Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 11: Early Bonds

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"Hmm," Prisilla tapped her chin in thought. She looked like she was struggling on a decision, most likely whether or not to tell me about Nina and Rafine.

"Auntie Prisilla," I did my best at imitating a pleading child, no, it was more accurate to say I was a pleading child. "Can you please tell me? I'm really worried."

"Urgh, Alfy that's cheating." She took a sigh before continuing, "Alright fine but you didn't hear it from me okay nya? If Donovan or your mom asks, Swift told you."

I nodded my head.

"So here's the deal nya. Nina and Rafine are in Derick's house getting treated, but we're trying to figure out what to do with them." Her ears wiggled on the top of her head as she explained the situation to me.

"What do you mean what to do with them?" I asked.

"Nyawr. So the plan was to stay here for a while so Donovan can plan out the next routes to take to get to the Darinford Republic, that's where your mom's family is by the way. But unfortunately..." Prisilla's tail drooped as she hesitated. She ultimately leaned close and whispered it into my ears: "Rafine has been marked nya."

"Marked?" Is that what I think it means?

"Nya. Charged. Or wanted? Something like that. Basically the big holy guys are looking for the mage that burned up the Runewoods nya." She rubbed her cheek with her hands. "She's hiding with Derick right now so they can't interfere but she can't stay there forever. And I'm not sure Derick is too trustworthy either nya."

"But it wasn't her fault. She had to!" I was indignant. What she did was clearly self defense.

"The church won't see it that way nya. Not when she incinerated all of the critical evidence that could prove her innocence." Prisilla held her fingers to her forehead. It seemed like she had this conversation before and she didn't like it one bit. "Bodies of random bandits don't help a whole lot unfortunately nya."

"But Nina and I saw it happen! Isn't Lord Derick an important guy? Surely his words mean a lot."

"They do, but he's a foreign lord and we're his bodyguards so they'll think of it as protecting his reputation. But that's not the big thing." Prisilla held my hands and looked into my eyes, I could see my reflection on her yellow pupils. "Alfy, this is a bit hard to explain nya. But let me put it this way. You know the bad guy who kidnapped you?"


"Yeah him. If you were determining whether or not he was guilty. What would you think?"

"I would think he's guilty."

"Even if it was for another incident? Something where a lot of the evidence and people talking for him says he's innocent nya?" Prisilla tilted her head at me, awaiting my answer.

"Of course. He was capable of kidnapping children without a second thought. I'm sure he could forge the evidence and trick people into siding with him." I reasoned.

"Forge the evidence? Alfy what have you been reading?" She was taken aback by my descriptions. Though she recovered quickly, "Anyway there isn't much that could change your mind huh?"


"That's how people here think of Rafine." She let go of my hands and sat back, "Its sad but that's the way it is. Demi-humans and outlanders aren't too welcome here nya."

"But they don't know Rafine like I know Orily!" I exclaimed.

"They'll know she has horns, and that's about all they need to judge nya." Prisilla ruffled my hair. "So we gotta leave real sneaky like soon okay nya? That's why everyone's been busy lately."

"Yeah okay."

"You should focus on getting that arm of yours healed nya. Don't get into anymore trouble you hear?" Prisilla wagged her finger at me. Before standing up and walking to the door, "Be good and auntie Prisilla will bring you more candies."

I waved at her as she left.


"Hey Alfy, why you looking so glum lately?" Lashion's words cut through the peaceful silence.

It had been a week or so since Prisilla came by; I haven't see anyone since. They're probably all busy but it still hurt a little. Come to think of it, even the priests don't come around all that much anymore so I've just been left stewing over my thoughts since most of the boys had been discharged.

But like the buffoon he was, Lashion immediately got injured again and sent back here in less than two weeks.

"I'm just thinking that's all." I replied monotonously.

"You think too much, Brother John says its bad for you." Lashion shook his head in disapproval. I'd be interested in knowing what kind of person dislikes thinking too much.

"It looks like your left arm is better now." He pointed to my unbandaged arm. It had indeed gotten better after the constant treatment of the priests. Though I couldn't say the same about the right arm, the pain from it had begun acting up again a few days ago.

"Yeah, it is."

Anyway are you excited." Lashion bounced up and down on my bed.

"What is there to be excited about?"

"The inauguration of course! We're getting a new holy magistrate! There's going to be a big party for it and everything." He bounced up and while holding onto my bed. It was making it rather difficult to read.

"What's a holy magistrate?" I asked. I must admit his energy was infectious.

His first response was to stare at me like I grew another limb, but he returned to normal after a lightbulb went off in his head, "Ah I forgot, you're from the outside. The holy magistrate, blessed be thy vessel, is the embodiment of Talis who gets to make the rules for all of Talisbane." He weaved in some religious hand gestures here and there as he explained it to me.

"The current contenders are Cardinal Mirous and Cardinal Oustin. But I think Mirous is winning right now." He put a finger to his forehead as he recalled the details.

"How is final winner picked?"

"Tha-" But he was cut off by the sound of the door.

An old lady I recognized stepped in, it was Sister Betelfora. He brought with her two girls that looked a few years younger than Lashion.

One of them, the taller one, had blue hair and looked a bit chubby though the feature that caught my eye was a weird looking mark on her cheek.

The other one, conversely, looked relatively normal with blonde hair, and almond shaped eyes.

"Oh. Lashion and... I believe you were named Alfy yes?" She raised her eyebrow as she stepped in and led the girls to two of the beds.

"Yes you are correct." I affirmed

"Hello ma'am." Lashion stared at his feet sheepishly.

"The temple is a bit short handed at the moment so we're moving Beatrice and Daphne to this room until the inauguration is over. Do treat them kindly." She quickly exchanged some words with Beatrice before leaving.

Everyone really is busy huh?

As soon as we could no longer hear the footsteps of sister Belelfora, Daphne and Lashion pointed at each other.

"You!" Lashion yelled. "What are you doing here?"

"You!" Daphne mimicked. "Why do you think I am idiot?"


"What the heck were you doing throwing so much mana at me? That's dangero-" Lashion started before being cut off by Daphne.

"Cause you told everyone I was on Willoweed! Why did you do that? You're so mean." Daphne looked like she wanted to cry. "You're such a bully! You even took my vials and showed everyone."

Oh no he didn't. I watched the drama unfold with intense curiousity.

"It was just a joke why are you so mad four cups?" Lashion seemed to hold a vendetta against Daphne as well.

Though he really should have just apologized instead because Daphne lunged at him with the intent to enact physical harm.

But surprisingly.

He dodged.

He sidestepped the projectile that was Daphne which led her to headbutt me in the jaw.


"Ow!" Daphne covered her head with her hands.

"Missed me hahaha." Lashion danced with glee as Daphne and I recoiled in pain.

Lashion, buddy, you caught me in the crossfire dammit.

"Waaahhhh." At this point Daphne started full on bawling and man do kids cry loud.

This seemed to prompt Lashion to take a revaluation of the situation at hand because he immediately switched gears in attempt to comfort Daphne.

"Hey, uh Daphne is your head okay?"

"WAHHHH!" Which just prompted her to cry even louder.

Great going Lashion.

I sighed before holding my left hand above her head and chanted a spell. Small glimmers floated down from my finger tips like falling fireflies.

The spell was nameless.

It was something master Rafine invented to enhance her stories. She used it to describe a meteor shower in the Avenstron mountains, right after she and some knights defeated a black tusk grizzly.

I miss master Rafine. I hope I can see her soon.

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Anyway, the lights preformed their intended effect quite well. Daphne slowly stopped crying and was trying pluck at the lights in front of her.

"Woahhhh, that's so cool." Lashion also seemed to be enamored by the floating lights.

"Woah." Even the new girl, Beatrice seemed to find them intriguing as she shuffled towards us to get a closer look.

The sight of children flocking to a simple magic spell, entranced, made me understand the joyous atmosphere of the magic performers back in Hartford city. No wonder they all looked so happy.

Though unlike the professionals, I had to drop the spell after a few more seconds when my left arm started aching in pain. Looks like I wasn't completely healed yet.

"Aww why did you stop?" Lashion asked, disappointed.

I ignored him and instead turned to Clara. "Are you feeling better now?"

"No" She pouted. "My head still hurts." At least she's not crying anymore.

"Nothing I can do about that sorry." I smiled apologetically. Even if I could cast healing spells I don't think I want to considering master Rafine's warnings.

"You can cast magic? But you're so young..." A soft murmur escaped the lips of Beatrice. It seems like she did it involuntarily because as soon as I turned to address her she dodged behind some curtains and exited my line of sight.

"He's from the outside you know! I told you guys about him." Lashion announced.

"Lashion, Clara can you guys tell me what happened? We'll be here together for at least a day or two so it would be nice if you got along." Though I had a good idea of what happened already.


As I suspected Lashion went around the place telling everyone about what had happened in the Sisters' office quarters, that included the monthly reports I told him after we were done being scolded.

Daphne obviously got really mad over that and was out for revenge during the joint training session and Lashion responded to force with more force.

Explains how they both got hospitalized I guess.

Thankfully I got them to reconcile... well maybe not reconcile but at least call it a truce for now.

We talked for a fair bit after and I learned a few things about the three of them that they were willing to share.

Lashion was here because he wanted to be a hero.

Daphne was here because her family needed money.

And Beatrice was here because she has to be. She didn't comment any further on that.

I also learned some bits and pieces about the inauguration. Apparently Cardinal Mirous wants to establish a more peaceful theocracy and devote funds to the current land they hold while Oustin wanted to strengthen the corps and reclaim holy territory.

Lord Derick's diplomatic delegate arrived in time to shift the balance more to the side of Cardinal Mirous. This explains why his advisors kept pushing him to hurry up during the journey here, I guess it was a big deal after all.

Lashion kept pressing me for a story about Rafine after a while so I entertained the children for a bit before we headed to bed.


On the next morning Sister Betelfora announced a visitor.

It was Templar Leon.

Lashion hid behind my bed as he entered. I followed his lead and covered my face with a book. It seemed like our worries weren't warranted as Beatrice ran up to hug him.

"Brother!" She said lovingly.

"Beatrice, sister, how are you?" Oh? So they were related?

"I'm good. We had to change rooms since everyone's so busy."

"That explains the different room this time. Who are your new friends?"

Beatrice don't say it.

"This is Lashion and Alfy. Alfy's been telling fun stories and doing magic."


"Lashion and Alfy?" He put down Beatrice and started walking towards us. His steel clad boots making ringing sounds as he approached. As I looked up from my book I could see his radiant blue hair and shining armor towering over me.

It would have been a lot less scary without the scowl honestly.

"Hello you two, I hope you've thoroughly reflected on your actions that day." He crossed his arms and looked at us like he was contemplating something.

We both nodded.

"With that in mind," he sighed before bowing his head quickly. "I must apologize for my excessive aggressiveness that day. You two must have been scared."

We both just kind of looked at him in shock before looking at each other to double check that we both heard him. Apologizing was not one of the things I expected him to do honestly.

He turned swiftly and walked back to Beatrice, picking her up in his arms as he did so. "Sorry I can't come often enough nowadays, the Cardinal real-"

Was all I managed to hear as they made their way to the visitation room.

Looks like he wasn't too bad of a guy after all.


The next few days passed without much happening besides the odd visit from sister Betelfora to check up on us and administer medicine and healing.

As we got tucked in on the third day, I wondered if we would also be let out into the streets for the inauguration tomorrow. The other three have made quite a big deal about its extravagance.


"-lfy." I heard a whisper accompanied by a gentle shake of my shoulder. "Alfy."

Strange, what's going on?

I sat up slowly, wondering if I was still dreaming or not.

"Mmm?" I couldn't really see anything in the darkness. "Who?" I said softly.

A face appeared from the darkness and I nearly jumped. But a hand covered my mouth before I could let out any sound.

"Hey its me Swift. I'm going to let go of your mouth but you have to promise not to yell okay?"

Oh it was just Swift.

I nodded.

"Okay," he pulled some object out from his waist before handing it to me. "We have to go now so just follow me. I know you're a bit sleepy now but you can rest when we get on the road okay?"

I pointed to my mouth. Swift looked a bit confused before realizing.

"Feel free to whisper, I've got a silence spell on." He gave me the go ahead.

"I haven't said goodbye to my friends yet." I pointed at the sleeping children.

"Hmm," he stroked his chin. "Well we can leave a letter for them is that okay?"

I nodded.

Swift pulled out some chalk before gesturing me to speak. I couldn't really hold anything well with my right hand so I whispered the words so he could scribble them down.

"Really? You want to write that?" He was a bit skeptical about the things I was including. "I suppose that's fine but... nevermind keep going."

When I finished the note Swift lifted me out of the bed and dressed me in some rough clothing before we moved silently to the door.

I looked back at the three of them.

Beatrice with laying still like a corpse, blue hair and cheek symbol strikingly visible as my eyes adjusted to the dark.

Daphne curled up like a ball, hugging an extra pillow sister Betelfora brought for her.

And last but certainly not least.

Lashion sleeping with his stomach out and his hair tangled around his face.

It hasn't been long, but I'll certainly miss you guys.

I hope they will remember me.

"You ready to go Alfy?"


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