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Chapter 7: Mother and Revelations?

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Right after Raikou and Entei left, i had to make a move, i already have the diamonds separated, it will be worth 60 million pokedollars, the cost to maintain a full team of 6 champion level pokemons is around one million a year, not to mention my own expenses, eating Geodude candy has proven more beneficial that eating normal food, they are basically super dense pieces of crystal and rock, they provide more mass to my progress to ideal mass size objective, i even ate a water stone, and they are like super energy bars, after that, i decided to go full on mineral, i am something beyond a vegan now, i only eat rocks, funny thing that i manage to do that on a world with no vegans, because on this world even the vegetables are sentient, so, the idea of veganism does not actually exist on the pokemon world.

How will I get to Pallet Town? I need Oak the set me up with an Id and a trainer license, not even the champion have the authority to skip so many steps and bend the system, only the professor can do such thing, I will need to do a written test and an oral one, my pokemons will have to evaluated, to see if they are really loyal to me, after that i will be all set up.

I can just open a Tear there and come with all my 5 pokemons, but how will i explain? Magnezone and Magneton can only teleport alone, no cargo or passengers, only Psychic types can pull that off, having a giant Gold Graveler and a dozen of barrels full of diamonds, how will i explain that? Hm, i will take half of the diamonds, theoretically, the magnezone and company can carry me and the barrels, so, i will open a Tear close to Pallet Town, on the same direction as Rock Tunnel to make things more believable, Emiya will stay behind, he is too eye catchy, damn giant graveler.

"Guys, it's time to leave, i will be taken Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Magneton with me, Emiya will stay here for a while, just in case any relevant information comes by, i will be getting back on a few days, worst case is two months" As expected, Emiya is a bit saddened by the news, but he will get over it.

"Take the utmost left barrel and follow me" I said while opening a invisible Tear, making the Tear invisible is a must on this world, simply because they look way too much like Giratina portal things, being related to pokemon satan in any way is a big no no, there is a reason why ghost pokemon are isolated by the rest of the other types, even the dark types get some hate just because they used to have some ties to Giratina.

Finally, I am here, route 1, what do I tell Oak? Do I just invade his property and bullshit my way onto my goals? Or do I do the civilized thing and just knock on his door?

Naaah on this world bullshiting has been my saving grace, gonna crash land on his yard like a proper UFO, i mean, i am a Magnezone trainer! Doing UFO things with the UFO pokemon!


"Dragonite, Arcanine, Alakazam! Come! We are under attack!" Screamed Oak, he might be caring and loving to anyone, but he is also a former champion with enough experience to react to almost any situation.

"coff coff, hell that was not fun, not at all" came some coffs and gurgling noises from the smoke cloud.

"Who are you? This is private property!" Said Oak, ready for anything.

Dusting herself she quickly introduced herself, before that menacing Alakazam tried anything funny "My name is Anna DeWitt and i need your help"


"So, you have finally come, Princess Anna, how is your mother doing?" Oak asked with a warm smile with a nostalgic gaze.

'Mother? What the actual fuck is Oak on about? My mother in this life is Annabelle DeWitt, she died during my birth in a different universe, how does he know my mother? Does he know my real mother? Is he talking about my actual mother before reincarnated? Or is he talking about the blond lady from Doctor Dolittle universe?' I need to ask, did I lose my Pristine Existence at some point? Is he stronger than the ROB that reincarnated me?

"Excuse-me, but have we met? How do you know my mother? And how do you know that I am a Princess?" I need to know!

"Oh, I apologize, it seems like you are still too young, indeed you said that you would ask me for a favor in the future, and I met Tapu Fini as a boy, come inside, i just baked some cookies, come come!"

'Okay android brain do not fail me now, let's overclock and unpack everything!'

First, my mother is Tapu Fini, or will be Fini, it means that the incident on Poni island escalated more that i could have predicted, seems like the tapus informed all legendaries about my 'visions' of their God, that explains Cresselia, Entei and Raikou talking about me.

Second, i stuck around for the events of the Celebi movie and i meet young Oak, that means that people from the past that time traveled to the present can remember me, i am still immune against time travel or time manipulation, but others aren't, so, at the minimum i will stay on this world for 3 more years.

Third, i might have replaced Ash on the event, Oak called me Princess, either Fini introduced me as a Princess or i became a full blown Chūnibyō, either way i don't care, Ash was fine being a silly silent occasional hero, but i will milk every situation i can, i don't care about humility or anything, Ash prevented a dozen of apocalyptic events, that dude deserved statues build after his image.

"Thanks for the cookies!"

"So, Princess, why have you decided to visit me today? How can I help you?" asked Oak.

"You see, i have never interacted with people too much, i have been living with pokemon for a long time, i want to travel around among humans, do human things and even earn some badges it sounds fun, if you know about mom, you should know that i have more responsibilities that a normal child, so, can you give me an Id and a trainer license?" I asked everything I wanted, I am supposed to be an entitled princess in his eyes right? I mean, my supposed mother calls herself a Goddess.

"...Oh, you are a lot humbler that what i remember" mumbled Oak "You have to take a written test first for the Id and you for the Emergencial Trainer License you need to participate on four 1-1 battles with an official league referee, i can ask a officer Jenny from Viridian city to help us tomorrow" Oak said smiling.

"Tomorrow?" I asked myself more than anything else, hm, so i will have to take the test today and the battle tomorrow.

"I am sorry princess, but it really cannot be done today!" Samuel is sweating, he still remembers how the princess and her mother treated him, the fear never left his heart.

"This is fine, while mother is not around i can be much more relaxed about my conduct, you can relax" yeah Fini probably tried to kill him as a child.

Sigh "This makes a lot of sense, your mother did pass a rather strict image, even Celebi was intimidated" Samuel oak whispered the last part.

Awkward lights "Then can i take the test right now?"

"Sure let me print it out, as long as you don't score 0 on two or more subjects it will be fine, there will be 10 questions of each one of the following six subjects: History, Civics Education, Pokemon science, Geography, Mathematics and Physics"

Oh 60 questions? I hope the history one is multiple choice, the only thing i know about story came from the games, i did not bothered learning human history, only pokemon history.

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~4 hours later~

"And the results are in! 42 out of 60, not bad Princess! For someone that lived more with Pokemon than with people. You are very knowledgeable about things, I guess that whatever education Tapu Fini gives to you must be very good!" Oak cheerfully congratulated me.


01/10 History

03/10 Civics Education

10/10 Pokemon science

08/10 Geography

10/10 Mathematics

10/10 Physics

(Oak's POV) {A/N i really hate writing "person X pov", i am trying to make everything smooth, comment if it's necessary or not, please}

'I can't say this outloud, but her results are closer to a strong wild Alakazan, Slowking or a Malamar than a human, maybe she really is just an infant Tapu Fini in human form?' Oak kept those speculations for himself, but he activated a device to measure what kind of pokeball would take to "capture" the princess, this kind of device only works on pokemons, even if i confirm this, i won't be able to do anything about it.

*beep beep beep*

"What was that professor?" asked Anna while still checking out the correct answers for the test.

nervous laughter "Just a small alarm, nothing more, nothing less" ~Smile~ "Now would you like a place to sleep? It is hather late right now and we will need to wake up early tomorrow" Scanner Results: Ultra Ball recommended for capture.

Now a final test to make sure she is really a pokemon, on my ranch there is a bed for a human and a nest for pokemons that i use for observation of Fairy types, the pokemon bed is almost irresistible for fairy types, since all Tapus are fairies...

"Lead on, my Magnetons and Magnezone will roam around to make sure I am safe and guard my cargo." she said while following me.

Moment of truth "Here we are, make yourself comfortable!" Aaand she went straight for the Fairy bed, this really is an infant legendary pokemon, and according to her mother, with great potential, i have to keep an eye on this one, not only because she is dangerous, but it's also a precious opportunity to study wild Tapu Fini behavior, all sensors and cameras are set up!

'Hmm she shares the same typing as Azumarill, i will prepare some Azumarill specific pokeblocks for her tomorrow, if she is a human she won't be able to properly chew on those, fairy types like super sweet foods, sweet enough that would make a human puke, need to discuss this with Alakazan, going to catch a short sleep myself'

~6 hours later~

Subject seems to display normal Fairy type behavior during sleep, a thick sheet of pokemon elemental energy seems to cover her during the entire sleep, scans detect that most of the energy seems to be neutral and apparently synthetic, probably the energy needed to keep the move Transform active and mask her true pokemon nature, unfortunately for her, she seems to naturally eradiate a small amount of fairy and water pokemon energy, after proper processing the level of power should be around a fully evolved Primarina or a seasoned trained Azumarill.

Very little movement was detected during sleep, she seems to curling up tightly into herself like a Whimsicott or Florges, this reinforces the theory of her being a Tapu Fini even more, all the legendary Tapus seem to have a clam like structure around their bodies, they probably close it down while sleeping, and open when morning comes.

6:00 AM Subject seems to be slowly unconsciously uncurling just as theorized after 5 and a half hours of sleep, she is an early riser like all other fairy type pokemon.

6:40 AM Subject is awake, I will start preparing pokeblocks to feed her, some fairy types are hather aggressive during mornings Wigglytuff and Granbull are perfect examples, I will act with caution.

6:42 AM Subject apparently used the move Life Dew to refresh herself, no apparent movement to use the litter box nor the bathroom, she apparently has perfect energy efficiency like a mineral or elemental pokemon, most legendaries also have been observed to share the same condition.

7:04 AM Subject apparently called all of her pokemon telepathically, all 4 steel type pokemon seem to be forming a line in front of the Subject.

7:15 AM Subject used some type of white energy to feed the four pokemons, usually it takes 30 minutes or more to feed a Magneton of that caliber, based on the readings, her neutral cover of energy probably hides her true potential, she must be around a Elite Four level pokemon or higher, just like any Infant Legend.

7:16 AM Finished preparing Subject food, the amount is a bit more than double of what an adult Tapu Fini should eat daily, keeping the move Transform and all those limiters might consume a considerable amount of energy, will deliver and check the recordings later for further analysis.

8:20 AM Subject ate the Azumarill snacks with gusto, even asked for some to be prepared to be eaten on a later date.

A normal human would be suffering a serious sugar overload with such meal, yet the Subject seems to be acting exactly like a fairy type pokemon, she even shows signs of submission often observed on wild pokemons after receiving a proper meal, i have attempted to pet the Subject the same way i would a Whimsicott, she completely ignored my touch and kept her happy expression unchanged, typical fairy type behavior.

9:00 AM We arrived at the examination center for the schelude battle, and we ran into a bit of a problem. You see, there were 4 supposed wild pokemon present to be tested, but the sensor detected 5...

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