Corrupting Worlds

Chapter 9: I’m your Goddess!

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Sitting down on the guest bed with some food in front of him, Genji didn't act polite as he ravished the food in front of him like a thug ravished a pure and innocent beauty.

With a blissful smile spreading all over his face, Genji felt like he had finally come back to life.

His hunger and thirst were finally gone!

"Ahhh~" sighed Genji, content with the delicious food and amazing water.

Glancing over at the woman with short hair and a smirk on her face, Genji felt like his insides were twisting.

Right at this moment, Suki was in front of him and he had forgotten the story he had come up with to tell everyone.

However, Genji knew that they would somewhat believe his story, especially so when including the effects of his acting skill.


- As the level increases, affecting everyone becomes more effective. Convincing people that your act is real becomes easier.

Looking up at Suki, a bit nervous, Genji began to remember what had called Suki earlier when she had found him falling.

'Goddess? How could I say such a thing,' thought Genji, embarrassed about even being able to think such a thing.

Suki smirked, seemingly being able to tell what Genji was thinking about, "Aren't you going to thank this goddess of yours for bringing this food?"

Genji cringed a bit at her snarking remark, though she meant it more as a joke.

"I'll thank her once I see her give me a blessing," said Genji, clicking his tongue and putting on a serious expression on his face. Genji couldn't help himself and gave a little smirk, thinking that what Suki said was a little amusing.

Suki smiled at Genji's words before turning serious. She approached Genji with a serious look on her face and gazed at him deeply with a scrutinizing gaze.

"What's your name and how did you get here?" asked Suki with a firm tone.

Hearing Suki turn serious and even asking how he got here, Genji began to look nervous.

Twiddling his fingers, Genji looked down before looking up at Suki with an uneasy expression.

"I… I actually don't know how I got here. I do know my name however, Genji."

Suki frowned a little and she approached Genji, ready to attack him at any moment, "Do you at least know how you got stranded?"

Genji blushed and looked down at his twiddling fingers once more, before mumbling in a low voice, "Would you… believe me if I told you I fell asleep while fishing in the sea?"

At this very moment, Suki's mind blanked at the words of Genji and suddenly couldn't stop from giggling at that point. She covered her mouth and even turned her head away, trying her best to calm down.

Genji on the other hand blushed harder at her giggles, embarrassed at having to say such a thing.

Eventually, Suki managed to calm down and eventually looked at Genji, no longer with a serious look on her face, but with a small smile.

With a trace of pity however.

Looking at Genji, Suki asked one more question with a much more normal tone of voice.

"Where are you from?"

Hearing this question, Genji scratched his cheek a little.

"I'm currently traveling around the world, but I am originally from the Southern Water Tribe," said Genji with a sheepish smile. Genji was about to remain quiet but quickly added. "Oh! And in case you need to know, I can't bend water."

Suki didn't question Genji much and kept quiet after hearing his answer. She nodded and left whilst waving goodbye to Genji.

She didn't have much information from the outside world and all she knew were bits and pieces from the people who trade food and resources with other people.

In the end, Suki didn't think much of it and believed everything Genji said without much doubt.

Waving goodbye to Suki, Genji stopped acting after she left. A cunning smirk appeared on his face and he laid down on the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Hais~. so troublesome," muttered Genji as he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Since his acting skill didn't have a high enough level, blushing and feeling embarrassed took a lot of energy from him.


At a Fire Nation harbor at the outer edges of the South Pole, three people were sitting inside a large building enjoying a meal.

One particular large man with a cunning smile on his face looked down at a young man with a ponytail.

"Now, let's have a small chat," said Zhao after he and his two guests, Zuko and Iroh, have finished eating. Clasping his two hands together, Zhao asked, "So, how is your search for the Avatar going?"

Zuko could clearly hear the mocking tone inside Zhao's voice and instantly frowned. Glaring at Zhao without the least modicum of respect, Zuko said, "I'm still searching."

Smirking at Zuko's reaction, Zhao opened his mouth and was about to say something when he suddenly noticed a Fire Nation soldier approaching.

Zuko narrowed his eyes and looked at the Fire Nation Soldier as he felt like something was up. With furrowed eyebrows, Zuko watched on in worry as the Fire Nation Soldier whispered something into Zhao's ears.

Looking on as Zhao's eyes lit up, Zuko felt his heart beating faster, hundreds of thoughts running through his head.

Seeing how Zhao was smirking with his eyes directed at him whilst the Fire Nation Soldier whispered, Zuko instantly knew that Zhao must have found something out.

"Well… Prince Zuko…" Zhao began to murmur as the Fire Nation Soldier left after a wave of a hand from Zhao.

Thump thump thump!

Zuko felt his heart begin to thump louder, despite the nervousness, Zuko's face was stone cold and his gaze was fierce.

"Looks like I found out your little secret Prince Zuko," said Zhao as he looked at Zuko, smirking. "To think you would find some traitors on your ship. You're very lucky to have found such a reliable soldier to help you."

A wave of relief washed over Zuko after hearing Zhao speak and unconsciously let out a small smile on his face, "Y-yes, to think that I was able to locate the traitors in my ship before something terrible had happened."

"Hm, very good indeed," says Zhao with a sharp gaze. "I'll make sure to educate these traitors of the nation."

With a smirk on his face, Zuko nodded at Zhao's words and turned to look at his uncle, "Uncle,  we need to head out now. We have already replaced the lost items and have dropped off the traitors."

Iroh looked up at Zuko who had already stood up and smiled before turning to look at Zhao, "Commander Zhao, thank you for the delicious tea!"

"Hm. Now what's the hurry Prince Zuko," asked Zhao, wishing to anger Zuko a little before sending him off.

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Hearing Zhao, Zuko stopped and turned to look at the commander with a glare, "I have places to be."

"Hmhm, very well then. Wouldn't want to stop the Prince from looking for a lost cause," said Zhao with a shake of his head, sending off the angered Zuko who was accompanied by Iroh.


A loud and boisterous laugh erupted out of Zhao's mouth.

The laugh would have continued on further when Zhao suddenly realized something.

'That hairless kid… he's hiding something,' thought Zhao after remembering Zuko's smile and his urgency to leave. 'I need to find out what he's hiding… I guess I should thank Zuko for the perfect subjects to ask…'


With one last laughter, Zhao stood up from his chair and walked away from the dining area.


Somewhere at a far distance away, a group of three people stood next to a huge beast and a small critter.

"Hehe, this is our new addition to the team, Momo!"

The young and spirited bald boy lifted up the small monkey like critter.

"He can be in the gang as long as he continues to bring food!"

Another young man yelled in a joking manner as he stuffed his face with various fruits the small critter named Momo had brought earlier.

The only girl in the group of three shook her head with a small smile on her face as she looked at the two young men goofing off with their new team member.


"You can leave the island now."

A cold and stern voice resounded within a small room with only three people inside. A young lad sat down on a bed and two figures stood at the door of the room, a stubborn old man and the other a slim and beautiful woman in her warrioress outfit.


Genji woke up to the loud yell of the old man and quickly sat up. His eyes opened widely and he stared at the old man in shock.

I just woke up yesterday night and you're already kicking me out?!

Oh, the humanity!

Genji looked at the stubborn old man, Oyaji, with a frown on his face, just as he was about to say something, the beautiful woman to the side spoke up.

"Village leader, I have already ascertained that this young man would be of no danger to this village," said the beautiful woman, defending Genji in the hopes of not having him sent far away too early.

This was her first time in contact with someone who had travelled around the world and she wished to learn about the outside world from him.

"You know Kyoshi has stayed out of the war on the outside world. We don't know if this person is a spy from the Fire Nation," said the old man as he glared at Genji with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Please elder, let's speak about this more," said Suki, following the old man out.

In the bed, Genji felt like he was just there to watch a show on his tv. Suddenly everything had slipped out of his hands and landed into Suki's.

If he hoped to stay, then he had to cozy up to this beautiful young woman.

'Hmm, this is one way I suppose,' thought Genji as he felt like his thought process couldn't use some more revising.

Eventually, Suki came back to Genji's room and entered with a weary smile on her face. Paying her red lips, Suki said, "I managed to get you to stay for a couple of more days. In the meantime, I'll try to convince the elder if he could let you stay here longer than just a few days."

Revealing a look of surprise, Genji's face morphed into one of gratitude, "Thank you miss!"


Suki furrowed her eyebrows before remembering that she had indeed never told the young man before her her name. Giggling a little, Suki felt a little silly.


The girl said simply, catching Genji unguarded.

"What?" he asked, a bit confused as to why this girl would suddenly say her name.

"My name. Please call me Suki," said Suki, answering Genji's confusion.

"Ah!" Genji exclaimed in realization. "I'm Genji! It is a pleasure to meet such a noble warrioress!"

Suki flinched at Genji's greetings and didn't know what to say for a second. She blushed a little at the compliment before chuckling to relieve herself of such a feeling.

"Hahaha, why don't you call me goddess instead," teased Suki, placing her hands on her hips and leaning forward.

Genji chuckled and leaned forward, his eyes narrowing in delight as he stared into Suki's beautiful complexion caked by her warrioress makeup.

"Maybe I will," said Genji with a small smile on his face.

Suki raised her eyebrows and the corner of her lips twitched at Genji's words. It wasn't until Suki heard Genji's remaining words that she suddenly began laughing.

"… or maybe I won't."


Genji joined her laughter and chuckled a little himself, feeling his whole body relaxing.

"Haha… You're fun to talk with," said Suki, looking at Genji with a charming smile on her face.

Feeling like he was enthralled by the smile, Genji blushed a little in response.

'Wow… she really is a beautiful woman in person just like her animated version,' thought Genji as he smiled at Suki's words.

"How about…" Suki looked at Genji with a smile and paused slightly before continuing after thinking about something. "How about I give you a small tour of the village right now?"

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