Code 8

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Forbidden Love

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Chapter 2: Forbidden Love

Story by: RenderLeaf


It has been nine months since Shigo had joined the Vesterias. During his training, he quickly learned the way of using a mech. But ever since he joined, he has not been able to see Ayumi. “Congratulations pilots, you have completed the mech course, your pilot’s license and partner will be given to you within a week.” A feminine robotic voice said. A week passes by and Shigo receives his. The mechs require two people to pilot, otherwise it won’t function. Turns out Shigo’s partner was Ayumi, Shigo’s face lights up in shock and happiness when he sees her again.

As Shigo and Ayumi sit in their mech, preparing for their first mission together, they can't help but feel a mix of emotions. Shigo is overjoyed to finally see Ayumi again, but the reality of their situation hits him hard. They are fighting in a future where the Vesterias are the only hope for humanity's survival.

As they set out on their mission, Shigo and Ayumi's feelings for each other only grew stronger. They work together seamlessly, their mech moving with precision and grace as they take down the Estrellas. But as they fight, the dangers of their world become more and more apparent. They see the devastation caused by the ongoing war against the Estrellas, and the toll it takes on the civilians caught in the crossfire.

Despite the sadness and pain they witness, Shigo and Ayumi find solace in each other. They support and protect each other, and the love they share gives them the strength to keep fighting. But as they complete mission after mission, they can't help but wonder if they'll ever find a way to end the war and bring peace to their world.

Shigo and Ayumi stop by a tree as they were heading back to Higai City. “I never thought we would become close like this,” she softly smiles. “I remember when you were just a street boy, getting into fights, and I always had to treat your wounds, now look at you, Shigo.” Ayumi says as she leans over to kiss Shigo. 

Shigo returned the kiss, his heart racing as he wrapped his arms around Ayumi. "I never would have thought that I could be happy again," he whispered. "But you've changed everything for me."

As they pulled away, Shigo couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over him. He knew that their happiness was fragile, that it could be taken away at any moment.

"We have to be careful," he said, running a hand through his hair. "We can't let anyone know about our love, especially Vesterias.”

Ayumi nodded, understanding the dangers of their relationship. "I know. But I can't help the way I feel about you, Shigo. I love you."

Shigo's heart skipped a beat at her words. He had never imagined that he would find love again in this cruel world, but Ayumi had shown him that there was still hope, that there was still something worth fighting for.

"I love you too," he said, pressing his lips to hers once more.

As they stood there, wrapped up in each other's embrace, Shigo knew that he would do anything to protect Ayumi, to keep her safe in this dangerous world. He was determined to fight for their happiness and future, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

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