Confession gone wrong (Trial Piece)

Chapter 6: Stoic?

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Stoic. Thats how anyone would describe me, the first word out of their mouths... Stoic. Followed by Tall, Blonde, And Quiet. That is, unless you ask Amelie. She'll say im Frigid. Until two weeks ago, that would have been Quiet, Nerdy, and Shy... I Dont talk much, hate crowds, and almost never show my emotions... Its just the way i was raised.
Born in a small town, to a mother who was too busy with her job as Mayor to pay any attention to her child, and a Father who wanted a son, but got me instead... He wasn't a very involved parent, but at least he was there. For 24 years i tried to be as much of a Son for him as i could, despite lacking the plumbing... And he Knew what i was doing... When i was 13, he told me to stop... Said he was afraid one of my male friends would try to force themselves on me... So, i tried to be less Boyish... Dad seemed to be okay with it... So, when my feelings started to overwhelm me, when i needed to talk.. it was always dad i turned to... Hell, the day i started my period, It was dad who calmed me down, explaining i wasn't dying and that it was something all girls go through... Dad was my Rock... So when i noticed i wasn't attracted to guys like other girls my age, but i WAS Attracted to girls, it was dad i told... He was supportive... Unlike mom. She kicked me out of the house... i was 14... Dad secretly helped me out... Got me an Apartment, Paid my rent and bills... found me a part-time job... Even helped me go to college... Where i met Amelie... Which brings us to two weeks ago... I got the news... My Dad was in an accident, And didn't make it... Worse, it was his lawyer who called me, wondering why i wasn't at the funeral. He'd been gone for a month before i was told... He left me something in his will, which had been read after the Funeral... I was told it would be delivered to my off-campus Apartment... I confirmed a good time, ended the call... Dropped my phone... And i broke. When she arrived, Amelie found me just staring into space, my face twisted in pain... She didn't know... couldn't have... But she made it worse. Amelie had come to tell me goodbye. "I just cant take you not showing emotion anymore! You're too damn cold!" She left then... And i broke even more... It was the Landlady who found me still sitting there after a full day... I've been in the hospital since... a full week... not that I knew that... I heard them talking, saying they don't know why im unresponsive... It was the doctors phone call that did it... Amelie had come by, after hearing from the landlady... She was sitting beside me, Extreme Worry displayed on her face... When i overheard the doctor arguing with someone. "Ma'am, i dont care what your thoughts on sexuality are, Shes your daughter! YOU ARE A HORRIBLE WOMAN!"
Amelie asked him what she said... I knew it was my mother, that bitch, he'd been talking to... "She said she didn't care. I... I'll leave you alone for a bit. I need to speak to my superiors."
Amelie grabbed my hand... And said "Why don't we see whats on TV..." I could hear the fear in her voice... She thought my state was her fault... It wasn't, not really... The tv turned on, a music Channel... Playing an old country song by A man with the Initials KU... About Finally giving in to his emotions and crying... The slow piano filled the room... And i did as the song said... i threw away my pride... tears started flowing, and i couldn't breathe... I heard a gasp... Then i was held tight...
"its Alright, Lissa... You can cry, just let it out... I'm sorry for what i said... I..."

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Amelie sounded upset...
"IT WASN'T YOU!" I managed to croak out, mid sob... "Daddy... Daddy died... And i wasn't told... i couldn't say goodbye... then you left me... and... IT HURTS SO MUCH..."
She held me close, as i cried, for the fist time since i was 14 years old... Ten years of sorrow, finally freed...

Amelie Pov

Lissa was changed... She used to be so unemotional... now she cries at the drop of a hat... i... I couldn't stop hating myself... she needed me, more than ever... but i had someone else... Truth is, our relationship ended months ago, we just never came out and said it... but now, Lissa is so broken, so sad... Kayla, my new girlfriend, did what i couldn't... She helped Liss... I couldn't stand seeing her like that... but Kay hadn't known her before... and despite being the one who took me away, as Lissa put it, She never got mad at Kayla... and i think she'll be okay.

Two years later, Lissa Pov

I took up piano... changed from an art major to Writing... And moved on... I own the house now, turns out dad had started a secret Savings account the day he found out mom was pregnant... almost 25 years of deposits, a fourth of his paycheck each month... and his company... I now own three professional body-shops... he left mom his house, his car, and nothing else, the rest he left to me...
Amelie and Kayla come to visit occasionally... I don't mind. I'm happy for them, they seem to be a good match... I'm still alone, but not lonely... And there's this cute underclassman who keeps showing up whenever i play my piano... her names Jessica. She finally worked up the nerve to ask me out, and i think im going to go for it... seems kinda like fate... Jess was my dads name, after all... Who knows, maybe He guided her to me. Rest in Peace, Daddy. Your Little Girls gonna be fine.

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