Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 14: Close to Darinford

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+++ Prisilla’s Perspective +++


This isn’t looking good honestly.

This guy just doesn’t take any hits. Like, he just keeps dodging and parrying. What am I supposed to do?

It’s not like I can hit him with my full strength either. If I cause a collapse and we get dropped to the second floor we’ll both be dead.

Worst part about it is that he doesn’t let me get away either. His blade has no weight to it but he’s fast and precise. He’ll skewer me if I try to run.

“Nya. Can’t you just let me go?” I ask as we break away from each other, “We didn’t do anything bad honestly.”

He’s honestly so annoying to fight against.

“It’s not me who you need to convince, intruder. It will be the judge in the holy court.” He lunged at me intending on a wide swing.

Although it smelled more like a feint into a thrust.

He swings wide, pulling back his blade into a thrust at the last second.

I put my sword up to block the thrust and rotate my body into an uppercut strike.

As usual it glances off his blade as he parries the blow.

“I commend you on your combat senses however. You seem to be able to read everything I do.” He comments as we break away.

“Thanks nya...” I take his compliment half-heartedly. I needed to make something happen. Time isn’t standing still for our fight.


I see it.

A chip on his blade.

A nick in the lower part that he uses to parry often. Looks like he’s noticed a while back and been trying to distract me. Cheeky lad.

My eyes narrow as I lunge for an overhead swing.

“Tch.” I hear him say as he dodges to the side. I follow him with a sideways swing.

He’s ready for me and counter attacks with a thrust.

This time is different.

I let it hit me.

Cold steel pierces my abdomen; pain shocks my body as his blade meets flesh, but not enough so to stop my assault.

My blow goes wide as he ducks, managing to cut my legs on his way down.

The pain was ramping up, but I’ve had worse, and besides:

This is what I was hoping for, the quick maneuver has him off balance.


I bring my greatsword down on him. If he doesn’t want to be cut in half the only option for him is to parry this strike.

Sparks fly as our blades meet each other. My sword glances and slides off and he uses that opportunity to send a steel plated fist up my stomach.

It’s a lot heavier than his sword strikes and I go flying.

But I could already smell the damage being done.

As I got back up to my feet I could notice the broken shards of his weapon on the floor. The last impact had left it in pieces.

“Nya, I’ll be taking my leave now.” He’s unarmed, he can't stop me now.

But it seems luck was not on my side and an arrow came flying out from the dark, lodging itself into my shoulder.

“Commander! Are you alright?”

“We heard signs of battle here and came to assist?”

Feline’s flounder, I took too long. I could count at least five additional people showing up, two of which wore the templar armor that he had, albeit less fancy.

“Excellent work lieutenant. You showed up just in time.” The commander brushed himself off and stood to face me, “I’ll say this again, surrender.”

“Sigh, you got me.” I dropped my greatsword and put my hands up. Looks like I’ll be locked away for a long time now. Hopefully the others got away just fine.

“Duck!” Oh, that wasn’t the voice of a templar.

I ducked.

A bottle came flying from behind me into the group of soldiers. It shattered on the shield of one of the templars, spreading some sort of yellow-purple liquid all over the shield and on some of their armor.

“What is thi-'' One of them started to say, but they didn’t get to finish that sentence as a loud screeching could be heard from all directions.

A monster frenzy. Ohhh those are nasty.

“You!” The commander looked furious at me as he picked up a blade from a subordinate. He tried to rush me but an earth wall was erected between us in the blink of an eye.

“Oi, don’t just stand there. Let’s go.” I heard the familiar voice of Donovan. Looks like Swift and Rafine taught that old dog some new tricks while I wasn’t looking.

“Nice assist nya. Didn’t know you had it in yah.” I grab my sword but nearly fall over when I try to run. Looks like I was hit harder than I thought. “Sh*t, sorry he got me pretty bad.”

“Hold on tight then.” He spoke to me as he lifted me in his arms.

“Hey, what are you doing here anyway?” I mutter weakly as he picks me up and starts running, “Didn’t I tell you to run nya?”

“I must have missed it.”

As heavy footsteps sound in the dark labyrinth I was hit by a bout of nostalgia.

“Just like old times eh Donny?” Blood leaks out of my mouth as I attempt a joke. “Down the shops of Kore, yonder goes the harlot.”

“Not the time Prisilla.”

“Dreams of love so pure, it stains her heart scarlet. Haha.” I give a weak laugh as blood pours from the hole in my chest onto his hands. The last noises I heard before I faint was an angry yell and the sound of a rock wall being broken down.

God that guy just doesn't give up.


+++ Alfon’s Perspective +++

Swift and Donovan had gone back down the hole after some short, but heated conversation. I overheard mother being told to ‘run for it’ if the situation deteriorates.

She was holding onto the reins of the wagon in a white knuckled clench. Though you wouldn’t be able to tell from the serene look on her face.

It had been at least 10 minutes since the two of them had left and none of us had said a word. I had been closing and opening my fist repeatedly, Rafine had been mouthing some spells noiselessly, and Nina just grabbed onto my arm while making a blank smile.

Though she had noticeably relaxed her grip in the last minute or so.

All of us heard a loud booming noise coming from the hole and Rafine jumped off the wagon to check. I was going to go too but if Nina didn’t stop me I’m sure mother would have.

Moments later a trio of individuals made their way up the ladder and into the open air.

I felt my heart lighten when I saw their faces. Though wounded, they seemed alive, which was all that I had hoped for.

“Swift, did you have to rig up the cave-in so close to us?” Donovan complained in a light tone.

“Oh shut it, that might not even have stopped them, let's get going already.” Swift answered while waving his hand to the carriage.

Our wagon soon became cramped as they joined us. Mother whipped the reins and we were off into the grassy plains surrounding the holy city.

I sat behind, staring at both the hole and the city, thinking that someone was going to burst out of the ground and chase after us, but it appears like my worries were for naught.

The only sounds I heard was the whistling wind, and the faint celebrations in the golden city that echoed through them.


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+++ ???’s Perspective +++

“Ow ow ow ow,” Prisilla complained as Rafine dresses her wounds. “Could you be gentler?”

The party had set up camp for the night and Sylvestra had just finished coaxing Alfon to sleep. Walking over to the bonfire her eyes were drawn to the bantering of Rafine and Prisilla.

“Oh quit your yapping cat. You drank nearly half of our healing potions on the first day. Could you be any more reckless?” Rafine replies crankily as she tightens the bandages, prompting a quiet howl from Prisilla.

“Not only that,” Rafine continued, “we had to use up the bait flask as well as the earthen wall scroll we got from the Dale family. You know the glass of the flask alone goes for half a month’s wages right?”

Her grievances were only met by a soft whimper.

“Don’t be so harsh on her, Rafine.” Sylvestra chimes in, “she did her best.”

“If I don’t tell her off she’ll never learn!” Rafine shoots back angrily, “honestly that was such a stupid move, what would we have done if you died huh? Are you trying to worry us to death?”

“I’m sorry, nyaaaa.” Prisill apologizes meekly.

Rafine lets out a huff before softening her tone. “Don’t you go dying on me cat. I’ll never forgive you if you do.” She says as she finishes tying up her legs. It was a bit messy since she was doing it with one arm, but it served its purpose.

“Are they sleeping Sylvestra?” Donovan asked, stoking the flames. He and Swift had been discussing something on the other side of the bonfire.

“Yeah. Out like fairies.” Sylvestra answered.

“Oh yeah Donny I wanted to ask you something. When did you get the great idea of using the bait flask on those guys? Did Swift teach you that?” Prisilla’s ears perked up as she remembered what she wanted to ask.

“I told you not to call me that.” Donovan sighed, “and no, I thought of it myself.”

Prisilla whistled in response, “woudja look at that, you’re not that old after all.”

Donovan coughed before switching the topic: “Enough, we have an agenda to talk about. The outlander, Nina.”

The others fell silent, and Donovan motioned for Rafine to speak.

“Ahem.” The small mage began, “originally I was going to take care of her, but since that option is...” She glanced at her left arm, or rather, where it used to be, “no longer on the table. Would any of you be willing to care for her?”

“I’m terrible with children.” Swift said.

“I won’t have time.” Donovan informed.

“Probably not nya,” Prisilla replied, “the places I frequent aren’t exactly for kids.”

The eyes landed on Sylvestra, who spoke slowly:

“I.... don’t like her.”

There was an air of awkwardness before Swift broke the silence: “Well that’s settled then. So we sell her in Darinford? I know a few guys there, she’ll fetch a high price.”

“Swift! Ow ow ow...” Prisilla jumped up only to sit back down as the pain reminded her of her recent injuries. “You’re heartless!”

“What do you want me to do?” Swift shrugged, “we checked the slavery exchange files of nearly every city we stopped by. For all we know she just popped into existence straight in a thieves’ den. Either we sell her to a reputable trader or send her to an orphanage, so we might as well get some payment for our troubles.”

“Isn’t she from the Blackhorn tribe? Can’t we take her back?” Prisilla argued.

“You want to take her to the outlands? Are you nuts? No offense to Rafine by the way, but that place is a hellhole. There’s no way you live that trip if you don’t know where the tribe even is.” Swift disputed.

“None taken. In fact, you’re pretty much spot on. Moreover she was exiled from the tribe effectively. If she ever returns she’ll likely be executed at the least, or tortured and sacrificed at the worst. The tribalistic nature of some clans are deplorable.” Rafine informed them.

Prisilla’s tail shook in anger, “I can’t believe those people. How could they exile such a cute child?”

Rafine raised her eyebrow: “Prisilla what tribe does she come from?”

“The Blackhorns right?”

“And what color are Ninamoritis' horns?”

“White?” The realization dawned on her, “Ohhhhhhh. Okay nya. I get it. Still, we can’t sell her. If she was human it might be fine, but you know how they treat outlanders here.”

“And do they treat orphans any better? The more reputable ones at least guarantee food and shelter for those they manage, which is more than I can say for the public orphanages.” Swift maintained, “We can’t take her back. We don’t want her with us. If we can’t sell her, what option is left?”

Prisilla tried to think of something, but nothing came to mind besides adoption. But where on earth would you find a kind family willing to take care of an outlander? While the stigma isn’t as strong in Darinford as it is in the Theocracy, it isn’t like Rafine’s people were widely accepted.

Could she work? No, no establishment would want her. She could be an adventurer but she won’t live long as a child. None of them do.

“Argh this is so frustrating.” Prisilla complained. She held a large amount of sympathy for the young outlander, but taking on child rearing didn’t seem like a smart option to her. Even she knew that.

The Dragon’s Teardrop was planning on disbanding after bringing Sylvestra home, and the life of a solo adventurer is harsh, unstable, and dangerous. The income you would make from the safe jobs is only enough for a single person to barely get by, and circumstances would surely be tougher for a demihuman and an outlander in a variety of ways.

The life she lived held no place for children, and it wasn’t like she knew anything about raising a child herself.

“Wait,” while Prisilla was contemplating learning a trade skill Rafine spoke up, coming to her rescue. “Swift makes a good point about our future options with Ninamoritis. Public orphanages don’t have good environments due to their underfunding and while slavery could be better, the option still holds obvious danger. I have a proposition.”

Rafine turned towards Sylvestra, staring at her with sincerity.

“Sylvestra, I understand your disdain towards a strange child picked up from who knows where associating with your own, but if you would look after her until she grows older. I shall return when I am.... In a more suitable position to adopt her and take her off your hands.”

“I...” Sylvestra turned away, “You know how my family is. There’s no guarantee I’ll be able to even raise Alfy without incident.”

Rafine nodded, which prompted Sylvestra to continue.

“And I...” you could hear the anguish on her every word, “I don’t wish to raise a child that isn’t mine again.”

“I know of the weight of my request Sylvestra, so forgive me for asking you anyway.” Rafine did not look away.

“Why?” Sylvestra turned back to her, face scrunched up in an expression of contemplation. “Why would you do so much for her?”

“I-...” Rafine began but could not continue, the reason not too clear herself.

Instead, Prisilla answered: “Because we see a little of our past self in her. Just a little bit nya. If life worked out for any of us, we wouldn’t be adventurers in the first place.”

She smiled, staring up into the starry sky: “But here we are nya. A ragtag group from all the corners of the continent, somehow still alive.”

“I’m not a demi race myself.” Donovan, who had been sitting silently, decided to share his thoughts: “So I can’t sympathize as deeply as those two. But if I had a choice... I wouldn’t want others to go through the same things I have had to. That we all have had to. There is a lot to gain from the relationships you forge, but there is also something precious that is lost in our profession.”

“Gosh you people are all bleeding hearts. How did we even get to A rank without you idiots trying to save every sorry kid we set our eyes on?” Swift rolled his eyes while clasping his hands behind his head.

“Swift, we all know you send more than half of your earnings back to your old orphanage. You of all people shouldn’t lecture us.” Though his snarky comment was shot down by Donovan rather promptly.


“Wha? Who? How? When did you find out?” For once Swift didn’t have much of a reply, and there was a short bout of laughter shared by Rafine, Donovan, and Prisilla at his awkward response.

Though, once the joke ran its course a short silence fell soon after. Everyone awaited Sylvestra’s decision.

“How long Rafine?”

“I’m sorry?”

“How long until you return for her?” Sylvestra asked.

“Well, I’d have to get used to my arm, secure funds, locate the tribe, negotiate, and then prepare an excursion into the outlands while preparing for complications so... five... No, fifteen years to be safe, maybe?”

Swift sucked in a breath sharply at the declaration. Fifteen years might not seem like much to Rafine, who was a long living race, but it was certainly quite a significant part of a human’s lifespan.

"Can you do it in ten years?"

"I can try."


“Fine. I’ll do my best to work it out with my family.” Sylvestra made her decision and the party breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you Sylvestra, that’s all I can hope for.” Rafine bowed awkwardly with one arm.

“Heyyy Rafine.” Prisilla narrowed his eyes at her, “isn’t it kind of cruel to take Nina away from Alfy after ten years? They seem like really good friends nya.”

“They’re young, they’ll grow out of it I’m sure.” Rafine dismissed the concern with a wave.

“That’s enough discussion for tonight, we should get some rest. We leave for Darinford tomorrow.” Donovan turned towards the scout, “Swift, you’re taking the first watch.”

“Ehh.... why me?”

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