Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 15: 15: The Pact

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The next day arrived and, as expected, a carriage arrived sporting the red with gold trim of the royal family. Olivia and Alex boarded and were promptly greeted by their benefactor, Lady Victoria, sporting a soft smile at their appearance. Olivia offered a graceful bow to the Dutchess, and Alex followed suit. They then nodded to Elizabeth, who was at the dutchess's side, and took their seats. In due time, their bags were loaded, and the carriage jolted forward as the horses gained momentum.

The occupants engaged mostly in small talk, avoiding the heavy subject of the upcoming inquisition and king's justice in favor of light chatter about everything from the weather and Olivia's settling into the manor, to the upcoming tournament celebrating Princess jasper's 16th birthday, marking her as an adult and fully trained royal scholar. There was gossip that many requests for courting and betrothal were already inundating the king and that he was mercilessly burning each one as the Princess had made it clear that she would be choosing her own husband, booking no argument or persuasion on the matter.

The rumors had every kingdom and at least half the nobility in an uproar, something Lady Veronica could empathize with, being in much the same situation herself. Apparently, it was a daily battle with the Duke over how, when, and to whom she would marry. At 19, Victoria was in no rush, preferring to expand and solidify her influence instead of becoming a glorified chambermaid for some upstart noble inbred son of a minor house with delusions of obtaining the Duke's title when he passed. Olivia chuckled until Victoria mentioned that soon, she was likely to join the ranks of noble women hounded by minor nobles in search of wealth and power beyond their grasp.

"I assure you, Lady Victoria, I have... a plan to thwart such suitors and marry the man I choose instead." Olivia glanced at Alex as she spoke, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as she did so. She looked away before she caught the man's notice, and Lady Victoria shot her an amused look. "Ah, so that's the route you plan to take. Did you receive some wise counsel recently that steered you toward such a plan?"

Olivia nodded shyly. "Solaria was most helpful in explaining the matter."

"Well, it seems your summons are just full of surprises, aren't they?" Victoria's interest and amusement were dual balls of flame within her eyes. "I too would recommend... that, seeing things for what they have become. You do know the consequences of such a... an action?"

Olivia lowered her head. "Yes, I understand. And it will be a long discussion so that all parties are well informed first."

Alex leaned over. "Why do I feel like this discussion is firmly centered around me, and you have both taken the long way around the issue?"

Victoria laughed loudly, and Olivia buried her chin in her chest, looking down at the floor of the carriage to avoid Alex's eyes. Alex gripped her chin, gently raising her head and turning her face until she had no choice but to look her in the eyes. "Olivia, you know there is no need for clandestine discussions to spare me from your discussion. I'm a big boy, I can take it. It seems that this discussion you keep bringing up shouldn't wait any longer, as it is going to distract me much more not knowing your plan than it will be to have the grasp of it at this point."

Olivia blushed, looking at the dutchess, who merely nodded her approval of the man's words. She sighed deeply, steeling herself. "Okay. Okay, you're right. We do need this discussion, and having Lady Victoria here can only help, but... this is going to be deeply personal for us both, are you sure?"

Alex brought his forehead forward, resting against her own, and the heat of his touch was electrifying. He smiled gently at her, his lips mere inches from her own. "Olivia, I am fully prepared for whatever you throw at me. It is my honor to serve and protect you, and whatever else you ask of me, I will gladly do that as well."

"Would..." Olivia sighed, knowing this was the point of no return. "... would you give up your own realm for me?"

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Alex lifted his head off of hers, leaning back slightly and studying her face for a moment, his eyes a roiling storm of emotions, which quickly settled as he made his decision. "In an instant. But you do realize that I would likely no longer be your summon, right?"

She nodded. "You are grasping a corner of the tapestry that is the Pact we would make, but you're also somewhat wrong. We would have a much deeper bond at that point, and we would also have to be... wed."

Alex smiled. "You're being very serious about all this, but I'm only seeing one downside, and that's the loss of connection to my family. Would there be a way to traverse realms together, or at least send messages to them from time to time?"

Lady Victoria spoke up. "There is a magic that has been able to cross realms, and with some practice and the right teacher, I'm pretty sure Olivia could master the technique to the point that you could effectively open a small rift and speak to them through it, even seeing each other's faces."

"Oh, like a video chat!" Alex exclaimed.

"A what now?" Olivia asked, curious. Alex retrieved the cell phone from his pocket, showing it to them. "I haven't even tried to use this since I arrived, being that there are no towers to relay the signal, but let me show you what this technology can do." He opened the phone, unlocking the screen, and the ladies gasped as his background picture of rolling hills and a sunset in the distance was displayed. He scrolled through his apps until he came to the one that allowed video recording, chat, and playback. He opened the recording menu and started filming a short clip of the three of them. Then he switched top playback, showing them the video he had taken.

"Holy shit..." Olivia said, her jaw slackened in awe. Victoria was immediately excited, peppering him with questions, which Alex smoothly answered. After that little detour, the topic of the Pact was brought back to the forefront. "So anyway, assuming that will be possible with my parents and sister, I see no downsides to this pact you are speaking of."

"Alex, you did hear me that we would have to wed, right? The pact is a forever bond between us, witnessed and blessed by the goddesses themselves. We would be one in the eyes of heaven and all kingdoms, and the death of one would spell the death of the other." Olivia was shy and pensive as she explained the severity of the bond the Pact provided to the warrior.

"Again, I see no downside to this. I plan to be by your side, protecting you, supporting, and yes," he paused, lifting her head so her eyes locked on his again, smiling gently, "even loving you, Olivia."

Her breath was taken away, and she leaned forward, kissing him before he could react. His arms slowly wrapped around her, and she was pulled into a warm embrace as their kiss went on for seconds, minutes, a lifetime, and back to seconds before she gently pulled away. She blushed and hid her head in his chest. Alex chuckled warmly, and they spent the rest of the carriage ride to the castle discussing preparations for the implementation of the pact, and then the inquisition. All too soon, the carriage pulled up before the castle gates, and the enormity of their situation washed over them as they arrived at the castle and departed their ride. Steadying themselves, they made their way inside, to what promised to be a very gruesome day.


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