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Chapter 4: A new World

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It's a beautiful day outside.
Pidgeys are singing, Sunfloras are blooming...
On days like these, androids like me...
Should be conquering the world.

I have arrived in the [Pokemon] world, where am i? Kanto region, 2 years before Ash Ketchup starts his journey, Route 10, right above Rock Tunnel with a nice view to a Power plant, funny thing is, there is no smoke coming out of the Power plant, even nuclear power plants have some water vapor coming out of it, yet this power plant is producing more electricity that any power plant from the real world, what kind of fuel does it uses? Is it just a bunch of pikachus shocking a generator? Who knows? The important thing is, I found my target, a Magnemite!
You see, magnemite is a very interesting pokemon, they do not eat anything besides pure electricity, if it is hurt? Electricity heals it, hell they can even produce metal out of pure electricity, needs more power?
Electricity can make it grow stronger!
Turns out I can produce 100 Gigawatts per minute. The mysterious anime power plant is good, very good, but not near the level of energy I can produce in a passive equally mysterious way, now it's time to analyze this little thing.

~Eyes Glow Orange~

Interesting, a Magnemite has 4 powers, Electrokinesis, Ferrokinesis, a very weak Psychokinesis and Neutral Aura Manipulation.

Turns out, pokemons do not know any moves like on the anime or on games, they kinda have some routines they perform to make their energy flow on a certain way and either control or produce some elements they are naturally inclined to use, that is the source of their 'moves', they are just routines the pokemon memorize and repeat

A pokemon that knows Thunder or Thunderbolt, should naturally be able to use all other moves that are "weaker" that those 2 moves by default, it is just a matter of understanding the routine, having enough power to realize the routine and then mastering it, neutral aura seems to me what is categorized as "Normal type energy".

From my analysis, that little magnemite has 0,6 Energy, and is coded with 7,5 Aura.
(A/N: I am just going to call "Aura presence" and "Aura skin" Aura to make things simpler).

A bit more that a normal adult by real world standards, i am guessing that this Magnemite should either be weak or young, pokemons are supposed to be much stronger that normal humans, i will keep my Aura at 9 and i will make it electric type, let's see if i can catch this little guy attention, it is a relieve that i can directly use my Energy reserves to perform pokemon moves and my aura reserves will just be used to keep my presence, i cannot be too flash, Zapdos should be around this area, i want the attention of magnemites, not legendaries.

It was a very sad day to Magnemite, today, once again the elder Magnetons were mean, it is hungry, absorbing ambient electricity is a very slow way to fuel his reserves, it will end up fainting if it gets into a fight, the older magnemites and elder magnetons told him to steal energy from power lines, but the humans always protect the power lines, many magnemites got killed trying to steal from power lines, they say it's a test, for him to earn the right to live on the same territory as the Legendary Lightning, apparently, on ancient times magnemites were servants to the legendary lightning, its storms were the only reliable source of food for our kind, now with the human machines and power lines our kind is growing like never before, but we still need to respect our Great Protector "its tradition" they say, "only the strong have the right to live on this territory" they say.

Magnemite is very very sad, if bad things continue, magnemite will be forced to fuse with 2 other weak magnemites and evolve into a weak magneton, elders say that evolving like this is shameful, but magnemite does not want to die.

But things changed when Magnemite felt a Magneton appear out of nowhere far away from the Human place, it is not a strong Magneton, not an Elder, a bit weaker that the older Magnemites, his energy feels super clean, pure, innocent, immaculate, delicious! Maybe it will be friends with Magnemite?

I came closer and closer, but there was no Magneton, there was a Human! A human playing with Lightning just like a pokemon! Oh, what is this? Is that a pokemon that looks like a human? Or a human that can do pokemon things? Hm, magnemite will talk with it, if it understands it's probably a pokemon, if it does not understand its a human. ~nods nods~

"Hello, are you a human or a pokemon?" I asked, already feeling a bit silly, humans can't understand pokemons, they are too stupid to interprete "aura waves" or so the elder Magnetons says, we can understand then, but they cannot understand us, at least the weak humans can't, there used to be strong humans many years ago, but they vanished.

"Oh, hello to you too, i am not a pokemon, i am just a human blessed by lightning, i can make tons and tons of electricity, are you hungry?" the human gently asks.

"YES! MAGNEMITE IS STARVING PLEASE FEED MAGNEMITE!!" this is the most delicious electricity i ever felt, this will taste divine!

The golden, sparkling energy came to magnemite, there was no resistance, the juicy light entered the depths of magnemite body, his screws are spinning, his magnets are bending, its eye is rolling to the back of its head, bliss, absolute pure bliss, I can't have it done the normal way anymore, this, this human, it ruined me, so thick, so delicious, so intense, oh I love it!

~2 minutes later~

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For the first time in its life, Magnemite is full, now magnemite needs to rest and add this full charge to its growth and expand permanent reserves, this is the happiest magnemite was on his entire life, he feels, complete, no matter what, magnemite will never leave the Human Blessed by the thick lighting!

SHIT SHIT SHIT the thing is having a seizure!

Am I killing it??? Oh my God it's Chernobyl all over again!!

Wait, lets reduce the potency, oh it is floating closer, a moan? Seems like it is fine, maybe they just get like this when they are feeding? This Magnemite was starving right? It was wise to feed only 1 energy to the spark. I even had "happy feelings" while feeding it, i mean, aura is about emotion as well, right? I tried to project what a Dopamine injection was supposed to feel like, seems like it worked on the end, the magnemite absorbed 1,5 Energy, this was a start, totally empty magnemite, now it has 2 Energy and 8 Aura, feels like it is sleeping, maybe it is digesting the energy?

Oh, there are some internal changes going on, perhaps its total max energy will be 4 after resting, no changes on the aura, but, it just got almost 5 times stronger with a single charge, is this growth exponential? if it is, it will take 5 charges for it to surpass me, i only have 800 energy, with 5 charges with the current growth he will get like 2k energy reserves, the growth from 400 onwards is massive, i will keep it in check, I will not fill it to the max with energy anymore, just enough to not have it starving too much, i need this one to grow into a fine magnezone, collect more stray magnemites and build up a hive for myself.

Seems like Doctor Dolittle powers works on pokemon, that is a relieve, i am opening some invisible Tears in front of tvs that no one is watching and the pokemon on tv are just saying their name over and over again, i understand nothing, but if i have a pokemon right in front of me, i can talk with it just fine, according to my analysis, this communication power is kinda like a aura wave, and wave of intent, since the recording cannot transmit the intent of the pokemons, i cannot understand them, same goes to any living thing with sentience.

Next step will be to access a pc that no one is using, or looking at and is unlocked, pretty easy to find. I also added a condition to not have any cameras pointed to the pc and no one close enough to hear me typing or speaking, i love my Tears! And thanks to Pristine existence I can freely use it without having to fear any legendary being capable of feeling changes in space, first things first, how many moves a magnemite, magneton and magnezone are known to humans? I have been living since 1996, i only know the move set a magnemite has from the original Red and Blue, because i have a gameboy, not in my wildest dreams i would have imagined that i would need to memorize the move set of a magnemite!

Oooooh they can Teleport here, man this Pokemon League pc was a blessing! Agatha, i have no idea who you are, but thank you for leaving your pc on and unattended, seems like a magnezone can learn 45 different moves, good thing my android brain can memorize everything, there are tutorials for each and every move in there, all wrote by either gym leaders or elite four members, a dude named Wikstrom took upon himself to find out how many steel moves a magnezone can learn, very detailed and meticulous work.
Volkner an electric type gym leader did the same, out of boredom, to document all electric moves it can learn, very sloppy work, you can feel how unmotivated the dude is, on the other hand an elite four member named Lucian was pretty excited about making it learn tons of psychic moves, it had little to no success, apparently this Lucian guy has the strongest Bronzong on the world, and he wanted to prove that Bronzong and Magnezone are related, on the end, the only possible offensive move it can learn that is a psychic type is Mirror Coat, and Lucian thesis was proven wrong.

Apparently there are very few Magnezones around Elite four members, Ace trainers and most of the Elites because it is expensive to raise a top tier Magnezone, just like i suspected, the magnemite line can regenerate missing body parts out of pure electricity, but the quality will be very poor, to make them more durable, you need to rub a conductor metal on them, turns out, Pure Gold powder is the ideal metal to promote a healthy growth on a magnemite, according to the league database a champion level Magnezone need to consume 500 Kg of gold every year to stay healthy, durable and powerful, a magneton of the same level needs only 100 Kg of gold yearly, that is the main reason why elite Magneton trainers do not evolve their magnetons.
It's too expensive to properly raise a Magnezone, it is a relieve to find out that i only need electricity and gold to raise an army of magneton, i have over 20 tons of gold hidden, not to mention all gold i can still steal from the multiverse, i plan on having a Magnezone and 3 Magnetons on my main team for now, so, 800 kg of gold powder yearly, i can go by 20 something years without stealing any more gold, i will sell some gold too, not to mention that they only need gold when they get hurt or scratched, it will be probably less that the worst case scenario.

Some more great news! Gold is more valuable here than in the real world! Because it's a malleable conductor metal, it is feed to many, many steel and rock type pokemons as a delicacy, like, some gourmet food, and the tec industries have to compete with pokemon food industries for gold, that is insane, yet believable, some bad news is that rubies are almost worthless here compared to my world, diamonds are also much less valuable because many ground and fire pokemon can actually manufacture artificial diamonds, the process is pretty slow and hard, that is why the value is not that much lower... And diamonds are used as food for some Rock and Ground type pokemons as well, yeah, the consequences of living in a society that have intelligent pieces of minerals around, kids can unironically have pet rocks.

It's time to bring some of my precious stuff over, it's been 3 months since i made friends with my Magnemite, the little thing refuses to leave me alone, on his own words "Humans need a pokemon partner to keep then happy and safe", he learned that from his Magneton elders, apparently the eldest magneton is over 12000 years old, and he is a "Zapdos believer", a full blown cult around the thunder bird, before electricity was a common thing on modern society, the electric type pokemons had 2 choices, fight for a territory with strong electromagnetic vibes or serve a legendary electric type, there are even 3 sub-religions among the electric type pokemons:

- The cult of the Legendary Lightning (Zapdos religion);
- The cult of the Roaring Thunder (Raikou religion);
- The cult of the Ideal Light (Zekrom religion);

The short version of each cult is that, the Zapdos mons believe on following the strongest, the Raikou mons believe in freedom above everything else and the Zekrom mons believe that improving the land is the key for happiness, the main religion is the one of Arceus, the original one, and each pokemon species have their own take on the main religion, the legendaries are pretty chill about it, what boggles me the most is that there were pokemon crusades on the past, like, faith motivated wars, the humans had no idea about it, but many regions that have zero human life were destroyed by religious pokemon wars, there are goddamn Templars among pokemons.

Claiming to be "blessed by lighting" might have been a poor move by yours truly, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT POKEMON RELIGION? Magnemite told me that there is a good chance that Zapdos will force me to "submit" to him and live the rest of my days as a "Storm rider" basically a human that lives to serve a legendary, kinda like a personal maid, ha, i let him try! At my ideal mass i have 10 million energies, i will have to eat literal dirt, tons of it and will take decades to achieve my ideal mass, but once it's done, that's Super Saiyan 2 levels of power, stronger that Perfect Cell from [DBZ], if he tries to make me submit i will beat him up!
The Zapdos that visits the power plant is an infant Zapdos, they have a flock of 22 Zapdos, the original Zapdos is still alive and is millions of years old, he is probably the one from the Lugia movie, according to the league database a wild infant Zapdos, should be on the level of a Elite four pokemon, not at a champion level, Frontier Brain Noland has an Infant Articuno as well, Pyramid King Brandon has 3 infant legendaries too, the problem will be the religious backlash, luckly, his cult is about admiring the strongest, if I become his trainer, pokemons will think that he gave me the honor of being his servant or something like that, I just don't want to be kidnapped and forced to live on his nest, that's why i need to train this magnemite, make it evolve into a magnezone and get 3 other magnetons.

Time to dig in the cave to store part of my things... Just need to find a Geodude to copy his Geokinesis and dig around like a true earth bender!

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