Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 9: The Holy Capital Talis

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+++ Alfon's Perspective +++

What happened afterwards was a blur. Swift and Prisilla had found us underneath the rubble and dug us out before handing us to the servants of Lord Derick. Mother came by shortly after the priests saw to us.

I thought I was going to be scolded again but she said nothing and just sat with while holding me tight. Lord Derick visited us shortly after and apologized to my mother before calling her away to discuss something.

Within the hour she came back and the whole caravan was back on the road again, when I asked why were travelling during the night mother explained it to me softly.

"Rafine is hurt dear, we don't have the supplies to treat her here."

Oh... right.

"Mom, is she going to be okay?"

"She's been through worse." She smiled and patted my head, "I'm sure she'd be glad to know you were thinking about her.

I think I fell asleep soon after that.


The days after that were pretty foggy. Since my arms were in a rather dangerous state I could barely think through the pain most of the time. It didn't help that the carriage rode quickly through poorly maintained roads, making the ride uncomfortable, though I suppose it was worth it to seek help in a city faster.

I also didn't see Nina or Rafine at all, mother told me they were riding elsewhere but I couldn't help being worried. I could tell there was a lot on her mind and she wasn't telling me any of it.

It wasn't all bad though. They found the paintbrush I got from Freya underneath the rubble despite the battleground looking like a scene out of hell. The wand and knife I got, however, were less fortunate but the Lord Derick said that if any items of those descriptions turned up on the market he would buy them at any price.

Though I'm not sure a replacement would hold as much value.

I also got to see Prisilla more than usual since they needed someone to look after me. Mother was even busier now that we were making haste through the roads and we barely had enough scouts before as it is, but despite her added workload she still made it to my bedtime to sing a lullaby to me.

She's had a habit of doing that nowadays and I have to say she is a great singer. I had memorized a couple of her songs by now and sung them to myself when mother wasn't around.

Prisilla couldn't animate her stories with clay figurines but the tales she told were interesting nonetheless, though it usually ended up with her being kicked out of whatever establishments she had found herself disagreeing with. She also taught me a variety of games she had learned in various regions, and I picked up on those quickly.


"Alfy, that's enough talk about it, how about we play a game nya?" She grinned from ear to ear as she pulled out an intricate wooden box from her knapsack. "I stol- bought this off an elf once, the cards are from one to ten and then from keeper, guardian, and master. Master is the strongest card."

Wait... I've... seen this before.

"You can play the cards as singles or pairs or that other stuff I taught you nya." She gave the deck a clumsy shuffle before dealing the cards between us. "First to empty their hand wins."

Haven't I played this once upon a time?

"Oh whoops, sorry I forgot you can't move your arms." She turned to the servant that had been temporarily assigned to me. "Hey, you there!"

"M-me?" She was a girl of short stature, a head of short orange hair, and wearing a travelling maid's attire. Assigned to watch over me when my mother wasn't around. She usually just stood somewhere close to me and kept an eye out, her meek presence helping her blend into the background so much so I sometimes forgot she existed. She had helped in changing my bandages a few times under the priest's directive. I think her name was Sharcosica.

"Yeah you, just hold his cards for him and do what he says." Prisilla observed her cards before playing one out, "I have the one of diamonds so I'll start with a pair."

Yeah this game really did feel familiar. I gestured with my eyes and moved my head towards the cards I wanted her to respond with.

"Err... these ones?"

I nodded.


It had been about fifteen or so rounds before mother came to check up on me.

"Sylvieeeeee!" Prisilla ran into her arms and mother caught her with a surprised look, "your child is a demon!"

Mother clonked her on the head with her fist.

"Prisilla I don't take kindly to insults to Alfy; what happened?" she asked inquisitively.

"H-he stole 23 silver from me!" Prisilla cried.

Mother looked at me before Sharcosica chimed in: "Madam Sylvestra, Miss Prisilla had been playing cards with your son and started to bet money when she started to lose. She has... unfortunately not been able to recuperate her losses."

"I never won..." Prisilla held her face in her hands. "Not even once. Sylvie what are you feeding him? He's ruthless."


Mother smacked her over the head again.

"Honestly, what are you teaching my child?"


It had been a while since then. I believe she owes me around a few gold pieces by now which is interesting because I don't think she actually carries around that much money.

I hope she fixes her habit of betting more every time she loses.

I worry about her since we'll be arriving in the capital soon. I hope she doesn't gamble away everything she owns.


"Alfy Alfy, mommy is going to hold you for a second okay?" Mother spoke excitedly while gently tapping my shoulder.

I looked up from the book she was holding for me, "what is it?"

She scooped me up and brought me near the window.

There I saw it, carved into the side of the mountain like a glittering alter to the gods above. Spiraling towers of alabaster and gold shimmering in the sunlight as they touched the heavens. Rows of imposing platinum white walls encased the city of silver broken only by a clear blue river running through from the eastern side. Meadows of emerald stretched outwards from the jeweled capital, swaying to the tune of the southern winds. White, gold, and green were the sounds of the symphony before me, its notes dancing in the glow of the afternoon sun as my eyes basked in the grand chorus of its splendor. If angels could paint, the sight before me would surely be used as a reference. The frosted mountain peaks above and the shining city below forging such a beautiful harmony that it struck me to my core.

"The holy capital of Talisbane: Talis. The most dazzling city in the world."

I stared, transfixed, until my mother eventually pried me away from the windowsill.


It is to my extraordinary dissatisfaction that I had not the opportunity to explore the beautiful city, as my mother had me confined to a bed in a temple. Both the party and our caravan had quite a lot to do in this city so I was attended to by the priests of Talis. Though they did make an effort to visit me every so often but were frequently shoed away by the priests citing the excuse of 'he needs to rest'. Speaking of the priests, they were quite poor conversation partners, often ignoring me outright, though they did have a lot of patients to attend to so I understood.

Nina wasn't with me either, she was apparently in the girls' section, so if it weren't for the boys occupying the beds beside me I might have died of boredom.

There was a steady inflow and outflow of children to my hospital ward and while they viewed me with scrutiny at first, after seeing me a couple of times, they slowly began opening up to me.


"Hey hey!" I looked up from the book mother had given me just the other day. The one who returned my gaze was a young boy a head or two taller than I was, blonde hair blue eyes, and wearing the same hospital gown that I had grown used to seeing these past couple of weeks. His head poked out curiously from the white curtains, inviting me to a conversation. "Whatcha doing here?"

"Recuperating from my illness." I placed the book down on the nightstand beside me.

"Recuper- wha? What's that?" He questioned.

"I'm sick so I'm getting better." I clarified.

"Oh yeah, I know that. But what block are you?"

"Block?" Now it was my turn to ask the questions.

"Yeah you know all of us are in blocks so which one are you? I haven't seen you around."

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean, however, I don't recall being part of a block."

"Wha-?" He looked rather disgruntled by my language. I had been too used to talking with adults recently.

"I don't think I'm part of a block."

"Oh! So you're outside the city? What's your name?" At this moment a few other faces popped in as well, shorter boys who looked similar to him.

"My name is Alfon, but you can call me Alfy. What's your name?"

"I'm Lashion!" He shouted suddenly, "may Talis bless this meeting!"

He looked rather excited to give that greeting.

"So you have stories right? Can you tell us?" He pleaded.

Looks like it was my turn to be the storyteller.


As I deciphered his words I began to realize the situation at hand. It would appear this healing center specialized in children with magic related complications, but since many young children train within the city to become fully fledged clergymen it is often filled with those patients, given that outside travelers don't often bring children with magic related conditions.

The blocks Lashion was talking about were the clergy sectors the children were assigned to, most of the children here are from some section of the zealot order, given those training centers had the harshest mana related tasks.

Though even those children never had symptoms quite as serious as mine given the length of my stay. They seemed to be afraid of me initially because outsiders were rare, though after spotting me here many times they grew accustomed.

Having not many stories of my own I resorted to retelling the tales of Rafine's travels that she had passed onto me. I even tried recreating my old clay figurines but was scolded by the priests for using magic in my state.

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It was during one of these retellings that I had a chance to ask about Nina and Rafine.


"Firestorm!" I cried, mimicking the pose of Rafine with my bandaged arm.

Ouch, I really shouldn't do that.

"Wooooo! That's so cool!" Lashion clapped with delight, as did some of the other boys who joined in to listen to my story.

"I wish I could be a Royal ranked mage!" "Yeah, Rafine is so cool!" There was an outpouring of admiration for Rafine which filled me with happiness.


Rafine was, in fact, very cool.

"Hey hey Alfy, where is Rafine from?" A small boy asked me; I often saw him accompanying Lashion. "Is she from Talisbane?"

"No, she's from the outlands actually."

The loud cheering stopped, as if cut short by a knife.


Did I... say something wrong?

"What's the matter?" I asked tentatively.

"Hey Alfy..." Lashion asked me, "Is Rafine a horned?"

He looked quite nervous about the question. I could discern from the atmosphere that this was a dangerous topic.

"Is there something wrong about being a horned?"

"They're evil!" "Monster children." "The teacher told me that they'll eat me." A wave of animosity surged from their replies.

Oh, this might prove worrisome.

"Well," I replied calculatedly, "I've never asked and she certainly isn't evil."

I hadn't lied.

I never have asked her about it and she isn't evil by any means.

"Oh okay, good." Lashion grinned and the boys started chattering again.

"Maybe she went to the outlands to conquer the horned?" "You think she could be a holy zealot in disguise?"

I'm not sure I quite like the direction of their praise, but I didn't want Rafine's name to be tarnished.

"Speaking of which," I whispered to Lashion, "do any of you know the situation at the girl's section of this healing center?"

"OoOoOoOo." A giggle came out of Lashion.

"Alfy likes someoneeee." He said.

Out loud.


Gasps came out from the crowd along with gawking and whispering.

Curse Lashion and his twelve year old brain.

"Oh my gosh, but he's so small." "It must be because of Rafine. Students of mages are different." "Who do you think he likes? Clara, Daphne?" "No it has to be Beatrice, she's the best mage here." "But Clara is so pretty." "Are you stupid? Daphne is so much prettier."

Were some of the few conversations I heard amongst the gossip.

"Guys guys," Lashion called the crowd to attention. It looks like he was going to clear this up, I knew I could trust you Lashion.

"Haven't you heard his stories? He must have a crush on Rafine!" He thumped his chest.

Lashion you scoundrel, I never should have trusted you.

"Oooooh, that makes sense!" "Of course, Rafine is so cool after all." "But wait, how old is Rafine? Isn't that..." "Oh, young love." What's worse is that the gaggle of boys clearly agreed with him.

"No!" I denied hastily. I couldn't let Rafine's prestige be dragged through the mud.

"I'm worried about a friend that came with me. Her name is Nina, she has white-" I was about to finish my sentence.

But something tells me saying 'horns' wouldn't be very smart here.

"Skin... she has very white skin. Have you guys heard of her?" Which was also true.

Some murmuring rippled between the boys until Lashion's small friend, I think his name started with an S, replied to my inquisition.

"Um, I've helped out in the girls' section before. I don't know a Nina." He said meekly.

"Oh, that's a shame. Well, I'm sure she's alright. Shall I tell you about another heroic endeavor of Rafine?"

A loud chorus of agreements.

Look Rafine, I'm a great storyteller. Aren't you proud of me?


The topic of Nina and Rafine's whereabouts lingered in my mind for the whole day. I wasn't too worried about Rafine as she still was an A ranked adventurer and a prominent mage.

But Nina had no one.

And she was an outlander.

What if she- no I shouldn't go there.

It is fortunate that mother is visiting me later or I would be plagued by these worries all night.

"Alfy..." Oh, speaking of which there she is. Silent as a falling leaf, careful not to wake the sleeping boys.

"Hi mom."

"You're still awake." She frowned at me. "Do you have trouble sleeping? Want mommy to sing you a lullaby?"

"No its okay." I shook my head. "Mom, I have a question."

"What is it sweetie." She leaned close beside the bedside and stroked my head.

"Where is Nina?" I stared closely to gauge her reaction.

"She's in the girl's section remember? Are you worried about her?"

Answered without a missed beat in tempo... but....

"Mom, the boys here told me that the horned people are scary. Is she really over there?"

Her hands paused.

So something was going on after all.

"Listen dear, you don't need to be worried about Nina okay. She'll be back with you in no time." She soothed me.


"Really. Mommy needs to go now so be a good boy okay?"


"Thank you." She dropped a kiss on my forehead. "You're mommy's treasure, remember that okay?"

And like a shadow in the night she disappeared.

A ranked adventurers amiright?

Anyway so Nina was okay and shouldn't be worried about.

It's nice of mother to confirm it for me, but... and it might just be my distrusting nature...

I didn't quite believe her words.

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