
Chapter 8: Evolved life and the plot who began

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Dar stood in the air with a blank gaze. How the hell did this happen? Was it because he used that as a template?

"Ehm, well. Nice to meet you? I'm sorry to say this but I really didn't know that you got a soul."

"Why were you always talking to me than? When you made me you always talked about how beautiful I will get and my mission to help this world!"

Dar was stumbed. He did talk to himself while making the system. It's lonely in space, you know? The catch was he mostly talked about her, not the system. Maybe it got that wrong? The "mission" part was true though.

Dar didn't want to get into the bad books of his work. The voice sounded more female than male too. He knew better than to piss off an undying system.

"Sorry, thanks for reminding me. I was ehm, sleeping till yesterday. Got a big surprise after waking up and seeing the world how it is now."

He hoped that the trick may work. Sadly he got an answer he didn't possibly foresee.

"Ohh Master, so sweet but weird. I lied about that. Maybe your brain was damaged from your sleep? Did you fall of your bed?"

No words could describe his feelings. Why would he use her as template. Why not himself? Feelings really were the downfall of sapient beings.

"Ok, you got me. Now can we stop joking around? How did you gain sentience and what was going on here since my sleep? Some cultivators seem to avoid using your strenght?"

Dar didn't want to talk too long with her for now. He still had to find out why these things were happening.

"If you really want. How cold of you Master. You did use the core of this world and a conscious for me. How wouldn't I gain a soul? As for that rude bastard. Hmpf, you should go and teach him a lesson, sadly he isn't on this world anymore. Why would you even teach someone how to interfere with me?"

So that was how, sure. If he thought back to it. There really was no way the system would not gain an indepented awarness.

"Wait, I teached him? Berch?!? That little bastard actually is one of the reasons why cultivation is frowned upon now?!"

He only teached one person how to interfere and use the laws of the world. His first disciple, Berch. What was his plan? He was never the person to do things without a reason. Of all his disciple he only was proud of two, Berch and Alexia.

"What do you mean with he isn't here? Did he leave the world?" That was something which made him thinkfull.

Systa replied in a monotone voice this time. "Searching individual Berch Tarnis. Individual not existing. Individual named Berch Tarnis not existing, synchronizing data. Individual called Rekio Fars matching."

Dar didn't care about the emotionless voice, he was focused on the name.

"Are you sure?" If it really was like that he probably played in the cards of someone who wasn't someone who was on their side.

"Yes, after I was born I could read the fate of beings born on this world. For beings who are only living here I can't do that. He isn't someone who was born here."

Dar wanted to punch his older self, how didn't he find something that big find out? Someone who wasn't born on this world and called Fars? There was only one thing that came to his mind.

"Fucking elf bastards! Hahaha it wasn't enough that you killed off my lovely disciple you even made one of your heirs go on such a suicidal mission. Fuck the pact!"

Systa interrupted him before going all out crazy. "Master, please calm down! You are already locked on by the Guardians! The pact has to be uphold, you know better than me what could happen if beings on your level participate in the war!"

Dar looked at the burning son above him and smiled evily. 

"Do you want to have a go? You four can come at me together!"

The sun flickered a moment before dimming a bit down. For a short moment it felt fear. It was only tasked with helping lifeforms evolve. They weren't here to fight.

Dar wasn't as stupid as to really fight them. The ones above them weten't beings who he could beat yet. Fight yes. As for winning? Not a chance.

He calmed down and thought carefully why and how all the things happend. Was it because he made a system out of the influence of those beings? They probably didn't like that they could be overthrown.

"Did they foresee what I would do? That's why they send someone undercover? I don't think that the elves would anger me like this without back up. Systa, are you influenced by those above? How much can you interfere with this world?"

Systa instantly replied. "No, after I came into existence one of them tried to kill me but he couldn't delete my existence without killing this world off. You know how they get their power from these planes of existence. As for my influence, I can guide and power up beings who accept my interference. I can also somewhat steer this world in the void but not much."

"Good good. Make some adjustment as good as possible. Let this world drift out of the course. I guess the war wiould be brought forward by them to reap the energy. Also, give me the data of everyone involved with that elf and those who are still sleeping." He had a plan but he had to get involved fast and don't make any big moves. Those big fish aren't watching them all the time. Most likely they don't even know that he had woken up.

"Master, don't involve yourself too much. They will just destroy us if they don't see any other way." Systa was scared. She may not know much about her master but the things she knew were.. scary.

"No worries, a fast hit hit without much impact for the moment. My nickname wasn't Coder for nothing. I just want to make a big surprise for those assholes in the next war. They only watched and reaped the benefits all the time. Why not include them into the equation. Hahahahaha I can't wait to punch some people!"

Systa knew that a big plot was to unfold, if there was a being most would avoid it would be her master. Most of the time he just idled to himself. There were few moments in which he made a big move himself. What would you exceot from a being who could fight head to head with a god himself.

"So what's the plan,master?" She really looked forward to it! 

"Easy, lets have a whole world full of beings who can fight Voidbeasts toe to toe. As most don't cultivate and use your powers just make them nerfed like I did to myself. But before that we need to get rid of those spies and pepples in our way. By the way, is there a chance you can lower my experience needed?" Dar didn't want to kill to many people. It wasn't like he was a cold killing machine.

"No, the stats and exp for levels are things I can't change. How to say it. The strenght one gains from levels are gifted by the world itself. Like a protection for itself. You could just train in cultivation arts if you don't want to kill to many beings. Most can't do that bit as you are a bit special because you overslept most of the things you could."

Dar already thought about why he could level up so easily with training skills, so that was the reason. 

"Ok, let's do it like this. I got three people in my mind to train with the system and cultivation arts. Meanwhile I will go and meet some old friends. You will have to manage the course of the world and look out for unwelcomed guests, alright?"

Systa couldn't really deny his wishes, it was her creator so she accepted the task. She send him the information about every being she couldn't interfere with and made Dar dumbstruck.

"There are over 5000 of them still on this world?!? Ughh shouldn't be that surprising, still. That Queen El is also one of them, that explains why people are pushed down for leveling up. Not bad not bad. It was a good plot but that's all."

Cat Nap in Kalia was silent. Most didn't even know about this place if they weren't introduced or walked by it per chance. Rakna was training in the cultivation art his master gave him. What made him surprised was which stage he already gotten to.

Nascent Soul! He only trained for an evening and a morning, half a day and he already was miles away from his former cultivation!

The stages he knew were as followed. Energy Circling, Foundation Establishment, Soul Conversion, Nascent Soul, Ascending, Void Step, Void Phase, Realm King, Realm Emperor, Realm God and finally Sovereign. 

He didn't knew if there was a stage above it but he could almost certainly say yes. His master was never a Sovereign. You could also adjust the levels for those stages. Level 1-9 equals a Energy Circling cultivator. 10-29 a Foundation Establishment.level 30-59 a Soul Conversion.

Every following stage was 10 lever higher to beat. That meant his cultivation was most likely, if converted in level, somewhere around 75!

"I can't believe this art is so wonderfull! Why would one even cultivate?"

He was talking to himself but a voice which he knew still answered him out of nowhere.

"Because you are bound by beings you rather not want to be bound at. Only if you step above the Sovereign stage you would be free of their will. That was also a reason why the system was made."

Rakna stood up and bowed before the shadow which materialized before him. "Master! You're back. This art is wonderfull!" He had sparks in his eyes which wasn't easy to not notice.

Dar asked himself why his new disciple was that happy. A quick scan made him almost meet the floor. What the hell?!

"You are already in the Nascent Soul stage? How? Don't lie to me, did you have a Space Fruit on hand or something?" If somebody told him that it was possible to culrivate to that stage within not even a day he would laugh out loud.

Let alone Nascent Soul stage, even Foundation Establishment would be more than laughable within that short of a timespan!

He himself needed 1 year and 9 months to reach that stage, he was already praised as a genius like non before. Did he get a reincarnated God as disciple?

"I only trained as instructed by the art you gave me, is something wrong with it?" Rakna didn't think for one second that he would make Dar believe that he was dreaming. 

" good very good! Hahahah, this plays into our hands very good. Listen up closely. You shall go and train yourself for 2 years. After that, go out and teach people who you deem worthy your understandings! I know that it is much to ask of you, especially because we don't know us for long. Still, a teacher for a day, a father for a life." Dar did mean what he said in the second half, now that he knew what his first disciple really was. He was really pained, to know that all those millenials were for nothing and that he was used like that. It did hurt him.

"Master? Can I know the reason? You gave me a new purpose in life. I may not walk through seas of flames or climb mountains of blade for you, I will stay never forget your kindness!" 

Dar was contend with that, no superficial words or the like. The hard truth. He knew he couldn't expect more than that.

"Good, now listen carefully!....."

After Dar told Rakna everything, the latter became pale and began to shacke.

"To think that it was like this! No worries master! I will fullfill my destiny!"

Dar gave Rakna some ressources and scrolls about cultivation. He also gave him a medaillon with which he could always contact him. After a last meal he made his way to his next target. Would the family he will go to be finished with their talk? It was only this morning when he last meet them.

In the Leanor estate was a girl sitting in the garden, spacing out into the distance. After nagging at her mother for more than an hour she finally caved in. To know some parts of history most didn't know was a special feeling.

To think there were other worlds and that her family tree, no her ancestor, belonged to one who fought against them. Just why were they so secretly about that?

"If I only had answers for that, maybe my confusion would vanish." Sighing to herself she wanted to stand up from the bench when she suddenly found someone sitting beside her.

"Hmm, confusion is mostly selfmade through too much thinking or things which one can't understand. Maybe I can help?" Dar smiled at Julia sincerly. It seems that her mother talked with her a bit, he still didn't know though how much was still known about Argus and what he was.

"Did someone very say to you that you could at least not just appear out of nowhere? Kind of rude, you know?" Julia was surprised yes. She didn't have any energy left for being upset though. The sun didn't even set yet but this day felt like years for her.

Dar was a bit ashamed, two people. No two girls said the same thing to him in the same day. Was he really that rude? He could understand Feni but why was she upset? Did she like..outdoor plays?

"Ehem, maybe. You didn't answer my question? I may not look like it but I can certainly say. There aren't more than a handfull of beings older than me on this world." It wasn't a lie, he only knew about three beings older than him who were born here.

Julia looked at Dar and sighed, what could one expect from an old man like that? Maybe he really had some good advice?

"What would you do if the world didn't seem like it was? Your opinion didn't even matter and things are not as easily explainable as you want?"

Dar gazed at Julia and was almost laughing inside him. Wasn't that like, the same thing one of his disciple once asked him? Well, he wasn't one at that time yet.

"It's funny, there was once a young boy who asked me the same thing. Do you know what i said to him?" Dar needed to vent some of his pent up anger on Argus descendants. 

Julia looked at Dar as if he was an idiot. "Let me guess, you said something stupid like the old man you are? Maybe, life is so long, don't worry about the little things or maybe you will know the answer one day."

"Pahahaha I like you girl, no that wasn't what I said. I told him this. Get stronger, so strong that you could change those facts which you didn't like into some you can accept. Strong to not be bound by those silly things you call facts. Or die with knowledge you didn't even try it."

You are reading story Coder at

Dar did mean it. A reason why he was where he is now because of that. That was also one of the reason he made the system. Why let most beings die with the knowledge that they can't change anything? Give them power, let the world evolve to a new standard!

Julia was silent, she thought hard about what Dar said. She couldn't deny that it was an option but just how strong would one have to be?

Julia replied after a while "A goal one never reaches but walks toward, eh? Really what an old man would say." 

Dar couldn't hold back anymore and laughed out loud. "Your genes really are of Argus, you are almost the same. So girl, do you want strenght? Say the world and rhose tiny little facts will be just some rocks you can crush!"

Julia's eyes widend. "Argus? You know my ancestor?"

"Sure, he was a fanbo- disciple of mine. Weird one but he did most things with a clear conscious. Your mother didn't tell you? Or aren't there any records of me anymore? Hmm weird, that boy didn't even stop from writing a book of me."

While Dar was thinking to himself and Julia only gazed at Dar with a new found hope, did a woman walk towards them.

"Agatha greets Grandmaster Fol, I apologize for my rudness before in the morning." With a light bow towards Dar did she speak.

"Eh so he really couldn't withold such things, little bastard can be happy that I can't spank him anymore." Dar was certain that infos about him wouldn't be witheld from his family. But to be called that name was really nostalgic.

Agatha smirked while replying " Ancestor really didn't hold back much, I was already certain who you are after I saw you but I couldn't help but attack you. If I tell father about how I had a fight with a supreme existence, i don't know if he will be proud or angry at me."

"Yep, your one of his descendant. Really weird bloodline you lot have. It's good that you are here. I have something to tell you. It will have an impact on most of all beings. Listen closely..."

After several minutes of talking he was finished. Agatha had a solemn face on while Julia didn't know if she could believe what she heard. If this was true, this world was drifting towards extincion!

"I will relay your words to Ancestor's wife. She can help out too! As for my Julia..why she?" Agatha understood that she didn't have much say in it but still wanted to know the reason.

Dar put his hands on his chin and rubbed it. "Destiny, fate or just coincidence. Call it what you like. Meet my disciple in the Cat Nap Inn. Work together. This plan can't fail!"

Dar vanished again like he came. The mother and daughter duo were certain that he had a kind of fetish to sudden appearances and exits..

Dar gazed at the door before him, he heard two girls laughing inside. He knew that because the clone was made with her blood but to already be so good to each other was on another level. He looked at his stats and sighed.

"To loose all this and begin from anew... For the greater good I guess? At least i will still have my skills."

Name: Dar Fol 

Level 38 (112'900/480'000)

HP 940 (2'038'000)

Mana 490 (~∆~=°)

Strength 395 (31'800)

Deff 430 (33'800)

Agility 1950 (26'800)

Skill: Conceal lvl 10, Flight lvl 23, Aura lvl 5, Supreme Magic lvl 21, Identify lvl 18, Punch lvl 29, Higher Poison Resistance lvl 22

He knocked at the door and waited till the sign to come in was made.  He ooend thw door and was stupified. Did she really don't know who it was? The person before him also was instantly stoping to smile.

"Say Feni, you could fool everybody with this but why do you think that works for me?" Yes, the Feni before him was the clone made of the Life Stone.

Feni opend the door next to the room which lead to a restroom with a annoyed face.

"Can you stop coming? At least you knocked so its a plus but what the hell do you want now?!?" 

Dar didn't think that a person who knew him would scream at him. " Chill, it will be the last time you see me for the near future. You need to listen closely what i'm about to tell you....."

After Dar was finished the real Feni almost jumped at him.


Fina's screaming was echoimg through the whole bulding, most people didn't understand what was said as the office was more or less isolated. There were still a group of people who looked at the upper floor in shock. Queen El was killed?

"Wow, didn't think that you could outburst that big. Thumps up for the voice though, you hadn't one spike in those sentences!" Dar tried to jokingly calm Fina down. Even without the reminder which rang in his head he knew that he fucked royaly up.

"Master, this Systa will be quiet for a moment and pray for your soul."

Fina was trembling from anger, didn't she just think this morning to resign because she knew nothing good would come from him? What the hell was this?!

"You YOU!! Even if I believed one second what you told me was the truth. You crippled the whole world! Do you know that those from the Divine Sect only waited for that moment?!"

Dar told her how he erased some of the spies he found. The problem was which position they had! Most were higher ups in the big families and even the whole royal family of the mainland!

Dar looked at her confused. "Eh, you don't have to worry about that Divine Sect, I cleaned it too and made some people.. obiedent."

Feni didn't know what to say anymore, he wasn't even gone for a day. How the hell could someone accomplish these feats? As she looked at Eni, her double, she saw her just nod.

"Urgh, why? My life was so good and then you come and wreck it all? Are you some kind of destruction god?"

Dar could understand why she was that upset. He couldn't deny that things were happening to fast. Still, he had to do that all for his plan.

"Well, I guess i'm sorry? If things weren't that critical I wouldn't have done that. I made it look like accidents too. Blew up the Royal Capital, destroyed some islands and all.. ehm, well. Just remember what i told you. If you need anything go to Rakna, I left several things with him who can be of use. Also take this. You can communicate with Systa."

Dar threw a medailon to her like the two before. Raknas could also communicate with him, the other two can't.

Feni wanted to ask many questions but there was only thing she wanted to know now.

"And what would your old ass do? Go on a vaccation or back to sleeping?" It was impossible for someone to explain how friendship worked. Dar was sure that he and Feni could be called friends now.

"Ye somewhat? If my conscious is active when they do their routine scan i would be known. I have to go into a sleep mode. Better said I will reincarnate myself. Maybe we both will not know each other if we meet again. No, better said at least you will not know."

Feni couldn't hold her mouth back anymore and was mumbling to herself. "So its vaccation, ye, my ass has to work while others go and live their life. Eni, how about some fun?"

Several hours later was Dar standing above Kalia and sighing. Girls nowadays were weird.

"Master, how abo-"

"No" Befor Systa even could finish did he denie her. Was he some kind of livestock?

"Mmmm master is evil, I had to wa-"

"Can you don't talk about that? Urghh now I look forward to be reincarnated. Can you use my body as energy Systa?"

Dar wanted toknow for sure if it was possible. 

"Mhhh ye I can but are you sure? I can tweak some things but your cultivation will be forlorn?" Systa wasn't sure if Dar's plan would be good enough.

"Culrivation is nothing more than to get a better salary for your job or having a higher position. You are still under someone...even when I reached the inner circle. To see those fucking bastards smiling made me sick. To think that we are all part of them. Funny how they didn't think about that there was still someone above them."

Systa was confused, someone above them? "Master, why do I not have any knowledge of a being higher than them?"

Dar laughed "sure you have" he grabbed the space in front of him and said a little more "just in a womb, we are all just tiny beings born to nurture our home, see you Systa, if there is a emergency you can awaken me."

"Yes master, good luck. I will give you some presents for your next life!"

Nobody knew that the whole world slowly drifted out of its course, not even the Guardians. Some felt the change in the system, especially those near the treshholds, they began to be clearer. In certain areas of the world were beings who were rudely awoken, they slowly opend their eyes. Almost in unison they said.

"The great war, the final great war. The promise stands ooh Coder of Life"

With that a change began to happen all over the world, on a island a boy opend his eyes with confusion. Who was he?

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