Cities of Steel and Blood

Cities of Steel and Blood

Author :

Genre :

Action, Adult, Drama, Fantasy



Status :


Cities of Steel and Blood

Review: 7.3/10 from 16 ratings


The world of Requiem is one of death and rebirth; bones built upon bones. Long ago, the world was shattered and has been rebuilding for many years since. Most of the old world is lost to ancient history, people are too concerned with the days ahead than those behind. The last hope for people, the Cities, were founded centuries ago. The beings known as the Founders rule from on high, and oversee the last remnants of order.

The spires, the upper levels of clean and wondrous creations are not for the masses. The slums and gutter are the providence of the many. And it is here that the many crime families vie for power. They control every part of the lower levels, carved into a long dead carcass.

It is here that these stories take place, centering on one of the cities, Forthiron. Adriana Cosmili is one of the citizens of Forthiron. She is a witch, a magi, a rare-touched soul that can wield the now-awakening forces of magic. With her severe mind and sharp eye, Adriana might be the key to a new world, or she could be its unmaking.


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