Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Preparations, part 2

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Alex drove to a camping supply store near his home, a list of what he wanted already formed in his head. He grabbed a large shopping cart, filling it with an 8-person tent, enough MREs for a month's travels for two people, a propane camping stove and fuel, a machete, a fishing pole, line, and bait, and a small gift for Olivia, a necklace with a green leaf pendant on it that matched her eye color. He grinned, thinking she might enjoy a momento from his realm, as meager as it felt.

After purchasing everything, he made a show of loading his truck, only to slip everything inside his ring as he went. Driving home, he went straight to his armory and got down a 30.06 hunting rifle from its wall rack and a 12 gauge pump shotgun for stopping power in case of closer encounters. He stored the two guns, along with plenty of ammo for all his weapons, locked up the house, and portaled back to Olivia's home. He made sure to show up outside the house, in case she was in need of privacy, and knocked on the door. He felt too uneasy utilizing their connection to check on Liv, it felt far too much like spying, and she would instantly know when he used it anyway. He knew this because she had checked in on him from time to time, probably mostly out of curiosity about his home world. He considered utilizing this neat little skill to watch a movie with her sometime, he'd bet the Lord of The Rings films would absolutely blow her mind.

Liv opened the door with a wide grin on her face. "Come in, Alex, I've got everything ready for the summoning!" She excitedly pulled him into the house, almost making him lose his balance in her excitement. In the center of her floor, in the same spot she had created his summoning circle, was what looked to be a much more complex circle made of various sigils. If he had to guess, this was an advanced and focused series of runes targeting a much more specific summon than just "powerful warrior from wherever" desperation circle he had been summoned from. 

"Wow, you really went all out with this, huh?"

Olivia blushed at his words. "Well... I have a very specific mount in mind, and combining our mana together also takes a more advanced series of runes than your summoning did. I have to warn you though, this summoning will be a little... intimate."

Alex nodded. "I've lived and worked in close proximity with co-ed platoons before. A little closeness isn't going to bother me."

"Well, we kind of both have to be wearing only our undergarments for this to work. Is... is that okay?"

Alex grinned. "Sounds like you're trying to make a perk of the job sound like a chore. I think I can handle being in contact with a nearly naked adorable summoner."

Liv swatted him. "Hey now, no lewd thoughts about your adorable summoner. I'd hate for you to have to take responsibility for your actions if certain..." she glanced down below his beltline, "... things were to get a little too out of hand, no?"

Alex couldn't help but laugh loudly. "There you go downplaying the perks of the job again. And you'd 'hate' it, huh? I'll keep that in mind."

Liv put on a pout that tried but failed to hide her smile. "Okay, enough teasing. Get yourself, uh, prepared." She began removing her clothing, folding each piece neatly, until she was down to just a plain white bra and panties. Alex followed her lead, stripping down to his boxer briefs, and then taking her hand as she led him inside the circle. "Okay," she said, "I'm going to apply this paint to your chest and back. It will follow your spiritual circuits on the surface, increasing your power, and a few runes to help your mana manifest within these lines. Then we will do the same for me, and we can begin.

She took a small can of blue paint and began tracing it across his skin, stopping from time to time to consult a summoning guide to make sure the runes were drawn correctly and in the appropriate places. Alex held still, trying to be as good a canvas as possible for her. After about ten minutes, she was finished and began applying the same to herself. Alex had to help with her back, being as precise as he could under her direction. Luckily, all the runes were on her chest and stomach, so he didn't have to attempt to draw those. 

After they had finished these preparations, Liv took his hands and gently led him into the circle. Releasing him, she took out a ceremonial knife, slicing her thumb, and then his own, and they pressed them together, mixing their blood and allowing it to drip into the circle. The paint on both of their bodies began to glow, hers a brilliant blue, his a firey red, the circle igniting at first in each color of their own mana, then combining into a brilliant green hue as their mana joined together. 

Olivia began chanting words in a language other than common,  looking into Alex's eyes intently as she did so. As she finished her incantation, the power swirled around their skin, turning their paint lines the same green hue as the sigil. A large portal suddenly appeared, and one of the stranger beings he'd ever seen in person walked out. It seemed to be a mix between a large bird of prey and a horse, with a large yellow beak, orange and green feathers that covered its whole body, leading to magnificent wings that seemed to each be as long as the being's length.

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It stared at them both intently, and then a voice entered their minds. "You summoned me, young lovers? To whom do I owe the honor of entering into a contract with?"

Olivia blushed a bit at that, and Alex grinned. "My name is Olivia Greaves, and this is my first familiar, Alex Martin, a warrior of much renown who is contracted to me. I called you, great griffon, seeking a contract as a familiar and a mount for us, as we plan to become adventurers and gain honor and glory for us all." Alex nodded at the being as its focus flicked to him as he was introduced.

"I see. I am much intrigued by the prospects. I sense the potential for great power within you both, although it seems your familiar had much of his mana locked away until very recently. This is all so exciting! I am called Solaria amongst my kin, for my fiery plume and regal demeanor. I must say, I was hoping to find a strong summoner to contract with, and you are both to my liking. Let us proceed to the negotiations."

Olivia smiled. "Of course, Solaria. I would ask that you be willing to fight at our side when called, and as transport over larger distances, as you are certainly capable with those magnificent wings of yours. I will of course give you spiritual essence in return. Is there any other stipulation that you might have that would seal this contract between us?"

Solaria chuckled. "Well, I would not be adverse to the occasional care of my plumage and stroking of my wings, especially from your familiar."

Alex smiled, speaking for the first time. "I believe that is doable. I've always wanted to care for a mythological creature, well, in my realm, anyway. No offense."

"None taken, Alex. Humans were once thought to be the stuff of myths in our homeworld, as well, until we were first summoned by them." Solaria knelt before them. "Let us seal this pact, and go on an adventure!"

Olivia smiled and nodded. "Of course. Alex, you can stand back for this part, just along the edge of the circle." He stepped where she had indicated. Olivia again made a small cut, using the blood to make runes on her and solaria's foreheads, the griffon gently nipping it's skin to release some blood, which they mixed together and spilled on the sigil. Olivia stepped forward, laying a gentle kiss on the creature's forehead, and the circle flashed brightly, showing the completed contract.

"It is very nice to be under contract with you, master. I will return to my realm until you have need of me, so I can rest and prepare for our journey." Solaria stood, bowing once, before opening a portal and stepping through. Alex looked to Olivia. "I think that went rather well, yes?" He was nearly plowed over by the ecstatic, squealing summoner. "Alex! Do you know how rare it is to contract a Griffon? They usually only bind themselves to Advanced adventurers!"

Alex went to speak, but suddenly his lips were sealed by Olivia's, and the sweet taste of her filled his mouth. Their tongues brushed against each other gently, and the time slowed down to a crawl. Alex wrapped his arms around the girl as they kissed, lifting her a little, her cute giggle echoing in his head as they explored each other's mouths. Olivia pulled away, blushing as she looked into his eyes. Alex smiled softly at her, still hugging her tightly. She pulled away finally, turning away from him. "Sorry, that was... a mist... Ah!"

Alex had swatted her gently. "Don't you dare finish that thought." She looked back at him shyly. "Sorry..."

Alex shook his head. "I quite enjoyed that, and I won't have you talking down on it even though it was clearly what you wanted. Now, I will be outside when you're ready." He turned and strode from the room, not looking back as he closed the door behind him. Olivia stood there, wondering if she had both done the bravest thing of her life, and then royally messed it up right afterward. With a sigh, she turned her mind to her final preparations.


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