Come On Now, Even If I’m Not A Villain

Chapter 4: 4

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“Oh my.”

She was organizing her dressing room.

Surprised, the maid rushed over, fearful that she might have made a mistake.

She asked, “Is there something wrong?”

“I can’t see some of my favorite jewelry.”


These days, the maids put their hands on Seraphine’s things to dispose of clothes and accessories.

It was natural for her to think that a maid with an evil heart might have stolen it.

“It’s embarrassing to lose the accessories that my father gifted…Can you find it for me?”

“Yes, of course. Tell me what kind of jewelry it is, and I’ll keep an eye on the dressing room.”

“Yes, please do that. I don’t want any fuss, so keep it quiet. Come to think of it, do you like that dress?”

As the maid received Seraphine’s unexpected question, her eyes widened.

“I think it’s going to fit your body if you adjust it a little.”

“No, how could I covet your dress? I can’t even  wear it anyway.”

“There’s going to be some use.”

It was a luxurious dress with jewels attached. Even if she doesn’t wear it herself, it will be a lot of money if she sells it.

“I will give you this dress as a reward if you can find the jewelry. I’d better hand it over to the right person since I’ll be disposing of it anyway.”

Saying that Seraphine smiled softly.

Realizing that it wasn’t a joke, the maid quickly nodded her head.

“You can leave it to me. I’ll try my best to find it as soon as possible. And it’s almost time for Count Danclio to come. I’ll help you dress up.”

“Count Danclio?”

“He is the lady’s philosophy teacher.”

The royal family’s decision was to send a teacher to educate her as the crown prince’s fiancee.

But the owner of her body had no interest in her classes.

There’s no point in learning philosophy, etiquette, or literature, as her life is short.

Her teacher was frequently changed; she acted like she was listening but turned everything upside down, saying it was boring. 

Seraphine had been preparing for today for several days after finding out, then nodded her head.

She looked in the mirror.

She was an impressive beauty with platinum blonde hair and red eyes shining transparently in the sunlight.

Indeed, a woman with such beauty would look stunning no matter what she wore, but all the clothes that the body owner usually wore were excessive.

Seraphine then decided to change into a light outfit without makeup.


“It’s been a long time. Princess.”

“Yes, it’s been a while.”

Seraphine greeted him formally. Count Danclio stared at her in amazement.

“You look neat today.”

The Count, who had known Seraphine for a month, quickly recognized this remarkable change and immediately evaluated it as a significant development.

In the Empire, it was considered manners for hosts to wear casual clothes when welcoming guests.

Even if it’s not a party,  wearing overly flashy clothes was an ignorant and sloppy thing to do.

She was so beautiful without heavy makeup and excessive dress.

Count Danclio looked at her blankly, then suddenly returned to his senses.

They said this time she made a fuss at the fountain and told that Seraphine seemed to have finally come to her senses.

“I felt the need to change,” she said.

“That’s a good attitude. Then today….”

“Forgive me for interrupting you while you were speaking, but I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

Count Danclio put on an expression saying ‘As expected.’

Wearing different clothes won’t simply change her insides.

What kind of excuse are you trying to give to skip class today?

As he sighed inwardly, Seraphine threw a stone into the still lake.

“I’m not going to take any more classes from today. Therefore, you don’t have to visit the Duke of Rubia anymore.”

At Seraphine’s completely unexpected remarks, Count Danclio’s face was stunned.

“In case you misunderstand me, I will say the same thing not only to the count but to all the teachers in charge of me.”

At this point, when she decided to quit as a fiancée, the teachers sent by the imperial family would meaninglessly waste their time.

“Princess Rubia. With all due respect, do you know that the princess is slow in learning?”

“Yes, I know.”

If only she’s a talented person, then there’s nothing to teach, but she’s got a long way to go, and she’s quitting.

Count Danclio was not convinced.

He had to say something, even if Seraphine screams and throws objects.

“It’s not good to know that you are quitting. Besides, I’m teaching the princess under direct orders from his majesty. That means you can’t excuse me just because you don’t like classes.”

Count Danclio explained it as kindly as possible so that Seraphine could understand.

He was thinking that the impulsive and sensitive young lady was using a new method of destruction.

Seraphine held out a blank sheet of paper to Count Danclio, who looked at her like an immature child.

“If my lack of learning means I can’t quit the class, then I’ll take the exam. His majesty will be convinced in this way.”

“You mean the test?”

Seraphine nodded her head.

“If I don’t pass the exam, you can punish me for overconfidence. The teacher must reward and punish students for leading them to the right path.”

She told me to punish her if she was wrong, but it was a confident voice that she would never have been wrong.

Count Danclio taught her for a month, and her tone was also something he had never heard before.

Seraphine became the object of ridicule, not only at the duke’s house but also at social gatherings — wearing accessories that looked like they were attached together without any sense of aesthetic.

The Count also had clicked his tongue at her ignorant extravagance and unwise attitude.

But he wondered if the girl he had met today was Seraphine.

Count Danclio expressed his teacher’s duty and was in an ambiguous position to say no; he began writing test questions on a blank sheet of paper.

Most of it was something that Seraphine had not yet learned.

He thought it would be a relief if Seraphine got half of it right while giving the question.

But after a while, the Count left the duke’s residence with a stunned expression.

In his hand was a test paper with no wrong answers.


Although the owner of this body was an insincere student, she was not ignorant as she had lived as a nobleman her entire life.

Because of this, it was enough to pass the test just by flipping through the books for a few days based on the knowledge of the owner’s body.

‘I did a good job of getting all the books before the teacher came.’

Even if she stays up all night, it was all thanks to Seraphine’s character, who was deeply engaged in one thing.

She also managed to organize all the teachers of other subjects in the same way.


While she had adapted to her surroundings, Seraphine, while studying, was able to find traces of her weapons.

After she died and the kingdom fell, the weapons that lost their centripetal points were scattered.

In the early years, the owner of the weapon changed frequently. And he who has a weapon becomes a hero.

A legendary weapon.

It’s everyone’s dream.

Due to its impressive power, it had no choice but to be illuminated in some way.

There was even a rumor that if you collect all eight weapons, your wish will come true.

However, at some point, no stories related to the eight weapons could be found in any academic books.

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‘I wonder if it has disappeared.’

Even Seraphine, who made the weapon, wasn’t sure if they could survive for five hundred years.

‘Metatron the cross spear, Chokhmah the great sword, Binah the ax, Chesed the brass knuckle, Gevurah the mace, Tiferet the scythe, Netzach the longbow, Hod the wand.’

Seraphine, who was thinking of them, shook her head. She was just a geek who didn’t have a normal personality.

Even if they were still alive, I wouldn’t worry too much.

Although they were weapons, they were all individuals with an ego.

Even if they’re left on a deserted island, everyone will know and live well.

‘Still, it would be better to think that they don’t exist anymore.’

She wanted to find them but couldn’t find them easily now that she’s Princess Rubia and not Princess Rubia of Tilmun Kingdom.

While erasing the eight weapons in her mind, she engrossed herself in the present.

Then, it was one day.

“Lady, Duke Rubia is calling for you.”


The Duke of Rubia was busy, and he leaves the mansion early in the morning and returns late, so she doesn’t have much to do with him. 

Seraphine was silent for a moment as if lost in thought and then nodded.


“I heard you called.”

As Seraphine entered the office, Duke Rubia, who was busy scanning the documents, looked up.

“…Sit down.”

Unlike usual, Duke Rubia opened his eyes wide in a moment of surprise at the sight of his daughter sitting quietly without wearing heavy makeup or flashy dresses.

Seeing the Duke of Rubia like that, Seraphine thought that the owner of her body looked a lot like her mother.

“It means that I don’t look like my father at all,” she said. “You’ve been quiet these days.”

“Yes, I did.”

 The conversation was cut off for a moment when her maid brought in the refreshments.

Feeling the scrutinizing gaze, Seraphine took her teacup and wet her lips.

“The teachers left saying they had nothing more to teach you, but his majesty the emperor seems to be very interested in it.”

Her daughter, who would typically have already been screaming and making a fuss, was quietly drinking tea.

The Duke of Rubia stared at her daughter.

Seraphine read disbelief in his eyes.

“The exam has already been taken. I just showed off  what I know, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

“And there are rumors of you disposing of your clothes.”

“I thought I didn’t need it, so I cleaned it up.”

“It must have been something you liked.”

“My tastes often change as I get older.”

‘He didn’t even mention that I got out of prison.’

An ordinary family had to worry about safety more than anything else.

I’m sure you only called your daughter after the maids and teachers were gone.

“How are you feeling these days?”

As if reading Seraphine’s thoughts, Duke Rubia belatedly asked her well-being.

She was wondering if he was worried about what happened recently.

Seraphine swallowed a bitter laugh and opened her mouth.

“Yes, as usual.”

It was a blunt answer.

After all, Seraphine was not a loving daughter.

Didn’t I get any attention from my parents because of my other sisters?

The Duke of Rubia didn’t take issue with his daughter’s nervous appearance. 

He just wanted to be less tired today from his daughter.

“Your whim is like that. It will change again in a few days.”


“Mother said she will be visiting in a few days. I didn’t say that you tried to commit suicide again. So don’t whine for nothing.”

The ‘mother’ the Duke of Rubia referred to Seraphine’s grandmother.

Also, the Duchess of Rubia or Madame Rubia spent the rest of her retirement wandering around. It happened that the owner’s body only had unfavorable feelings when she was young.

“Father, I have one thing to tell you.”

She just said one phrase, but Duke Rubia was already nervous.

He seemed to think that his daughter’s original personality came out again.

But it was followed by very plain words.

“I’m going out.”

“Going out?”

“I was just going to walk around town.”

“When was the last time you talked to me? So how much more?”


How can you interpret it that way?

She was momentarily perplexed.

“Didn’t you tell me this because you needed money? Your pocket money is set generously, but it looks like you’ve already spent it all. For some reason, you had to dispose of the dress. Don’t protest like that in the future; just tell me.”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that.”

Cough, cough.

She suddenly coughed.

Duke Rubia frowned as she hurriedly shut her mouth.

“Are you sick again? You said you’re fine.”

“Yes, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it……”

Then it came.

There was no after story.

It was because she felt dizzy and her vision had turned black.

She couldn’t do anything after that.

In the end, Seraphine fainted.

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Chapter 3August 12, 2021In "Come On Now, Even If I'm Not A Villain"

(CONEIINAV) Chapter 9December 5, 2021In "Come On Now, Even If I'm Not A Villain"

Chapter 2August 9, 2021In "Come On Now, Even If I'm Not A Villain"

Posted byҍօօքAugust 12, 2021Posted inCome On Now, Even If I'm Not A Villain

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11 thoughts on “Chapter 4”

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August 13, 2021 at 4:05 am

Dear translator,
It seems like you are trying to translate terms from Kabbalah. Instead of “Metatron Crossbow, Hawkman Great Sword, Vina Axe, Kessed Knuckle, Gevura Mace, Perit Scythe, Nechak Longbow, Horde Wand” check out the Wikipedia article on Sefirot:

I’m not sure about some of them, but Hawkman = Chokhmah, Vina = Binah, Kessed = Chesed, Gevura = Gevurah, Nechak = Netzach, Horde = Hod. Probably, Perit = Tiferet since that can be written as Tiphereth. That would mean the entire central part of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life was used. Metatron would be the odd one out but would still fit with the theme since he is also Kabbalistic.

Using terms like these could be the author’s attempt to refer to mysticism and angels. I would definitely change them.

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