Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 12: Ch 12: The Route Below Talis

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Swift led me by the hands as we made our way through the holy city, ducking behind alleys and avoiding the main streets.

Despite the darkness of night hiding much of a view, I couldn't help but marvel at the architecture of the buildings. The pristine marble and the intricately crafted religious symbols both exuded an aura of reverence.

Neither Swift nor I have said a word since we left the hospital, but perhaps Swift felt it off putting because as we rounded the next corner he asked me: "You're not wondering?"

"Wondering?" I replied back. I appreciate him keeping a slow pace, my tiny legs couldn't keep up with him otherwise.

"Wondering why I pulled you out at night? Where we are going? Why we're sneaking around?" He whispered back to me.

"I'm sure you have your reasons."

"I could be kidnapping you again you know?" He turned to raise his eyebrows at me.

"Mother trusts you does she not? So I shall as well." The dim atmosphere must have added an eeriness to my words because he responded strangely.

"Hey are you sure you're a kid?" He stopped for a second.

"What do you mean?" I stopped as well.

"I mean that you're like... way too smart for your age. Understanding math and picking up magic fast I can get, but sometimes you say things that require decades of life experience to comprehend." He hesitated, as if unsure of his words, "Like, I've taken care of kids before you know? Even children of nobility of few occasion and nobody, and I mean nobody, comes close to the... strangeness you give off."

"I..." Mincing the words in my mouth I was unsure of how to respond, "apologize if you feel that way."

"See that's what I mean!" He raised his voice slightly, not above a whisper, but enough so I could feel his frustration, "No kid your age would apologize after hearing that. They'd be angry or crying or... something."

I must have made an expression of sadness because he sighed and knelt before resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, Alfy, that came out wrong. It's not that I dislike you, if anything I'm jealous of Sylvestra that you're such a good child. I'm just worried that maybe you're growing up too quickly and that we're to blame for putting you through that." He scratched his head, "sorry if it sounded mean."

Wow, I didn't expect that.

"Anyway," he continued, "I hope you can feel comfortable enough around us to act like a kid."

"Then may I say something selfish?" I suppose I should be acting more childish my age, "I would like to hear some stories of your travels if you have the time."

"Haha sure, I'll tell you a few once we get back on the road."


It took maybe half an hour more to reach a large building. It appeared most similar to a mansion, but the religious decorations and lack of color made it resemble more of a temple than anything. Swift had informed me beforehand that we were to arrive at Lord Derick's residence for the rendezvous and I suppose this was the place.

Before we even reached the door a man came out to greet us.

"Mr. Swift, welcome back. The others are expecting you."

"Thanks" Swift gave a curt reply before we entered the mansion. The servant led us to a set of double doors and as the doors opened I was tackled to the ground.

"ALFY!" It was Nina. Hugging me just a little too tight.

"Ugh... hey there Nina."

"Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy Alfy I missed you." She rubbed her horns against me, had they grown sharper?

"Swift, Alfon, welcome back." I recognized the gruff voice from Donovan, sitting on a sofa in the center of the room.

After prying Nina's grip away from my body I took a look at the room.

There was Lord Derick, sitting on the far end speaking with a servant. Prisilla was next to Donovan, munching on something while giving me and Swift a small wave. I noticed a lot of strange equipment scattered on the tables with dirt and debris nearly falling onto the floor.

"Sylvie!" Prisilla stood up and walked towards one of the doors. "Your kid is back."

The door flew open and a green shadow dashed towards me before scooping me up and hugging me tightly.

I'm getting dejavu, and my ribs certainly aren't appreciating the repeat experience.

"Alfy, I'm sorry I couldn't see you sweetie. Are you alright?" The comforting voice of mother.

I nodded in response.

"Have you been eating well? Were the children nice to you? I heard you got into some trouble recently are you okay?" My mom pelted me with questions while patting down my hair.

"Yeah I've been good, don't worry about me mom."

"How could I not worry? You're my precious baby." She poked my forehead, "do you know how worried I was when the temple said you got into trouble, I nearl-"

She stopped, her eyes lingering on my right arm.

"Alfy... you're still hurt?" She gestured with her eyes to my bandaged arm. It was true that I got a lot better, but my right arm still had some problems it seems.

"Yeah..." I responded, "sorry."

"Alfy! Who is telling you to apologize? Are you okay? Will you be alright? Should we postpone the departure?.." Mother was worrying her head off seeing my arm. So much so that I sort of drowned out most of what she said and just kept nodding my head.

"Sylvie, come on you know that won't be possible." Prisilla landed a hand on mother's shoulder. "And quit hogging the kid, there's someone he should see."

"What are you saying Prisilla, he's my son! I haven't seen him in ages." It appears mother isn't letting up easily.

"Sylvie come on, she hasn't seen him for longer." Prisilla pressed forward, "let them have some time to talk before we go. We got a few things to wrap up anyway."

Mother reluctantly let me go and Prisilla gestured for Nina and I to follow her.

I walked with her and Nina tagged along behind me, smiling the same smile that I had missed at the hospital.

We went through the door mother came out of and kept walking down a fancy hallway before arriving outside the seventh door.

"Rafine. You still alive?" Prisilla asked.

I heard scuffling noises from behind the door, before a familiar voice greeted her back.

"You crack that joke one more time cat and I swear."

The door opened slowly, and there she stood.

Master Rafine.

Tall red horns and flowing hair of flames. Her amber eyes glowed with the tales of countless journeys behind them.

She looked as admirable as the day she saved us.

But something wasn't right.

She was missing the big hat she always wore to hide her horns, the wooden staff she carried with her at all times. She was bandaged from head to toe on the left side of her body.

But more than that....

"Master Rafine... y-your arm..."

Her left arm wasn't where it was supposed to be.

In fact it was nowhere to be found.

Did she misplace it?

No that's not possible, you can't just detach your arm like that.

She lost it.

It was during the battle, it must have been.

Was it my fault? Was it because I didn't place the sigil on her staff properly? Was it because I couldn't get far enough away first? I must have done something wrong, I must hav-



Master Rafine sent a karate chop down on my head. It landed with no force, but she was clearly annoyed with me.

"I can already tell you're thinking up all the wrong things in that noggin of yours. You may be a smart and capable child but I don't need you to worry about me okay?" Master Rafine stepped out and knelt down, gazing into me with those yellow eyes.

"Instead, how about you say the things that you should be saying in times like these."

Things I should be saying? What was that?

"I'm sorry fo-"


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This time it was Prisilla.

"Stop apologizing."

"Umm," No apologies? I thought about it for a second before continuing, "I shall strive to do better next ti-"

"Stop." Master Rafine sighed and placed her hand on her forehead, "you children are so strange sometimes."

She pointed at Nina.

"This one hasn't said a single word beyond agreeing with people since our arrival weeks ago. She just sits around and stares off into the distance when I'm not lecturing her. And this one."

She points at me.

"Says things that no kid ever would. Apologizing and saying he'll do better like he's some kind of receptionist or something. Prisilla, turn around will you?"

Prisilla gave a knowing smirk before turning her back to us.

Rafine took this moment to kneel down close to us and put her right arm around Nina before saying to me: "You two, copy me."

We did as we was told and formed a sort of encirclement around each other.

Oh, wait no. It was a group hug.

"I'm really glad." The words seemed to have gotten stuck in her throat before came out. "I'm really glad. That the two of you are okay."

You can't blame me too much for crying a little here. Though, I think Prisilla was laughing at me.


We joined up in the meeting hall after the reunion. The others had just finished ironing out the details of the plan.

I didn't really get all the details but from the gist of it I believe Lord Derick and the others have prepared an escape route through the underground labyrinth of the city, taking advantage of the fact that the majority of the guard will be assigned to the inauguration. We were also moving separately, given that large groups will attract the monsters too much. When we exit the city there should be a ride awaiting us.

After the preparations were ready we bid our farewells.

"Thank you once again for everything Lord Derick." Donovan gave a deep bow to the man, "our party is in your debt."

"Nonsense." The Lord Derick waved his hand in dismissal, "it was I who owed you all greatly in the first place. And I never leave a debt unpaid." He brought his hand up to his chin, "Ah yes, Alfon was it? May I borrow you for a second before you go?"

I walked closer and he pulled me aside.

"Young Alfon, this is for you." He handed me a small leather backpack of some sorts. The quality of the material was undeniable, it must have been expensive.

"Thank you." I received it from him and bowed as well. It seemed I held that pose for a moment too long because Lord Derick laughed loudly at me.

"Haha, you really are a strange one. Aren't you going to ask what's inside? Open it."

As I gingerly opened the leather flap I was greeted with a delightful surprise. It was the dagger I had lost in the cave, the gift from Prisilla, but that wasn't all. It also seemed to contain a glittering medallion; carved upon it was the symbol I saw upon the carriage of Lord Derick.

The symbol of house Dale.

"I apologize for not being able to find the wand from Rafine. It appears to have been lost among the ruins." He patted me on the shoulder, "But I hope you are satisfied with your overdue birthday gift. The backpack was from me, but the emblem is from my daughter."

"Earlane? But I thought she hated me?" I replied incredulously.

"Haha, you'll have to forgive her for giving you the wrong impression. She's still young after all." He reached out and touched the insignia, holding it in his hand before putting it back in the pack, "It is a symbol of our house, the house of Dale. Once you grow older, hand it back to me. I shall ensure you receive a proper thanks for saving my children."

"But, I didn't do anyth-" I was about to continue my sentence before Lord Derick gave me a raised eyebrow. Ah, wait, this wasn't what I was supposed to say.

"Thank you very much Lord Derick." I earned myself a nod of approval for saying the correct words.

"You're very welcome young Alfon. I shall be looking forward to what you can accomplish in the future. Now, you shouldn't keep your party waiting."

As we left the mansion in the early morning twilight, I think I saw long blonde hair poking out one of the windows.

Until next time Earlane.


The underground labyrinth was rough.

I didn't realize how many monsters there were.

I had been assigned to Donovan and stayed close by him while he cut down creatures of various types with his battle axe. I saw rats, wolfs, weird slimy froglike monsters, but the ones that disturbed me most were the humanoid ones. They often gave off this creepy cry for help like they're mimicking us. It honestly sent shivers down my spine. Thankfully none of them proved any trouble to Donovan, a single swing was more than enough to cut all of them down.


Down goes the last one, it looks like we'll have some breathing room for the next while.

"You alright there Alfon?"

"Yeah. I'm a bit worried for Rafine and Nina though." Rafine had gone with Swift, while Nina tagged along with mother. Prisilla had gone ahead to prepare the carriage for us.

"No need to worry. Nothing can catch your mother if she doesn't want it to, and despite being maimed Rafine is still a force to be reckoned with." Donovan assured me.

"But Rafine can't cast fire spells here." I said. Donovan tilted his head at me, confused.

"What are you talking about, Rafine is a water mage. Have you forgotten how she used to fight with us before?" He corrected me.

Oh yeah. Its been such a long time since I've seen Rafine fight normally that I had forgotten the water balls she always used to cast.

"Wait, if that's true how come her strongest spell is a fire spell?"

The pillar of flame she ignited within that cave is still vivid in my mind.

"That's something you'll have to ask her. It's her story to tell. Plus she's probably a better story teller than me anyway."

I couldn't deny that, her way of sharing her adventures is magical, literally.

As we trudged through the darkness I felt an urge to ask a few more questions.

"Donovan." I started.


"How did this party come to be?"

The question put a thoughtful look on his face.

"That certainly takes me a ways back. I suppose it began when Prisilla and I got tired of fighting other's people battles and decided that adventuring gave us the freedom we wanted. Though freedom wasn't cheap. It came alongside hungry nights and boring jobs."

"You were soldiers?"

"Mercenaries to be exact. I was the fourth son of a minor noble house and Prisilla, well, she makes up a different story for every tavern. I couldn't inherit the house so I sought off to make my name on the battlefield, little did I know how unglamorous it could be. To the point where even being an adventurer sounded better after a while."

"Isn't being an adventurer a really cool job?" I asked. I thought that adventurers were pretty cool honestly.

"Hardly, they're like mercenaries that work exclusively for the guild. Fighting janitors is the nickname we had for them. Only the really famous ones ever get recognition. In return, we get a lot of freedom with the jobs we select, though they are generally pretty boring as well. After we created the party we stayed in Heartholm for a few years, picking up new members and losing old ones before our jobs took us south to Darinford where we joined up with Sylvestra, and Swift. We also picked up Jordan, though you probably know him as Berolius. "

Wait, that name sounded familiar.

"What about master Rafine?"

"That's a funny story actually," he smiled a bit as he said the next part: "Rafine actually saved us during an extermination request and Prisilla begged her to join us. We thought she wanted to take on the harder jobs but what she actually wanted was a portable water dispenser; Rafine was livid when she realized. We started making a name for ourselves after picking up our little mage, but the party had to disband after a while."

"Why is that?"

"Better not to get into it," he sighed, "though you can ask your mother if you're really curious. Anyway we went our separate ways for a few years before your mom called for us. She was never the woman to ask for help no matter how bad things got, so when we got the letter we raced here as fast as we could."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I can sort of guess what caused the disbanding to happen.

"Not your fault kid. Besides, I could never turn down a request from an old friend." He gave me a gruff old smile, but it didn't last long.

Not because he didn't want to continue, but rather because...

"Wait." Donovan's eyes narrowed as a a flash of blue appeared before us, "stand back Alfon."

I wondered what monster had him on such high alert. Not a single creature on this floor of the labyrinth has given Donovan any trouble whatsoever, to the point where I felt like he could do this blindfolded. Yet here he was, battle stance at the ready and shield raised. The could even see the sweat on his brow, something was coming.

And it was no monster.

Azure armor glowing in the darkness, I could see, no... feel, an imposing presence; noble, but fierce. As the unsheathing of steel rang in my ears, the blue lion bared his fangs at us.

"I am Templar Leon, 2nd company commander of the Order of the Lion. Intruders, name yourself before I cut you down."

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