allowed Seno to clean up?"

"Ah, no..." Sumika tendered quickly, "I'm fine. I-, well, I came here with much on my mind, so... I'm not just going to let my resolve be shaken so easily."

Though her voice held firm and steady, Sumika felt it was unlike herself to ramble like so. She took another long breath to calm down, in the space of which Lady Mito responded with a sedate nod,

"I see, you do have a better look about you..." the elder paused, her heavily lidded eyes seeming to search the girl's face, "Come tell me then, what have you resolved to do?"

Well, first things first... it had to be about what had been asked of her. That business firmly qualified as the number-one priority.

"I... I discovered a feeling, and I cannot bear to part with it." she began. Just saying as much, Sumika clutched at her heart, clawing tight at her skin, "Yes, Tsunade-san helped me see it... and I want it to stay. I want to feel it whenever I wish, and to do that, I think- no, I know I can answer what you asked of me."

"Oh?" Came the steady response, a raised eyebrow accompanying this patient drawl, as if encouraging the girl to weave together the words she needed to say, "Do tell?"

"You explained that there would be differences and... complications, and that secrecy was paramount in any case. Whichever of my kekkei genkai I reveal." Sumika glanced up towards the ceiling, her eyes glazing with a faraway look, "Secrecy... that I understand and value, yet still I couldn't choose. But now... today a final piece fell into place. Something I do not want to hide, something I would never choose to go without. I must-!"

Clearing her throat to stabilize her voice, she continued,

"I must have my chains... whenever I need them, I wish to see them out in the light. I want to appreciate them, appreciate what they mean to me. To use them and master them."

Glancing back down to Lady Mito, the elder's eyes had never left Sumika, their gazes now leveling evenly and those deep black eyes now even opened more fully.

"And as I understand it now, these precious chains of mine..." she paused, glimpsing the locks of maroon hair framing her face, lifting a hand and combing through them, "...and my appearance, are both rather convincing traits."

Memories of Fuzō and her family's distinctive appearance fluttered through Sumika's mind, along with Tsunade's and Mito's explanations about clans and inheritance. Not only would these aspects work in her favor, but it could make her cover story nigh indisputable.

"Given all I've heard, I think it wise if we used these two traits together. I wish to reveal my chains in the light, and the safest way I see for that to happen is for my story to match it..."

Inhaling a deep breath to abate the thrill of the moment, Sumika pressed her hand even closer to her chest, feeling the tension in her heavily-beating heart.

"To the world, I will be Sumika of the Uzumaki Clan."

In the space left by that declaration, Lady Mito wore a gentle smile, another unknowable look in her eyes,

"Then it shall be so, Uzumaki Sumika." and when a moment passed, she whispered just faint enough for Sumika's ears to catch, "With all my heart, it shall be so..."




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