Clouded Skies

Chapter 2: Chapter Two : Caught?

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The day passed uneventfully, sometimes that bully who Silas learned was called Micah shot him threatening looks, but he pretended not to see it which pissed off Micah.

What the teacher taught wasn't anything special, so Silas didn't pay any extra attention as this world seemed no different from his orignal Earth he came from.

To confirm, he flipped through his history book, finding that the historical events were about the same with little to no deviation. The class ended and the teacher dismissed the class, so Silas waited a moment and then packed his things.

"Where are you going? Do I have to beat you until your own parents won't recognize you? Oh wait, you don't have any." Micah laughed at Silas who remained silent, grabbing his bag and walking to the door.

"Are you ignoring me b*tch? Do you want to suffer?!" Micah yelled and rushed at Silas from behind, but as if by coincidence, Silas happened to turn around at an angle where Micah's fist flew past his head, and his shoulder accidentally slammed into Micah's chest.

Micah felt a sharp pain in his chest as he staggered back, but before he could do anything, Silas assumed a frightened appearance and fled the classroom, leaving behind the disdainful students.

"Micah, did you go easy on him or something? He's just skin and bone, how could he force you back?" A student with good looks asked, his smile irritating Micah by the second, but he didn't dare to fight as he would be punished severely since this student was the principal's son.

"Funny Felix." Micah walked back to his bag and sighed regretfully, knowing that he would have had a good time eating and playing around if he could have successfully gotten Silas' money, but he didn't.

Silas had already made his way back up the stairs and to his dorm room as he wasn't far away. Placing his bag on the chair, he sat down and quickly did his assigned work, then he got up with a grim smile.

"I didn't want to do this, but you have no restraint, so don't blame me." Silas stripped down to his underwear and then dressed in his black clothes he set aside previously, slipping into his black hoodie and placing the hunting knife in it's pocket. 

"It would be best if he lives, but I don't really like leaving loose ends." Silas walked to the window and pulled open the curtain. It was three stories down to the grass below, but he wasn't bothered.

Opening his window, he looked over the edge and looked at the empty grassy stretch beneath. Sitting on the window sill, he swung his legs out and pushed himself off.

A floor below was an air conditioner unit, so he landed lightly on it, wincing when the metallic clang sounded, luckily, no one was in the room and if they were, they weren't curious about the sound.

Jumping from the unit he stood down on to another, he dropped to the ground, rolling to absorb the impact and laying flat. Only after a few minutes did he start moving, finding no one in the area.

"From what I know, he often leaves campus to go fool around. What poor luck on his part." Silas half crouched and moved through the knee high weeds silently after looking at his watch.

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Having observed his actions the past two days, he guessed Micah would go out, so he waited in the shadows after moving to the front of the school building.

"And I'm right." Silas smirked as he leaned back against the wall behind him, looking at Micah walking out of the school gate with a fierce expression on his face.

The sun had yet to set, but Silas didn't need absolute darkness to move about. He simply tailed Micah from a distance, keeping him just within his line of sight.

Like a hunter tracking prey, Silas felt no boredom, no impatience. He simply followed Micah, his eyes narrowed and his hands in his pocket, leaning his head forward in the off chance a surveillance camera managed to catch his image.

Micah stopped at a small store, buying a few things to eat before heading deeper into the city. Micah kept going, and just when Silas was prepared to wait a while longer, he entered an old building with a guy in tattoos standing out in front.

"Hm? Maybe a gang? How troublesome... well, as long as the numbers aren't too ridiculous, he can still be caught." Silas looked away, at the crowd of passing people whom went about their business without a care in the world.

Time passed and soon the sun fell behind the skyline, and shortly after, Micah emerged from the building with a smile followed by another guy his age who spoke loudly.

"Where was the money you said you'd bring me?" The guy questioned Micah, one of his arms around his neck squeezing subtly. Micah didn't speak and looked around with panic on his face.

Seeing him looking for a way out, Silas stepped back into an alley nearby, pulling his hoodie off and turning, heading deeper into the dimly lit alley with a small smile on his lips.

He hadn't done so for no reason. In the second he took off his hoodie, he had made sure to do it when Micah's line of sight landed on his person. If Micah wanted to make easy money, he could easily just 'bully' Silas into giving his own away.

After walking a bit further, Silas turned and saw two figures entering the alleyway aggressively. He didn't immediately confront them and instead moved deeper, making sure to kick glass bottles and step on papers from time to time to keep them on his trail.

"Silas you punk! Stop or I'll beat the sh*t out of you when I catch you!" Micah yelled as he rushed in Silas' direction, and soon, Silas couldn't keep moving because a concrete wall blocked his way.

"W-where are you going to run to now? Why don't you keep running?!" Micah relaxed when he saw a wall blocking Silas' way. The only way out was through them, and Silas always cowered before him, so he didn't even consider him fighting back.

"Is this the dude you were talking about? I don't care to be honest, just quickly get me my money." The other guy spoke and Micah glared at Silas as he approached, trying to catch his breath.

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