Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

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A dagger flew from the shadows and Alex dove in front of Olivia, grimacing in pain as it embedded itself in his left shoulder. He lifted his own handgun, firing at the spot where the dagger came from, loud reports echoing through the chamber. Barking laughter met his attack, from an entirely different location. "Shadow Magic," Olivia whispered, obviously frightened. Alex pulled the dagger out, tossing it aside. "You're gonna have to do better than that, assassin."

"Oh, only one of us is bleeding here, soldi... eep!" Alex fired again at the direction of the voice, apparently hitting something. "Oh, tricky devil," said the voice, from another location. Another dagger came flying, and Alex was barely able to deflect it with his right arm. He fired again, keeping himself between Olivia and the threat as best he could. "You won't be able to protect her forever, you know." 

"Alone? You're right, I won't. But you've forgotten something, assassin."

"Oh, what could I have possibly forgotten? I had the best intel on... oh." 

Another portal opened in the center of the room, and Alex closed his eyes as a blinding flash of light erupted, enveloping the entire room. Solaria strode out of the portal, and fired off a burst of flame at the now-revealed assassin, nearly burning him to a crisp. "We were never alone," Alex said as he strode forth, kneeling beside the figure, watching him writhe in pain. "Thank you, Solaria. That was right on time."

"Well, not right on time, you got injured, after all. Let me take care of that." Solaria touched Alex's shoulder with a wing, chanting softly, and the magic quickly repaired the damage. Alex enjoyed the odd, tingly feeling as his muscles and skin knit themselves together, the pain soon disappearing.

"Lady Olivia, are you hurt?" Solaria asked once she was through treating Alex. "No, I am fine. Please heal the intruder, just enough that his life is not in danger. We have questions that need immediate answers. Oh, don't worry about dulling the pain too much." Olivia turned to Alex. "I trust you have methods to get intel from our captive here?"

Alex wrenched open the man's mouth, running his fingers across the man's teeth until he found a false tooth and pulled it free. Holding it up to Olivia, he smiled. "I'm certain that between myself and Captain Pike, we shall be able to drain this man of all intel." Holding up the tooth, he showed his summoner the hidden capsule buried just within. "Likely a quick-acting poison meant to keep the assailant from spilling his secrets if he were captured but not killed outright." Olivia nodded. "The assassin's guild, then. This just became quite complicated."

The door opened, and Captain Pike entered the room, blanching as he saw the assassin's rough condition. He recovered quickly. "Lady Olivia, Alex. We have secured the premises and found the guard, slain in some bushes near the balcony of your suite. I must say that I'm saddened to miss the action." Alex chuckled. "Don't worry, he's still alive, and you and I get the honor of information extraction."

"I doubt he'll know much, besides the upper-level agent that assigned him the task. Information in the thieve's guild is kept well compartmentalized. But I will have fun trying nonetheless. Nobody threatens the life of my charge. Are any of you hurt?"

"Solaria already took care of my wound, Devon. No need to worry, we are all okay." Alex smiled again. "Why don't you and a couple of your men get the prisoner situated? Oh, and send word of the attack to the Dutchess, if you would. I'm sure she'll be none too happy to learn of an attack happening on her land." Devon nodded. "It will be done." He gestured to two guards waiting outside the room, and they came and collected the horribly burned prisoner. Captain Pike nodded as he left.

As soon as the door closed and they were alone, Solaria spoke up. "I am going to return to my realm for a few, I must recover my mana, and it will happen much more quickly in my realm." She opened a portal and stepped through, waving a wing to them as the portal shut behind her. Olivia was suddenly at Alex's side, hugging him tightly. "Thank you..." she whispered, burying her head in his shoulder. Alex turned, wrapping his arms around her. "Lady Olivia, I will always be here to protect you. You need not worry. He guided her to her bed, having her sit down on it. "Why don't you get some sleep? I'll stay in the chair, so you can rest easy."

Olivia slumped down onto the bed, and Alex covered her in an oversized, fluffy comforter. "There, now, rest and regain your strength. I'll be right here." The young summoner was fast asleep before he even finished his sentence. He watched her for a few minutes before standing and moving to the balcony. He breathed in the fresh air deeply, absentmindedly rotating his shoulder, in awe of the years of stiffness that were undone in just a few moments under the care of Solaria's healing spell. Looking out over the garden below, he sighed in frustration. This was going to get much worse before it got better, he just knew it. He felt woefully underprepared for the incoming storm that threatened to overwhelm them if they let their guard down. 

He turned, back to the railing, and looked in at the delicate figure sleeping softly in the bed. Her black hair was splayed across the pillow, her chest gently rising and falling as she slept. Alex had to admit that she was the picture of fragile beauty, and he felt his heart thudding loudly in his chest. He couldn't allow anyone to harm her, ever. He had to get stronger. He had to find some way to supplement his skillset. Maybe there was a form of magic he could use to augment his bullets and guns, make them even more deadly in this world of skills and sorcery. He would find a way, he resolved within himself. Striding back into the room, he shut and locked the balcony doors before sitting down in the chair nearest Olivia's bed, deep in thought, a complex series of emotions barely showing on his face.

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