Colder Than Winter

Chapter 6: Shadows

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The bus slowed to the stop. A loud hiss escaped the vehicle before the doors folded open. Hoseok and I stepped off saying our thanks to the bus driver. The two of us set off toward my family's apartment which was two blocks away. We turned into one of the streets and began passing building after building. We were in the middle of a game of this or that.

"Your turn." He said.

"Hmm. Okay..." I thought for a few seconds. "Fight a python as you are or fight a cockroach as yourself but the size of an ant."

"An ant?" Hoseok seemed to be weighing the two options in his head. "Do I get to be as strong as an ant too?"

I shook my head, "I said as yourself."

"You never how the physics would work if we shrunk though. Maybe we would be as strong as ants." He debated. I gave a look of impatience. Hoseok laughed, "okay, okay. Mmm...I'd take on cockroach."

"But you'd be so much more smaller than it."

"Wait but you didn't say what kind of ant I'd be the size of. Which allows me to choose which species. And I choose whatever species are this big," he held his thumb and index fingers 4cm away from each other. I laughed. Of course he'd come up with that. "Besides, cockroaches aren't venomous."

"Pythons aren't venomous either." I giggled at the fact he didn't know. "I don't think people would have them as pets if they were."

Hoseok thought to himself for a second before nodding in understanding. He then flinched when a boy with a similar school uniform turn the corner in front of us. His eyes whipped toward the person before he relaxed again. I was reminded of the reason he must've escorted me home. After what happened today with Taehyung, he probably thought Namjoon had it out for me. It was sweet that he wanted to make sure I wasn't alone. Even though he wasn't the bravest person out there.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Mm? Oh, I'm fine. They just surprised me." Hoseok continued scanning the way before us and behind.

"It's fine!" I assured. "I doubt I'm that important enough for those jerks to follow home."

It's true. I didn't believe they'd go through the trouble. But I was starting to entertain the possibility that today's incident wouldn't be the last. Yoongi's warning made more sense after what happened in the bathroom. Maybe it would be wise to be more wary of possible dangers at school. I sighed, hoping this thing with those bullies won't last long. I was eager for them to forget me.

What bothered me was why Yoongi would bother warning me in the first place. What did he care? He continued to make no sense. Barely offered a word to anyone for as long as I could remember. Hung around with the darkest souls on campus. Made fools of countless students including me. Then he suddenly has a mind to warn me about his friends?

I recalled Taehyung and his effort to seem friendly and convincing. Then it made sense. They were both part of the plan. But they failed because both were interrupted by someone. With Yoongi it was Hoseok. With Taehyung it was that teacher. I almost jumped and patted myself on the back for figuring it out. It all made sense! The good news about this pattern was that maybe after they've all said and done their piece, I could finally be free of them. The bad news was, there were two more encounters I knew were coming. I needed to be prepared.

I could also look forward to when Hoseok didn't have to try to be brave for me. But I was thankful to have someone outside of home who cared.

"Oh." I remembered something from earlier today. "Hey, remember when we were talking about what happened today? You said something I didn't get."

"Hm? I did?"

"I said you were the only person who cared about me. And you didn't seem to agree...or something." I worked hard to recall.

Hoseok looked upwards as he tried to remember the conversation as well. He took a while. "I can't seem to remember. But wouldn't that make me right anyway? Your family cares about you. And who knows what kind of impression you made on Kim Seokjin-shi."

My face got warm at the mention of Seokjin. But a wave of dread washed over me at the thought of the impression I left. I frowned, "don't remind me. He probably thought I was scary. The way I yelled and tried to fight- ah, so embarrassing!"

"Why is it embarrassing?" Hoseok defended quite passionately. "You stood up for yourself! You should be proud! Besides if he didn't care about you, why would he jump between you and those guys even with a dislocated shoulder? Hm?"

I didn't know what to say. It seemed simple when Hoseok said it. But it couldn't be...right? Maybe he was right. But I wasn't ready to let go of the possibilty that Seokjin was merely being a gentleman.

Just then a silver car pulled over in front of us. At first I thought maybe it was just a random person who needed to make a stop. But it wasn't.

"Ah, it's Noona!" Hoseok ran up ahead to greet the driver.

Ever since hoseok first moved in with his uncle, he was driven to and from school everyday per his uncle's request. I always thought it was nice of him. The two, I imagined, must've been very similar. It wasn't often that I saw Heejae, his driver. I've met her once or twice but the most I've seen of her was the back of the car as she drove Hoseok away.

After having talked to her through the driver seat window, Hoseok bursted out into laughter at what they discussed before waving me over to him. I hesitated, unsure. It seemed he was inviting me in the car but, I've never been invited in the car before. After all she was only being paid to drive Hoseok, not me. But then the woman in her mid twenties popped her head out to look at me.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare? Hurry, get in!" She called out to me.

I jumped, now concerned that I made her wait. "Oh, okay! Thank you!" I ran over. Hoseok opened the door for me. When I got in, the car smelled brand new but had a subtle hint of a woman's perfume. It was very clean. "Thank you again."

"Mhmm, sure thing." The woman mumbled, though it didn't seem she was happy about giving me a ride home. I simply sat still and stayed quiet while Hoseok gave Heejae the directions to my house. I've always found her to be a little intimidating. Maybe it was just because she was older, but something about her made me careful not to cross her. "You."

I jumped when I realized she was talking to me. "Y-yes?"

"Don't you speak more than two words?"


Heejae expelled a breath with an amused smirk. "I sure hope you're smarter than that one. " She referred to Hoseok. "I fear for his future sometimes."

"Noona~! How can you insult me in front of my friend? Can't you be nice?" Hoseok overexaggerated his groan to sound childish. I stared in wonder at them. They were complete opposites but her assertive personality didn't phase Hoseok at all.

"Aiii." She clicked her tongue. "Are you really eighteen years old?"

I was totally surprised by the dynamic Hoseok and Heejae had. It was like they were really siblings. It's no wonder why he was comfortable calling her, Noona. I was learning a lot of new things to day.

"Here it is!" Hoseok sang as we rolled up in front of the laundromat. I and my family lived just above it in one of the apartments that my parents rent. The other apartment belonged to our landlord who also owned the laundromat. The car came to stop.

"Thank you so much for driving me," I thank Heejae. The older woman didn't respond. She only slid her sunglasses on her face. I guess that's that. I look to Hoseok, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Mhm!" He smile brightly. "I'll text you later."

I grabbed my bag and exited the car, which took off right as the door shut closed. I watched as it sped down the street. Well that was interesting. When I turned around I noticed that my parents' car was parked in the driveway tucked between the laundromat and the next building. They weren't usually home at this time. I walked up the pavement and up the stairs. When I got in, I found my mom sitting at the dining table scribbling in a book. Her reading glasses slipping toward the tip of her nose.

"Oh? Eomma. You're back already?"

Mom looked up at me with heavy, wrinkled eyes. Her hair was twisted up into a clip, except for a few strands that hung down the side of her face. "Yes, the school called me." She spoke in a gentle voice.

I made a look of understanding. That's right, I forgot they called our parents.

"They said you spent your lunch break in the bathroom with a boy?" One of the best things about mom was that she made sure to hear your side of things before coming to any conclusions.

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"WHAT?! EONNI WAS MAKING OUT IN THE BATHROOM?!" Other, more annoying people on the other hand...

I rolled my eyes at Minju's obvious arrival. The middle schooler hopped into the dining room with a shocked but pleased smile.

"I knew that doll was from a boy! So it turns out you're normal after all!" Minju looked impressed.

"Yah! Don't you ever breath? Maybe if you took a breath instead of talking you'd have time to realize the difference between fact and rumors!"

"Enough! Both of you!" Mom removed her glasses and gave us stern looks. "Minju-ah, go do your homework." Minju and I gave each other sour looks before she finally left.

"Eomma I-"

"Sit." She pointed at the seat across from her. It was her parenting style to have us sit across from her so she could look us in the eyes. The rules were simple. Speak calmly and be honest. The second wasn't very hard. But speaking calmly could sometimes be challenging. I sat and took a deep breath. She nodded, "so what happened?"

"I was in the bathroom but I wasn't expecting that boy to come in, I swear. I tried to tell him to get out but he wouldn't listen. It just so happened that a teacher came and he backed off." I explained.

"Miss Gu said your shirt was undone." Mom tilted her head, curious what my response would be but it was also an indication that the detail disturbed her. "Was that boy trying to force himself on you?"

My heart started to beat unevenly. If my parents had the slightest idea that I was in such a predicament, they'd raise hell with the school. As appreciative I am that they'd protect me, I dreaded what their reaction would mean for my unfortunate relationship with Namjoon and his friends. Would it prolong his focus? Would their punishments escalate to something worse?

"My shirt was undone because I got a stain on it and tried to wash it out. That's why I was in the bathroom. As for Kim Taehyung, he's a bully and a troublemaker. Recently he and his friends have been trying to get me into trouble just because I stood up to them recently."

"So you're saying his goal was just to get you into trouble?"

I nodded.

"He doesn't like you?"

I cringe, "absolutely not! I don't think he actually likes anyone but himself."

She thought for a moment. "He and his friends. Should we be worried about them?"

I shook my head, "no. They're just the really childish type. You know how teenaged boys can be. I'm sure they were happy with their revenge today."

"And what was this doll, Minju mentioned?" Her face seemed to soften into genuine curiosity. She too must've had suspicions about a possible boy in my life.

I made a face to quell those suspicions. "Relax, it was just from Hoseok."

"Ahh so he finally confessed." Mom guessed.

"Eomma~! It's really not like that. He was just trying to cheer me up when those guys gave me a hard time, that's all."

Mom snickered before leaning over to pinch my cheeks. "Aigoo~! Is my eldest really this dense? Ah, but I supposed your dad would be pleased." I whined until she let go of my poor cheeks.

"Does dad know about this?" A shiver went down my spine at the thought.

"Don't you think he'd be here if he did?" She got up and gathered the book and papers in the table. "It's fine. He has a lot to focus on. We'll let him be."

I breathed out my relief. "Thanks."

After gathering more things and refreshing me and Minju on our responsibilities, mom took off to work again. I could rest easy knowing that my mom knows the truth about what happened and especially that my dad won't hear about it. Everything was going to be just fine...where home was concerned anyway.

Minju came out of the room practically dancing.

"Eonni! Eonni! I meant to ask you, do you know who this is? Does he go to your school?" She showed me her phone with a big smile.

My jaw dropped. The hairs on my neck rose.

"Ah, you see how hot he is too! Isn't he cool? He looks kinda dangerous. Do you know him?" The boy in the picture was wearing a loose fitting school uniform, his jacket slung on his shoulder. Tattoos scattered along his arm, a cigarette sticking out from his mouth.

"Why does this look close by?" My voice sounded hoarse.

"This was just outside Mr. Kwon's mandu stand. Do you think he lives around here now?" Her eyes glowed with hope.

I clenched my stomach, feeling nauseous. These guys...what were they? Were they really following me home today? I try to think back on the journey home. There was no way he could've caught up to us unless...

Unless he was on the bus with us.

"Eonni? Yah, Yurim-eonni!" Minju waved her hand in front of my face which had been frozen in place.

It would make sense. We were sitting up front and didn't bother looking behind us. It was possible he snuck in and out using the back door and we wouldn't have known any better. But why would they go so far?

"Stay away from him. Do you understand?" I say still deep in thought.

"Seriously? Why do you always-"

"Lee Minju!" My sister's possible insubordination woke me up. She's exactly the type to go walking up to strange people as long as they were good looking no matter how nonsensical. "If he looks dangerous than stay away from him! If you don't I'm telling mom you rode home with an older guy without permission."

Minju's eyes almost came out of its sockets. "W-what? How did you know?"

"You took that picture in the passenger seat of someone's car. I can clearly see a man's hand on the steering wheel in the corner. You think I'd believe that's Hyeji's dad? He's on a business trip." Hyeji was her friend whom she caught rides home with from school, even if her school was close enough for her to walk. But she was only allowed if Hyeji's parents were the ones driving and not her older brother.

Minju tried to think of a way to counter me but in the end was speechless. She could only cry out in frustration and stomp off to our room. I went straight to the window and peeked out of the curtain. If he really was on the bus, he must've been following from behind. But then Heejae picked us up. Surely he must've lost us then. I scanned up and down the road in front of the building. There was no sign of him.

Still...he knew the general location of my house now.

Jeon Jungkook. He didn't seem the type to look at anyone unless he wanted to batter them with his fists. Was he supposed to be my next obstacle? Surely they weren't that evil to do actual physical harm. They were just your typical high school bullies. 

Weren't they?

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