Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 13: The Blue Lion Commander

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+++ Swift’s Perspective +++

“Ugh,” I wiped the blood off my knife as the monster rat fell to the floor, “Must be the celebration happening; we just cleared this out, these monsters are spawning wayy to fast.”

I look over to Rafine just in time to spot her slamming a waterball into the dirt wall. The skeleton she was facing down rattled as it charged at her, but it didn’t make it far before she shot another waterball; the force of the projectile slamming into its abdomen and breaking it apart. 

“Is magic that hard to cast with one arm?” I made my way quickly over to her. Normally Rafine would have absolutely no problem with creatures of this level, but she was panting heavily and her eyes looked cloudy. 

“Have you tried running with one leg?” She brushed me aside, “My balance is completely off. And this damned low quality staff isn’t helping.” If she was any angrier, I swear she would have broken that staff then and there, unfortunately she doesn’t have replacements and looks like she understands that.

“Hey if it makes you feel any better,” I helped her along as we continued through the labyrinth, first floor, “we’ve found out that the church people don’t actually know it's you. They’re just looking for an outlander fire mage with red hair.”

“Like that isn't a damning description. How many times have I told you, they do know. A freaking bishop introduced himself to me. The only reason I’m not behind bars is because he thinks I’m dead.” She snapped back. She’s certainly been in a foul mood recently.

Well, it's not like I can’t understand.

“Well hey, at least you’re not on any wanted posters... officially at least. And it's not like the Bishop Havenor or whatever can report the story if he doesn’t want to be charged with conspiracy and assassination.” I attempted to brighten her outlook, “Look at the silver lining right? It could be worse.”

She gave a large sigh before pushing me away and rolling her eyes, “You’re right, I could have lost a leg as well. Move, I can walk on my own.”

Well she’s in a good enough mood to crack jokes again. That was a start. Though I’m a tad bit worried she’s pushing herself. Oh well her business not mine.

“Hey wait up, we can’t go too fast or we risk running into a patrol.”

“Hm.” Rafine gave me a questionable glance before voicing a concern: “Speaking of patrols, do we still not know the reason behind the sudden shift swap?”

“Nope.” I shrugged, “but they should be making their rounds on the other side of the city right now.”

As if to spite me, a low rumble echoed from in front of us. Both of our nerves switched to high alert, and I just managed to grab Rafine in time before she dashed off.

“Where do you think you’re going?” 

“To help.”

“You can’t.” She of all people should be the one to evacuate the first.


She shook my arm off and said reluctantly: “I know.”


+++ Alfon’s Perspective +++

They were evenly matched, the Templar Leon and the Adventurer  Donovan.

Is what I wanted to say, but while Donovan could withstand the heavy azure slashes from the Blue Lion, he couldn’t deal any meaningful damage back. 

A flash of blue steel struck the side of Donovan, and he grunted as he was forced back. He attempted a counter attack with his battleaxe but it was parried gracefully to the side before Leon sent a steel plated kick to his jaw.

Stumbling backwards, Donovan still managed to get his shield up in time to stop the onslaught of blows coming his way, but any attempt he made to strike Leon with the axe went wide or was deflected. 

A faint glow surrounded the both of them as the combat continued. Though I couldn’t make out the exact color from Donovan, Leon was, unsurprisingly, shining a fierce blue that also coated his blade. The brighter they shone the heavier each of their respective hits seemed.

A massive downwards swing struck like lightning on the steel bulwark of Donovan’s shield before the two of them broke away from each other. I could see Donovan, bleeding and panting, but still holding strong despite the numerous scratches on his body. However, Leon looked like he didn’t even break a sweat.

“You fight valiantly intruder. It is a shame you stand against me and not with me.” Leon swung his blade downwards to expel the blood upon the gravel below, “Surrender now and I shall see to it that your sentence is lenient.”

“That’s mighty generous of you templar. But I must decline. There are still things I must accomplish.” Donovan replied, shield at the ready.

They stared at each in silence for a few moments, each wary of the moves of the other.

Fortunately it gave me just in time to conjure and fire an icicle lance at Leon.

I casted the chant as silently as I could and I hid the formation of the magic behind a stone pillar, but it would seem my efforts were for naught.

For the icicle was deflected without even a glance. Leon caught the projectile on the tip of his blade and reflected it to the ceiling in the span of time it took me to blink.

“It would appear your companion is less honorable than you.” A cold dismissal was all he said before dashing towards me at incredible speed.

“Wait, stop!” Donovan shouted to try and grab his attention, but to no avail.

  I turned to run but I could not even get two steps in before he was behind me, blade coming down fast.


Time seemed to slow to a crawl as imminent death was staring directly at me. 

There seemed to be an eternal peace that was held in the distance between my head and the edge of his blade. In this moment I could see his blue hair and silver eyes face distinctly; I could make out every minute feature on his armour from the crevices to the patterns, even in the dim light of the labyrinth. And from this heightened sense of observation I could see his eyes widen in recognition.

I’m glad to know he remembers me. Enough to slow down the speed on his blade but not enough to avert the direction of its travel.


I would accept death here honestly. 

I’ve felt for some reason that I’ve always had a rather light grip on the life I was given.

I’m not sure if it was due to the unfinished business I had in my past one, or the strange feeling of foreignness I felt in this iteration of myself.

But I found accepting my fate for my stupid mistake rather easily.

After all, if I casted my spell with an intent to kill, why should I complain when bloodlust was directed at me.



I really couldn’t die here.

Mother would be sad.

And I’ve made a vague promise to Nina.

I haven’t yet learned what I needed to from Rafine.

Nor have I had Prisilla take me adventuring in Osignin.

There are a plethora of stories that Swift and Donovan have yet to share with me.

I had to see Sara again and thank her for caring.

I had to return the insignia to the Dale family.

And maybe.

Just maybe.

I could eventually solve that nagging mystery in the back of my head.

Of who I was.

And who I was meant to be.

I was soulbound to this world, but for what reason I know not.

So I must live here.





I needed to move.

Out of the way of the oncoming blade.

Time had seemingly slowed but not yet stopped and I was going to be split in two eventually. 

I had to move.


But my legs would not obey me. Why?


Time seemed to be speeding up again.

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The blade was falling fast. 

I could feel my eyelashes touching the cold steel.


Frost seemed to have formed around my lips and I could feel a faint cold sensation on my toes, but my legs have yet to hear my commands.







+++ Donovan’s Perspective +++

I couldn’t stop him in time.

I watched in horror as the templar lunged at young Alfon, powerless to stop him.

As the blade came down with mana imbued force, I thought it was over. Sylvestra would never forgive me, not while I still lived.

But in that moment I witnessed something incredible.

The blade slowed down, by whose command I’m not too sure, but that wasn’t all.

Alfon managed to duck low and slide out of the way, despite being caught blindsided.

How did he do that? I wasn’t entirely sure. The Templar seemed as astonished as I was.

“You! You’re A-” He began as he regained his posture after the failed swing, only to find his blade coated with a thin layer of some material, “What?”

But he could not finish that sentence in time before he had to turn his attention to his oncoming attacker.

It was Sylvestra, flying out of the shadows with daggers in hand, and fire in her eyes. I could recognize the fierce gale of wind magic that she occasionally used accompanying her lightning fast barrage of slashes and thrusts.

Yet, despite the surprise attack, and despite the fury of her blows, somehow this templar managed to block it all gracefully and even send her flying with a swing of his blade. 

I didn’t believe my eyes as Sylvestra flew back and hit a wall. The wind aura she surrounded herself with seemed to soften the blow, as she regained her footing quickly.

But even still.

The combat prowess of this man was absurd; Company Commander seemed too small of a title to award him.

“I see that you’ve brought friends. Very well, I shall send all of you to the judgment hall.” The templar announced. He didn’t seem at all daunted by the thought of fighting more than one foe at once.

“We’re busy, sorry nya. Maybe next time .” I felt a tap on my shoulder, and a voice I recognized as belonging to Prisilla, “Can’t you go easy on us poor travelers.”

I’ve never been more glad to see that irritating grin on her face. Her tail whipped to and fro as her ears twitched violently. Looks like she was a little angry.

The templar turned to face her before raising his sword, “Intruding into the city labyrinth without a permit, combative attitude against a lawful enforcer, resisting arrest, and desecration of a holy day of ceremony are just a taste of what you and your friends shall be charged with demihuman. I suggest you surrender now before I’m forced to take drastic measures.”

Prisilla nudged her head towards the direction of our planned exit. I look up in time to see Sylvestra moving ever closer to Alfon, and realize what we should do.

A tactical retreat was in order.

“You’re such a harda*s nya.” Prisilla readied her greatsword.

Everyone moved at once and chaos ensued.


+++ Prisilla’s Perspective +++

Whoo boy nya. This one sure was a piece of work.

When Swift and Rafine showed up late and told us I made my way here as fast as I could.

I mean I was slower than Sylvie but still, I did my best okay.

And once I get here what do I find? Not just any old patrol unit but a darned templar? Who can beat Donovan? Yeesh. I better get a whole night at the bar for this.

I mean, I barely even managed to stop him from going after Donovan, Sylvie, and the kid.

I could see sparks of light fly off as the edges of our blade clashed. I had distracted him while the others ran but it wasn’t easy. I don’t think he’s as strong as me but gosh darned is his technique good nya. Thankfully he couldn’t seem to form his mana properly into his blade.

I thought templar weapons were supposed to be high quality, did he get a defective batch? Must suck.

Still, as I put blow after blow into this guy he just keeps dodging or parrying.


“Parry this nya.” I yelled as I sent the force of a rockslide down on him. Greatsword imbued with earthen might, it crashed onto his blade with a heavy tremor. 

And... he did, actually parry it.

“Is that all of you’ve got?” He smirked at me.

Oh boy, this one wasn’t going to be easy nya.


+++ Alfon’s Perspective +++

 I wanted to say I personally wasn’t a coward for abandoning Prisilla to her fate. It’s just that mother was a lot stronger than I was.

At least, that’s the excuse I gave myself as she carried me while zipping through the maze of dirt walls at breakneck pace. I got a little bit worried when the clanking of Donovan’s bootsteps grew fainter as we got further ahead, but she stopped suddenly.

“We’re here Alfy dear.” She whispered to me before putting me down and then chanting some weird words while facing a wall.

The wall opened up to reveal a ladder that led upwards.

“Go on. I’ll be right behind you.” She urged.

I wasn’t in the mood for argument so I obeyed her wishes despite the worries nagging me to stay. I shook off the icy feelings in my legs before climbing slowly up the ladder, mother following closely behind.

You know, it's a lot harder to climb up a ladder with one hand that people realize. At least I know my mother will catch me if I fall; she was already holding my back so it helped reassure me.

As we made our way up the ladder the dirt above me moved to create an opening into the morning sky above. Two hands lifted me up before sitting me down on the grass.

“Good to see you made it out alive Alfy.” It was Swift, looking a bit dirty from walking in the labyrinth. I wondered if I also looked like that.

“Hop on the wagon, we'll be heading out soon.” 

I could see a fancy looking traveler’s wagon with a strange animal pulling it. It wasn’t nearly as fancy as the carriage I rode in with the Dale family, but it was still of better quality than a plain old merchant’s transport.

As mother came out of the hole and discussed something with Swift I made my way to the wagon.

I was rather short so I couldn’t actually get up high enough to climb on, but fortunately a familiar mage saw my struggles and helped me up.

“How’s the fresh air taste, Alfy?” Rafine asked me. I couldn’t help but notice she was rather glum.

Though Nina certainly wasn’t. 

“Alfy!” She glued herself to me as soon as she spotted me and started mumbling something under her breath.

Mostly words containing the letter A. I can sort of guess what word she was saying over and over again.

“Nina stop, I’m dirty.” I had to remind her we just came out of a dusty maze in the ground.

Though that did nothing to stop her. Oh well, I’ll just have to thoroughly wash up later.

Perhaps the nostalgia of travel got to me because I seemed to have forgotten a little fact of our situation.

“Prisilla did WHAT? And you LEFT her there?” Swift screeched.



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