Corrupting Worlds

Chapter 10: Can’t see Mount Tai

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"That'd be great," said Genji with a smile. "I would like to see the village where such a beautiful warrioress was raised."

Suki laughed and slapped Genji on the back harshly.


Looking over at Suki with the corner of his lips twitching, Genji rubbed his back.

"Alright then, let me give you a tour," said Suki as she took a step forward.

Nodding, Genji asked, "Where are we heading first?"

"Hm… how about we head to a little restaurant for travelers from the other villages?"

Genji nodded, agreeing to Suki's suggestion since he wondered what type of food they would be giving out in this island that is supposedly closed off from other places.

Seeing Genji agree, Suki let Genji forward to the restaurant.

"Does the restaurant have a name?" asked Genji, rather curious.

'It's not like it would need a name right? It's the only restaurant in this village so it might be named after the village… huh? What is the name of this village?'

It's not like there was any time for Genji to know the name of the village. He arrived unconscious at Kyoshi Island and was brought into the village while still unconscious.

When he woke up, he began eating and then went back to sleep only to wake up to some old man telling him to beat it.

"The name of the restaurant? [The Bear Owl Table]," said Suki after remembering its name.

"Bear owl?"

Genji thought about how that animal looked like and thought that it must look like a small bear with the head of an owl or something like that.

"Mhm. The store is said to be named after a frightening monster seen once by one of our ancestors late at night," said Suki, recounting the story of one of the ancestors of the village.

According to Suki, the Bear Owl wasn't small like Genji believed. Instead, the Bear Owl had the body of a bear and the size of one. It had the frightening ability to crane its neck like an owl.

Not just that, it's mouth was bigger than the typical bear because it's mouth's bone structure was similar to an owl's beak. Clawed feet and big wings on its back.

Genji couldn't help but shiver at the thought of such a beast existing.

'There could be worse existences…' thought Genji as he thought about all the different types of animals that could be mixed together to create monsters. 'Not to mention that there's special existences like the sea monster right next to this island. Then there's the flying bison and the dragons…'

Seeing Genji's discomposed expression, Suki couldn't help but giggle.

"It's just a fairy tale, I doubt it even exists anymore. It might be extinct by now," said Suki, slapping Genji's back.

Scratching his cheek, Genji could only lightly chuckle, "Ahaha… might?"

'You know what, I shouldn't fear the ugly appearance of an overgrown bird. As long as my Power is high enough, I could just slap it to death…'

"We've arrived!"

Suki's sudden shout brought Genji out of his thoughts and he quickly turned to look over at Suki who was already sitting down at a table for two.

He walked on over and sat down in front of Suki before asking her.

"Any recommendations?"

"You should try the salmon duck soup."

Suki thought for a second before responding to Genji with a smile.

She probably frequented this place, making Genji believe that it might be a good idea to listen to Suki's suggestion.

The middle aged waitress soon came over and greeted Suki before asking her some questions

"Suki? How are you? Aren't you supposed to be on patrol today?"

Suki nodded and gestured to Genji, "I'm taking this guy on a tour after I had passed on today's duties of mine to the Vice leader."

"Haha, just don't get lazy," said the waitress with a chuckle. "Now, what can I get you both?"

"I'll get a roasted Turtle Duck," said Suki.

The waitress then turned to Genji.

"I'll get the Salmon Duck Soup," said Genji.

Nodding, the waitress left to relay the order to the cook.

Whilst waiting for their food, Suki began to ask Genji some questions, "So you traveled around the world?"

"You could say that," said Genji, remembering the various different places shown in the show.

All he could really talk about was the places he was shown there.

"Cool, so what can you tell me about these places?"

Suki looked at Genji with a look of interest, wishing to poke at Genji's brain for some knowledge of the outside world.

Coughing lightly, Genji looked up to avoid Suki's intense gaze, "Well, I saw not too many places. However, the places I did end up seeing were riddled with the tyranny of the Fire Nation. Various Earth Nation areas had been taken over by the Fire Nation and colonized.

The Northern Water Tribe is living carefully unaware of the strength of the Fire Nation. Like that famous saying, they have eyes but they fail to see Mount Tai."

"Mount Tai?" Suki looked at Genji with an intrigued look and asked. "Where is Mount Tai?"

Genji coughed and said seriously, "Mount Tai no longer exists, it was destroyed a couple years back in a war between the Earth and Fire Nations."

After hearing Genji, Suki could only reveal a look of disappointment.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Acting> (Lvl. 15)]

"So, what does not recognizing Mount Tai mean?"

Not knowing off the expression used by Genji, Suki could only ask Genji what he meant.

"It means that one failed to recognize something of importance or great strength. An ignorant yet arrogant person," said Genji after thinking about it for a second. "That's how the Northern Water Tribe is. It's a patriarchy, making only the men rule over there and the women are forced to become followers. It's a pretty outdated rigid system that needs to change."

Suki heard Genji and frowned.

She agreed with Genji's words since she herself was a warrior that wished to prove herself stronger than other people who call women weak.

She herself knew that women are weak, but she also believed in the idea that they can grow stronger and not have to rely on men. Obviously there are instances where they could rely on each other, but if her views are challenged, she will fight back.

Which explains why she made fun of Sokka when he told her that she must be lying about being the person to take him down. She even went as far as to make him wear a Kyoshi Warrioress uniform.

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"That's… terrible," muttered Suki.

"Indeed, not just that, but they have ignored their sister tribes, the Southern Water Tribe, for many years. Letting it end up losing all of its waterbenders to the Fire Nation," Genji informed Suki.

Suki frowned and stayed quiet.

"You can't blame everything on the Northern Water Tribe however, about the downfall of the Southern Water Tribe," said Genji. "The Fire Nation must have had a hand in this after all."

They finished their meals and went back to the tour.

They walked and visited various places that Suki felt were rather important and necessary to know. Nearing the end of the tour, Suki no longer knew where else to take Genji to.


Suki kept quiet and eventually turned to look at Genji with a somewhat worried gaze.

"Aren't you afraid of traveling if such terrible things are happening out there?"

Expressing her worries for Genji, Suki felt like it was a miracle that he had survived so long. The Fire Nation sounded very brutal after all. She might have survived out there with her team of Kyoshi Warrioresses, but Genji was alone.

Stopping in his tracks, Genji thought about Suki's words and wondered whether he would be afraid of traveling.

"Hm… I would," Genji eventually answered. "I trained a little in the Spear Arts, but when I lost my spear, I realized that I was pretty weak."

Genji wasn't lying.

When he fought against the man who was aiming for his life, he was glad to have the spear. Eventually when he defeated the man and leveled up his <Poleman> skill, Genji felt safe with the spear in hand.

Once he let the spear go however, he felt defenseless and weak.

It must have been because he didn't have any other skills to protect his life. Not just that, but he didn't have the Firebending skill at that time.

"You're a spear user?" asked Suki in amazement, looking over at Genji's body once more.

Genji nodded, "Yeah, but I'm just a beginner."

"It's still rather surprising," said Suki.

Not expecting that the guy she saved was a spearman, Suki decided on where to head next for their last tour spot.

"Come," said Suki. "Follow me."

Genji nodded and followed right behind her, wondering where he would be taken to. Not too long later, Suki stopped in front of a pretty big building where he could hear the yells of women in sync.

"This! Is where the Kyoshi Warriors train," said Suki, showing off the training hall.

'Finally, I arrived at the place where I will train until the Avatar arrives… which might be in a month or so…'

The series never showed the passing of days or weeks when Aang and his friends were traveling around on Appa. This made Genji not know when exactly some events will happen.

All he could do was wait or follow around Aang and his friends.

'Nah, f' that,' thought Genji with a smirk. 'Who would follow that damned Bald Bastard.


Lifting his head, Genji licked his lips as he looked over at Suki's ass.

'I can't let Sokka take this girl… I'll just enjoy her first before letting her go…'

Squinting his eyes in delight, Genji wondered how wild Suki would be in bed.

After entering, Genji reluctantly removed his gaze from Suki's behind before turning to look at the other Kyoshi Warriors.

None of them stopped training and only sent Genji and Suki a curious glance before continuing under the gaze of Suki's. She turned around and looked at Genji with a curious gaze.

"I want to know how good you are," said Suki as she wondered how good Genji's Martial arts would be.

Genji smirked and thought, 'Such misleading words…'

"Alright, what are we going to do?"

Suki looked around and eventually her eyes revealed a bit of disappointment.

"I don't have any spears or staffs, so the best we could do right now is just some hand to hand combat," said Suki as she walked over to an empty area.

Genji followed her and stood in front of her.

"Hm… if you want, I could try to make a staff so we could try one day," Genji suggested as he stood 10 feet away from Suki.

Suki nodded and agreed, "That's a good idea, I'll give you some wood and some tools so that you can work on that staff. Just make sure to be ready to be dragged to spar with me every now and then, even if you don't have a staff…"

Chuckling, Genji nodded and thought that this was a perfect moment to level up his skills.

Looking up at the number on top of Suki's head, Genji smiled, feeling rather happy inside.


She was on the same level as Aang and Zuko, so she should be giving him some trouble. But right now, all Genji saw was a massive pile of experience in the form of a human.

"It's fine," said Genji as he got low into what he assumed was a fighting stance.

It was crude, but it was a basic stance that was rather unrefined.

Suki chuckled a bit and also got into her fighting stance.

"Ready… go!"

Suki remained where she was and looked at Genji with a small smile. She could tell right away that Genji was rather inexperienced with hand to hand combat, so she decided to let him attack whilst she remained on the defensive side.

On the other hand, Genji was rather wary of Suki's actions because he remembered the episode where she trained Sokka.

To use the strength of the attacker against them…

Seeing as how Suki wasn't going to attack, Genji could only bite the bullet and strike first.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Novice Martial Artist > (Lvl. 2)]

Ignoring the level up prompt, Genji sent a punch over to Suki and like he expected, it was easily blocked by Suki.

"Go again," said Suki, somewhat encouraging Genji and urging him to continue.

Listening to Suki, Genji smiled and began to send continuous punches over at her, hoping that one lands so that his skill experience will go up.

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