
Chapter 2: A new skill and limiting abilities

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Dar used his divine sense to scan the area around him. The first several kilometers around him was nothing but nature.

After 50km to the southwest he finally saw a city. Dar wasn't stupid enough to just walk in though. He saw the faces and how they said "ancient cultivator". Did those idiots from the clans really still hold onto their principals of being higher beings?

"Let's see. First I should probably level up and get some skills? If I done it right, skills should be shown and learned if you use them. Conceal!"

Skill gained Conceal lvl 1

"Good that works, can't run around with no skills, they probably have instruments or skills to show stats too."

After several minutes his stats changed to the following.

Name: Dar Fol 

Level 1 (20'000/100'000)

HP 120 (2'000'000)

Mana 250 (~∆~=°)

Strength 85 (28'000)

Deff 100 (30'000)

Agility 70 (23'000)

Skill: Conceal lvl 3, Flight lvl 2, Aura lvl 1, Supreme Magic lvl 1, Identify lvl 1

"Hmm, so it works almost as intended. But my exp to level up is big? I had people reach lvl 10 more easily, it's only at Foundation Establishment when you hit it. Plan, level up, go to the city and eat and get infos."

Dar flew to the place in the forest with the most animals and slowly landed on the ground. As soon as his feet touched the ground a rabbit shoot at him. 

Dumb Rabbit lvl 3

"Hmm identify at lvl 1 only shows the level but whats up with that name? Well it is dumb" holding the rabbit in one hand he crushed it easily.

Exp gained 300

"Ok now I really now that my exp bar is glitched. Or maybe its because my cultivation is too high? That could probably be the reason why cultivators also didn't like my gift. Somebody in the higher realms would have to kill millions to reach level 100. But you could still level up with training skills."

Dar looked around and saw his next target.

Rabbit lvl 8

"Could it be? The prefrix was added because the other rabbit just charged at me without thinking? I really should level up identify to look at their stats. Don't want to attract too much attention."

Some hours went by and the forest became slowly a place without any living beings anymore.

Dal looked at the last boar before him with a smile.

Raging Boar 

Lvl 13

HP 350

Mana 65

Strength 125

Deff 235

Agility 80

"Identify needs to be at level 10 to do that. What would happen if I hit the hard counter? But its good I did that, no wonder that I crushed them all so easily with the limiter I added to myself. Should I weaken my strength even more?"

Dar was not happy about that. He only fought with his bare fist and easily crushed some animals in the higher 20is. Adding that he made himself weak like this. Well at least he got some levels, right? Except that a thriving forest which had almost a hundred thousand living beings before was now empty of life.

Name: Dar Fol 

Level 8 (24'200/190'000)

HP 320 (2'080'000)

Mana 470 (~∆~=°)

You are reading story Coder at

Strength 185 (28'800)

Deff 190 (30'800)

Agility 150 (23'800)

Skill: Conceal lvl 5, Flight lvl 2, Aura lvl 1, Supreme Magic lvl 1, Identify lvl 10, Punch lvl 14

" I think that should do it, if nobody can see skills or my real stats it should be normal, right? Now to the city!"

Rock leading his team out of the forest was perplexed. "John, tell me I'm wrong but isn't the forest to quiet? As if nothing exists here?"

John just nodded at the side. He and Robert both had the same thought. This was too eerie. They wanted to get out and back into the city asap.

"Isn't it good? No animals means no encounters and an easy journey back." The three men looked at Julia with some doubt. Did she have braincells? Something had to eridicate everything within an hour or two! Without making a rucksus or sound.

Only Rock had a hunch and hoped that he was wrong and silently prayed in his mind. "Please Oh great System, please don't be as I think it is!"

Dar landed about two kilometers away from the city and slowly walked towards it. Two guards approached him before the gates.

"Halt! Show your identification and state your bussines in Kalia!" Dar's brain calculated a bit and came up with some background.

"This is Kalia? Finally after all my travels! Dears guards listen to me! First I had to run from a level 25 bear and soon after I got caught by bandits. If it wasn't for my head having a good brain, they would have used my to level up a bit. I only could take my vlothes and run. Everything I once had is now gone."

The left guard, which told him to show his identification looked at him with a sorry gaze.

"Bandits again! Those unruly bastards don't take us serious anymore. No worries traveller, just come with us and we will make you a new one. This is also for letting us know if you aren't lying or a murderer on the run."

It worked?!? He should go and look for those bandits, he ownes them.

"Sure, I am nothing more than a humble traveller which wants to join the guild here."

"Ohh you made the right choice! Our guild is the best for beginners as we not have many real dangers here! Just know that the forest north-east of here is a place you shouldn't go. There are many animals in the higher 20 there!"

A bad feeling overcame Dar and he used identify while walking beside the guard.

Marrcus Hobs

Lvl 21

HP 210

Mana 200

Strenght 240

Deff 210

Agility 190

I don't want to nerf myself more! How are these stats of someone being level 21? No spirit root? I get it! People who couldn't cultivate don't have stats as high as people who could! Didn't think about that while making the system. Oh my I hope I didn't create another thing that made the world split into tyrannical factions.

"Here put you're hand on it. We will know your level and if you're searched by any righteous faction!"

Dar put his hand on the ball and as expected, no search warrant and an 8 was shown.

"Hmm level 8 eh, here you have your permit. Go to the guild and make a proper one, this thing is only good in the city"

"Many thanks, I will do as you told me! Could I ask if the application and identification does cost anything? Like I said before, I don't have any money anymore."

Marccus the guard looked at Dar with sympathy. "Here are 2 silver coins lad, don't worry I'm a bachelor. The only money I need is for the evenings kekekeke"

Dar bowed to him, took the money and left. 

"Righteous factions, why do sapient beings always say their righteous or someone is evil. Greedy bastards everywhere" the thing he wanted to destroy with implenting the system was still alive. At least normal people could now live a much easier life, he hoped so at least.

The conceal skill is also really good. He was that near to a guard but he didn't see that the Dar before him wasn't the real one.

He very well knew that his eyes would attract too much attention.

"Lets go to the guild. My plan to eat has to wait. I shouldn't pull out crystals or cultivator items to exchange for money. Didn't think that far ahead about money."

Dar made his way to the adventurer guild while sighing. His little nap made him somewhat dumb.

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