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Chapter 6: The Priestess of God

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A/N forgot to proof read this one, might have some grammar mistakes, i will correct then tomorrow, if you found any grammar mistake leave a comment, please and sorry for the late chapter

"And this is Magnezone" Yeah man, just like Goku, scream and raise your power until a new transformation emerges, he would be proud of me.

"Human, Magnezone follow me." Said Tapu Fini, with a tone of finality that allowed no nonsense.

Hey, when a legend famous for "punishing others with terrible calamities" asks you to do something, you listen and obey, what is the worst that can happen? Well, since she turned her back to me, let's just copy that cute faekinesis hydrokinesis.

~Eyes Glow Orange~

-=-=-=-40 minutes later-=-=-=-

"Welcome to your new residence, human, this Goddess deems you worthy of being a servant, we are inside the Ruins of Hope, they won't be ruins for much longer, since you are going to dedicate the rest of your life restoring it" Said Fini as if she is delivering good news.

"I understand my task, my Goddess, but what about my previous responsibilities on Kanto? I am ignorant about the power balance among legendaries, is your authority higher than Mew, Lugia and Ho-oh?" Lets see, if i can bullshit my way out of this.

Tapu fini's smile froze on her face, she actually pales a bit and asks "Come again? Do you already have a master? Care to elaborate? If i find out that you are lying, as my eternal servant, you will be punished accordingly"

"A criminal organization named Team Rocket have collected blood from a Mew, did terrible experiments with it in hopes to create a legendary, stronger that natural legendaries and make it a weapon of carnage and destruction, as we speak, the criminals are closer and closer to finish that research, i was tasked to train, become strong and fight, this is only one of the 4 tasks i have to fulfill."

It is not wrong, I mean, I really want to meet Mew. That little pink fellow has the ability to use all pokemon moves on the world. After copying it, I could even ditch this world and move on, or stick around to copy specific powers.

"Such a big task, and such horrible crime, my servant, you have mentioned 4 tasks, tell me, what are the other 3?"

'Think that she already owns me hm, she will probably demand for me to come back to serve her once i complete all tasks, well, i am just going to list the pokemon movies i know, ha, easy! Even if she has some type of clairvoyance, the events will alling just right so she does not discover the truth!'

"Yes, the second time sensitive task would be to stop an unknown Illusive man, he have build a gigantic machine that can turn invisible, said machine is equipped with tools to capture a Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno, he intends to kill the legendaries to power his engine of destruction" That was the lugia movie plot, more or less.

Tapu Fini is really concerned now, she does have the power to feel lies when they are spoken, yet, she felt nothing from this human, everything the girl is saying is the truth, if this human really has bonds with that many legendaries from Kanto, it might not be a good idea to give her the privilege of being a eternal servant...

"Go on, 2 out of 4 tasks, very harsh tasks i may add." There is still hope, she did not address any of the legendaries as her master, so she might still be free, and since i claimed her, she is still mine, till proven otherwise! There was no claim on her aura except the one I put on her!

"The third task, I am not very sure about it, because there were not many details, and it's something about the possible past of a future? It's closer to riddles that an actual task, i need to save a pokemon named Celebi from dying on a forest in Johto, something about following the 'Voice of the Forest' since its related to time travel, the details are not clear, i received this task on a dream, it was from a pokemon that looked like a big Girafarig, but all white with a gold-"

"STOP! LEAVE! NOW! JUST! LEAVE NOW AND NEVER RETURN! FORGET WE EVER MEET! Unless that figure from your dream commands you to do so! LEAVE!" Fini turned ashen, like all blood from her head drained.

'I claimed her, she will carry my signature on her Aura, as my personal servant, not as a hero, nor a champion, but as an extension of my will, her actions will be seen as my commands, my actions, she... She is under direct orders of the Original One! Maybe that was his will all along? He does act in mysterious ways...'

"As you command" bullshit for the win! Time to leave fast!

~a few hours later~

All four Tapus and Cresselia were reunited on the Ruins of Hope.

"Tell me lil Fini, why have you been so crazy lately? Are you going to bitch about the Tree again?" Said Tapu bulu, Bulu was very happy for the new human facility on Poni island, the challengers that arrive there are very strong, and they are often good people, the battle tree was a blessing for the entire Alola!

"This is an important ordeal, Bulu, I have met a... A... Being? Yes, a being under direct orders of the Original one." Fine was anxious, she knows she did something she was not supposed to do.

"I see, that is indeed something worth a reunion, Fini, tell us everything, the safety of all islands might depend on that, leave nothing hidden, not even the smallest details" Koko likes to play around, and all, but when the Ultra Beasts invaded, he was the one on the front lines, leading all humans and pokemons against the abominations from the darkness beyond the stars.

"You see, i was just doing the same routine i always do, looking for trouble, keeping the order, but, out of nothing a Female child and a Magnemite appeared on my route, now that i think about it, that was the deepest part of Poni Island, away from any town or village, it's impossible for a normal human child to go that deep, i should have been more calm about i i" Fini is hyperventilating and the other tapus are all panicking as well, what did she do?

"Breath, calm down and continue, nothing bad is going to happen, okay?" Lele was always the emotional pillar for the four tapus, once again she comes to help out her fellow guardian, it's always Fini freaking out or breaking down, sigh.

"Okay, okay, fuuuuu, It had the form of a 9 years old female human child, and a very powerful magnemite was with her, well, by magnemite standards, she was talking with the magnemite, and-" She was interrupted by Bulu.

"A human was talking to a pokemon? as if she could understand?" That's neat, right?

"Yes, she talked with the magnemite and later with me as well, where was i-" interrupted again, this time by Koko.

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Sigh, koko was pretty tired by the whole ordeal already "Word by word, leave nothing out, please"

And so, Fini retelled the entire story, word by word, no details were forgotten or omitted.

"You really outdid yourself, you had to claim the Priestess of Arceus for yourself, how shameless!" It was a surprise to hear those words from Lele, no one ever saw her losing her cool like that, this was a first.

"I did not know OKAY! How was I supposed to know!?"

"Well." Bulu started "A human powering a pokemon to evolve twice and shaking an entire island was a pretty big red flag for me, clear as day." And it really was, all the others could only nod.

A solemn silence spread towards the room, what does that mean for the region of alola? Did Fini really steal the Priestess of Arceus? From Arceus? She did have contact with many legendaries and none claimed her as a servant or champion, this is bad! Fini is alout crying right now, hard sobbing.

"Where is the girl?" Asked Koko, he is the leader, if the worst comes to pass, he has to take responsibility!

"Kanto." she quietly said.

"How? Did she have a powerful Psychic pokemon? No, that magnitude of teleportation, from continents away leaves a strong trail, I would sense it, how did she leave?" Asked Lele, stiff, she is a legendary psychic type, and even she can't teleport to the other side of the world with so much stealth.

"I don't know, I screamed for her to leave, and the next second she was in Kanto! Like a miracle!" Fini lost it and screamed.

"A miracle you say" For the first time since the reunion started, Cresselia spoke. "In that case, i will be visiting every legendary to deliver the news"

"What news?" Asked Koko, is she going to start a crusade to destroy alola? If that is the case, we will need to strike her down.

"The forces of nature need to know about the Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno ordeal, i will keep them in standby to help take down the evil machine, i will also contact the Beast trio to look for the Mews blood heresy, they are more familiar with Kanto and Johto, hunting down Team Rocket will not be an issue"

"Are we to interfere with the work of the Priestess of Arceus?" Asked Lele.

"Well, yes, she gave a clear description of the two first tasks, i believe it was a sign of our lord that the girl will be found lacking to accomplish those tasks, and fate allowed her to cross paths with Fini, which lead to this reunion, i am the only legendary with free pass to contact anyone, this is no accident nor coincidence, it was all planned out." Cresselia said with certainty.

"How can you be so sure?" Koko was not buying it.

"Well, 2 very well described tasks, a vague one and the last one was a mystery, isn't that obvious? The first 2 need our assistance, the third may need Fini's help to be accomplished and the last is solely for the priestess to accomplish, i might be the Lunar Pokémon, but all this is as clear as day for me" Cresselia finished with a smile.

Many nods were exchanged and the reunion was over. In the next months, word of the Priestess of Arceus was spread among all legendaries.

~~6 months later, 10 months until cannon starts, Anna turns 10~~

"Lady Priestess! I came with great news! Lord Entei will be joining our cause to hunt down the Heredical Rockets!"


Wait what? What is Elder Golem on about? Did they contact a legend to help out? So far their reunions were more like neighborhood disputes, apparently the elder Nidoking and Giovani Nidoqueen used to date and he was covering out for her, because of her master evil deeds and all, but they had to break up and now everything is awkward when the topic comes to light, the poison type "block" got divided into 2, on one side there are the Elder Muk, Elder Arbok and Elder Crobat, on the other, all other poison types banded together to oppose the "heredical scum", half of the zubats and golbats of Rock Tunnel left to join the Elder Crobat on the Victory Road, and most zubats got kicked out by Elder Clefable, the Radicates and Rattatas are on a full blown civil war right now, because "the Rockets gave them purpose while everyone else treated them like vermin" but the Elite Raticates are not buying it, foolish of the heredical youth they say.

"This changes everything, does Lord Entei wish to meet me? If I have his company, I can safely visit Cinnabar island and find proof of their crimes. I was supposed to kill them, pass judgment for their sins, but I don't think I am ready to commit a massacre." After Chernobyl, I am very hesitant about killing, this world is pretty bloody out of the recommended safe routes, but still... its pokemon, this world can't be that insane right?

"I see, Cresselia was indeed right about her analysis, you were doomed to fail your tasks with such weak resolve, i will fix that." Is that Fang from [One punch man]? It sounds just the same...

'Oh shit, calm down Anna, you have bullshited a legend before, you can do it again' Entei is here, and he is not alone, he has Raikou with him.

"Greetings Lor-" i was interrupted "Shush child, you need not to say anything, in three months time we will visit Cinnabar, Moltres will be there waiting for us, get all your human affairs in order and we will depart, you don't need to be here, once the time comes we will find you, the claim Tapu Fini left on you makes it easy for any legendary to track you down" Entei said with warm gentle eyes on the end

"Hmrpf, the audacity of that fairy, to claim what does not belong to her" grumbled Raikou.

And they left... Goddament, now I have 3 months to go to Oak, get money and ball my team. How are they going to take me to Cinnabar? I get that suicune is a water type, but how do Entei and Raikou do it? Do they run super fast on the water? I have been feeling a small bump on my aura, now i know that it's a tracker Tapu Fini put on me, i was going to dry out my external Aura and remove it, but if i do it now, will be like i died, and i don't want to return after three days, i already sinned too much.

At least i had enough time to train my pokemons to be strong, i am not good enough to defeat a Elite Four, but everything else is fair game, like this i will probably receive the invite for the Mewtwo clone tournament, that is, if Raikou and Entei don't kill him first.

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