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Chapter 3: First Boom

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First things first, I need some funds, if I am to go to a different world, I need something valuable to be exchanged. I can't take money, because the money of this world will probably be worth nothing in a different world, so, Gold, Silver, Diamonds and gemstones.

It will not be too hard to steal anything because my Tears are based on the intent i have for them, the process takes less that a second to happen, thanks to my Android brain, i can set up to 15 conditions to my Tears and the closest to satisfy my conditions will open, for example:

Location = This World Canada.

Time = Present.

Place = Wilderness.

Situation = Behind a Sleeping Bear Cub.

Condition = Hidden from anyone's sight.

Such cute thing, the original Elisabeth was able to open Tears on the past or future, thanks to my second wish, it is impossible for me to do the same, if i could, it would be cool to make a base on the moon 4000 years on the past, it would be pretty safe from anything on the present, but the harshness of being exposed to space would probably destroy anything too delicate, and i can't freely store things on other worlds, too risky, once i access a new world, my point of entry will be my "present", and the past will be impossible for me to access, but, my "present" is only going on while the Tear is open or when i am on the other side, i made an experience on the world of the movie [Catch Me if You Can], pretty nice 2003 movie, Leonardo DiCaprio was pretty cool in it, i opened a Tear on a desert on the year 1750, buried some coins and then opened a second Tear on the year 1850, the coins aged 100 years like they should, time flowed like normal there and it was impossible for me to open any Tear before the year 1850, i can move to the "future", since i did not "existed" on that worlds present, i could jump on the Tear and open a Tear back to my present world, but one year on the future, so, i can "skip" time at any time, kinda like that film [Click], by God that is the only truly good movie with Adam Sandler in it and it's a 2006 movie haha.

I decided to make a base on Antarctica, just made a Tear on a underground cave, i thought that there will be some pressurized air problems, but the Tears kinda have a "membrane" on them, i can choose if the elements from either side of the Tears will pass or not, i can choose what can and what cannot pass, very cool, might be able to use the Tears as an unbreakable shield, or i can just open a Tear to Space and delete anyone, or just use a Space Tear as a harmless trash can, i can even open a Tear inside a Star with no consequences, well, last time humans were deep on Antarctica it was 1959, now it's 94, I hope there is no secret conspiracy going on and there are just some Ice nerds there doing research.

Now, I will be stealing Diamonds, unmarked gold bars and some Rubies. It was a surprise when I discovered that Emeralds and Sapphires are not that valuable, the place I choose to steal things from? The world of the film [Titanic], i decided to use a time widow of 84 years, from 1912 to 1996, the Titanic sank at 1912 on the film, and that nerd researcher found the ship on 96, pretty safe, no apocalyptic events happened on that time widow, and back on 1912 there must be some unmarked gold going around, i am going to steal gold once a year from 1912 to 1940, i will attack random countries to make sure the attacks are not connected, once i get 20 tons of gold or when they start to properly mark their gold i will stop and move on to Rubies and Diamonds.

Apparently, the world has much more diamonds that what we could guess, i have seem literal rivers of gold and precious stones, why such common materials are so valuable is beyond me, they probably kill any competition and keep this fortune hidden to manipulate the market, now i am kinda concerned, what if on a different world they do the opposite? What if gold is common but Copper is super rare? I do remember the characters from the world I am planning to go to being impressed by gold and precious gems. It was an anime, but I hope I am right...

It is finally time to copy the only superpower of this world, the year is 1995, his youngest daughter is only 2 years old, on the movie she was 5, if i am not mistaken, the doctor had some problems with a dog when he was a child, i did not paid too much attention to the movie back then, i could try to watch it on a parallel world, but it would be a waste to start "present" on a different world just to try finding this movie on a parallel Earth, i have to be cautious about the worlds i know, i don't have as much imagination as the original Elizabeth, i can't just open a Tear to a random world, what if i find some space abomination? or a zombie apocalypse? or some alien invasion? Elizabeth was pretty ignorant and had no knowledge about the risks her Tears had, she did not imagine those problems, I can imagine them, funny, she had more original imagination i have more wisdom haha.

~ding dong~

~ding dong~

"Come on man, i know you are inside" this is the first power i am copying, original Amazo had glowing yellow eyes when he copied powers and his face kinda deformed to copy the target, i want to see if i can hide this weird reaction, it was hard coded on Amazo, i need to experience this first problem to evolve beyond it, copying powers is an automatic thing, i can't have my eyes glowing at random or my face morphing, sorry Doctor, this little girl will probably scare you for life.


"Hey kid, stop with it. I am here, what do you want? If you are selling something I am not interested" Dolittle answered annoyed, this kid has been pressing the doorbell non stop.

Soon his annoyance turned into surprise and the surprise turned into fear, the white of the little girl's eyes turned black, it expanded and both eyes became connected, her pupils dilated, expanded and started to glow a eeiri yellowish orange, her face then became a dark silver color, soon, the face started to morph into his own face, he felt as if the... thing... was staring deep inside his soul, her hair was gone, her ears were gone, her nose was gone, her mouth was gone, but it was still HIS face on the creature!

Dolittle fainted.

"...Well, that was something" Anna spoke, not with her usual girlish voice, but with a androgenous digital voice that surprised her. It was like a mix of Anna DeWitt voice with Amazo voice, perhaps that was the first time she truly heard her own new voice.

After stealing his wallet, her analysis ended, and Amazo evolution protocol started, i made sure to look at the doctors and Amazo programing "decided" that this little "display" while copying powers was not beneficial, my eyes will still glow a little bit every time I see a new weapon or a new individual with powers i don't have, no longer i will turn gray faced while morphing like some defective Terminator, time to test out my new powers, i think that it's a good thing to test it with a Fish, a Bug, a Mammal, a Bird and a Reptile, just to make sure i can talk with animals, due to the plot of Dr. Dolittle, the animals will go Wild once they learn that i can talk to them, i remember them making Dolittle life hell, i have to either be discrete about it or kill the animal before they have the chance to spread the word.

"Test subject 1, species: Duck, Male, 2 years old, name unknown" I spoke on the voice recorder.

"..." Duck is a bit confused, one minute he was swimming on his lake, the next he was in the middle of a closed room, with a little female human looking at him with cold eyes, speaking with an emotionless voice and she even had a weird metallic tube on her hand pointed to him.

"Duck say something" the girl said, with unblinking eyes.







"Are you asking what is wrong with me, Duck?"

"I AM NOT DUCK, MY NAME IS CHARLIE, wait, did you understo-" BANG!

"Test subject 1, Charlie the Duck, test successful, checking recordings" Well, peace was never an option, let's see if i can only understand what he says in person or if i can understand his recordings as well, i mean, i have listened to some lions roaring and understood nothing, maybe they were just roaring, same goes for the record of birds i listed too, maybe they were just singing, i am yet to have an uncontrolled encounter with an animal, need to make sure i can keep this power hidden from the animals, you never know man, maybe the squirrels were ruling the world all along? We can never be too careful.

The recordings were disappointing, a very sad result, seems like i can't translate what animals are saying on recordings, Charlie was pretty mad and clear with his words, i understood him clearly, but on the recording i only heard some weird quacks, i am happy to seem that i did not quacked back to him when i spoke to him, i remember a scene of Dolittle going bzzt bzzt to talk with bees, good to know that i will not adopt animal like speech while talking to animals, next subject will be a bug, just to make sure.

"Here we go again, recording...

Test subject 2, species: Tarantula, Female, 7 years old, name unknown;

Test subject 3, species: Yellow Scorpion, male, 4 months old, name unknown;

Test subject 4, species: Oriental cockroach, male, 4 months old, name unknown;"

Three animals, three glass containers, same abandoned warehouse i used to murder Charles, i feel like [Saw], lets wait a bit to see if they will talk with each other.

"What the fuck is going on man?" said the Tarantula.

"You tell me, I was just chilling, enjoying a cold breeze and ban" said the Scorpion.

"me don't understand, me hidden, me safe, now, me not safe, me scared, me want dark," said the roach.

"interesting, seems like some species are not as smart as others, even with the same brain size and same age, this roach seems to be dumber that the scorpion" i said, surprised by the development, i clearly remember Dolittle saying that grasshoppers can only say the words "cold" and probably "hot", insects are smarter that what i thought, seems like it is a case by case thing.

"The human is tripping, I have seen this before, they put me in a box and watched me pooping and eating, they even feed me everyday, those hairless monkeys are insane" commented the Tarantula while the two other critters stayed quiet.

"I did kidnap you from an aquarium owned by a human, yes, but i don't think he captured you just to watch you poop" i commented idly.

"human can understand?" / "hun?" / "That's new, my old kidnapper used to call me Aragorn to be honored by my noble presence" I got three responses.

Seems like all 3 tests were successful, now the 3 don't stop talking, the scorpion is threatening me, the roach wants to be friends and the spider is acting like some noble brat, shooting a bug seems like overkill, i can generate electricity, mana, ki and aura, maybe i can use the opportunity to see how much of each energy i need to kill a bug? let's start with the roach, imma going to do it [Dragon Ball] style, just need to sit down, and remember how Gohan taught Videl how to make a ki ball, i am even shapeshifting into her to get the right mindset, the kriters speaking will add some extra challenge but its welcome.

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"holy fuck, that is not a human, humans don't warp like that, i have been watching Freed for 5 years, he never warped like that, into a different person!" Aragorn was alarmed, that is not a human thing to do, not at all.

"uuuuh there is something going on with the wind, she is all shaking, there is even a breeze, we are in a closed cave, there should be no breeze, something mystical is going on" the scorpion was in awe with the crazy situation.

Roach was in awe as well, he was seeing the tiny light getting bigger and bigger and bigger, he couldn't contain his curiosity anymore and asked.

"Is that God?"


"OKAY using 400 energy on the ki blast was a mistake, ou shit, 400 energy is like 20000 ki right? Oh man, it's good that i am in Chernobyl right now, the nuclear accident happened on 86, less that a decade ago, the radiation is harmless to me and there is no human in several kilometers, it's also good that i did not fired the thing straight down, i think that 1000 ki was enough to destroy the moon or something like that, let me make a tear... to... look... SHIT!"

A diameter of 40 kilometers, its all gone, a gigantic crater was formed, there is fucking lava on the bottom, the original accident affected an area of 30 kilometers, holy hell, i was just playing with Ki, this is not fair, it was just a small blast... How the fuck a 20k ki blast could do more damage that a nuclear reactor meltdown!? A modest size of Ukraine and Belarus, its just gone, well, i was planning to burn my clothes anyway, getting rid of radiation and all... fuck!

They can use the crater as a reservoir? I mean, there was one close by, now they have a bigger one to share with their neighbors? Yey? Not yey... I fucked up, hard, this is not an anime world, even if it was an anime world, i think that the result would be pretty similar, i am just like a baby with an RPG, i cant go on without testing everything now, i was planning on coating my body with Ki or Aura, so people would notice me and i would be able to make a fake connection with people, they would connect to my detached Aura/Ki, i was planning to use 100 Energy on each test, now, now i don't know anymore, for the first time ever since i was reincarnated, i actually need to rest...

That was just bad, i mean, i can survive on space, i could just open a tear to [Titanic] world or [Catch Me if You Can] world, i would not lose much, i already got the only superpower this world has, material goods are not that hard to get again, i am not close to anyone on this world, but the idea that i almost killed an entire planet, i almost made the human race go extinct, i am... Disappointed with myself, imagine if i had gotten my superman wish? How many dead? How many worlds would I have destroyed by now?

I don't feel any connection to other humans, they don't feel any connection to me, but, i like living, i don't want the despair o death again, i also don't wish death upon anyone else, death is inevitable but that does not mean that i must take it lightly, from now onwards i will only kill my enemies, no more experiments around innocents.

Okay, i am on the middle of the Sahara desert to do some experiments, there are no one here, not for 100 kilometers, i was thinking about doing my experiments on some small island or on the middle of the sea, but, an island is still connected to the tectonic plates, there can still be some earthquakes, and do to having very little land the impacts would spread towards the ocean and cause some tsunamis, same goes for me training on the ocean or on the bottom of the ocean, by being here on the sand, it will absorb whatever craziness i release here with little to no chance of a wide spread earthquake, i might damage the structure integrity of some stuff that is buried around the desert or bellow it, but who cares right?

For starters, i am going to test some ki blasts, first with 1 energy, it seems to be the minimum i can use, it translates to 500 ki, but any less than that and i can't manifest anything, be it physical enhancement or ki blasts, it's as if the world itself is suppressing me, i believe that it's hard to do so because this one is a "Real" world, without any kind of supernatural or any destructive ability/energy, 500 ki is the threshold one need to overcome to manifest ki blasts on "real worlds", perhaps my Space Tears would be even more smooth and easy to use on Supernatural worlds? Needs more testing.

Aura tests, since my Aura is even more potent that my Base Energy, using 1 Aura should be equal 1000 ki units, initially my Aura looks like a blue smoke, i am connected to it and can feel everything my aura can feel, by spreading the aura on a very very thin coat i can make something invisible i am calling Aura skin, looks like the thing people from [RWBY] use for protection, it also makes it impossible for foreign particles to stick to my clothes, and since i don't sweat or release any type of fluids, my clothes will be preserved clean forever... Was not my intention but it was a welcome surprise, making the same coating with Ki does not produce the same results, i can make that White ki coating we see on the anime [Dragon Ball Z], i am yet to make it invisible, it seems to torn my clothes apart and is a bit "wild" dare i say "angry" like a furious beast that desperately wants to run free.

"Test subject 5, species: Human, Male, 47 years old, name: Thomas Turbando, Crimes: Human traffic"

Gonna do some tests on criminals that justice is failing to punish, i need people to notice me, the world i plan on going relies too much on people connecting to me, i need a presence, either a normal presence or a strong one, i drugged this guy during his sleep tied him to a chair and now we are on the middle of the desert, i don't want him to cook alive so i am keeping a Tear open to release a gentle cool breeze, the plan is to use my Aura Skin and then increase the potency until he dies, just to see the limit of exposure a human can take, he still asleep, for this subject i want to wake him up with my presence alone, okay, i am right by his side but out of sight.

01 Aura ~~ Nothing

02 Aura ~~ Nothing

05 Aura ~~ Nothing

10 Aura ~~ He jumped, he is awake now, good, 10 Aura or 10000 Ki is enough to catch the attention of a normal human.

"O que tá acontecendo? Onde é que eu to?" hm the dude is speaking Spanish or Italian, I am not sure.

15 Aura ~~ He is sweating like crazy, trying desperately to escape.

20 Aura ~~ hm, his eyes are bleeding, his ears as well, he has some burning signs, first and second degree, the screaming intensified.

25 Aura ~~ Pretty sure his heart stopped, instant death and half of his body was burned.

A normal human should have around 5 to 9 Aura of "presence", that seems to be the norm, 10 or more feels like a threat 15 or more instill fear in people, probably a dragon should emanate this kind of presence? Dragon Fear? It must be painful as well, that talk about killing intent and being hard to breath cliche i read on many novels, hm, good to know... 20 Aura should only be used around non humans or around strong individuals, it causes a lot of damage, 25 or more should be used to intimidate non-humans or truly powerful people... And I was planning on using 100 Aura...

I can only use 399 Aura at once, i am very very scared of getting my Aura reserves empty, that is supposed to be my soul, Amazo naturally produces 100 energy per minute, so i can recover 50 Aura per minute by conversion, i have tested, and i can not recover aura naturally, i can only convert Ki, Mana or Energy into Aura, each one of the 4 powers draws from different reserves, i can get the equivalent of 800 energy stored for each type, by combining all sources my actual maximum power is 3198 energy, the recovery rate of each source is as follows:

Aura = 0 Aura per minute;

Mana = 5 mana per minute;

Ki = 15 ki per minute;

Energy = 100 energy per minute;

In conclusion, i am not a Android with a Soul, i am an Android that can manipulate power from a Soul, if my Aura reserves run out i will be soulless forever, now more that ever i need to visit a world with Aura, Nen from [Hunter x Hunter] is a type of Aura, closer to Ki that aura but works, i will just need to be exposed to Nen to awaken my own Nen, then we have aura from [Pokemon] and [RWBY], on the pokemon case i just need to copy a Lucario, a human with active aura or some other pokemon with Aura and pray that it will be enough for my Android body learn how to cultivate and reproduce my aura reserves, a similar desperate situation on [RWBY], i need someone to chant something while touching me? Looking at me? Close to me? I am not sure...

Either way there is a chant to wake up Auras and Semblances, that world is a complete dump beyond repair, if the Pokemon plan or the HxH plan fails, i will get in, kill some terrorist, take his place with shapeshifting get my Aura awoken, then, get out!

I was scared that i will not be able to get neither RWBY nor HxH related powers because they rely on others to awaken something inside of me, i am so lucky that the wish did not included things that give a positive influence on my mind/soul, i will never be able to be a Jinchuriki from [Naruto], get a Falna from [Danmachi] nor a Zampakuto from [Bleach] but i still get some good things from the Multiverse, with Amazo powers i will even be able to copy the things i can't get, i mean, Amazo was able to copy the Green Lantern Ring and the Bracelets of Submission from [DC Comics], one is like a psionic power that manifests Will Power physically, the other is a divine artifact made by the God Hephaestus, Amazo can copy Divine like effects, pretty sure i can copy a Bijuu or a Danmachi God powers.

"The Chernobyl Second disaster is still being investigated, the explosion was over a hundread times more potent that the nuclear bombs used on Japan during Wold War II, Scientists say that what happened on Chernobyl should be impossible, some specialistis believe that the 'coffing' made to countaing the melted reactor cause an unprecedented unknown reacion, there are protests around the entire world begging for all nucle-" The tv was turned off by Amanda, one of the caretakers on the orphanage, news of my little accident keep being played on loop ever since it happened, turns out that the cratter destibilized the tectonic plate, Ukraine is slowly sinking on the direction of the cratter and their neighbor countries are slowly being raised into a Mountain Range, creating a huge natural border between Russia and Ukraine, on the next two decades the tallest mountain on the world will appear there, most geologists say that we are lucky the crater did not became a super vulcano.

"Oh Anna, you always get so sad when the tv is playing the news, come with me, lets pray for those poor people that died on the explosion" urged Amanda, every time she sees me alone or sad she grabs me and forces me to pray with her for 1 to 2 hours, this entire orphanage is super religious, i had no idea! I never noticed, but this place is closer to a monastery that a proper orphanage, the caretakers are almost like nuns and most girls that are not adopted almost always end up as nuns, ever since i turned my Aura Skin on, the kids and the caretakers noticed that i exist, now i can't skip meals, little kids keep bothering me to play together and i am even forced to take classes on Spanish, Math, Biology, etc... The worst thing is, if I turn off my Aura Skin, people actually start to look for me, as if i am missing, and the bible readings, and the praying, i swear to God, these people want to make me into a nun! I am 9 years old, almost 10. I will leave once i turn 10, now i need to be adopted asap!

Since no one ever showed any interest on adopting me when i was a toddler or a baby, now the people here just assume that i will never be adopted, i was asked to choose if i wanted to be a nun or if i wanted to work for the orphanage once i grow up, since most of my classess i was absent, they dont even offer the job of teacher to me, they seriously believe that i am a "reclusive child" with below average IQ, borderline into "special child", all because i used my aura on the goddamn orphanage, now that they formed a "connection" with me, they treat me just like any other kid, if things keep going like this, i will end up like the original Elizabeth from [Bioshock: Infinity] locked on a tower surrounded by religious people, the only difference is that they will be speaking Spanish and not English, my advantage is that i can escape at any time, twice a year we get visited by people wanting to adopt, i was just planning on leaving this world, but if i just leave, these people will be sad, now that i have a better grasp on my Aura skin i learned that kids usually have 5 Aura presence and adults have 7 Aura presence, if i flash a 8 people get "impressed" by what i am doing, if i flash a 9 people get inspired or in awe by what i am saying or doing, 10 just get them scared or intimidated, next week i will just flash a 9, get adopted and plan my death, i have discovered that if i flash 50 aura and go back to normal a small blue fiery explosion happens, 60 is a medium explosion... i am going to explode and disappear like a Witch, there is already a local myth like that on town, i just need to blow up and vanish, that is the plan!
"The witch took her" they will say, sometimes i am frightened by my intellect.

Today is the day, now that I think about it I feel like this is wrong on so many levels, they just invite people that want to adopt kids to look around, are we supposed to beg to be adopted? Are we supposed to just look sad? This is fucked up, its even more fucked up when i think about the movie [Stuart Little], i mean, this is the multiverse, Stuart was a rat, a talking clothed rat, but a rat non the less, he was an animal, and that goddamn couple adopted him, THEY LEGALLY ADOPTED HIM, not as a joke, not as a pet, they gave that rat the same legal rights as their human son and they demand everyone to treat the rotten as if he was a real person, even worst is that he was on an orphanage, i am just imagining a family coming in, pointing at the rat and saying "we will take the rat", while all other kids are watching, for a movie about a talking rat, that was dark.

Me? I am drawing birds, android 16 from [DBZ] had a special connection to birds, i am just paying homage to my fellow android, making him proud from whatever robot heaven he is right now, on [Futurama] there is a robot hell, i believe that all artificial life must go to that universe or to Deus Ex Machina, i am still new to the "being a robot" thing, well, i will keep drawing birds while my Aura Skin is cracked up to 9, for other people my woodpeckers will be like Monalisa, pretty sure Amanda was crying a bit, as soon as i finished the woodpecker a couple approached me, the woman crouched down and asked if i wanted her to be my mommy, mission accomplished!

Getting to my new home, "mother and father" are taking my stuff to the house. I am still in the car. Apparently, mom wants to take a picture of me leaving the car, it's now or never, gonna flash 60 aura and open a Tear to a different world!







I am a genius!

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