Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 16: 16: The Trial

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The group was led into the throne room for the second time in as many days. Alex was pretty sure that that was not a good thing, although there wasn't much he could say about the circumstances. The group knelt before the king, who was perched upon his throne with an almost bored expression. Still, Alex could sense an undercurrent of extreme ire coming off the man in waves, focused on the prisoner knelt in front of the group, surrounded by members of the king's guard. There was an eery stillness in the room, like a paused scene on a video, just waiting for the play button to be pressed. 

The king finally spoke, his voice much colder than the warm welcome he'd graced them with on their first appearance before him. "It appears that we have a most serious matter before us today. It has been brought to my attention that an assassination attempt was made upon the life of a member of nobility under my protection, an offense most grievous. Before me is the accused perpetrator of this act." He looked coldly at the prisoner, who shuddered under the withering gaze of the king. "Who here will stand against the accused?"

Victoria began to rise, but a tall, grey-haired gentleman with a cold but regal stature stepped forward from the court, and Alex could see a strong resemblance between the man and the dutchess. "I do, your highness. I am Duke Victor von Helghstraum, and this act was perpetrated on my lands, against my liege, who was under the protection of my own guardsmen at the time, one of whom lost his life in the attempt on our young summoner, Baroness Olivia Greaves. Such actions are paramount to an attack on my own house, and I pray that the crown will deal with it as such." He glanced at Olivia, his eyes drifting toward Alex, before settling back on the king.

"I would hear the account from all who were there during the attack. Let us start with the Baroness herself." Olivia stood and gave a recounting of the events, leaving nothing out. Alex was then asked to give his account, and he told of everything from the time the guard entered the commander's office to the end when the assassin was defeated by Solaria and taken into custody. Solaria appeared from a portal, giving her account from when Alex had contacted her through the bond, to the end, when she had healed the Assassin to a point where he would survive, and then her departure. She remained by the side of the group after she was done.

Lady Victoria gave an account of how she was notified, her arrival after the fact, her verification of events from all parties, and the King's own command. Captain Pike gave his own account, mostly of the attack itself and the securing of the prisoner, and his treatment after the attempt. The king listened passively as the accounts were given, listening intently but not interrupting. Once they were all done, the king turned to the prisoner. "Have you anything to say in your defense?" 

The prisoner just stared at him defiantly, not saying anything. "Very well," said the king, standing from his throne. Everyone in the room bowed at this action. "Then it is time to make my judgment known. Having heard all the evidence brought by the accusers, and the lack of defense by the accused, I have no choice but to pronounce the prisoner guilty of the attempted assassination of Baroness Olivia Greaves. The penalty for such a vile act can only be death. The prisoner will be executed in three days' time, at high noon. Attendance by the accusers is, of course, mandatory. Until that time, the prisoner is to be turned over to the court inquisitioner. I understand that a special request has been sent that Olivia's familiar, Alex Martin, be allowed to watch, but not interfere with, the inquisition. I see no reason not to allow this request. Mr. Martin, I have your word that you will abide by these conditions?"

Alex stood and bowed. "Yes, your majesty." The king nodded, satisfied. "Very well, let us move past this awful business, then. Guards, take the prisoner to a cell to await inquisition." The prisoner was yanked to his feet and led away. The king then addressed the group. "Before I bid you leave, I would like to acknowledge the valiant actions of everyone involved in this incident and acknowledge the sacrifice of the guard who lost his life. I decree that his family shall receive a monthly stipend equal t other man's pay, and the crown will further sponsor his children at the academy of the family's choosing, all the way through the magic or knight's academy. I wish for the sacrifice of this brave man to be inscribed in the hall of the Fallen." A young woman with two small children was led forward and bowed before the king. "We are humbled and grateful for your generosity, your highness." The young woman put on a brave face for the king and her children, but everyone there could see that she was barely holding back the grief. "While nothing can bring back your husband, please know that your family will be well provided for as you move forward. I'm sorry that this cold comfort is all I can provide, young lady. Would that I could do more." The lady bowed deeply again. "Thank you, your highness. Your grace is a blessing to my family and your kingdom as a whole."

After the young widow was led away, the king turned to the rest. "Lady Olivia, if you would rise." Olivia rose to her feet, head still bowed. "Yes, your majesty." The king smiled down at her. "I wish to apologize to you for the events of the past evening. Let it not be a blight upon your advancement on the kingdom. I would like to give you and your familiar the courtesy of interviewing hand-picked members for the new guard you will be employing shortly into your personal staff. They will all be professional guardsmen with impeccable records. I do not, of course, mean this as a slight at the current guards, only that I know that they must return to the count's service soon."

"Your majesty is most generous," Olivia said, "and we would be grateful for the king's assistance in this matter."

"Of course. It is my duty as the leader of this nation to ensure the welfare of my people, and you are going to be a strong ally in the coming years. Have you any other requests?"

"If I may, your majesty, I would like to get your permission and the assistance of your court mage to assist me in the forming the pact with my familiar, Alex Martin." Olivia blushed slightly while speaking her request.

The king gave a wry grin. "Well, do I sense a budding romance? Far be it from me to get in the way of the bonding of one, no, soon to be two of my loyal subjects. You both know the requirements for such a pact?"

Alex stood beside Olivia. "Yes, your majesty. We have fully discussed this and are set upon this path." Olivia leaned against him slightly before straightening back up. The king laughed boisterously, a wide smile on his face. "Well, I can see no reason not to be fully behind such a joyous occasion as a wedding and forming of a pact. I will further decree that the crown will fund and host this ceremony here at the capital, in one of our finest ballrooms, and everything that goes along with it. How does a fortnight sound to the two of you?"

Olivia was overjoyed. "Your majesty, you are most gracious, and we humbly accept your generous gift."

"Very well. I believe, after this joyous news, that this is the perfect moment to call this done. You are all dismissed. Now, shoo, so I can bask in the moment."

Everyone filed out of the throne room, the conversations so loud that Alex could barely think. A butler approached them. "Lady Olivia, Mr. Martin, if you would follow me, we have set up a room for you for the coming three days." Alex gave Olivia his arm, and she gracefully wrapped her arm in his own. They followed the butler to their arrangements, both happy and slightly on edge.

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