
Chapter 1: Awakening

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"Run into the cave! We can fight it more easily if the path is narrow. Even though it's a level 45 Paw Bear, we have the number advantage!"

Some rustling and footsteps were heard in a forest. The D-Rank advenutere group called Leonars Shield were running away from an unlucky encounter.

The mission they accepted was actually pretty simple. The Moonshine Forest was bought up by a noble and they had to go and scout the area. Who would have thought that because someone of their group couldn't be more careful during their nightwatch, this would happen.

They group was made up of 4 people, 3 men and 1 woman. The one giving the calls was the woman, the men were her bodyguards. The woman was called Julia Leonar, a daughter of a merchant which was in the middle class. 

His faughter wanted to play adventurer so he fullfilled her wish. He got her some bodyguards and let her do some small missions.

"Mylady, we don't know if the cave has anything else inside it! This forest wasn't scouted since several hundred years! If there is a lvl 45 Paw Bear, there could very well be other animals with that level here."

One of the bodyguards, Rock, wanted to remind her, that this decision could spell their doom.

"If you have more stamina to run then just do it! You three are level 35, it should be over fast if we can take advantage of the surroundings."

It's not like Rock didn't knew that she was right. It was just his gut feeling that something was amiss. He didn't reach lvl 35 through training his skills like most people. He slaughtered his way to it. Sure, lvl 35 wasn't that high but to be still alive and kicking is mostly because he always trusted his guts.

They entered the cave and positioned themself for impact. Soon a low growl and a 3m tall bear swung his paw at the nearest person. The bodyguard blocked the attack with his shield but was still pushed against the walls.

Rock took the chance and slashed at the arm of the bear, leaving a deep cut. Roaring angrily the Paw Bear gazed at Rock and wanted to use its other arm to swing at him.

"Icicle!" Julia casted the beginner spell icicle at the head of the bear which now had to defend itself from it. 

The bodyguard who was pushed at the wall and the third one used their chances and also attacked the already wounded arm.

With a bloody fountain coming into existence the bears arm was cut off. The bear did know that the situation was dire for itself, it tried with all its might to kill the biggest thread. The mage women in the back.

Sadly for it, the three people before it didn't allow that. With a thud several seconds later the battle was over.

"See, I told you it would make it much easier!" Julia was announcing their victory with some forced words. She knew very well that if Rock wasn't a veteran in surviving and taking chances. They all would be bear meal now.

"Robert, cut of the usable parts. John, go outside and see if anything is amiss." Rock gave the order to his two underlings and turned to Julia.

"Mylady, after some rest we should leave here. A lvl 45 bear isn't something to laugh at. There would be a supply of enough prey to get to this level. I don't think I need to explain more, right?"

" Don't be such a scaredy cat, if there were many mid-level beings here we would have met them already. Lets go and explore the cave! Nothing better than adventuring." Julia talked as if nothing bad just happend before, which made a blood vessel pop on Rocks face.

Beings were sorted depending on their level. Lvl 1-40 was low, 40-85 was mid, 85-120 high. From level 120 to 200, one would be dubbed King/Queen. 200-300 was Emperor and Empress. Above that? He didn't knew. Their homeland had only one Empress.

"Mylady, I refuse to accept that. This region shouldn't have mid level beings. Something is wrong!" Rock didn't know that he was spot on. The Paw Bear they just killed had a lucky encounter. Several weeks ago it found a severly injured knight wandering this forest. Even though it was still a hard fight, it won in the end. Gaining 10 levels.

"Don't worry, i just want to see whats inside. Just look down and you will see that this isn't a natural cave!"

Rock was perplexed and looked down. He finally understood her. He saw some inscriptions covering the whole ground after he moved the light nearer to the ground.

"Our mission was to scout, so we shall do it. Don't tell me you aren't curious? What if we find some experience pills? Or maybe this was a cave of one of those antic cultivators! They may be long gone but the things they used in their era are still usable by us!"

Rock couldn't deny the thought process of Julia. After somw seconds he finally nodded and walked in front of her.

"Follow behind me, this place still gives me the creeps."e

The two left John and Robert behind and made their way deeper in the cave. They hadn't walk to long until they saw a door made of stone in front of them.

"A cultivators abode! We are rich! Maybe we can even reach lvl 100 or above depending on whats inside!"

Julia was moved to tears! Only ancient cultivators would make something like this.

"Open it Rock but don't forget that there could be restrictions or traps." Rock was mildly annoyed, as if he didn't think about that!

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After inspecting the door and finding nothing he finally began to push it. At first nothing happend but after some time did the door finally move.

What greeted the two of them left them dumbfounded. A brightly lit room with only a bed in the middle. What made them shocked wasn't the bed but the thing on it.

"Mylady, we should go. Now." Julia may habe been too absent minded to see it but he did. On the bed lay a man, raven black hair in a blue and purple gown.

What made Rock to call out retreat wasn't the person laying itself. It was the rhytmic breathing of it! Whoever it was, was still alive! 

"Why? Maybe that corpse has something good but to have such an intact one after all those years. Ancient cultivators were different!"

Julia ignored Rock and walked towards the "corpse". Rock was sadly to late to react to her while she already grabbed the person and turned it around.

A womens scream immediately rang out and Rock pulled his sword once again. Sweat dripping down his face.

"Yaawn, who disturbed my nap? You know how hard it is to get some good sleep? Hmm, wait a minute. Ohh well now thats fun! Can't miss out on that. Thanks for waking me, if fate wills it we will meet again!"

The man first sttetched lazily and both could clearly see the face and his eyes now. The outline could only be called mediocore. Nothing special, just the eyes. One was black the other white. As if somebody painted it.

Before Julia and Rock could comprehend what was going on did the person before them vanish.

"Rock....what just happend?" Julia was still trembling. Those eyes made her mind wander off, almost as of her soul was about to vanish.

Rock was a little bit more calm, still he had this uneasy feeling. "Mylady, we should tell no soul about this. I saw his level. He was only 1. No adult being, meaningless how lazy one is, has that level at that age. This was probably really an ancient cultivator."

Julia nodded solemnly, ancient cultivators still did exist. It was just a taboo to even talk to one. The "blessed" had a war going on against them.

The level system was introduced by a unknown almighty being several thousand years ago. Dome said the being couldn't watch cultivators trampling on mortals, others said that it was just a natural phenomen.

Ancient cultivators tried to still rule the world but with the emergence of the system. People could finally break free from the tyranny.

Above the Moonshine Forest the ancient cultivator gently floated in the air.

"It seems operation system was a success. I hope not many bugs were born in it though. I can't change the rules and law in it anymore. Still, for a several thousand year nap it was pretty quick. Lets see what my stats say."

Name: Dar Fol 

Level 1 (0/100'000)

HP 2'000'000

Mana ~∆~=°

Strength 28'000

Deff 30'000

Agility 23'000

Skill: ??? Not supported ???

"Already found the first bug, why aren't skills supported? Whatever, i really could have something to eat now"

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