Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 80: 76: Weaving a Narrative

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"You are nervous. That much is to be expected," the sound of Lady Mito's measured voice drew Sumika's gaze upwards, "But know this: there is nothing wrong with seeking a peaceful life, whether you possess strength and talent or not."

Hearing the sentiment spoken so confidently was appreciated, but that particular topic was not the greatest reason for the girl's rigid posture and tense nerves. No indeed, for the other root of her unease as yet loomed over the room.

But seemingly without minding Sumika's lack of response, the bedridden elder reached aside to one of the many piles of folders and documents which lay neatly stacked upon her lap and side tables. Her stiff but graceful hands leafed through the upper folders, extracting papers and items one by one to add them inside a thick packet, labeled simply as [Case 3], before handing it all over to the waiting Sumika.

"If it is truly peace and flexibility you desire most, as you have made clear, then I believe the scenario outlined in this packet will suit your preferences and decisions best." the matriarch added, nodding towards the bundle with a musing hum.

Sumika acknowledged this with a firm nod of her own, glancing through the packet's contents while trying to ignore her pressing urge to stare at the bloodstained items on the opposite side of the room. Well, trying not to stare more obviously...

With a slight headshake, she forced her eyes downward to the papers she'd been handed. These being the outline and summaries of all the essential matters she'd need to operate here in Konoha.

For the last half-hour or so, the Uzumaki duo had exchanged a few final questions over the details of the girl's decision, mostly pertaining to accommodations and navigation.

For example, Sumika expressed her wish to live relatively isolated from the unpleasant bustle of Konoha's center, but where exactly? In a nondescript civilian home out on the outskirts of the main streets, but still more centrally located? Out in the most remote forested hills, where existing facilities for Uzushio and the Uzumaki Clan were constructed? At one of the residences on the Senju Estate's periphery, closer to their private training grounds?

And training grounds to use, how close were they to each housing option? What were the benefits and drawbacks of each? Which areas were restricted due to heavy patrols from either Konoha's police, garrisoned defense troops, or barrier corps? How did that affect travel routes? Which districts of the city were public or private, set aside for civilians versus military personnel, or for specific shinobi clans alone? Which areas had curfews and checkpoints due to the ongoing war?

The village as a whole was on edge regarding its security after a series of raids over the last year, so Lady Mito factored that in when informing the girl of the overlapping considerations.

Remembering her own experience arriving at Konoha and witnessing the heavy military presence surrounding the village and its outer perimeter, Sumika felt very much inclined to stay away from heavily militarized or potentially troublesome areas.

Such was the preference she made known, and why she impressed upon Lady Mito that peace and leeway to unobtrusively adjust to her surroundings were her primary concern. After the girl declared her intent to live as Uzumaki Sumika, and to assume a similarly befitting narrative for her own peace and protection, these factors all had to be ironed out into one cohesive plan and story.

Thus the main options, maps, and details mentioned were all included in the packet. Sumika noted in passing that many documents had even been annotated to highlight distances and proximity between various important locations. Estimations of commuting times between said locations, the Senju Estate, and the outer training fields were included too. Color coded, with a key and reference guide.

It seemed that getting lost was a supremely bad idea, if the amount of emphasis on these maps was any indication.

"My thanks, Mito-sama." she tendered slowly, distracted by an especially colorful reference guide, "This is... I have much to look over."

"Indeed." came the elder's reply, punctuated with a heavy exhale, "Very well then, please memorize the proceedings, facilities, village policies, and major locations listed therein as soon as you are able. Most importantly, memorize the sections outlining the core of your fabricated story and what to say when interacting with any Konoha personnel that might question you. This will help smooth over much unnecessary hassle."

Sumika nodded again to this, slotting Extended Reading Time high up on her ever-growing list of priorities. After all, even with just a few moments casually inspecting these documents, Sumika appreciated how impressively thorough the preparations were. Was this what Lady Mito had been so busy with for the past days?

She paused for a moment at that thought, her eyes flicking up to a certain other section of the room. Well, this was apparently not all the elder busied herself with...

Their recent discussion was engaging and productive, but not quite enough to totally draw Sumika's attention away from the discomfiting implications posed by the so-called 'investigation items' arrayed atop the table on the far side of Lady Mito's bed. Clearly in view. Mentioned, but unacknowledged. Exuding a silent pressure.

Sumika stood stiffly in this somewhat pressurized atmosphere, attempting to scan over the topmost documents in her packet to at least find a place to start. Her curiosity on that front had not waned either.

"With this step out of the way, the situation has become much less urgent." Lady Mito added, as if oblivious to Sumika's distraction, the matriarch's face even showing perhaps a trace more ease than it had before,

"The core components of this fabrication are meant to accommodate your preferences whilst shielding you from the meddling influences present in Konoha. Thus... do read them well. If there are any details you wish to change or have questions about after, that should be handled in the immediate future. Then the matter can be finalized with the... relevant authorities."

The elder lifted a hand to her chin, tapping it lightly before adding,

"We shall likely need to meet with a few key individuals, whose support... or indifference... will greatly contribute to your life here being peaceful and protected."

On that vaguely ominous note, the Uzumaki matriarch then slowly cast her narrowed eyes askance at the outer wall, obscuring her expression from view,

"Yes... and you should learn how to act in certain... potential situations. Above all, heed this general rule: no matter how strong you feel you are, and no matter what power you have achieved through training — never show your full capabilities here." The emphasis on her words was sharp, but unemotional. It accentuated the previous feeling of foreboding.

Though the older woman's expression was concealed, Sumika could hear a hint of wryness in her next words, "We would not want anyone getting any ideas about how useful you would be on a battlefield, so keep things in moderation... and you will mostly be left in the peace you desire."

Such a sharp shift from the elder's previously calm tone left a piercing impact on Sumika, one which resonated with her own preexisting opinion on the matter.
After all... besides her chains and Mokuton, she was still completely concealing her four other kekkei genkai, those which she barely had a clue how to use.
That thought left a cold feeling trailing down the girl's spine, for... Lady Mito's tone, something in her phrasing...
Was she imagining it? Sumika felt something amiss, a hunch — an instinct more like? An instinct like that which one felt when unseen eyes were gazing upon you. Hadn't she felt something like this before?

The sensation eluded conscious thought, and persisted but a moment before dissipating. A palpable pause lasted as the girl shook her head slightly and glanced hesitantly around the room. Seemingly nothing had changed, but the odd sensation had passed.

Unnerved, Sumika mustered her focus to reply, "Yes, I... I have taken that sentiment to heart-" she gave an involuntary shudder at the lingering and resurgent iciness tingling in her spine, "- I do not wish to... attract much attention. I seek strength for my own peace and safety... my own future." Sucking in a breath through her tightened lips, she breathed out, "Safety, always... for a future."

"I understand that well, child." the matriarch intoned softly, her cadence again shifting heavily, laden with some inscrutable emotion as she turned to face Sumika once more, "Remember this exchange, this sentiment, and that caution of yours will serve you well."

The tension of the moment abated soon after, the atmosphere of her prior thoughts returning to Sumika. All told, that last exchange only further confirmed that Lady Mito held exceedingly similar views as the girl herself did on the topic of caution.
Which in its own way, was another mark of great reassurance to Sumika.

That feeling only grew when the matriarch spoke further, "Now, I will say it again. There is nothing wrong with seeking to live in peace. That was... an original purpose of Konoha as a village, and of the founding generation." A pause here held something akin to a feeling of pain, but of a kind Sumika knew not the words to describe,  "I think, in that regard... you might find a measure of affinity among the people here. Just... something to keep in mind. For a future..."

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A steady silence then ensued, for Lady Mito took some time aside to make a few notes and send off a few more messages via ANBU. Ostensibly these were to further prepare those aforementioned next steps on the path forward, so again Sumika felt it best to wait patiently and refrain from interrupting.

And honestly, Sumika needed that meantime to recompose herself from the prior discussion. Only after regaining her focus and intent did she return her attention to the other, original purpose for this meeting with Lady Mito.

That brought her back to another, previous dilemma — as, naturally, her mind was always brimming with questions and dueling priorities. Especially with the looming presence of those... things piled up on a table by the elder's bedside. All involved with those cultists, all vaguely familiar... of course they would pull at the girl's attention.

But having now answered the most pressing and immediate question asked of her, and enduring much internal consideration, Sumika could set all else aside to again focus on getting some answers of her own. For other, older concerns...


Her eyes lingered idly on the bloodstained items mere meters away, but-

Gah! One thing at a time!

 -with one arm she reached inside her robe to retrieve her long-kept storage scroll.

But before she could say anything, the Uzumaki elder set down her brush and turned to face the girl once more.

 "Well, with all that set aside, let us move on... to that matter which you mentioned through Geki, hmm?"

Having opened her mouth to say much the same thing, Sumika merely closed her lips and nodded. Closing her eyes to concentrate, she unfurled her storage scroll, performing her extraction with a puff of smoke.



The elder Lady Mito peered intently at the fractured remnant in her lap, this being the porcelain remains of Sumika's ill-fated demonic mask. In truth, the mask was still mostly in one piece, but the substantial crack spanning its face suggested that a slight force would shatter it fully. Regardless, it was now a central element of the matter at hand.

"This is... most certainly an occurrence of great interest... and went unmentioned in the reports I received." The elder mused quietly, neutrally.

These were the first words she had spoken in a while, prompting Sumika to pause and listen.

Until now, there had been little in the way of further conversation between the girl and the matriarch, for as soon as Sumika retrieved the damaged mask from her storage scroll, Lady Mito had been left seemingly searching for words. In the end, she calmly asked Sumika to recount how it had happened. So recount the girl had.

In this regard, the mystery of the demonic mask, Sumika was confident in sharing most every relevant detail. Pursuing more about her past and recently-restored sense of identity provided this further burst of confidence along with all her previously accumulated focus and resolve today. Plus, her overwhelming desire to know more fueled a certain... call for action.

"Yes, I... never knew what truly happened. Even now it is unusually vague and fuzzy to remember... but I recall some feelings. Sudden shock and fear, then confusion and disorientation. Yet, I also know... it wasn't anything like how I'd been told it should be. I just... appeared there, out in the forests. And when I sought to ask Kaoru-san as soon as possible... she avoided the topic, suggesting I only ask you, Mito-sama. That is why I, well... I felt I had to mention this soon."

Of course, this was not the complete truth. Sumika had accumulated numerous reasons and intentions to seek out Uzumaki Mito, not the least of which being this matter regarding the demonic mask. It was just... the mask seemed an urgent enough place to start.

But what of her chakra signature being registered with the Yamakuni? And the elder's relationship with Sumika's mother, Masumi? And that azure crystal on the shelf which supposedly held Masumi's chakra? Of her heritage and apparent homeland, the Land of Whirlpools? Or why Tsunade and Dan acted the way they did back then? Of the strange words and attitudes she'd witnessed from the Yamakuni and others? Or everything with the cultists - what they had done or tried to do to her, how she ended up in their clutches? Why Lady Mito had a table full of their bloodied paraphernalia mere meters from where Sumika stood?!

There was simply way too much. But intertwined with all of them was this issue with the mask. That damned, enigmatic mask.

Thus led to the present, from presenting the mask to recounting her incidents while training to unlock it, then eventually using it. For the most part anyway, as some of the detail had faded over time; her sense of time that night, or the instinctive words she had heard and spoke back then, were among that which had been muddled in her memory.

She also refrained from mentioning how she awakened certain dark memories and disgusting reminders of what she had endured. That would be... overstepping. Overstepping something, yes. Just thinking about the unholy attempt on her very soul itself was nauseating, and the denser chakra circulating in the girl's heart flared with revolted indignation.

Eying the charred robes across the room bearing those cultists' symbol, Sumika placated her rising hostility by recalling how she'd slaughtered them out in the forests, chains piercing and crushing mercilessly. And how she would do so again.

Come to think of it, her chains had even manifested to protect her back then, too, during that strange encounter in the depths of the Yamakuni Sanctuary. Which was... yet another consideration. Rather different though, this one, as instead of distress or fear or unbearable curiosity... this thought instilled a feeling of... vindication? Vindication and confidence in choosing to embrace the kekkei genkai of her mother.

Her mother... her chains... what, what color had those chains been, all the way back at that time?

Before she could ponder down that thread of thought, Lady Mito's voice pulled Sumika out of her reveries.

"Dear child..." the elder enunciated carefully, levelly, swiveling her gaze slowly from the cracked mask up to Sumika's face, finally adding, "How much do you know about what this mask truly is?"

That tone, those words... did not bode well.



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