Cliché Harem system RE

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Bismarck Family

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Alan was surprised to see his system. Many things were unfamiliar to him after he carefully inspected everything. When he thought about how to get the harem point, he saw a question mark symbol and got a system notification when he touched it. 

[Harem point gained by having intimate act with harem member]

He widened his eyes. "Ohhhhh, that explains why I got a couple of skills related to the harem. Even the Goddess's blessing has more effect, but now where is this time affinities come from?" He wondered for a moment and could only assume that it was because he came back to the past from the future. 

Then shortly after, someone knocked on the bathroom door and called him, "Alan, are you inside the bathroom?"

"Yeah, What's wrong?" He walked toward the door, opened the door slightly, and peeked outside.

He saw his sister and his mother outside, and not only that, but he also got a system notification.
(White dress Vivian, Black Leona)

[Emotional fluctuation detected]

[Vivian Bismarck has been added to the Harem Candidate]

  • Name: Vivian Bismarck
  • Age: 45
  • Affection: 101 (?)
  • Lust: 28/100

[Leona Bismarck has been added to the Harem Candidate]

  • Name: Leona Bismarck
  • Age: 25
  • Affection: 101 (?)
  • Lust: 12/100

(not like the old version, this reboot won't have things like "increased affection by xx amounts." This one only adds 1 by 1) (Why do they have 101 already? Blessing Love and Lust have some impact. In chapter 1. It said he never slept alone, but in this story, I won't jump right off the bat to segg like the last one) 

 "Are you alright?" Vivian asked and wanted to move closer, but Alan stopped her.

"Wait, I'm naked. I'm fine. What happened? Why are you here, mother?" 

"Your sister called me here," Vivian answered. 

At first, he was confused about why they acted like this, but then he realized something. When he woke up and saw his own body, he didn't notice his sister. "She must have seen me." He thought. Then he said. "Wait, let me change clothes first. Can you get me a new one?" They nodded and gave him a new set of clothes.

Inside the bathroom, Alan thought about his system.

"Harem candidate? So it's automatically adding them, but is it only adding someone from my past? And their affection is 101. What does that mean?" He touched the question mark symbol with his hand, then a new notification appeared.

[Has unsure feelings toward the user]

He laughed, "Is it safe to assume that they see me more than a family? I guess I can see that from how they acted in the past. From Vivian who always nagged at me, Clingy Helena, and Leona who always act like she was annoyed by me but never leave me alone. " 

Later, when Alan left the bathroom, he saw them staring at him from the couch. The girls were amazed by the change in his figure, and they thought, "Is he really my boy Alan?" "Where is my cute little brother?" His clothes were too tight. It showed them his muscle line.

Alan smiled wryly. He knew he would be bombarded by a question. He walked toward them and sat between them. "Where is Helena?" 

"She is still asleep. Don't change the topic. Explain to me what happens to you."

"Yeah, I woke up because the bed was bouncing, and I saw your body was already like this. I never heard anything like this, so I called mother."

"I don't know either. When I open my eyes, my body is already like this."

"What? Are you serious?" Leona held his head, turned to her, and stared at him.

"I Am serious," Alan grunted.

"Tch, do you think I will believe that?" Leona said, then Vivian added. "You do know that we are worried about you."

"I know, but I don't feel anything bad now, and last night I didn't see any nightmares like I used to, so you don't need to worry if I feel something bad. I will tell everyone." 

"Now, you mentioned last night you didn't scream or shout. After we celebrated your birthday, I didn't go to sleep immediately. I was watching you sleeping for a while."

It wasn't the right time to tell them the truth. Alan wanted to figure out his system first. Even though they knew he was lying, he was stubborn, so they could only wait for him to tell the truth.

"Sigh... all right, then make sure to tell us if something bad happens."

"Alan, no one will believe you if you say you are 16 years old. Look at this muscle." Belonna said while massaging Alan's bicep. Then she added, "Stand up for a while. I want to see how tall you are."

"Tch. You are actually higher than me now. I want my little brother back." She grunted. 

Alan chuckled, then shrugged his shoulder. "Can't help it. It's not my fault," 

While Leona and Alan were talking, Vivian looked at him and lost in thought, "What he would be like when he was older. Who will be the lucky girl that will be loved by him." 

Her hand unconsciously slid inside his shirt, and touched Alan's stomach, feeling his abs, but she didn't take a long time because Alan grabbed her wrist to stop her, or else he would have a bulge in his pants. 

"How is it, mother? Is it good?" Alan asked her and brought her back to reality.

Realizing what she was doing, she immediately pulled her hand and looked away, "You have grown." she said with a facepalm expression.

Alan and Leona chuckled, saw their mother trying her best to not show her embarrassment. Then they sat back on the couch. 

Soon, They heard a female voice come from the door. They didn't close the door, and Helena who just had woken up came inside the room. She still had a sleepy face and half-open eyes. She yawned and said, "Ho......hmmm....... Why is everyone here?" 

"Ohh, Why are you waking up this early?" Alan said after he saw another notification for her.

[Helena Bismarck has been added to the Harem Candidate]

  • Name: Helena Bismarck
  • Age: 19
  • Affection: 101 (?)
  • Lust: 0/100

She walked toward them and sat on his lap, resting her back on his chest, but then she felt something wrong. She got up, looked at him, surprised, and rubbed her own eyes. "W-what?" her reaction was the same as the others, so they spent some time until it was time for breakfast.
(Lewd version on discord)

Later, in the dining room.

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As usual, there were only four of them on the table. Eating the luxury food that had been cooked by a maid.

"Alan, yesterday you said you wanted to leave for a quest today. What quest do you want to take?." Leona seated beside him asked.

"I don't know yet. I will go to the guild to see what quest is available."

"Hmm, Why don't you come with us? We will go to the elven ruin on the Northwest mountain, there is also a new goblin nest below the same mountain. They have been attacking the nearby village."

"Ohh, I don't mind, but why do you guys want to go to the ruins?" Alan wondered. Asked Leona, but the reply came from Vivian.

"To help Theressa and her elf's envoy, they want to research something there, and that's why she asked my help." 

Alan's ears twitched when he heard a familiar name. Alan discovered that even though the maids had high affection for him, the system didn't add them to the harem list. But now he wondered about Theressa in this timeline because she still had a husband.

"If you want to come with them, go ahead. Just be careful, the monster that appeared there is a little bit high level." Vivian added.

With a slight nod, Alan asked, "When will we leave?"

"Today, so we will arrive there before them. We will take a mountain route, so no carriage. Are you fine with that?." 

Alan chuckled, "Of course, why wouldn't I. Alright, I'm going to the old man's shop to get my spear first." 

Later, Even though his destination was close, he was told to ride a carriage. When he arrived at the blacksmith shop, people stared at him after he came out from the carriage. A handsome young man with blonde hair. In Vitalis kingdom, there was only one family with that hair, A Bismarck, a noble family. People only realize the young man Alan when they pay attention to him. 

"Old man, is my spear ready?" Alan asked the blacksmith owner. After he got to level 10, he unlocked the subclass for a warrior. He chose lancer because he had so much respect for his father. His father sacrificed himself in the battle and protected the kingdom.

The shop owner, who was slamming steel on his forge, stopped, turned his head, looked up to see Alan's face, and said. "Who are you calling me, old man, you little shit."

He chuckled, "C'mon, old man, did you forget about me? A couple of days ago, I asked you to temper my spear with a remnant of my father's weapon."

The short old man with a long white beard was taken aback. "Holy moly Alan, what happens to you." He moved closer to Alan, and lightly punched his stomach and chest. "Just in a few days, you already like this."

Alan grinned and said. "Something good happens."

"Come, come inside. My boy is finished." He to him to go to another room.

"Show me both of your hands."

Alan did what he told, and a second later, a black spear appeared and fell on top of his palm.

[Twisted Onyx: Grade A]

[Created by a blacksmith with the blessing of the Goddess]

[When wielding it, Increase STR and AGI by 10]

Alan widened his smile, "This is nice, Old man."

"Bhahaha, We dwarves are always blessed by the craftsmanship. Now tell me what happened to you." 

Alan was planning to leave immediately after he got his spear, but the old man didn't let him go. They started talking and without even realizing 2 Hours had passed. 

"Don't you know that we are waiting for you?" Leona who was having a grumpy mood nagged at Alan as soon as he came back to the mansion.

Alan smiled wryly, "Alright, I'm sorry the old man kept talking to me, so I can't leave immediately." 

"It's fine. At least he is here now." Helena who was between them, moved closer to Alan and touched his front.

Alan chuckled. "You should be like her sometime. This is what sister should do." Then he hugged Helena back.

"You...... I see you are getting cocky now, huh. Helena why are you always taking his side."

"Alright, that's enough. Everyone is here, and you should go now, or you will need to make a camp in the wilderness. Don't forget to say hello to Theressa from me." Vivian stopped their quarrel. 

"Right, I'm ready, so we should go now, but before that....." Alan moved into Vivian and embraced her before he held her head and kissed her on the lips. After a couple of seconds, he broke the kiss, "Mother too, be careful in here." Then he went outside and left the three of them stunned. 

Vivian was speechless. The shock made her mind blank. His son just suddenly kissed him out of nowhere. 

Later, when Alan and the girls are no longer inside the mansion. Seated on the couch, Vivian shook her head. She just had a dirty thought. "I-i.....shouldn't overthink."

Meanwhile, Alan and his sisters were at the town gate. Alan was smiling, cheeked the harem candidate in his system. Every one of them had their affection increased by 1.

"What's wrong? Why are you smiling like that" Leona on his left asked him after she saw him smiling. And then Helena added. "Why are you kissing mother like that?" 

He looked at Helena and smirked. "Haha, What's wrong with that? It's just a normal kiss on the lips, but a little longer. Do you want one too? How about you, Sis?" He turned his head and asked Leona. 

"Eh.. uh no," Helena shook her head. 

"Why do you even ask me? C'mon, we don't have all day." Leona speeds up her walking. 

Alan laughed, "Right, lead the way, Sis."
(Their equipment i guess)

(Just introduction, in the future if mc get another candidate it doesn't mean he will rush to get them)

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