Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Olivia

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Everything was packed. Every arrangement had been made. Olivia checked her storage and pack once more, though she wasn't sure if she was doing so out of an abundance of caution, or if she was simply stalling for time so she didn't have to face Alex so soon after her previous blunder. With an exasperated sigh, she collapsed on her bed, her mind a jumble of conflicting emotions and hormones. She was sure of two things: she liked Alex, probably more than was appropriate for a summoner and her familiar, but Alex was no ordinary familiar. Olivia had never heard of a summoned human before. She'd heard that some beastkin races were able to be summoned and contracted on rare occasions, but humans, even from another realm were unheard of to her. 

Her father didn't seem too worried about it, as she suddenly had a strong warrior with powerful artifacts that could protect his baby girl, and he seemed to see more for her in this relationship than just a powerful combatant. She secretly wished her dad was a little less able to read her like a book. It was a bit spooky. Nadia had mentioned that Olivia must be pretty powerful to find such a rare specimen, so it seemed some others were aware of the oddity, though the seamstress' wording made her uncomfortable for entirely different reasons. 

She hadn't really known Alex for long, but their connection gave her many clues as to his past, mental state, and feelings. She knew that he was more comfortable with her than almost any other person in his life, and though some of it was the pull of the contract, much of it was just pure emotion on his end, an affinity toward her that made her chest feel tight and her breath catch when she focused in on it too hard. She found herself returning those emotions, as she had only ever felt the same level of safety and security when around one other man, and she certainly didn't get tingly all over when thinking about her father.

She had been so excited when the companion's summoning technique had borne such a magnificent familiar in Solaria that she had let her inhibitions drop and had given Alex her first kiss. It was amazing, but also frightening. She knew she wanted him, and could feel that pull in their connection, but couldn't help but doubt her worth to him. She was just an untrained fledgling summoner who had somehow managed to attract two familiars far beyond her skill level, or so she thought. Alex was definitely a component of that, she could feel his mana source, and it was far more powerful than a being from a manaless realm should have had. She needed to train him, to help him grow this power, but she was also frightened that, once his skill surpassed her own, that he would have no further want or need of her and might cast her aside in a quest for greater power. It was a conundrum that she was sure she would have to mull over on their journey to Veradin.

She finally willed herself off her bed, and slowly began collecting her pack, securing it on her back. She glanced out the window, down to where Alex was standing, looking off in the distance as if deep in thought. She stood there admiring him until an orange portal opened beside him and Solaria stepped out, stretching her wings to their full breadth, shaking them lazily before folding them behind herself once more. Her head turned toward Alex, and Olivia could feel through the connection that they were mentally communicating with each other. Solaria glanced back and up, toward where Olivia stood at the window, and she swore the Griffon winked at her before turning her attention back to the warrior.

Olivia gave another weary sigh and made her way down from the loft, heading to the front door of her cottage. Syhe gathered all the courage she had, then opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind her. She walked up to Alex's other side, slipping an arm around his muscular upper arm, and looked over at her two companions. Putting on the brightest smile she could muster, she finally spoke. "Well, are we ready to go on an adventure?"

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