Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 8: Ch 8: Battle at the Runewoods

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+++???'s Perspective+++

The rune mage was being escorted by Orily's mercenaries in the forest. He had initially been told of the successful capture and was personally inspecting the hostages before presenting his achievements to the cardinal.

"Your Holiness, I was wondering how you would get back in time for the inauguration in the capital. Surely you weren't going to miss it?" Orily attempted some small talk, of which the rune mage didn't usually appreciate, but given the success of the assignment so far he decided to indulge the man.

"I have received a teleportation scroll from his Eminence, the Cardinal. Once I've confirmed the identity of the children you shall receive the rest of your payment. Stay in the good graces of his Eminence and you can expect more gold to line your pockets. The Saint Talis is nothing if not merciful."

"Blessings to the Saint." Orily mimicked the gesture he often saw the priests doing.

"Blessings to the Saint." The rune mage chuckled at his attempt but the smile on his face waned, "Wait."

"What is it?"

"The barrier I've placed has gone down. Did one of your men deactivate it?"

"No! I swear on my name. The only men that remain at the base are those under the shade siblings, and they are under strict orders to await our arrival."

"You need better control over those you command, are you implying my magic could have gone awry on its own?"

"N-no, my apologies."

"Hmph." The mage was not worried, he had placed more measures around the cavern exits, if anyone were to leave he would know. All this gave him is an excuse to dock the payment amount. Though he did have a nagging feeling bothering him...

"The mage that acted as the bodyguard of the noble children. Did you ever find out who they were?"

"No, it didn't seem like any of the mages currently under the lord Derick. "

"Hmm. A single bodyguard seemed suspicious..."

They just arrived at the entrance to the cave. While the rune mage stopped in front Orily moved his hand and signaled his men to move in closer, but before he could give his next command the sun rose.

Or so it seemed.

A pillar of flame burst into view and they were nearly thrown off their horses.

"W-what?" the two men were flabbergasted but before they could recover a ball of fire came hurtling at them.

"Protect me you fools!" The rune mage covered his face with his blue and gold robe, but the impact he expected never came.

Brother Boar had emerged at Orily's command and blocked the ball of flame with his massive figure.

"Are you alright your Holiness?" Orily had stretched out a hand to him, but the mage slapped him aside.

"What the hell is that?" he pointed at the demonic figure within the pillar of flame, "Is she one of yours?"

"I-I'm... no she isn't."

"THEN GET RID OF HER!" he screamed.

+++Rafine's perspective+++

'Immerse yourself in the flame.'

'Through fire, it cleanses all sin.'

'Visions of red will engulf them.'

'They shall burn, till nothing remains.'

"Spirits of fire, turn them to ash. Fireball!"

Her staff shook as a conjured ball of flame appeared before it and went hurtling at the group of men.

The ball of fire was blocked.

She tried again, but couldn't conjure the fireball this time.


Her body was injured, crippled, and she didn't even have half the mana she would have had on a normal day. She was holding on from what she had stored within the staff, but the initial spell had cost her dearly.

She was working on borrowed time.

She had to incinerate them before her body gave out. Swift would have seen the massive flame pillar and even if he didn't Prisilla would have smelled the smoke and ash from miles away. She had to hold on until they arrived.

"Flame lance!"

A lance of flame manifested itself before her.

She fired once more.

+++Alfon's Perspective+++

The initial blast had sent me flying. I know Rafine told me to run far away once I had placed the seal on the staff but we ran into some complications and I was lying half dead next to some fallen rock. Its an absolute miracle that I hadn't been killed yet by debris.

I could hear the screams and yelling of people outside, along with the whistling noise of fireballs overhead. The smell of molten rock almost as strong as burnt flesh.

"Serves you right bastards." I assured myself they had it coming, but that still didn't stop my urge to throw up from the disgusting smell.

I was getting light headed, it must be the smoke or something.


Oh hey it was Nina, running towards me as fast as her little legs could carry her.

Unfortunately I don't think I have the energy to answer her.

The last thing I felt before I passed out were her arms wrapping around me.

And the walls of the cavern closing in.

+++Haevenor's Perspective+++

Of course the bodyguard wasn't an ordinary mage, I thought they had captured them too easily.

Thankfully these mercenaries serve as valuable meat shields while I prepare the rune activation spells.

"AHHHH." one of the meat shields fell, scorched alive by a torrent of flame.

These pieces of garbage can't even preform their duties as shields correctly. I don't know what his eminence was thinking, hiring a band of rogues like this. Surely there are more tactful but equally discreet ways of securing leverage against the Dales.

No, I shouldn't question the Cardinal.

"Boss! The arrows melt before they reach her and the spells of our mages can't penetrate the flame pillar. The hell do we do?" a higher ranking scum this time, probably a captain or something.

"Your holiness, my men aren't exactly suited to deal with a mage of that caliber. She must be at least Royal rank, I don't suppose you would be willing to assist us?" the imbecile Orily is equally worthless it would seem.

"Keep her distracted. She'll run out of mana sooner or later. I'll bring her down when she does."

"With all due respect that could take hours. The lives of my men-"

"Will be reimbursed with coin. Now shut up and do your job." I can't believe this idiot is distracting me in the midst of my spell preparations.


Did he just click his tongue at me.

"You..." the runes on my robe started to glow, "dare disrespect me? I have a rogue mage to deal with, don't make me waste my mana on you too."

"Ah yes, do forgive my bout of incivility your holiness."

+++Rafine's Perspective+++

I had been firing ball after ball of flames at the men below me but, like the insects they are, there seemed to be no end to them. I burn down one only to have two more pop out of the forest, whoever they are they must have deployed a veritable army to this location.

"I won't last much longer huh?"

Hopefully by now Nina had reconvened with Alfy and secured a route of escape. She was smart that one, not as smart as Alfy, but much smarter than she acts.

"Blazing Volley!" Arrows of flame shower their left flank.

Down goes five more, there really is no end to them.


My spell was halted, a sharp pain erupted from my left arm. It had been pierced by a magic bolt of some kind.

I hastened to pour more mana into the field of flames I was maintaining, but....


I seem to have been too late.

My previous staff, a gift from Aralune of the Veil, shattered before my eyes. Wooden splinters burnt up in the heat of the pillar before.


They were keepsakes I carried with me always, the hat and the staff; the last remnant of the one who inspired me to be a mage, and the treasure of the one who taught me the craft.

I had always known that I was lucky to be able to carry their memento with me for so long. A part of me almost took for granted that they would last forever, but of course...

Nothing truly does, neither the living nor their creations.

But of course, life has given me no time to mourn.

With no mana outlet to maintain my spell I fell rapidly.

"Featherfall!" the words stung me as they exited my mouth. It hurts to cast a spell with no medium of transfer, but it would certainly hurt more to be paste upon the rocky debris below.

Arrows shot out to greet my landing, it would appear that their archers had been waiting for this moment.

The vast majority of them missed me but I had been struck by three. One in my leg, and two on my arm.

"Hold your fire!" an angry yelling of an old man, I did not recognize this voice, " I said hold it you sell-swords!"

A moment of respite for me to gather my breath before a tattered company of rogues made their way in front of me. Almost all of them had some noticeable burn marks on their body, this I took comfort in.

"A crossing of life, a blessed occasion, I declare myself Bishop Haevenor of the church of Talis, a Lord ranked rune mage. Name yourself." Despite being a bishop it appears that they know the formal greetings practiced by named mages.

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"A blessed crossing, I declare myself Rafine Veritus Hagglethorn, A ranked adventurer of the Dragon's Teardrop, a Royal ranked fire mage. What business do you have with me." I coughed out. If I could dissuade them it would be ideal, and if not that, stall them.

Upon my declaration of my rank I heard audible gasps amongst the bandits. They really shouldn't be surprised, I've burnt half of them alive.

"I see I am speaking to a caster of renown, Firestorm Rafine I believe it was? I'd like to congratulate you on your achievements in Osignin. It is a shame you were born amongst the horned, the church could use someone like you."

"Bishop Haevenor you flatter me."

"I notice you have been employed to guard the young heirs of the Dale family. I would request a reconsideration of your allegiance, name your price."

I notice the eyes of Orily narrow, and even the large man behind him was looking uncomfortable.


So he didn't tell him.

"The Dale family?" I smile as the words flowed out, "Your honorable Bishop, you are mistaken, the children I shelter are the family of one of my party members, they are not of noble birth."

The face of the bishop twisted into an ugly visage of anger.

"What?" The question was not directed at me but rather at Orily, "You dare deceive me?"

"Your holiness, the mage lies, she is desperate."

"I sincerely hope so, for your sake. The church does not take kindly to liars." He turned back towards me, "the offer still stands Madam Rafine."

"Bishop Havenor," I could feel the mana coursing through me, perhaps I should have done this sooner, "I wish to ask a question before I reveal my answer, was it you who ordered the capture of the children?"

"Indeed it was, I'm sure you know of the impudence of the Avenstron Kingdom thus far, they would dare send a peace delegate when they have repeatedly insulted the teachings of Talis?" He grasped his staff in anger, "Disgusting filth. Worry not Rafine, the church shall ensure your party of adventurers will have no shortage of work in the war to come."

"I see. What would be the result if I refused your offer?" An arm was a small sacrifice to make to protect the child of Sylvestra.

"We shall strike you down where you stand."

"Then I suppose..."

I hope you grow up healthy Alfy. I'm afraid I won't be able to teach you any more magic after this.

"Negotiations have broken down." Lines of red appeared on my arm, the heat scorching my body inside out. I could feel my bones liquifying from the inside as my skin glowed with a dangerous red hue. Parts of my flesh melted off and turned into magma as I raised my arm.

"Sh*t! Open fire! Kill her before she casts!" The voice of my captor urgently commanded his men.

I must commend you Orily, your survival instincts are of higher caliber than your church friend, but...

Too late.


+++Swift's perspective+++

Oh boy this is not good. I heard the story of her ascension to a Royal rank mage a few times before, but I never thought I'd be able to see the Saint class spell in action.

That tornado of flame that stretched to the sky scared the wits out of me.

My instincts were telling me to run away, but I pushed forward.

"Where the hell is your toll fee chum?" A scimitar came swinging out of the darkness towards me.

I ducked just in time. We had encountered some unknown hostile group when venturing towards the pillar of fire we spotted a while back. While they weren't too skilled, the darkness of the night had been rather troublesome to deal with.


Before he could finish his sentence I shoved a knife into his throat.

"Keep the change."

I turned in time to see Donovan cleave a man in half, "Donovan, I'm going on ahead."

He gave me the 'okay' signal and I sped ahead, my path lit before me by the blazing firestorm at my destination.

+++Havenor's Perspective+++

Dammit I didn't think the midget had that up her sleeve.

Thank Talis my barrier held. Unfortunately I was also exhausted of mana after that ordeal.

"Havenor." That scum Orily also seemed to have lived along with the massive man he kept with him. A surprising occurrence but I was in no mood to congratulate him.

"What is it mercenary?"

"I believe it to be time we part ways." He had a scroll in his hands, "Do forgive me for ducking out of the party prematurely."

"You will stay until we have secured the children dammit."

"Unfortunately staying for the final act of this particular play would be the height of foolishness." Orily grinned widely as his long fingers unveiled the scroll.

I heard the faint unsheathing of steel right behind me.

"Wha- AHHH"

My tendons were slashed by a figure in black. Pain rippled from my ankles enough to make me fall.

"It has been my pleasure Bishop." two figures in black joined up beside him.

"You double crossing scum." That was my teleportation scroll wasn't it.

"How uncivilized of you." he frowned, "I expected better your holiness."

A flash of light and his party was gone.

+++Alfon's Perspective+++

I awoke to darkness. Hints of light poured out from above enough for me to recognize the severity of the situation.

I was trapped under the fallen rubble of the cave, and the only thing stopping it from crushing me is Nina holding it up with her back as she covered me with her body, her blood flowing onto my tunic as the rock had cut her in multiple places.


"Alfy..." she broke out a smile as she strained to keep the dirt and rock from falling. "You okay. I very happy. Very very happy. Don't die please."


A block of stone fell on her fingers. Her smile wavered a little but did not falter.

"Oh my god you're bleeding. Move over I'll help you." I moved to try and help but she shook her head.

"Nina move, what are you doing?"

She kept shaking her head.

"Move!" I yelled.

"NO!" She yelled back, "you hurt."

"And you're not?"

She smiled at me a bit more.

"I am okay. No worry." She says, clearly not okay.

"You're not okay, don't pretend to be. You're bleeding from multiple places and your fingers just got crushed. You don't have to keep smiling in front of me, really."

Of course, she didn't really listen to my advice and just kept that smile on me.

"Alfy... it hurts, it hurt lots." She whispered quietly.

"I know so move dammit, let me help." I was baffled that she wouldn't move and just tried lifting some rock from my position, the one that just fell on her hand.


And then I realized.

The rock was heavy.

Like, seriously heavy. Heavy to the point where my puny child hands couldn't even budge it.

How in god's green earth was she holding up all that?

"It hurt big lots, but it hurt more if see you hurt." She held back a sniffle, "Alfy help me before, I know. When Nina back in scary room with bad uncle, Nina would stay if Alfy no help human girl. Alfy nice, think lots but nice. Rafy nice too."

A tear landed on my face as she continued.

"Cat lady nice. Swift and Dono no see much, but nice too. Alfy mom think I bad but still nice to me." The scent of blood and salt lingered in my nose as she poured out her thoughts, "They nice to me, because I nice to you Alfy. They no keep me if you die. They throw me away if you hurt. Nina made big trouble this time, let Alfy get big hurt."

"Nina listen, there is no way in hell I'm going to let anyone throw you away." I put as much conviction as I could in those words, I truly meant them.

"Nina knows. Nina knows Alfy nice to Nina no matter what. Cold sometimes, but Alfy mana say Alfy think Nina okay to be around. No one as nice as Alfy."

"Nina...." Her horn glowed a dim white as she confessed her feelings to me.

"Nina finally find home. Alone for so long; hungry, tired, sad so long. Nina tell herself if smile be happy but Nina was no happy before," her smile finally buckled as started to cry, "Nina no want to leave. Nina no want go back. Nina want be with Alfy so Alfy need stay alive."

She turned her gaze upon me, a determined gaze.

"Alfy promise me. Promise you be alive. Be with me."

"Nina I..." I started.

"PROMISE ME!" Her voice rang in my ears, I swear I could hear it repeating even after she said them.

"I promise." I responded shakily. I wasn't too sure what I was promising but my answer seemed good enough for her.

"Okay. I keep you alive until people come."

And that's exactly what she did.

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