Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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Entering the guard's barracks, Alex looked around curiously. Strangely, it was laid out in much the same way as the barracks he'd often found himself in back in the marines. There were 12 bunk beds on each side of the room. each with two footlockers, one at the end of the bed, and one stashed underneath the bunks, almost hidden from view. The sheets were blue and gold, the colors of the von Helghstraum family crest, and the walls of the room were plain whitewash. In the back were two doors, one with a bathroom symbol, the other with a sign reading 'Captain's Quarters". Alex strode up to the second door and knocked.

A muffled voice said "Enter," and Alex opened the door and greeted Captain Pike. The man looked up and smiled. "Ah, Alex, please, have a seat." He gestured to the chair in front of his oak desk, and Alex took a seat in the straight-back chair. "How can I help you?" Devon questioned. 

"I hope I'm not intruding, I had a few questions about the operations and the replacement strategy we are dealing with."

Devon sat back in his chair. "Of course! I'm glad that you are taking the role you have been given so seriously. But if I may ask, could you first fill me in on your former military and combat experience?"

Alex nodded, though he was unable to keep a bit of a grimace from showing on his face. Devon's eyebrow arched slightly. "Well, I was a member of my world's Recon division. We specialized in scouting, intelligence gathering, and special ops. My team was conducted operations on enemy soil under the authority of our government, And we were usually the advance team for larger ops, making sure our boys and girls didn't rush into any unforeseen obstacles. 'Know thine enemy', as a saying in our world goes. My last op... well, now I'm retired from my post, and seem to have been pressed back into service in a much more straightforward assignment, or so it had initially seemed."

Devon studied Alex silently for a moment. "Does Lady Olivia know exactly how valuable you are? I must say, I'm impressed." Alex looked at the man blankly. "She knows of my skills in combat, and if I'm not mistaken, knows much more. There is a deep connection between us, after all. My contract with her is, it seems, lifelong, if I'm not mistaken, and she can, if she wishes, know my thoughts and delve into my mind."

"Only if you permit it. And, though I would almost never make this suggestion under normal circumstances, you really should permit it. At least once. She should see firsthand your life and experiences, it will allow the two of you to work alongside each other better if you know each other that... intimately, for lack of a better term." Devon winked at him. "You do know that Olivia can listen in on these conversations if she wishes, right?" Alex replied. "Better we don't embarrass her too much, right?" "I... I wasn't listening in THAT much, Alex!" Olivia's voice intruded into his head. "Right, my Lady..." He replied cheekily. No response was forthcoming, and Alex smirked and adjusted himself in the chair. "I will take your advice under consideration, Captain."

"As for how we operate, usually there are 24 guards here, 8 per shift, with 8 in reserve for swing shifts to relieve each shift for their appointed days off. Today is a mandatory training day for the two shifts that are on standby, which is why no one is in the barracks right now." Alex nodded. "Shouldn't you be out there with them?"

"Normally, I would, but each team has a leader that can fill in if I am otherwise disposed, and today, with the arrival of our new baroness, is just such an occasion."

"Will I need to replace all the guards when you're replacement arrives?" Alex asked, curiously.

"Well, normally, I would say yes, however there are six who have requested to remain, so you'll have to fill 18 positions and will likely want to vet the rest, although I can vouch for all my men." Devon smiled. "I have a feeling you'll be training them all in the strange new weapons your world possesses?"

"Absolutely, and I'd like to speak to a skilled artificer, I'm assuming, who can research and replicate these weapons for my men here, as I do not have unlimited resources even in my own realm." Alex stated plainly.

"That can be done. You do realize that the crown will want access to these weapons as well?"

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"I realized that as soon as I saw the reaction from the nobles as we were in the throne room. But I will have to have a stipulation that other nations will also be given access to these arms. Otherwise, the balance of power will be thrown completely out of orbit. Also, a portion of the proceeds will have to come to Olivia, with the Duke and Dutchess receiving a cut as well, of course."

Devon smiled wryly. "It seems you have a firm grasp of the ramifications of your weapons."

"Well, our world has seen what destruction an arms race can wreak. A peaceful world can quickly devolve into chaos with the introduction of advanced weaponry that no other country has. My country actually benefited from such an advancement during the second world war with the introduction of the atom bomb. It only took the decimation of two cities to end the conflict, a high cost during a war that was inflicting even heavier tolls before that." Alex sighed. "Sometimes great evil is perpetrated to end an even greater evil. But it doesn't mean there are no ramifications for the winning side."

"I would every much like to hear more about this war and the weaponry involved sometime."

"I would be happy to bring some books that detail the history of our world in much greater detail, for the good of this world. I'm sure there must be translation magic out there that can work for such a matter."

"It has been done in the past. I can look into it, I'm sure the royal library would welcome such materials."

Alex nodded. "Now, you said you had a replacement in mind for your position, would now be a good time to discuss this matter?"

Devon smiled. 

'I thought you'd never..."

A guard burst through the door. "Sir! Pardon the intrusion, but one of the on-duty guards was just found murdered by the north gate!" Alex shot up from his seat. "Excuse me," he said, quickly opening a portal and stepping through it, back into his cabin basement. He quickly went to his bench, retrieving a Glock 17 handgun and then reopening the portal, stepping through into Olivia's room, right in  front of her. Olivia startled at his sudden appearance. "Alex, what is wrong?"

He handed her the handgun. "A guard was just found murdered. Listen carefully." He then walked her through the basics of the handling and firing of the gun. "If anything happens, do not hesitate to defend yourself with this. I will remain by your side until the threat is neutralized."

A sharp laugh came from the shadows. "Neutralize the threat? Oh, summoned one, you're already far too late for that."

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