
Chapter 7: Meeting Systa

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The dining room of family Leanor was silent. Except Julia, nobody knew who that newcomer was. 

"Na, don't look at me like that. I'm here because Feni told me something good!" Dar scanned the trio inside the room and instantly found out who was probably of Argus bloodline. Argus art was handmade by him too.

"I really didn't think that the clingy boy would have a family. She didn't lie to me.."

While Robin and Agathe were puzzled and shocked, Julia was only shocked. She knew a bit more about the guest than her father and mother. 

Agathe looked at Dar and circulated her cultivatiin art. Soon a prison made out of ice encircled Dar. Agathe took Julia in her arms and tried to run. Her daughter didn't move like she wanted to. Robin took his sword out and was ready to slash the frozen Dar.

He may not look like it but he was level 70. Before his sword could come down an the ice beside him he heard his daughter voice.

"Stop it! If he wanted we would be already dead. Can you tell me why you are looking for me? The others and I only told Guildmaster about you."

The ice crackled before a smiling Dar was seen. He looked at Agatha anf his smile became even bigger.

"Hmm not bad, having cultivated the Heaven Ice art to the perfection stage with your cultivation base is good. Sadly you got some things wrong. The strong point of the art is compression not hardness! As for you little girl, if I knew you were a descendant of little Argus I would have talked to you sooner."

Agatha gazed at Julia and Dar before a lightbulb went of in her head. There was just one question remaining.

"Who are you? How do you know the name of our family art? Not many people know that we are from a cultivator origin."

Julia's jaw almost dropped, her family was of that origin?! Why didn't she know about that, also why wasn't she teached? Cultivators may be frowned upon but that is mostly because of the war and the Divine Sect.

Agathe looked at her daughter and told her to wait, only after being called back to the Tower would she be eligable to know.

"Mhmm, you just have to know that I knew your ancestor. As for the details, maybe another time." Dar waved his hand and a scroll flew to Agatha.

"This is the full art you practice with the understanding of Argus. It seems he didn't leave you lot the whole thing. If you need anything from me, you can tell Feni. Well, that's it. Was just here to confirm things."

As suddenly as he came, he vanished. Leaving behind a family which didn't know if it was real or not. If Agatha didn't have a scroll in her hands they would deny the incident.

Robin looked at his wife and his daughter and sighed. He knew that the fine steak before him wasn't going to be eaten soon.

In the guildmaster office was Feni writting her resignation when a sudden wind was in it again. Without even looking up she knew who it was.

"Even as Guildmaster, I don't get respected. What do you need now?"

Tired coulsn't deacribe the things she had to go through since Dar came into her life and it was only the second day. What would be after a month?!

"You seem stressed? You still can ask me for a gift or help, you know? Maybe it flew over your head."

"Ohh can you make that certain people don't just come and go in my office as they wish?"

Dar couldn't deny that it was rude what he does.

"Well, I can knock from now on if you want."

"Good, now if you can make the next thing also true you don't need to make friends with a new guildmaster. I need vacation, any solution?"

Feni smiled at Dar, it wasn't a smile which told one of happiness, it was a kind of smile which let you knew that a woman was angry.

Dar was thinking. Maybe give her a cultivation art which can fold space? Or maybe the Twin Art? After several seconds he got the best solution. He took out a stone and played with  nostalgic feelings.

"This is a very rare stone, it's a Life Stone. It isn't very remarkable in itself. It's the thing which happens when you put a drop of your blood on it. Try it."

Feni catched the stone somewhat anxious. Did he really have a solution? Life Stone sounds good but why would something with a name like that help her? 

She cut her finger and a drop of her blood met the surface of the blue stone. Within seconds the whole room was shining in a pale white light.

As the light slowly dimmed another Feni Grand was standing beside the shocked original.

Feni didn't need to ask what was going on. As the drop of blood was merging with the stone she got many memories and knowledge. Knowledge which made her shudder.

The stone she got wasn't from this world. It was from another!

"I will let you girls get know each other, I would say that 99% of every being will not see through this double."

The Life Feni bowed to Dar when he left. 

Dar walked down the stairs and directly to the mission counter. Time for his first, well second guild mission. After looking through them all he finally found one which made him happy.

Mission: Find out what's happening in the Lora Village.

Rank: F

Reward: 8 Silver

He walked to the counter and gave his card which the man behind the counter took and scanned. After he got everything done he made his way to the gate. 

He didn't see the two guards which were here yesterday,there were two others. Maybe they had an off day?

After showing his card he made his way to the south. The village should be two days away. He didn't want to teleport or fly there. He still skipped several dozens meter with every step.

On the way he saw many animals which were past tense after they were seen.

+ Exp 200

+ Exp 100


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After half a day of travel and not far away from the village his status looked like this.

Name: Dar Fol

Level 9 (187'900/200'000)

HP 330 (2'090'000)

Mana 490 (~∆~=°)

Strength 195 (28'900)

Deff 210 (30'900)

Agility 1650 (23'900)

Skill: Conceal lvl 6, Flight lvl 2, Aura lvl 4, Supreme Magic lvl 4, Identify lvl 12, Punch lvl 17, Higher Poison Resistance lvl 22

"Hmm, it seems that folding space is in the supreme magic category. What will my surprise be at level 10?"

Dar could finally see what differences there were from the system he made and how it works.

Doing something which can teigger a skill makes one. Breathing or walking for example doesn't give a skill. Drinking strong alcohol a.k.a. poison does trigger it.

If something can be categorizied in any other skill it would give exp/level up the skill already in existence.

As he walked to the gates of the village a feeling of oppression washed over him. It didn't hurt but made him alerted. That feeling was one he knew very well.

"Hmpf, it seems that some little bugs did get in. What are the guardians doing? Or did he survive the war?"

As he made his way on the street he saw several people, all of them had one thing in common. They looked dead. Not dead in the truest meaning of the world.

Their souls were corroded and they mostly run on instinct. No wonder it was a guild mission. 

Even if peoole knew something was wrong here. As long one didn't cultivate a souls art or had a soul skill, nobody could tell the truth.

"And I even wanted to make this mission without using arts. Is it that hard?"

Dar made a quick scan of the village. As soon as he found the cultprit, the other did know that he had to run.

A shadow was speeding into the air but not for long. The shadow manifested itself into what most would call an elf.

What the people didn't know anymore was that this world was actually only inhabitaded by humans and animals.

Elves, Beasts, Demons and the other races all come from another world. Every several aeons the worlds will meet at the center of the universe. 

The elf was struggling in the air, bound by something unseen.

"You! Who are you? Let me goo! I didn't survive all this just to be killed by some little human!"

Dar slowly walked towards him, when the elf saw the appearance of him his face became pale and he didn't struggle anymore.

"Hahahaha the demon still lives. Hahahah, may the Godess guide me!"

Before the elf could suicide he was crushed by the invisible hand holding him.

"Hmm it really was a survivor"

+ Exp 187'000

As Dar was immersed in his depression about his second mission a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Maaasstteerrr, I began to think you forgot meeeee."


"Master, you don't like me anymore?"

"Who are you? Where?" Dar scannend the whole world to pinpoint this voice. He didn't knew that he woke up many things which were slumbering because of that.

"Master! Did you forget Systa? You made me, gave me life and a reason!"

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