Chronicles of the dragon slayer

Chronicles of the dragon slayer

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Chronicles of the dragon slayer

Review: 8/10 from 8 ratings

Julian was your normal happy go lucky kid in his younger years. He did everything that a normal 10-year-old that came from a relatively middle class family. Playing around with friends, going to school, and going on trips with his parents every once in a while.

But life had other plans for his future than letting him grow like any normal teenager. At a young age his parents were killed, his friends slaughtered and family stolen.

This had broken Julian completely, and hence he left on a journey to find strength to seek his revenge. But life was not yet done playing with his life, so it showed Julian that he had no talent to do anything that would lt him gain his revenge.

It had become clear to Julian that the heavens did not favor him, so he left on one last journey when…


Ahhh I don't really know what else to add but ill write it here anyway, this is my first time writing a story, so I am still experimenting with things, so it is possible that you might find the beginning of the story to be a bit slow, but I assure you the later chapters and things I have in plan will not disappoint you.

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I have taken inspiration from waaaay tooo many novels that I liked, and while there aren't any specific ones that I based this upon there are a few that I definitely took inspiration from like : the author's POV, chronicles of the heavenly demon [you can probably see where this inspired me ;)], etc.

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